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游戏是儿童表达想法和感受的重要媒介,在儿童的成长生活中占据着非常重要的地位。社会工作实务辅导有必要重视游戏对儿童的意义,将之融合进实务辅导之中。但目前我国社会工作专业领域中尚缺乏相关的理论和实践经验。本文结合自身实务经验,提出专业社工可在三个层面借鉴西方儿童游戏治疗理论的经验,指导个案辅导中的游戏运用,以期可以促进儿童个案社会工作实务的新发展。  相似文献   

社会工作是集理论、技巧和实务于一体的应用型学科,以实务为基础是社会工作专业的显著特点。专业实习是实务训练的重要途径,在社会工作教学中扮演着重要的角色。由于目前社会工作专业实习教学还面临许多问题,如专业实习机构缺乏、案主资源稀缺等等,笔者将根据社会工作专业发展的现状,结合民工外展服务小组的实习经验,从系统理论视角来探讨本土化的小组实习教学模式。  相似文献   

社会工作是集理论、技巧和实务于一体的应用型学科,以实务为基础是社会工作专业的显著特点.专业实习是实务训练的重要途径,在社会工作教学中扮演着重要的角色.由于目前社会工作专业实习教学还面临许多问题,如专业实习机构缺乏、案主资源稀缺等等,笔者将根据社会工作专业发展的现状,结合民工外展服务小组的实习经验,从系统理论视角来探讨本...  相似文献   

近年来,地震灾害频发,儿童作为受灾中的弱势群体备受关注,作为提供专业服务的社会工作专业队伍,有能力也有责任介入到灾后儿童救助的行动中,并有望成为核心力量。灾后儿童社会工作的运行与发展以4.20雅安地震灾区为例,以儿童服务站为依托,提出了灾后儿童社会工作的两种工作模式,同时结合社会工作服务组织在灾后社会工作实践中的经验,提出了完善和丰富社会工作理论及实务模式的几点发展策略。  相似文献   

王瑞 《社会工作》2012,(9):34-36
依据社会工作实务通用过程模式,结合一线社工的实务经验和相关理论研究,从接案、预估、计划、实施、评估和结案等六个方面,探讨我国专业社会工作在服务介入过程中,异于西方社会工作理论的独特工作方式及内容。以期深化我国社会工作本土化研究的领域,并为一线社工的实际工作提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

儿童福利院作为专业的儿童社会工作机构,在儿童社会工作的方法上积累了较为丰富的经验。宁夏儿童福利院的四位多重障碍儿童组成了特色社会工作小组,在深入了解了成员个性和共性的基础上,通过优势视角、生态系统图、游戏疗法、团体疗法等社会工作理论和方法实现小组成员的共同发展与成长。案例成绩的总结对此类小组社会工作方法有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

儿童福利院作为专业的儿童社会工作机构,在儿童社会工作的方法上积累了较为丰富的经验。宁夏儿童福利院的四位多重障碍儿童组成了特色社会工作小组,在深入了解了成员个性和共性的基础上,通过优势视角、生态系统图、游戏疗法、团体疗法等社会工作理论和方法实现小组成员的共同发展与成长。案例成绩的总结对此类小组社会工作方法有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

作为注重操作性且具有完善理念和技术的专业工作方法,社会工作对老年人社会适应的介入是增进老年问题解决的有效措施。经过实践经验和理论的总结,社会工作形成了个案工作、小组工作和社区工作三大主要方法。本文从专业实务的角度解析三大主要专业方法在老年社会适应问题领域的操作性技巧。以提高社会工作专业方法在实务运用中的有效性,增进老年社会福利服务专业化发展。  相似文献   

老年人社会适应的社会工作介入方法操作技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为注重操作性且具有完善理念和技术的专业工作方法,社会工作对老年人社会适应的介入是增进老年问题解决的有效措施。经过实践经验和理论的总结,社会工作形成了个案工作、小组工作和社区工作三大主要方法。本文从专业实务的角度解析三大主要专业方法在老年社会适应问题领域的操作性技巧。以提高社会工作专业方法在实务运用中的有效性,增进老年社会福利服务专业化发展。  相似文献   

杨雷 《社会工作》2011,(3):17-18
随着社会工作实务工作的不断推进,继个案工作、小组工作、社区工作三大传统专业实务厅法之外,社会工作行政在专业实务方法中成为不可缺少的领域。目前,政府购买社工机构社工服务的时候,机构行政社工没有被考虑在内,  相似文献   

