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Promoting decision processes. An example of the work of parish advice/organisation development First, you will find an exmaple of the kind of work done in parish advice/organisation development. Then the development of the working concept of parish advice/organisation development is highlighted. The example shows the advisory structuring of a decision finding process concerning the question: which of the four existing parish centres should be closed in the future?  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Aufsatz beschreibt die Arbeit mit Ehrenamtlichen, die als Sterbebegleiter/innen ihr Angebot auf Bewohner/innen in Altenpfle geheimen zugeschnitten haben. Die hauptamtliche Koordinatorin der Gruppe ist gleichzeitig die Supervisorin der Ehrenamtlichen. Anhand einer Supervisionssitzung wird eine typische Fragestellung beschrieben. Julia Sipreck, Krankenschwester und Diplom-Psychologin, Supervisorin (BDP), 1997 bis 2003 Leiterin des Arbeitsbereiches Lebensbegleitung bis zum Tode im Institut für Sozialarbeit in Frankfurt, seit 2003 Leitung der Freiwilligenagentur des Instituts für Sozialarbeit.  相似文献   

Supervision with volunteers in social workWhat have professional supervisors to consider when working with volunteers? Professional supervision with volunteers involves a basic tension. It can be regarded as a specific field where volunteer and professional ?cultures“ meet together — sometimes even collide. Common concepts of supervision with professionals cannot be transferred one-to-one in the work with volunteers. We have to consider the specific features of the field as well as methodical strategies and supervisory role-taking. The author reflects on the fundamental characteristics of volunteer work, the basic motivation of those who are engaged in it, their specific group-mentality and applies this to the setting of supervision.  相似文献   

Coaching for leaders and representatives in churchesThis article shows possibilities of coaching for leaders and representatives in churches, especially during this time with many transformations in ecclesiastical structures. It seems to be very important for acceptance of coaching, that the coach has a high standard of knowledge about this branch.  相似文献   

Coaching in the software development industry. The author describes the basic principles and starting points of a coaching concept within the context of the software development industry. The structures and processes in this context create a special need for support that can be addressed by different forms of coaching. A company-specific coaching concept has to define the goals and rationality of coaching, to determine the different ways coaching is requested and provided and to outline the overall strategy to introduce and to integrate coaching within the organization. The special need for coaching is related to the communication-intensive collaboration within software development teams and the complexity of the overall process. In particular forms of internal coaching are discussed to address these needs and a way of implementing an internal coaching pool is sketched.  相似文献   

Opening approaches and understanding. Reflections about parish counselling and organizational development in the parish communityAny process of changes within a church community or parish needs counselling and organizational development. People working in institutionalized parish guidance are biased by the system, therefore parish guidance is limited in its effects. Counselling by profit organizations often fail their task. Theses organizations provoke resistance by unreflected entering of hermeneutics strange to the cultural understanding. It is necessary to get acceptance and understanding concerning motivation and values of honorary members of the parish board. On this a trusting alliance of work is based on.  相似文献   

Coaching during the organization of an ambulatory hospiceThe author delineates a coaching process with the manager of an ambulatory hospice. The focus of this counselling was on the change process of the role of a staff member to the manager, the specific problems in the management of volunteers and the position in the whole organisation. Several problems arising during this change process and their solution are presented in detail.  相似文献   

Team development in supervision — between case-work and organization developmentTeam development in the supervision for different groups in one organization is necessary on the one side for better coordination of the member’s work in professional teams, on the other side for the support of all co-worker’s cooperative self-government. In this article at first it will be shown, which concept the Psychodramatical supervision can offer for this work. In the second part it can be demonstrated by a detailed case-report, how this concept has influenced the concrete proceeding of the supervisor.  相似文献   

Conflict coaching in groups. A training concept and a case study The following article lines out and discusses the main contents of a workshop on conflict coaching in groups: focussing on conflict and conflict related issues, relaxation training, forms of targeting, solving strategies, cognitive restructuring and personal change processes. The experience shows, that conflict coaching can be very well practised in a group setting.  相似文献   

Supervision with volunteers in social workWhile professional supervisors are increasingly requested to work with volunteers, the widening scope of application evokes specific problems to both supervisors and volunteers. This article is supposed to carry forward the preceding article in OSC 2/05. The author describes the special features of voluntary service by example of ambulant hospice work and relates them to the setting of supervision. It becomes evident, that it is necessary to modify and extend the roles of the supervisor in order to work successfully. The author emphasizes the adequate choice of methodic repertoire. In many respects psychodramatic supervision is suited particularly for the work with volunteers.  相似文献   

