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Denote the integer lattice points in the N  -dimensional Euclidean space by ZNZN and assume that (Xi,Yi)(Xi,Yi), i∈ZNiZN is a mixing random field. Estimators of the conditional expectation r(x)=E[Yi|Xi=x]r(x)=E[Yi|Xi=x] by nearest neighbor methods are established and investigated. The main analytical result of this study is that, under general mixing assumptions, the estimators considered are asymptotically normal. Many difficulties arise since points in higher dimensional space N?2N?2 cannot be linearly ordered. Our result applies to many situations where parametric methods cannot be adopted with confidence.  相似文献   

Consider the model where there are II independent multivariate normal treatment populations with p×1p×1 mean vectors μiμi, i=1,…,Ii=1,,I, and covariance matrix ΣΣ. Independently the (I+1)(I+1)st population corresponds to a control and it too is multivariate normal with mean vector μI+1μI+1 and covariance matrix ΣΣ. Now consider the following two multiple testing problems.  相似文献   

We consider fixed-size estimation for a linear function of mean vectors from πi:Np(μi,Σi)πi:Np(μi,Σi), i=1,…,ki=1,,k, when every ΣiΣi has some structure. The goal of inference is to construct a fixed-span confidence region with required accuracy. We find a sample size for each πiπi with the help of the ‘double shrink methodology’, that is introduced by this paper, via covariance structures of ΣiΣi, i=1,…,ki=1,,k. We estimate the sample size in a two-stage sampling and give a fixed-span confidence region that has the coverage probability approximately second-order consistent with the required accuracy. Some simulations are carried out to see moderate sample size performances of the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the density and characteristic functions of a general matrix quadratic form X(?)AXX(?)AX, when A=A(?)A=A(?) is a positive semidefinite matrix, XX has a matrix multivariate elliptical distribution and X(?)X(?) denotes the usual conjugate transpose of XX. These results are obtained for real normed division algebras. With particular cases we obtained the density and characteristic functions of matrix quadratic forms for matrix multivariate normal, Pearson type VII, t and Cauchy distributions.  相似文献   

Let X={Xn}n?1X={Xn}n?1 be a nonstationary random field satisfying a long range weak dependence for each coordinate at a time and a local dependence condition that avoids clustering of exceedances of high values. For these random fields, the probability of no exceedances of high values can be approximated by exp(−τ)exp(τ), where ττ is the limiting mean number of exceedances. We present a class of nonstationary normal random fields for which this result can be applied.  相似文献   

We consider m×mm×m covariance matrices, Σ1Σ1 and Σ2Σ2, which satisfy Σ2-Σ1Σ2-Σ1=Δ, where ΔΔ has a specified rank. Maximum likelihood estimators of Σ1Σ1 and Σ2Σ2 are obtained when sample covariance matrices having Wishart distributions are available and rank(Δ)rank(Δ) is known. The likelihood ratio statistic for a test about the value of rank(Δ)rank(Δ) is also given and some properties of its null distribution are obtained. The methods developed in this paper are illustrated through an example.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider linear sufficiency and linear completeness in the context of estimating the estimable parametric function KβKβ under the general Gauss–Markov model {y,Xβ2V}{y,Xβ,σ2V}. We give new characterizations for linear sufficiency, and define and characterize linear completeness in a case of estimation of KβKβ. Also, we consider a predictive approach for obtaining the best linear unbiased estimator of KβKβ, and subsequently, we give the linear analogues of the Rao–Blackwell and Lehmann–Scheffé Theorems in the context of estimating KβKβ.  相似文献   

We study a randomized adaptive design to assign one of the LL treatments to patients who arrive sequentially by means of an urn model. At each stage nn, a reward is distributed between treatments. The treatment applied is rewarded according to its response, 0?Yn?10?Yn?1, and 1-Yn1-Yn is distributed among the other treatments according to their performance until stage n-1n-1. Patients can be classified in K+1K+1 levels and we assume that the effect of this level in the response to the treatments is linear. We study the asymptotic behavior of the design when the ordinary least square estimators are used as a measure of performance until stage n-1n-1.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the prediction problem in multiple linear regression model in which the number of predictor variables, p, is extremely large compared to the number of available observations, n  . The least-squares predictor based on a generalized inverse is not efficient. We propose six empirical Bayes estimators of the regression parameters. Three of them are shown to have uniformly lower prediction error than the least-squares predictors when the vector of regressor variables are assumed to be random with mean vector zero and the covariance matrix (1/n)XtX(1/n)XtX where Xt=(x1,…,xn)Xt=(x1,,xn) is the p×np×n matrix of observations on the regressor vector centered from their sample means. For other estimators, we use simulation to show its superiority over the least-squares predictor.  相似文献   

We consider density estimation for a smooth stationary process XtXt, t∈RtR, based on a discrete sample Yi=XΔiYi=XΔi, i=0,…,n=T/Δi=0,,n=T/Δ. By a suitable interpolation scheme of order p  , we augment data to form an approximation Xp,tXp,t, t∈[0,T]t[0,T], of the continuous-time process and base our density estimate on the augmented sample path. Our results show that this can improve the rate of convergence (measured in terms of n) of the density estimate. Among other things, this implies that recording n   observations using a small ΔΔ can be more efficient than recording n independent observations.  相似文献   

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