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In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimation of the scale parameter of the half-logistic distribution based on a multiply type II censored sample. However, the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) and Bayes estimator do not exist in an explicit form for the scale parameter. We consider a simple method of deriving an explicit estimator by approximating the likelihood function and discuss the asymptotic variances of MLE and approximate MLE. Also, an approximation based on the Laplace approximation (Tierney & Kadane, 1986) is used to obtain the Bayes estimator. In order to compare the MLE, approximate MLE and Bayes estimates of the scale parameter, Monte Carlo simulation is used.  相似文献   

Starting with a decision theoretic formulation of simultaneous testing of null hypotheses against two-sided alternatives, a procedure controlling the Bayesian directional false discovery rate (BDFDR) is developed through controlling the posterior directional false discovery rate (PDFDR). This is an alternative to Lewis and Thayer [2004. A loss function related to the FDR for random effects multiple comparison. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 125, 49–58.] with a better control of the BDFDR. Moreover, it is optimum in the sense of being the non-randomized part of the procedure maximizing the posterior expectation of the directional per-comparison power rate given the data, while controlling the PDFDR. A corresponding empirical Bayes method is proposed in the context of one-way random effects model. Simulation study shows that the proposed Bayes and empirical Bayes methods perform much better from a Bayesian perspective than the procedures available in the literature.  相似文献   

When analyzing incomplete longitudinal clinical trial data, it is often inappropriate to assume that the occurrence of missingness is at random, especially in cases where visits are entirely missed. We present a framework that simultaneously models multivariate incomplete longitudinal data and a non-ignorable missingness mechanism using a Bayesian approach. A criterion measure is presented for comparing models. We demonstrate the feasibility of the methodology through reanalysis of two of the longitudinal measures from a clinical trial of penicillamine treatment for scleroderma patients. We compare the results for univariate and bivariate, ignorable and non-ignorable missingness models.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of interval estimation of the scale parameter in the two-parameter exponential distribution subject to Type II double censoring. Base on a Type II doubly censored sample, we construct a class of interval estimators of the scale parameter which are better than the shortest length affine equivariant interval both in coverage probability and in length. The procedure can be repeated to make further improvement. The extension of the method leads to a smoothly improved confidence interval which improves the interval length with probability one. All improved intervals belong to the class of scale equivariant intervals.  相似文献   

It is shown that Strawderman's [1974. Minimax estimation of powers of the variance of a normal population under squared error loss. Ann. Statist. 2, 190–198] technique for estimating the variance of a normal distribution can be extended to estimating a general scale parameter in the presence of a nuisance parameter. Employing standard monotone likelihood ratio-type conditions, a new class of improved estimators for this scale parameter is derived under quadratic loss. By imposing an additional condition, a broader class of improved estimators is obtained. The dominating procedures are in form analogous to those in Strawderman [1974. Minimax estimation of powers of the variance of a normal population under squared error loss. Ann. Statist. 2, 190–198]. Application of the general results to the exponential distribution yields new sufficient conditions, other than those of Brewster and Zidek [1974. Improving on equivariant estimators. Ann. Statist. 2, 21–38] and Kubokawa [1994. A unified approach to improving equivariant estimators. Ann. Statist. 22, 290–299], for improving the best affine equivariant estimator of the scale parameter. A class of estimators satisfying the new conditions is constructed. The results shed new light on Strawderman's [1974. Minimax estimation of powers of the variance of a normal population under squared error loss. Ann. Statist. 2, 190–198] technique.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the estimation problem of the mixture proportion λλ in a nonparametric mixture model of the form λF(x)+(1-λ)G(x)λF(x)+(1-λ)G(x) using the minimum Hellinger distance approach, where F and G are two unknown distributions. We assume that data from the distributions F and G   as well as from the mixture distribution λF+(1-λ)GλF+(1-λ)G are available. We construct a minimum Hellinger distance estimator of λλ and study its asymptotic properties. The proposed estimator is chosen to minimize the Hellinger distance between a parametric mixture model and a nonparametric density estimator. We also develop a maximum likelihood estimator of λλ. Theoretical properties such as the existence, strong consistency, asymptotic normality and asymptotic efficiency of the proposed estimators are investigated. Robustness properties of the proposed estimator are studied using a Monte Carlo study. Two real data examples are also analyzed.  相似文献   

