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Cervical cancer is a well-established smoking-related illness, but many at-risk women are unaware of this link. Objective: The authors designed this study to (1) investigate the relationship of smoking behavior with the history of abnormal Pap test results, sexual history, and perceived risk of cervical cancer and (2) determine whether self-classified smoking status (and hence perceived risk) corresponds with actual smoking behavior in a college student population. Participants and Method Summary: College women students (N = 135) completed a survey assessing smoking history, health history, sexual risk behavior, and risk awareness. Results: Relative to those who had not smoked in the past month, current smokers (n = 36, or 27% of the total sample) perceived themselves to be at higher risk for developing cervical cancer, but did not demonstrate increased awareness of specific cervical cancer risk factors, including smoking. Twenty-eight percent (10 of 36) of past-month smokers did not define themselves as current smokers. Conclusion: The authors conclude that antismoking and health-related messages targeting smokers may misfire for individuals who do not define themselves as smokers but are nonetheless at risk for smoking-related consequences and escalating use.  相似文献   

This review aims to advance the field of aging research by examining coresidence with family, race, and other characteristics as potential determinants of choice and control in older adults. Living with family likely impacts perceived choice and control, as household members often work together to make decisions about care. Race may also influence choice and control, as an accumulation of challenges and opportunities create unique life experiences. This review considers human agency in its examination of choice and control. Suggestions for future research will be discussed.  相似文献   

Having a greater understanding of what influences the older adults decisions to move and the characteristics of older adults who are more likely to move is valuable to help plan for the housing needs of the expanding older adult population. The authors examined how contextual, push and pull factors influence preferences of older adults to relocate. A total of 1,015 community-dwelling older adults completed a survey. Results of logistic regression analysis indicated the following variables as significantly related to relocation: gender, age, household income, province resided in, driving status, whether the current home met the older adult's needs, and unmet heavy cleaning needs. Policies and services need to focus on identification of those at most risk of relocation and support them either in their preference to age in place or through the relocation process.  相似文献   

The research on online child sexual victimization has mainly focused on the sexual solicitation of minors (i.e., sexual requests by an adult), with scarce information available on sexual interactions (e.g., cybersex or meeting in person) in which a minor is exploited by an adult. In the present study, we analyzed the prevalence and risk factors associated with both sexual solicitations and interactions of minors with adults. The sample included 2,731 minors between 12 and 15 years old (50.6% female). The minors completed several self-report questionnaires about sexual solicitations and interactions with adults, including possible risk factors (e.g., sociodemographic variables, Internet use, and psychological adjustment). Of the participants, 15.6% of girls and 9.3% of boys reported sexual solicitations, and 8.2% of girls and 7.4% of boys reported sexualized interactions with adults. Among the variables studied, several appeared related to both sexual solicitations and interactions: older age, having been involved in sexting, being a victim of cyberbullying, having unknown people in friends list, using chat, time spent online on a weekday, and depression symptoms. Gender (being female), using video chat, and instant messaging by computer were significant variables for sexual solicitation but not for sexual interaction; participation in online games was significant only for sexual interactions. Finally, minors reporting sexual interactions presented a higher risk profile than those reporting only sexual solicitations. These findings highlight the relevance of distinguishing between sexual solicitations and sexual interactions and suggest important avenues for prevention programs.  相似文献   


This article tackles a problem that is often overlooked in the literature-the plight of homeless elders with severe mental disabilities. Drawing on his personal experience working with sheltered homeless persons who were mentally ill, the author argues for a focus not on self-sufficiency but on closely supervised care for this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

This article examines telephone interviewing of older adultsand compares it with face-to-face interviews. Specifically,the following issues are examined in several national surveys:(1) differences in age distributions between the samples ofadults reached in both modes; (2) explanations for potentialdifferences in age distributions; (3) differences between thetwo modes in demographic characteristics in the adults reached,in interview process and in response quality, and how thesemode differences vary by age of the respondents. Telephone surveystend to underrepresent older persons, and older persons whodo participate in a telephone survey are disproportion atelywell educated. Implications of the lower response rate amongolder persons are softened by the fact that reponse distributionsacross a range of questions show little difference by interviewmode between older persons and persons of other age groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this preliminary study was to examine associations between leaving home to engage in bingo or gambling activity and indices of physical and mental health and social support among a representative community cohort of 1016 elderly people. Cross-sectional and longitudinal data gathered from a prospective epidemiological study in a rural, low socio-economic status, area of Pennsylvania was employed. The cohort had a mean age of 78.8 (SD = 5.1) (range 71–97) and participated in three consecutive biennial waves of data collection. Nearly half (47.7) of the cohort reported gambling. To predict gambling, the independent variables included age, sex, education, employment, social support, depressive symptoms, self-rated health, alcohol use, cigarette use, and cognitive functioning. In cross-sectional, univariate analyses, gambling was associated with younger age, sex (male), fewer years of education, greater social support, lower depression scores, better self-rated health, alcohol use in the past year, and higher cognitive functioning. In a cross-sectional multiple regression model, younger age, greater social support, and alcohol use in the past year remain strongly and independently associated with gambling activity. Longitudinally, age, sex, social support, alcohol use, and gambling are predictive of future gambling activity. The results revealed that gambling may offer a forum of social support to older adults who are often isolated as they age.  相似文献   

