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未经修复,没有任何现代痕迹,保存完好,特色鲜明,至今野性十足,这就是绥中小河口长城——中国长城中极为罕见的历史遗存,因地处偏僻而鲜为人知。万里长城是饮誉世界的文化奇观,是中华民族智慧的结晶,是炎黄子孙薪火相承的纽带。提到万里长城,人们耳熟能详的是八达岭、慕田峪、居庸关、山海关、金山岭。殊不知,在辽宁葫芦岛市,可以与上述长城相媲美的,就不止一处。除了世界历史文化遗产绥中九门口水上长城之外,绥中县小河口长城无论其长度,保存完好程度,敌楼敌台数量,建筑风格与布局,还是周围环境,都独具特色。其特色一便是呈丁字形分布。这段…  相似文献   

对于虎山长城的雄姿与风采,我曾在电视、书刊 等媒体中领略过,也曾陪同外地朋友游历过。然而, 令我感奋不已的还是最近这次黄昏之旅。 一个秋日的午后,当我陪山东的客人从宽甸河 口景区返回,来到位于鸭绿江畔的虎山长城脚下的 时候,太阳西下,已近黄昏。尽管感到有些疲惫,但 我还是向客人力荐登一下长城。这几位年轻朋友饶 有兴趣,爽快应允。在导游的带领下,他们步伐快捷, 不一会儿便把我落在了后面,我只好孑身一人顺着 城墙边悠然地往前走,慢慢地向上登。习习的秋风, 把绯红的枫叶、橘黄的柞树叶吹落到脚下,我俯下身 子,拣起一片红叶,沉稳的…  相似文献   

雨田 《今日辽宁》2003,(5):34-35
万里长城是中华民族的先人用勤劳和智慧创造出来的奇迹.长城,上下跨越二千年,纵横又岂止万里!在中国人的心中,长城是魂,长城是神,长城是中华民族的脊梁.在外国人的眼中,长城是"人类的双手所曾创造的最奇伟的作品".在艺术家的眼中,长城又是一个巨大的美的存在.他们在长城上找到了雕塑、绘画和音乐的灵感.随着时空的转换,长城正成为讴歌和平、友谊的舞台.  相似文献   

Infra-humanizing outgroups involves considering outgroups less human and more animal-like than the ingroup, which is perceived, in essence, as fully human. In this article, the first section presents the theoretical background of infra-humanization and distinguishes it from related concepts, such as dehumanization. The three basic hypotheses of the theory are then presented with a summary of empirical evidence. Social implications follow. Reasons for the pervasiveness of the phenomenon are examined as well as conditions that lead a specific outgroup to be infra-humanized. We also explore the consequences of infra-humanization, such as a lack of forgiveness for the outgroup and the ingroup's justification for past misdeeds against the outgroup, rather than guilt. Policy issues center on ways to combat essentialism, walls of difference between groups, and irrational symbols of superiority. The roles of egalitarian values and of deprovincialized intergroup contact are emphasized.  相似文献   

Children with behavioral inhibition, a temperamental style characterized by infant distress to novelty and childhood social reticence, exhibit both continuity and discontinuity of this behavioral trait over the course of development. However, few researchers have identified factors that might be responsible for these different patterns. In the current study, childcare history, maternal personality, and maternal behavior were examined as moderators of the relations between infant temperament, preschool social reticence, and childhood social wariness. Seventy-seven children participated in this longitudinal study that began in infancy and continued into middle childhood. Maternal negative personality moderated the relation between infant temperament and childhood social wariness. In addition, maternal behavior moderated the relation between preschool social reticence and childhood social wariness. The findings suggest that a complex interplay of within-child and maternal factors affect the development of internalizing behavior in the early school years.  相似文献   

长城是人类历史上最伟大的建筑工程之一.是人类共同的文化遗产.长城资源十分丰富的辽宁,境内长城究竟有多长?具体分布在哪里?它们如何紧密地与历史风云联系在一起而载入史册?  相似文献   

The effect of maternal support on the development of counting and cardinality was examined by observing 18 mother-child dyads engaged in two procedurally similar , but conceptually different tasks in a longitudinal design consisting of three phases (32, 38 and 44 months). At 32 and 38 months of age in both the supported and a similar unsupported condition the children were more successful in the count task than in the give 'x' task, which requires knowledge of the relationship between counting and cardinality. Observations of mother-child interactions found that whilst maternal support for the count word sequence was similar in the two tasks the way mothers focused their child's attention on the objects in the set differed between the tasks. It is argued that social biases as well as cognitive ones constrain the development of cardinal understanding.  相似文献   

Theory and empirical research suggest that parental scaffolding of children's participation in chores may contribute to the development of early helping. Sixty mother–child dyads with toddlers between 18 and 24 months of age were assessed on two measures of scaffolding (during a cleanup chore; reading an emotionally laden book together). Children's helping was assessed in five tasks with an experimenter, and children were also assessed for social approach to an unfamiliar adult as a measure of sociability, and for internal state language as a measure of social understanding. Both mothers' scaffolding of everyday helping and children's sociability uniquely predicted individual differences in children's helping. Thus, individual differences in children's helping appear early, and are associated with both temperament and with parents' efforts to support and encourage young children's helpfulness.  相似文献   