Robbins (1956) in his original paper on empirical Bayes methods suggested a method of estimating a binomial success probability. We give explicit bounds for the empirical Bayes risk of natural variants of the Robbins estimator that show convergence to an optimal risk at O(n?12) rate. Bounds that yield the same convergence rate are also obtained in the related compound estimation problem.  相似文献   

The mean vector associated with several independent variates from the exponential subclass of Hudson (1978) is estimated under weighted squared error loss. In particular, the formal Bayes and “Stein-like” estimators of the mean vector are given. Conditions are also given under which these estimators dominate any of the “natural estimators”. Our conditions for dominance are motivated by a result of Stein (1981), who treated the Np (θ, I) case with p ≥ 3. Stein showed that formal Bayes estimators dominate the usual estimator if the marginal density of the data is superharmonic. Our present exponential class generalization entails an elliptic differential inequality in some natural variables. Actually, we assume that each component of the data vector has a probability density function which satisfies a certain differential equation. While the densities of Hudson (1978) are particular solutions of this equation, other solutions are not of the exponential class if certain parameters are unknown. Our approach allows for the possibility of extending the parametric Stein-theory to useful nonexponential cases, but the problem of nuisance parameters is not treated here.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the prediction problem in multiple linear regression model in which the number of predictor variables, p, is extremely large compared to the number of available observations, n  . The least-squares predictor based on a generalized inverse is not efficient. We propose six empirical Bayes estimators of the regression parameters. Three of them are shown to have uniformly lower prediction error than the least-squares predictors when the vector of regressor variables are assumed to be random with mean vector zero and the covariance matrix (1/n)XtX(1/n)XtX where Xt=(x1,…,xn)Xt=(x1,,xn) is the p×np×n matrix of observations on the regressor vector centered from their sample means. For other estimators, we use simulation to show its superiority over the least-squares predictor.  相似文献   

We propose optimal procedures to achieve the goal of partitioning k multivariate normal populations into two disjoint subsets with respect to a given standard vector. Definition of good or bad multivariate normal populations is given according to their Mahalanobis distances to a known standard vector as being small or large. Partitioning k multivariate normal populations is reduced to partitioning k non-central Chi-square or non-central F distributions with respect to the corresponding non-centrality parameters depending on whether the covariance matrices are known or unknown. The minimum required sample size for each population is determined to ensure that the probability of correct decision attains a certain level. An example is given to illustrate our procedures.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimality of circular neighbor-balanced designs (CNBDs) for total effects when the one-sided or two-sided neighbor effects are present in the model and the observation errors are correlated according to a first-order circular autoregressive (AR(1,CC)) process. Some optimality results under some specified conditions are provided and the efficiency of a CNBD relative to the optimal block design is investigated. In order to discuss the efficiency of a CNBD among all possible block designs with the same size, the optimal equivalence classes of sequences under the one-sided neighbor effects model are characterized and the efficiencies of CNBDs with blocks of small size are illustrated.  相似文献   

This article investigates the large sample interval mapping method for genetic trait loci (GTL) in a finite non-linear regression mixture model. The general model includes most commonly used kernel functions, such as exponential family mixture, logistic regression mixture and generalized linear mixture models, as special cases. The populations derived from either the backcross or intercross design are considered. In particular, unlike all existing results in the literature in the finite mixture models, the large sample results presented in this paper do not require the boundness condition on the parametric space. Therefore, the large sample theory presented in this article possesses general applicability to the interval mapping method of GTL in genetic research. The limiting null distribution of the likelihood ratio test statistics can be utilized easily to determine the threshold values or p-values required in the interval mapping. The limiting distribution is proved to be free of the parameter values of null model and free of the choice of a kernel function. Extension to the multiple marker interval GTL detection is also discussed. Simulation study results show favorable performance of the asymptotic procedure when sample sizes are moderate.  相似文献   

