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We treat the change point problem in ergodic diffusion processes from discrete observations. Tonaki et al. (2021a) proposed adaptive tests for detecting changes in the diffusion and drift parameters in ergodic diffusion process models. When any change in the diffusion or drift parameter is detected by this or any other method, the next question to consider is where the change point is located. Therefore, we propose the method to estimate the change point of the parameter for two cases: the case where there is a change in the diffusion parameter, and the case where there is no change in the diffusion parameter but a change in the drift parameter. Furthermore, we present rates of convergence and distributional results of the change point estimators. Some examples and simulation results are also given.  相似文献   

This article deals with quasi- and pseudo-likelihood estimation for a class of continuous-time multi-type Markov branching processes observed at discrete points in time. “Conventional” and conditional estimation are discussed for both approaches. We compare their properties and identify situations where they lead to asymptotically equivalent estimators. Both approaches possess robustness properties, and coincide with maximum likelihood estimation in some cases. Quasi-likelihood functions involving only linear combinations of the data may be unable to estimate all model parameters. Remedial measures exist, including the resort either to non-linear functions of the data or to conditioning the moments on appropriate sigma-algebras. The method of pseudo-likelihood may also resolve this issue. We investigate the properties of these approaches in three examples: the pure birth process, the linear birth-and-death process, and a two-type process that generalizes the previous two examples. Simulations studies are conducted to evaluate performance in finite samples.  相似文献   

Nonparametric density estimation in the presence of measurement error is considered. The usual kernel deconvolution estimator seeks to account for the contamination in the data by employing a modified kernel. In this paper a new approach based on a weighted kernel density estimator is proposed. Theoretical motivation is provided by the existence of a weight vector that perfectly counteracts the bias in density estimation without generating an excessive increase in variance. In practice a data driven method of weight selection is required. Our strategy is to minimize the discrepancy between a standard kernel estimate from the contaminated data on the one hand, and the convolution of the weighted deconvolution estimate with the measurement error density on the other hand. We consider a direct implementation of this approach, in which the weights are optimized subject to sum and non-negativity constraints, and a regularized version in which the objective function includes a ridge-type penalty. Numerical tests suggest that the weighted kernel estimation can lead to tangible improvements in performance over the usual kernel deconvolution estimator. Furthermore, weighted kernel estimates are free from the problem of negative estimation in the tails that can occur when using modified kernels. The weighted kernel approach generalizes to the case of multivariate deconvolution density estimation in a very straightforward manner.  相似文献   

We apply the stochastic approximation method to construct a large class of recursive kernel estimators of a probability density, including the one introduced by Hall and Patil [1994. On the efficiency of on-line density estimators. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 40, 1504–1512]. We study the properties of these estimators and compare them with Rosenblatt's nonrecursive estimator. It turns out that, for pointwise estimation, it is preferable to use the nonrecursive Rosenblatt's kernel estimator rather than any recursive estimator. A contrario, for estimation by confidence intervals, it is better to use a recursive estimator rather than Rosenblatt's estimator.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider an extension of conventional univariate Kaplan–Meier-type estimators for the hazard rate and the survivor function to multivariate censored data with a censored random regressor. It is an Akritas-type estimator which adapts the non-parametric conditional hazard rate estimator of Beran to more typical data situations in applied analysis. We show with simulations that the estimator has nice finite sample properties and our implementation appears to be fast. As an application we estimate non-parametric conditional quantile functions with German administrative unemployment duration data.  相似文献   

Summary.  Likelihood inference for discretely observed Markov jump processes with finite state space is investigated. The existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimator of the intensity matrix are investigated. This topic is closely related to the imbedding problem for Markov chains. It is demonstrated that the maximum likelihood estimator can be found either by the EM algorithm or by a Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure. When the maximum likelihood estimator does not exist, an estimator can be obtained by using a penalized likelihood function or by the Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure with a suitable prior. The methodology and its implementation are illustrated by examples and simulation studies.  相似文献   


Nonparametric density estimates are obtained by the method of asymptotic regression (AR) on empirical stochastic processes. Rates of convergence for the density estimator are obtained in various norms. The methodology is applied to density estimation in two inverse problems: deconvolution and Wicksell's corpuscle problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are interested in the study of beta kernel density estimators from an asymptotic minimax point of view. These estimators allows to estimate density functions with support in [0,1]. It is well-known that beta kernel estimators are - on the contrary of classical kernel estimators - “free of boundary effect” and thus are very useful in practice. The goal of this paper is to prove that there is a price to pay: for very regular density functions or for certain losses, these estimators are not minimax. Nevertheless they are minimax for classical regularities such as regularity of order two or less than two, supposed commonly in the practice and for some classical losses.  相似文献   

