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Summary This paper examines the background to pre-trial enquiries, theirpreparation and some of the problems involved, with particularreference to not guilty pleas. It is based on a dissertationpresented for the Diploma in Social and Administrative Studiesin 1972 and a more detailed version is available  相似文献   

Summary The intention in this review is to examine a small selectionof the literature on substance abuse and to assess to what extentit is a new phenomenon and a problem calling for legislativeaction. This intention accounts for the slightly capriciouschoice of title for the contribution.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents findings from tbe National Child DevelopmentStudy which examine the relationship between size of familyand school attainment, adjustment and height at the age of eleven.This relationship is shown to be a strong one, and alternativeexplanations for its existence are considered  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an attempt to think through the use of a unitaryapproach in the supervision of students, in particular withinstudent units. It considers separately the beginning phase ofany placement, first and second placements and develops theconcept of a team model by which to run the unit.  相似文献   

Summary Enuresis is described as a learning deficiency and conditioningtreatment discussed as the logical positive outcome. The processof conditioning treatment is described and compared, and commonobjections discussed. Explanation is given of the practicalapplication of conditioning treatment in social casework andresidential child care  相似文献   

Summary The development of coping strategies by a combination of behaviourmodification, casework and milieu therapy is discussed withreference to the case of a nine-year-old boy admitted to a childpsychiatric in-patient unit. Admission had been precipitatedby his violent and uncontrollable behaviour at home. The plannedreturn of the child to his family is stressed as an importantpart of the treatment.  相似文献   

Summary This paper considers the view that the Samaritan concept ofbefriending constitutes a debasement of our traditional notionof friendship. An analysis of the main features of friendshipis attempted and this analysis is then used as a framework forassessing the nature of befriending  相似文献   

Summary This paper looks at certain aspects of a social services department'sduty and intake systems in the light of the theory of institutionaldefence. This theory, which has to do with the way that organisationsdeal with anxiety provoking events, is described, and a numberof ‘defences’ are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This article explores the paradigm of Contract Law to identifyproblems and advantages of introducing a contractual model intosocial work practice. Recent social work literature on the useof contracts is reviewed and a social worker's record of howa contract was negotiated is analysed. The author argues thatthe value-base of a contract model must be founded on reciprocity.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an attempt to answer the following questions.Can we, and should we, try to prevent suicidal behaviour; howsuccessful are the efforts at suicide prevention of lay andmedical agencies; and what social policies could be employedto prevent suicidal behaviour?  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr. G. J. Welch, Department of Social Work, University of Natal, Durban 4001, South Africa. Summary The paper describes a successful social work intervention programmeaimed at stress reduction and increased self-acceptance formembers of a multiple sclerosis self-help group. The clinicalprogramme is described in detail and both statistical and graphedoutcome results are reported.  相似文献   

Summary The therapeutic imagination is closely related to the literaryimagination and is concerned with similar issues of the relationshipof the self to society. The study of literature needs to bean integral part of social work education if workers are tobe helped to confront the dilemmas faced by the social worksensibility.  相似文献   

Summary It is suggested that the polarity between Marxism and psychoanalysisis one factor hindering the development of social work's professionalidentity. The first section of the article suggests ways inwhich a dialogue between the two perspectives might be established.In the second section such a dialogue is applied to a numberof central concepts in social work theory and practice.  相似文献   

Summary Current criticisms of the correctional approach to offendersare examined, viz. (a) that it is ineffective, (b) that it isoften unjust, (c) that it is deterministic and (d) that thereare other approaches to which these strictures do not apply.It is concluded that these arguments do not justify the abandonmentof correctional policies.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an account of an Intermediate Treatment Groupset up in February 1975. It uses spontaneous drama as its onlyactivity. It is argued that this provides general personal growthin a supportive atmosphere as well as allowing experimentationwith specific problem situations. The methods used are describedand an attempt is made to discuss the dynamics involved in theseprocesses.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper an attempt is made to draw a distinction betweenthe notion of the practical and the technical. Reference ismade to Aristotle's concept of Phronesis and the related thoughtof the German philosopher, Hans-Georg Gadamer. The purpose ofthis is to retrieve a sense of social work practice which recognizesit as a form of practical, moral engagement, and not primarilyas a matter of technique.  相似文献   

Summary The results of a survey of social work students in New Zealandare briefly reported and contrasted with two British studieswhich have employed the same methodology. The validity of certainpropositions concerning the socialization of the entrant intothe social work occupation is assessed.  相似文献   

Summary Change has heightened contradictions inherent in the probationservice's functions. The effects of this on officers' behaviourare described and a new conceptualization of the relationshipbetween care and control is offered. It is argued that modelsof possible future developments for the service must addressthe impact of work function and work context on practice, andan example of an alternative approach to the future is provided.  相似文献   

Summary The use of task-centred casework with people who have maritalproblems and have taken an overdose is described. The stagesof task-centred work are illustrated and difficulties whichwere encountered are discussed. Task-centred casework is seento be a feasible and helpful method of working with people withmarital problems.  相似文献   

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