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Simultaneously engaging in exploration and exploitation is crucial to firms' short- and long-term survival. Therefore, it is remarkable that many open questions remain regarding organisational contextual factors which support these distinct and complementary practices. Consequently, this study analyses the relations of three knowledge-related organisational contextual factors, namely customer involvement, knowledge sharing, and data-driven decision-making, with exploratory and exploitative practices. We further propose that these relationships are contingent on the degree of market dynamism, which we identify as a pivotal environmental contingency factor. To test our hypotheses, we create and compare two structural equation models based on a sample of 779 German firms, which we split at the median value of market dynamism. The relationships of knowledge sharing and data-driven decision-making with exploitation are positive, stable, and contingent on the degree of market dynamism, while the relations between the organisational factors and exploration tend to be less systematic. These findings foster a nuanced understanding of knowledge-related organisational contextual factors facilitating organisations’ simultaneous pursuit of exploration and exploitation in dependence on the market environment, which has not been extensively researched yet. Moreover, we illuminate links between the research on exploration and exploitation, ambidexterity, open innovation, information systems, and strategic management.  相似文献   

This paper starts from a growing interest in the concept of concern, lived experience or “inhabiting” as part of the so-called “affective turn”. My main argument is that the notion of concern cannot be thought or understood without the concept of life. The concept of life, however, is somewhat of a taboo topic in the social sciences. I hold, nevertheless, that in order to reflect on their assumptions and to define concern for their own studies, scholars need to think about life and make a choice regarding the various approaches that can be taken. I therefore present and compare four vitalist approaches: romanticism and Lebensphilosophie, vitalism as ethos and pathos, neuroecosociality as well as vitalism as becoming.  相似文献   

The well-known metaphor of ‘panopticon’, derived from Bentham's project and popularized by Foucault, has long informed scholarly conversations in management and organization studies (MOS). Herein, we question the power of this emblematic metaphor. Through an in-depth literature review specifying its form, principle and goal, coupled to an investigation of Bentham's original writings, we identify two readings of the panopticon. First, we disentangle the uses of this concept in MOS literature and highlight a rather uniform and negative interpretation of the panopticon as a mechanism of social control and surveillance (first reading). Beyond this dominant interpretation, we contend that the panopticon is a richer concept than MOS literature acknowledges. Going back to Bentham's initial project, entailing not only one but plural types of panopticons, we propose a more comprehensive conceptualization of the panopticon (second reading) as: (1) a rewarding functional dispositive based on freedom and autonomy (form); (2) relying on information sharing, transparency and visibility (principle); and (3) striving for harmony and efficiency as ultimate ends (goal). In doing so, we generate a new way of seeing the panopticon in MOS research. We also reveal an inherent tension between both readings, interpreted as dystopia and utopia, and show that their combination allows grasping the ambivalence of panopticism in practice in ways that can inform further research on liberal management. As a practice of freedom, panopticism in practice might indeed turn into an instrument furthering control. To conclude, we highlight some analytical paths to help MOS scholars disentangle such ambivalence.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of guanxi (personal relationships or connections) in buyer–supplier relationships in Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), through exploratory research that gained access to companies actually using guanxi. The resource-based view provided a systematic approach for analysing the role of guanxi in terms of its potential to be a source of sustained competitive advantage. Business guanxi connections were identified as possessing the potential to be considered an organisational resource. This study identified several valuable attributes of guanxi at the organisational level. However, the guanxi-based advantage can only be sustained under certain conditions. SMEs should create an organisational environment that encourages their employees to actively establish and maintain guanxi connections within the company and beyond. However, companies in China need to recognise that firms that possess superior technological skills or capabilities have a stronger bargaining power, as they are able to deliver quality at competitive prices over the long run.  相似文献   

We discuss using the presumed ‘wisdom of the crowd’ to reduce the bullwhip effect in supply chains by enhancing the accuracy of demand forecast. Our case study describes a joint project of a leading European technology company (We chose RAGD as a pseudonym for the company throughout the study.) and the University of Kassel on a smartphone application for end customers to gather early information for this producer’s forecast. Our results confirm the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ hypothesis: A group of experts, in our case technicians who install and maintain RAGD-products, is capable of anticipating market fluctuations six weeks in advance. This only holds true if the ‘crowd’ of technicians is large enough. Our business climate index outperforms the company forecast in the first six months, when on average 22 technicians took part per week. We discuss successes and limitations of the cooperation and provide recommendations for similar projects.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing returns used product to an ‘as-new’ condition and is a key strategy in environmentally conscious manufacturing and waste management. However, strategies to improve the efficiency of the process are hampered by a lack of remanufacturing-specific industrial research. This paper presents the results of quantitative research, conducted in an industrial remanufacturing facility, to establish the relationship between pre-processing inspection levels and the subsequent remanufacturing process time for returned used products (known as cores). It concludes that for cores having either complex geometry (such as internal ports), a large number of sub-components or that are constructed from, or comprising of, multiple materials the remanufacturing process is shortened by increased inspection prior to processing. However, these benefits are currently limited by the amount of information that can be gained from the inspection methods used. The authors describes the practical use of these results in both a decision-making methodology for inspection and a cost assessment tool.  相似文献   