Ten years format and procedure in relation oriented work. On the reception of a significant distinctionIn this article the diffusion of the distinction between format and procedure is described within the fields of psychodrama, supervision und coaching over the last ten years. Furthermore the significance for professionalization of relation oriented work is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Vocation-coaching — Coaching in phases of personal reorientationA model for a coaching-method, the “Vocation-coaching” is presented, which was used successfully in the last two years. The main aspects of the model, namely discovering — strengthen — transfer, are described. The coaching-techniques which are used within the vocation-coaching are compared to the techniques of the conventional coaching. The target group of the vocation-coaching are individuals at turning points in their lives, especially at turning points in their professions. The needs of these persons are described and compared to the potential use of the method of the vocation-coaching.  相似文献   

Outplacement. Experiences of a coach Getting unemployed usually is a major cause for high emotional pressure especially for executives. Outplacement consulting can be a viable way to find solutions in such difficult situations. This article addresses the two parties involved: (1) The author proposes a procedure that could be considered by the company in the process of dismissal. (2) Suggestions are made how the individual can be supported in developing new perspectives for a future career and personal life. Based on experiences of the author, the basic challenges for coaches during theses processes are described. The article offers special recommendations for each phase of coaching.  相似文献   

Coaching, supervision and many others formats. A pledge for a peaceful playing togetherIn this speech the thesis is justified, that a distinction of the different formats like coaching or supervision can only be successful, if they are discussed in a democratic dialog by all stakeholders. Only if such an agreement succeeds, it can be accepted in public.  相似文献   

Learning processes in coaching This Coaching is approached from the view of the coachee. Different learning processes which the coachee should run through in his/her coaching are deduced from three approved theoretical concepts close to practice. The Kolb circle is presented as first basic concept. It is described by the author as action leading for coachee and coach by a coaching-questionnaire. Several learning forms are shown and related to the first basic concept. The most important factor for the coaching success is the sustainability of the realization of the recognized learning goals. Therefore some proposals are submitted basing on the Kuhl-concept.  相似文献   

Mentoring und Coaching in Unternehmen — Abgrenzung der Inhalte   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Mentoring and coaching in companies — definition of contentsOften Mentoring and Coaching are used at the same time in the same situations. Mentoring marks the consultation relationship inside the company, regarding knowledge of the culture of the company, habits and unwritten statues, whereas coaching intends to get independent advice for the personality from outside the company. The different use of the terms enables the user to define the roles, contents, goals of the consultation which are dependent of the individual development goals of the person.  相似文献   

Differences between coaching and psychotherapyCoaching is not a hidden psychotherapy with managers, though the methods are similar. Unlike psychotherapy, coaching mainly refers to the professional context, it requires normal capacities of self regulation and addresses to managers. A coach cannot take the place of a psychotherapist, and therapists cannot do the work of a coach without a respective education and role definition. The author describes these and other differences.  相似文献   

System dynamics as anonymous causes of failure Dynamics of problem solving, dynamics of communication as well as dynamics of success are basic challenges in organizations. To ignore them may bring about severe failures in terms of economics and of the personnel. Therefore, it is important to clearly discern these various dynamics and to cope with them.  相似文献   

Internet-based supervision for trainees — possibilities and limitations This paper presents an internet-based supervision concept for trainees in development aid projects, that has been designed at the KFH NW / University of Applied Sciences in Aachen (Germany). Based on a phase model, the article highlights requirements of email supervision in content and method. Furthermore, it reports results from a study with former participants of email supervision. Possibilities and limitations of internet-based supervision are discussed. Conclusion: Although email-supervision cannot be considered as an equivalent alternative to face-to-face consultation, it could be a useful methodical variation of supervision and coaching.  相似文献   

The concept of Work-Life-Balance embedded into the two main areas of life “work” and “spare time”Work-life-balance is a complicated subject in the scientific dispute. In order to deal with this balance, nevertheless, it is necessary to start with basic considerations to the two main areas of life, “work” and “spare time”. These considerations make clear, on the one hand, the difficulty to live a work-life-balance within the scope of social and economic development of our time. On the other hand, it is important to attain an insight about the relation between work and spare time which enables to develop concepts to work-life-balance in another perspective.  相似文献   

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