Older adults represent a large and growing population group in the United States. This population cohort is projected to grow to 72.1 million, or 19% of the total population, by 2030, up from 40 million in 2010 (Administration on Aging, 2011; Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 2012). Despite reported decreases in the proportion of older adults living in poverty in recent years, inequities prevail. Approximately 40% of older American households reported housing cost burdens1Cost burdens are expenditures on housing and utilities that exceed 30% of household income. (Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 2012). Many of these low-income older adults live in socially and economically marginalized positions, and housing them remains a major challenge complicated by (a) limited affordable housing options and (b) chronic health conditions that seriously undermine long-term health and mobility. In a study on the impacts of public housing transformation in Atlanta, Oakley, Reid, & Ruel (2011) reported that 26% of seniors entered public housing because of a health condition or disability. According to Smith (2006), seniors in public housing are in worse health than other older Americans, even other poor older Americans suffering from such chronic health conditions as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and asthma. Despite these realities, Ball (2012) has noted that older adults receive little attention in comprehensive development planning beyond specialized age-segregated retirement and care communities. Salkin (2009) echoes similar concerns about the tendency toward housing initiatives and designs for more affluent older adults. She commented that most states have focused attention on programs that are best suited for seniors who do not have the same income limitations as those who are truly on fixed incomes and living close to the poverty level (Salkin, 2009). While public housing remains the predominant affordable housing option for low-income older adults, such housing is out of reach for many low-income older adults who find themselves displaced and homeless. As a result, some of these adults move into extended-stay hotels to remain sheltered.  相似文献   

Abstract Relatively little attention has been given to the kin ties of rural older adults. To partially fill this gap in knowledge, kin selection theory was used as a conceptual framework to explore two questions on the extent rural older adults expect and receive assistance from the range of affinal and consanquineal kin and the factors that best explain the current level of support provided by each of the kin types in the family system. Analysis was based on interviews conducted in 1985–1986 with 368 rural older adults in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. Expectations of kin assistance were much higher than the actual level of support that was provided. Both expected and actual levels of assistance declined as the level of consanguineous kin and associated affinal ties decreased. The level of support provided by kin groups was mainly a function of geographic distance to kin and norms of obligation.  相似文献   

This study explored associations between health-related lifestyle factors and sexual functioning and behavior in 6,916 adults aged 50 and over. Results showed that an active lifestyle was associated with a higher sex drive, more sexual activity, and lower levels of sexual dysfunction (with stronger associations among men). Poor sleep was associated with less sexual activity, higher levels of sexual dissatisfaction, and higher levels of sexual dysfunction. A healthier diet and a higher alcohol intake were associated with more sexual activity and a higher sex drive. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that health-related lifestyle factors are important for sexual functioning and behavior in older adulthood.  相似文献   


This is a report of the second and final stage of a research project evaluating courses for community activists in Israel. We compared 286 graduates of Schools for Community Activists, of whom 198 were still active in their communities and 98 were not, with 138 activists and 131 non-active residents of the same neighbourhoods who had never participated in courses for activists. We noted no significant socio-economic or demographic differences between the graduates and the non-graduates. However, on a range of variables, we found consistent and generally significant differences between the graduate and non-graduate activists: the former reported higher levels of activism, knowledge and skills, higher community involvement and deeper community roots, and assessed more highly the prestige of community involvement. Few differences were noted on their assessment of the benefits and losses of community activity. Since the graduates and non-graduates come from similar backgrounds, we conclude that the courses made a significant contribution to the development and socialization of those activists who participated in them.  相似文献   

This article examined social issues surrounding casino gambling among older adults both nationally and in the state of North Dakota. An exploratory review of gambling trends among older adults and an examination of policies to protect older gamblers revealed that older adults are targeted by the gaming industry as a lucrative market (Singh et al. J Retail Leisure Property 2007, 6(1):61–68). The authors used the national literature to frame their qualitative study, which explored gambling issues among older adults in North Dakota from the perspective of six counselors trained in gambling addiction who provide treatment services in the state. Findings indicated that relatively few policies existed at the state and national levels to protect older, more vulnerable adults who gamble. Further, the six casinos in North Dakota were viewed as very effective in marketing their casino gaming opportunities to older citizens by the gambling treatment providers interviewed. Additionally, barriers to gambling addiction treatment involved lack of available services and distance to receive services in this rural state. Based on the findings of this study, social policy changes which could lead to increased protection for older adult gamblers in the state were included.  相似文献   