The direct transplantation or imitation of lean production has led to difficulties of applying a number of lean principles and practices. Thus diffusion of one of the main lean principles, just in time production, which refers to producing only “what is really needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed”, seems to be limited. To date, some of the these companies produce more than their customers really need. This method of production enables them not only to amortize the high changeover costs over a large number of products, but also to benefit from commercial opportunities. However these companies are exposed to financial losses related to storage costs and risks of non-sale. To provide decision elements for determining the best production strategy, we have developed a model for calculating the optimal quantity to be produced. Moreover, we suggest using a fuzzy aggregation system to optimise the consideration of the risk of non-sale. This new approach defines the limits to not be exceed by taking into consideration the drawbacks linked to the risks of non-sale.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - Norway’s handling of COVID-19 has been seen as a success. Vulnerable groups among young and elderly people, have however, not been part of this success. Their...  相似文献   

Job-shop production in an individual and small-batch manufacturing environment demands producing simultaneously different products in many customised versions and in small numbers. The associated variability of the time-phased work content leads to a high degree of complexity and turbulence in the manufacturing process of such a production type. Therefore, production control becomes significantly more complicated, and many theories on how to cope fail in the real world. Despite the many technological and conceptual advances in the field of job-shop control over the past few decades, there is still a remarkable lack of practical control approaches for job-shop production. For this reason the Push-Kanban production control concept will be introduced in this article. It combines robust push scheduling along with a kanban-driven, decentralised inventory control mechanism to create a holistic control approach, integrating all production control tasks. Thus, it offers a feasible option for controlling job-shop production in industrial practice. This article examines the effectiveness of the concept by means of a simulation study based on real data.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1986,19(5):102-107
This article introduces a new strategy formulation analytical tool called the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). QSPM represents an objective approach for evaluating and choosing among alternative strategies in both small and large organizations. Several practical applications of QSPM are provided. The positive features and practical limitations of QSPM are described. A number of useful tips for effective strategy formulation are presented.  相似文献   

Today's turbulent environment, with fast and unpredictable technological changes, requires employees to increasingly act ambidextrously, i.e., to simultaneously incorporate exploitative and explorative tasks in their work roles. To improve our understanding of how to foster individual ambidexterity in technologically turbulent environments, we draw on organizational management theories by arguing (1) that perceived technological turbulence directly affects individual ambidexterity in a positive way and (2) that organizations can strengthen this effect by providing employees with internal stability in these times of external changes through high degrees of formalization. Using data collected in a three-wave online survey of 739 German employees, this study demonstrates that employees who perceive high degrees of technological turbulence in their organization's environment show high degrees of ambidexterity in their work. In addition, we show that formalization in the form of written rules, procedures, and instructions positively moderates this relationship so that employees' ambidexterity is highest when both perceptions of technological turbulence and formalization are high. We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for the ambidexterity literature, for future research and managerial practice.  相似文献   

Around the world, companies have launched an abundance of websites to reinforce their links with customers. While these websites include relational features (e.g., communities and areas for regular visitors, electronic bulletin boards, forums, and RSS feeds), can they be considered relational according to the relationship marketing paradigm? To answer this question, we conduct a qualitative study with 19 Internet experts. The results show that two approaches can be used to define a relational website. The first approach suggests that a website's relationship proneness (WRP) is driven by three dimensions: content, exchange, and look and feel. The second approach is enumerative: the more electronic customer relationship management (eCRM) features a website offers, the more relational it is considered to be. Managerial and theoretical implications lie in the complementary relationship between these two approaches.  相似文献   