Elliptically contoured distributions can be considered to be the distributions for which the contours of the density functions are proportional ellipsoids. We generalize elliptically contoured densities to “star-shaped distributions” with concentric star-shaped contours and show that many results in the former case continue to hold in the more general case. We develop a general theory in the framework of abstract group invariance so that the results can be applied to other cases as well, especially those involving random matrices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider simple random sampling without replacement from a dichotomous finite population. We investigate accuracy of the Normal approximation to the Hypergeometric probabilities for a wide range of parameter values, including the nonstandard cases where the sampling fraction tends to one and where the proportion of the objects of interest in the population tends to the boundary values, zero and one. We establish a non-uniform Berry–Esseen theorem for the Hypergeometric distribution which shows that in the nonstandard cases, the rate of Normal approximation to the Hypergeometric distribution can be considerably slower than the rate of Normal approximation to the Binomial distribution. We also report results from a moderately large numerical study and provide some guidelines for using the Normal approximation to the Hypergeometric distribution in finite samples.  相似文献   

We consider the comparison of mean vectors for k groups when k is large and sample size per group is fixed. The asymptotic null and non-null distributions of the normal theory likelihood ratio, Lawley–Hotelling and Bartlett–Nanda–Pillai statistics are derived under general conditions. We extend the results to tests on the profiles of the mean vectors, tests for additional information (provided by a sub-vector of the responses over and beyond the remaining sub-vector of responses in separating the groups) and tests on the dimension of the hyperplane formed by the mean vectors. Our techniques are based on perturbation expansions and limit theorems applied to independent but non-identically distributed sequences of quadratic forms in random matrices. In all these four MANOVA problems, the asymptotic null and non-null distributions are normal. Both the null and non-null distributions are asymptotically invariant to non-normality when the group sample sizes are equal. In the unbalanced case, a slight modification of the test statistics will lead to asymptotically robust tests. Based on the robustness results, some approaches for finite approximation are introduced. The numerical results provide strong support for the asymptotic results and finiteness approximations.  相似文献   

In this note we consider the problem of testing exponentiality against IFR alternatives. A measure of deviation from exponentiality is developed and a test statistic constructed on the basis of this measure. It is shown that the test statistic is an L-statistic. The asymptotic as well as the exact distribution of the test statistic is obtained and the test is shown to be consistent.  相似文献   

In this paper the estimation of the unknown parameters is considered in standard growth curve model with special covariance structures. Based on the unbiased estimating equations, some new methods are proposed. The resulting estimators can be expressed in explicit forms. The statistical properties of the proposed estimators are investigated. Some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the proposed estimator with that of the existing approaches. Finally, these methods are applied in general extended growth curve model with special covariance structures.  相似文献   

The bias bound function of an estimator is an important quantity in order to perform globally robust inference. We show how to evaluate the exact bias bound for the minimax estimator of the location parameter for a wide class of unimodal symmetric location and scale family. We show, by an example, how to obtain an upper bound of the bias bound for a unimodal asymmetric location and scale family. We provide the exact bias bound of the minimum distance/disparity estimators under a contamination neighborhood generated from the same distance.  相似文献   

Multivariate inverse Gaussian distribution proposed by Minami [2003. A multivariate extension of inverse Gaussian distribution derived from inverse relationship. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods 32(12), 2285–2304] was derived through multivariate inverse relationship with multivariate Gaussian distributions and characterized as the distribution of the location at a certain stopping time of a multivariate Brownian motion. In this paper, we show that the multivariate inverse Gaussian distribution is also a limiting distribution of multivariate Lagrange distributions, which is a family of waiting time distributions, under certain conditions.  相似文献   

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