Estimators of the mean individual calling rate and density of a wildlife population in a fixed area are derived on the basis of aural information ob-tained by a listener within the fixed area. An estimator of density assuming known calling probabilities and independent callers is minimum variance un-biased. Estimators of density based on unknown calling probabilities are derived under the assumption of independent callers and a Poisson distribu-tion of calls for each caller. The effectiveness and robustness of the estimators are investigated by simulation  相似文献   

Methods for obtaining kernel-based density estimators with lower bias and mean integrated squared error than an estimator based on a standard Normal kernel function are described and discussed. Three main approaches are considered which are: firstly by using 'optimal' polynomial kernels as described, for example, by Gasser er a1 (1985); secondly by employing generalised jackknifing as proposed by Jones nd Foster (1993) and thirdly by subtracting an estimator of the principal asymptotic bias term from the original estimator. The emphasis in this initial discussion is on their asymptotic properties. The finite sample performance of those that have the best asymptotic properties are compared with two adaptive estimators, as well as the fixed Normal kernel estimator, in a simulation study.  相似文献   

A useful model for forecasting the future development of salary costs in a firm is presented in this paper. This problem is relevant in the field of pension funds and also when a company decides to change the structure of its workforce. In the latter case, it might be necessary to forecast future salary costs in the new organizational hierarchy.

The problem is solved by means of a special kind of stochastic process. To be more precise, this paper presents a generalization of discrete time non-homogeneous semi-Markov processes and of the related reward process. This new stochastic process is able to take in account all the aspects of the problem.  相似文献   

For density and distribution functions supported on [0,1], Bernstein polynomial estimators are known to have optimal mean integrated squared error (MISE) properties under the usual smoothness conditions on the function to be estimated. These estimators are also known to be well-behaved in terms of bias: they have uniform bias over the entire unit interval. What is less known, however, is that some of these estimators do experience a boundary effect, but of a different nature than what is seen with the usual kernel estimators.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of estimating all the unknown parameters of geometric fractional Brownian processes from discrete observations. The estimation procedure is built upon the marriage of the quadratic variation and the maximum likelihood approach. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are provided. Moveover, we compare our derived method with the approach proposed by Misiran et al. [Fractional Black-Scholes models: complete MLE with application to fractional option pricing. In International conference on optimization and control; Guiyang, China; 2010. p. 573–586.], namely the complete maximum likelihood estimation. Simulation studies confirm theoretical findings and illustrate that our methodology is efficient and reliable. To show how to apply our approach in realistic contexts, an empirical study of Chinese financial market is also presented.  相似文献   

The ability to infer parameters of gene regulatory networks is emerging as a key problem in systems biology. The biochemical data are intrinsically stochastic and tend to be observed by means of discrete-time sampling systems, which are often limited in their completeness. In this paper we explore how to make Bayesian inference for the kinetic rate constants of regulatory networks, using the stochastic kinetic Lotka-Volterra system as a model. This simple model describes behaviour typical of many biochemical networks which exhibit auto-regulatory behaviour. Various MCMC algorithms are described and their performance evaluated in several data-poor scenarios. An algorithm based on an approximating process is shown to be particularly efficient.  相似文献   

Methods are suggested for improving the coverage accuracy of intervals for predicting future values of a random variable drawn from a sampled distribution. It is shown that properties of solutions to such problems may be quite unexpected. For example, the bootstrap and the jackknife perform very poorly when used to calibrate coverage, although the jackknife estimator of the true coverage is virtually unbiased. A version of the smoothed bootstrap can be employed for successful calibration, however. Interpolation among adjacent order statistics can also be an effective way of calibrating, although even there the results are unexpected. In particular, whereas the coverage error can be reduced from O ( n -1) to orders O ( n -2) and O ( n -3) (where n denotes the sample size) by interpolating among two and three order statistics respectively, the next two orders of reduction require interpolation among five and eight order statistics respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Letg(x) andf(x) be continuous density function on (a, b) and let {ϕj} be a complete orthonormal sequence of functions onL 2(g), which is the set of squared integrable functions weighted byg on (a, b). Suppose that over (a, b). Given a grouped sample of sizen fromf(x), the paper investigates the asymptotic properties of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator of density, obtained by setting all but the firstm of the ϑj’s equal to0. Practical suggestions are given for performing estimation via the use of Fourier and Legendre polynomial series. Research partially supported by: CNR grant, n. 93. 00837. CT10.  相似文献   

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