Building on the theoretical foundations of conservation of resources theory, this research provides insights into the relationship of abusive supervision with work–family conflict (work-to-family and family-to-work). Further, it is the first attempt to incorporate the emotional labor to burnout link as the mediating process between abuse and conflict. Using a sample of 328 individuals working fulltime we examined both the direct relationship of abuse with conflict as well as the indirect relationship through surface acting (emotional labor) and burnout. Our results suggest that abusive supervision influences conflict and the relationship is partially mediated through the surface acting to burnout path.  相似文献   

This article presents a rigorous prospective analysis of the impact of Inventory Record Inaccuracy (IRI) on complex multi-echelon Supply Chains (SCs). Specifically, key operational factors (i.e., the magnitude of the error, frequency of the inventory audits and lead time variability) and SC structure are systematically assessed. We find that the detrimental effects of IRI are exacerbated by the structural complexity of the SC and lead time variability. Furthermore, we show how the efficacy of countermeasure strategies may vary depending on SC configuration and operational conditions. These results allow us to provide interesting managerial recommendations to guarantee investment in prevention and correction strategies.  相似文献   

We argue that Boards of Directors of Danish companieshave been socially constructed as an importantdecision making body in the companies. Since 1974,employees have elected members to the Board ofDirectors. Today they can elect one third of the Boardmembers. In spite of this new composition of theBoard, it has emerged as a team that has been able toconvince the stakeholders, the press, and the publicabout its important standing in the management of thecompany.To understand this development we look at fourdifferent perspectives. (1) The changing businessenvironment that has framed the development:globalization, mergers and acquisitions, increasedcompetition, technological innovations, strategicalliances, political consumers, and ethical issues are factors that have been the motor for this change. (2)We use a radical social psychological version ofleadership theory (Meindl, 1993) to understand thesocial construction of the change of the role of theBoard of Directors that has occurred. We argue thatthe stakeholders and the society at large haveascribed importance and leadership to the Board, andthat it plays an important role as strategist in thecompanies. (3) We see the board as a theater ensemblestaging a performance for the audience (stakeholdersand the wider environment) using Erving Goffman's``Presentation of Self in Everyday Life' (1959) as atheoretical point of departure. From this point ofview, the role of the Board is to socialize newmembers, to maintain its unity, and to successfullyplay the role of strategists. (4) To understandstrategists you may understand the company and itsenvironment in either realist terms (objectiveenvironments) or in social constructivist terms(enacted environments) (Smircich and Stubbart, 1985). We adopt the enactment position.  相似文献   

This article explores how firms can foster positive consumer inferences by communicating their new product development (NPD) openness. In particular, it analyzes inferences about a firm’s customer orientation, ability to develop high-quality products and innovativeness. Previous research has focused on examining inferences derived from cues about consumer contributions to the external design of products. This article extends current knowledge (i) by analyzing inferential processes when customer participation goes beyond external product design and affects functionality and (ii) by considering other forms of openness, namely expert contributions to NPD. The results of two experiments show that, in general, customer participation in NPD effectively triggers customer orientation inferences, while expert participation leads to inferences about a firm’s ability to develop high-quality products only in specific settings. Finally, counter to previous research, communicating external participation does not seem to be an effective cue to infer innovativeness for functional product contributions.  相似文献   

Owing to servitisation, manufacturing companies are increasingly required to compete through the provision of services around their products. The contracts for these services are often allocated through competitive bidding where the potential suppliers submit a price bid to the customer. The pricing decision is influenced by various uncertainties. This article proposes a conceptual framework depicting these influencing uncertainties on the bidding strategy. This framework is based on three empirical studies with industry investigating different viewpoints on the decision-making process. The intention is to support the pricing decision when competitively bidding for a service contract. The framework can be applied to specific competitive bidding situations to identify the influencing uncertainties, model them and depict their influences on the pricing decision.  相似文献   

Chong Wu 《生产规划与管理》2016,27(13):1041-1061
Partner selection is crucial to green supply chain management as the focal firm is responsible for the environmental performance of the whole supply chain. The construction of appropriate selection criteria is an essential, but often neglected pre-requisite in the partner selection process. This paper proposes a three-stage model that combines Dempster–Shafer belief acceptability theory and particle swarm optimisation technique for the first time in this application. This enables optimisation of both effectiveness, in its consideration of the inter-dependence of a broad range of quantitative and qualitative selection criteria, and efficiency in its use of scarce resources during the criteria construction process to be achieved simultaneously. This also enables both operational and strategic attributes that can be selected at different levels of hierarchy criteria in different decision-making environments. The practical efficacy of the model is demonstrated by an application in Company ABC, a large Chinese electronic equipment and instrument manufacturer.  相似文献   

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