This paper describes the themes which emerged from in-depth interviews with parents of a small number of Australian children who were believed to have been sexually abused. The parents' experiences in the wake of the abuse, including their involvement with three services - a hospital counselling service, the statutory child protection service, and the police - were explored in home interviews conducted 3 months following termination of the case by these services. The themes include: issues related to trust and authority in the casework relationship; expectations of counselling; contamination of normal sexuality in the family; the perception of the sexually abused child as'damaged'; and relationships within their family and social network. Some of the implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we described development of boys’ and girls’ games on the school playground at recess as they progressed across the first year of primary school in London (UK) and Minneapolis (USA) in order to document age‐related trends in games during this period and to examine the predictive role of games in children's adjustment to school and more general social adjustment. Consistent with expectations, games accounted for a significant portion of children’s, but especially boys’, behavior during recess. American children played games more frequently, especially simple games, relative to English children. Consistent with expectation, the complexity of games increased, especially for boys, across the school year for children in both countries. We also examined the extent to which facility with games forecasted adjustment to school and social adjustment. Games predicted both, but only in the USA sample. Results are discussed in terms of games being an important developmental task for children of this age. Implications for future research and educational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents in developed countries are heavily immersed in digital media, creating an inexpensive, far-reaching marketing opportunity for the food industry and the gaming industry. However, exposure to nonnutritious food and beverage advertisements combined with the use of stationary media create a conflict between entertainment and public health. Using the popular digital gaming platforms advergames (online games that market branded products) and exergames (video games that involves gross motor activity for play) as exemplars, the following article provides an analysis of the negative and positive health impacts of digital gaming as they relate specifically to overweight and obesity outcomes for children and adolescents. Theoretical explanations including the food marketing defense model, persuasion knowledge model, and social cognitive theory are used to explain the influence of gaming on young players' health. Throughout the article, we discuss the role of public policy to encourage the development and use of health-promoting digital games as an innovative, effective tool to combat the pediatric obesity crisis.  相似文献   

Summary The concept of social conflict is examined in terms of its usefulnessin refining and extending social casework theory. Attentionis given to the influence of the homeostatic approach to caseworkpractice versus an approach utilizing a conflict orientation.Primary emphasis is given to Coser's sociological theory ofconflict in an effort to discover heuristic concepts which areconsidered to be applicable in the practice of social casework.Specifically, seven of Coser's original sixteen propositionsrelated to conflict theory have been selected for analysis.It is concluded that a conflict orientation would serve to clarifythe functional aspects of conflict as they relate to the dyadiccasework relationship  相似文献   

个案工作是社会工作的方法之一,实验是个案工作课程教学的重要组成部分,组织开展好个案工作实验,有助于提高教学效果,有助于提升学生的学习兴趣,有助于检验理论并发展理论,同时更有助于培养学生的实践操作能力。在个案实验组织中,要精心组织,注重系统性、完整性、紧密型、选择性和开放性,并要特别注意社会工作价值观的运用。  相似文献   

个案工作是社会工作的方法之一,实验是个案工作课程教学的重要组成部分,组织开展好个案工作实验,有助于提高教学效果,有助于提升学生的学习兴趣,有助于检验理论并发展理论,同时更有助于培养学生的实践操作能力。在个案实验组织中,要精心组织,注重系统性、完整性、紧密型、选择性和开放性,并要特别注意社会工作价值观的运用。  相似文献   

传统个案社会工作往往在理论上运用个别治疗模式,社会工作实践中使用多个,未能充分发挥其作用。该个案综合分析案主问题,伊始确立多种治疗模式综合介入,协助案主分析自身问题,有次序有步骤地帮助案主克服困难,解决学习生活问题。通过心理疏导及学习实践,改善了原有精神面貌及学习生活状况,达到治疗效果。  相似文献   

传统个案社会工作往往在理论上运用个别治疗模式,社会工作实践中使用多个,未能充分发挥其作用。该个案综合分析案主问题,伊始确立多种治疗模式综合介入,协助案主分析自身问题,有次序有步骤地帮助案主克服困难,解决学习生活问题。通过心理疏导及学习实践,改善了原有精神面貌及学习生活状况,达到治疗效果。  相似文献   

A microsociological longitudinal study of 120 middle class Melbourne women who were having psychotherapy or counselling was conducted over a five year period. The relative effectiveness of four dominant kinds of psychotherapy was assessed, together with outcomes for types of individuals. The therapies were medical chemotherapy (with psychotherapeutic drugs prescribed by general practitioners), social casework counselling, human relations training and church pastoral counselling. Personal accounts of the women revealed their main concerns were to change their personal identities, and the economic, psychological and emotional aspects of dependency on significant others. After five years, only a small proportion of the total showed positive changes as represented by movement towards independence and autonomy. More than twice as many experienced a serious deterioration of circumstances and increased dependency on others, on therapists and drugs. None of the psychotherapies had much positive outcome. However the clients who felt most helped by the therapies became professional therapists themselves — a finding which suggests the perpetuation of ineffectual systems.  相似文献   

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