This study explored the relation of children's emotional functioning to children's behavior during individual planning and mother's and children's behaviors during joint planning. Participants were 118 mothers and their second‐grade children. Mothers rated children on their emotional intensity and children rated themselves on their use of emotion regulation strategies. Children and mother–child dyads were videotaped during planning tasks and independent observers rated their behavior. Child emotional intensity was directly related to children being less engaged in the task and to an emphasis in maternal instruction on regulatory behaviors. Some types of emotion regulation strategies modified these relations. Findings suggest that child emotionality may play an important role in the early school years in children's opportunities to learn during social‐cognitive activity.  相似文献   

This study examined how the cultural and situational contexts can jointly shape the consequences of discipline strategies. Israeli mothers who grew up in Israel or in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) (overall N = 110) reported regarding their use of psychologically controlling and punitive discipline with their seven‐years‐old to 10‐years‐old children, and teachers reported regarding children's behavior problems. We assessed both mothers' overall general use of the discipline strategies, and their use of the same strategies following transgressions in the academic domain, an area which the two groups emphasize to differing degrees. Consistent with hypothesis, controlling discipline in academic situations had more positive consequences in the FSU group compared with the Israeli‐origin group. In contrast, and as predicted, cultural group was not a moderator of mothers' overall, general use of the same discipline strategies. The findings illustrate how taking the situation into account can inform examination of the moderating role of cultural group.  相似文献   

Frontal electroencephalographic (EEG) asymmetry is associated with individual differences in positive/negative emotionality and approach/avoidance tendencies. The current study examined the moderating role of maternal resting frontal EEG asymmetry on the link between child behavior problems and maternal harsh parenting within the context of differing degrees of chronic family stressors (father unemployment, single parenthood, caring for multiple children, and household chaos). The sample included 121 mother–child pairs. Results showed that stressors and frontal EEG asymmetry together moderated the link. Child problem behaviors were moderately associated with greater maternal negativity for mothers with right frontal asymmetry, or mothers who experienced more stressors. However, no association existed between child behavior problems and maternal negativity for mothers with few stressors and left frontal asymmetry. The findings implicate transactions between household stress and a psychophysiological indicator of maternal emotional reactivity and mothers' approach/avoidance tendencies in the etiology of parental negativity toward challenging child behaviors.  相似文献   

如果有人告诉你: "中国有一条用柳条插出的长城."你信吗?但记者的确在辽河流域看到了这样一条长城,只不过它不是用来防御外敌侵略的军事长城,而是用来避免垦荒的"生态长城".  相似文献   

"Science fiction is a literary ghetto," fans of the genre say. "Science fiction is glossy junk," readers of literary journals respond. This dialogue has been going on for quite a while, since the Soviet period. Each side has cast-iron arguments.  相似文献   

This study tested a model of the association between maternal and child anxiety that views mother and child attachment beliefs and children's perceptions of maternal control as mediators of the association. The study was conducted with mothers and their children aged 6 to 17 (N = 88). Maternal anxiety was significantly associated with child anxiety and maternal anxious attachment beliefs, whereas child anxiety was associated with maternal anxious attachment beliefs, child insecure attachment beliefs, and children's perceptions of maternal control. Maternal anxious attachment beliefs mediated the association between maternal and child anxiety; however, child attachment beliefs and children's perceptions of maternal control did not. The influence of age and gender is also addressed. The findings are discussed in terms of elucidating the role of attachment beliefs and children's perceptions of maternal control on the association between maternal and child anxiety.  相似文献   

王伟萍 《创新》2010,4(3):121-126
中国先民非常重视母亲在家庭教育中的作用,尽管历代母教的具体内容会随时代的发展有所变化,但"母德在教,教女为切要"的基本观念始终未变。这一观念,在当今中国社会全力启动母亲教育工程,提高中国母亲素质、培养高素质的国民、建设社会主义和谐社会的进程中具有现实的借鉴与指导意义。  相似文献   

Maternal Meta-emotion Philosophy and Adolescent Depressive Symptomatology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The current study examined the relations between maternal meta‐emotion philosophy and adolescent depressive symptoms, as well as general adolescent adjustment and the quality of parent–child interaction. Consistent with previous findings on children in the preschool period and middle childhood, it was expected that an emotion coaching meta‐emotion philosophy would be associated with fewer depressive symptoms, higher levels of adjustment and lower frequencies and less reciprocity of aversive and dysphoric affect during mother–child interaction. Maternal meta‐emotion interviews, observations of mother–child interaction and assessments of adolescent adjustment were obtained. Results indicated that mothers of adolescents with high levels of depressive symptoms were less accepting and expressive of their own emotions than were mothers of adolescents with low levels of depressive symptoms. A mother's acceptance of her own emotion was associated with fewer depressive symptoms, higher self‐esteem and fewer externalizing problems in young adolescents. A mother's emotion coaching was associated with lower frequency and less likelihood of the reciprocity of aversive and dysphoric affect during mother–child interaction. Discussion highlights the role of maternal meta‐emotion philosophy in creating emotional closeness in families with high and low levels of depressive symptomatology.  相似文献   

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