This research was designed to identify the impact of state driver's license renewal requirements on the driving mobility (i.e., the reduction or cessation of driving) of older (70 years or older) drivers in the United States. Nationally representative data from four waves (1993–2000) of the Asset and Health Dynamics of the Oldest Old study were linked to state policies on relicensing and used in a longitudinal logistic regression analysis. The author assessed the driving behaviors of a sample of 9,638 men and women. The findings demonstrate that the driving mobility of older people is influenced by state relicensing policies. The analysis indicates that five policies—accelerated renewal, mental testing, peripheral vision testing, renewal in person at age 70+ (as opposed to renewal by mail or online), and restricted licensing—have a significant effect on an older driver's decision to reduce or cease driving. The driving patterns of older adults are influenced not only by their health and socioeconomic backgrounds, but also by state relicensing policies. In terms of public policy, this result shows that there is a mechanism for extending the years of independent mobility for older people: restricted licensing.  相似文献   

Individual differences may partly explain how students react to potentially offensive sexual behaviors from peers. This study focused on situational and personal characteristics that may make such behaviors more or less upsetting. Six hundred and thirty two Quebecois high‐school students in Grades 8–11 completed questionnaires regarding their experience with potentially offensive sexual behaviors. Behaviors experienced at the hand of a close friend were less upsetting than those experienced at the hand of other peers. Compared with high self‐esteem peers, students with lower self‐esteem were more upset by such behaviors and were more likely to perceive the perpetrator's intent as unacceptable. In addition to sex of target, self‐esteem, and relationship with the perpetrator, the attribution of unacceptable intent to the perpetrator predicted upset ratings.  相似文献   

Gerontologists and developmental researchers have neglected the study of sexual orientation among older adults. The apparent assumptions are either that it does not exist or that it is not necessary to know; consequently, older lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults remain invisible groups with the exception of a relatively small number of studies using convenience samples. This article examines some conceptual, practical and ethical challenges involved in designing and conducting research among older LGB adults. The limitations and emphases of extant research and the challenges in conducting such research are examined. The design of two studies that focused on mental and physical health and on care-giving among older LGB adults are discussed to suggest ways of meeting the challenges.  相似文献   


Older adults are disproportionately affected by telemarketing fraud, especially those who are socially isolated. Twenty-eight older adult telemarketing fraud victims completed a questionnaire assessing loneliness and other variables related to telemarketing fraud vulnerability. Victims tended to be male, divorced/separated, and college-educated, between ages of 60 and 70. Age and marital status were significantly associated with loneliness. This study is an important first step for additional research in this area and may enhance the prevention and intervention efforts of social service providers who work with older adults who may be most vulnerable.  相似文献   

This study examined age differences in risk judgments and perceptions of invulnerability, by surveying 577 adolescents (grades 5, 7, and 9) and young adults (ages 20 to 30 years) for their judgments concerning natural hazards and behavior–linked risks. Adolescents were less likely than were young adults to see themselves as invulnerable, and only a small minority of adolescents evidenced such perceptions. Moreover, individuals’ perceptions about the magnitude of their personal risk for experiencing negative outcomes showed an inverse relation to age. Most participants were inaccurate and significantly overestimated risks; this was especially true of adolescents. These patterns of age differences were consistent across different types of risks and sociodemographic configurations. The results pose a challenge to conventional wisdom concerning adolescents’ perceptions of risk and have important implications for theory, programs, and policies related to adolescents.  相似文献   


Previous research has suggested that a recapitulation of developmental stages occurs during periods of readjustment in situations involving significant contextual or environmental change. The purpose of this paper is to examine if evidence exists for developmental recapitulation among middle-age and older adults adapting to recent vision impairment. Psychosocial development was operationalized in accordance with Erikson's stage theory (Erikson, 1963, 1980) and measured using the Inventory of Psychosocial Balance (Domino & Affonso, 1990). Data were obtained from 99 middle-age and 96 older adult vision rehabilitation service applicants and compared with normative scale data for these age groups. Results found significantly lower Trust, Initiative, Industry, and Intimacy scores for middle-age adults and lower Initiative and Industry scores for older adults. Unexpectedly, middle-age adults who were visually impaired had significantly higher Integrity scores compared to the normative group. Findings provide preliminary evidence for developmental recapitulation of psychosocial stages in the process of adaptation to vision loss in middle age and older adults. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of social work practice with this population and future research.  相似文献   

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