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We consider Bayesian analysis of threshold autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs (TARMAX). In order to obtain the desired marginal posterior distributions of all parameters including the threshold value of the two-regime TARMAX model, we use two different Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to apply Gibbs sampler with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The first one is used to obtain iterative least squares estimates of the parameters. The second one includes two MCMC stages for estimate the desired marginal posterior distributions and the parameters. Simulation experiments and a real data example show support to our approaches.  相似文献   

Consider longitudinal networks whose edges turn on and off according to a discrete-time Markov chain with exponential-family transition probabilities. We characterize when their joint distributions are also exponential families with the same parameter, improving data reduction. Further we show that the permutation-uniform subclass of these chains permit interpretation as an independent, identically distributed sequence on the same state space. We then apply these ideas to temporal exponential random graph models, for which permutation uniformity is well suited, and discuss mean-parameter convergence, dyadic independence, and exchangeability. Our framework facilitates our introducing a new network model; simplifies analysis of some network and autoregressive models from the literature, including by permitting closed-form expressions for maximum likelihood estimates for some models; and facilitates applying standard tools to longitudinal-network Markov chains from either asymptotics or single-observation exponential random graph models.  相似文献   

The authors use a hierarchical Bayes approach to area level unmatched sampling and Unking models for small area estimation. Empirically they compare inferences under unmatched models with those obtained under the customary matched sampling and linking models. They apply the proposed method to Canadian census undercoverage estimation, developing a full hierarchical Bayes approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling methods. They show that the method can provide efficient model‐based estimates. They use posterior predictive distributions to assess model fit.  相似文献   

A Kalman Filtering algorithm which is robust to observational outliers is developed by assuming that the measurement error may come from either one of two Normal distributions, and that the transition between these distributions is governed by a Markov Chain. The resulting algorithm is very simple, and consists of two parallel Kalman Filters having different gains. The state estimate is obtained as a weighted average of the estimates from the two parallel filters, where the weights are the posterior probabilities that the current observation comes from either of the two distributions. The large improvements obtained by this Robust Kalman Filter in the presence of outliers is demonstrated with examples.  相似文献   


A new hidden Markov random field model is proposed for the analysis of cylindrical spatial series, i.e. bivariate spatial series of intensities and angles. It allows us to segment cylindrical spatial series according to a finite number of latent classes that represent the conditional distributions of the data under specific environmental conditions. The model parsimoniously accommodates circular–linear correlation, multimodality, skewness and spatial autocorrelation. A numerically tractable expectation–maximization algorithm is provided to compute parameter estimates by exploiting a mean-field approximation of the complete-data log-likelihood function. These methods are illustrated on a case study of marine currents in the Adriatic sea.  相似文献   

In this paper, point and interval estimations for the parameters of the exponentiated exponential (EE) distribution are studied based on progressive first-failure-censored data. The Bayes estimates are computed based on squared error and Linex loss functions and using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Also, based on this censoring scheme, approximate confidence intervals for the parameters of EE distribution are developed. Monte Carlo simulation study is carried out to compare the performances of the different methods by computing the estimated risks (ERs), as well as Akaike's information criteria (AIC) and Bayesian information criteria (BIC) of the estimates. Finally, a real data set is introduced and analyzed using EE and Weibull distributions. A comparison is carried out between the mentioned models based on the corresponding Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test statistic to emphasize that the EE model fits the data with the same efficiency as the other model. Point and interval estimation of all parameters are studied based on this real data set as illustrative example.  相似文献   

In this paper, a competing risks model is considered under adaptive type-I progressive hybrid censoring scheme (AT-I PHCS). The lifetimes of the latent failure times have Weibull distributions with the same shape parameter. We investigate the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters. Bayes estimates of the parameters are obtained based on squared error and LINEX loss functions under the assumption of independent gamma priors. We propose to apply Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to carry out a Bayesian estimation procedure and in turn calculate the credible intervals. To evaluate the performance of the estimators, a simulation study is carried out.  相似文献   

Simulated annealing—moving from a tractable distribution to a distribution of interest via a sequence of intermediate distributions—has traditionally been used as an inexact method of handling isolated modes in Markov chain samplers. Here, it is shown how one can use the Markov chain transitions for such an annealing sequence to define an importance sampler. The Markov chain aspect allows this method to perform acceptably even for high-dimensional problems, where finding good importance sampling distributions would otherwise be very difficult, while the use of importance weights ensures that the estimates found converge to the correct values as the number of annealing runs increases. This annealed importance sampling procedure resembles the second half of the previously-studied tempered transitions, and can be seen as a generalization of a recently-proposed variant of sequential importance sampling. It is also related to thermodynamic integration methods for estimating ratios of normalizing constants. Annealed importance sampling is most attractive when isolated modes are present, or when estimates of normalizing constants are required, but it may also be more generally useful, since its independent sampling allows one to bypass some of the problems of assessing convergence and autocorrelation in Markov chain samplers.  相似文献   

Several kinds of terminating Markov Renewal Processes are defined. Of interest in these processes are the time T until termination and the number of transitions NT until termination. For several kinds of terminating processes, the distribution and moments of T and NT are obtained along with their covariance. The distributions of associated cumulative processes are also considered. A Markov Renewal model is compared with results of Markov Chains used to model epidemics, and other examples are examined in compartmental modeling and competing risks.  相似文献   

A number of nonstationary models have been developed to estimate extreme events as function of covariates. A quantile regression (QR) model is a statistical approach intended to estimate and conduct inference about the conditional quantile functions. In this article, we focus on the simultaneous variable selection and parameter estimation through penalized quantile regression. We conducted a comparison of regularized Quantile Regression model with B-Splines in Bayesian framework. Regularization is based on penalty and aims to favor parsimonious model, especially in the case of large dimension space. The prior distributions related to the penalties are detailed. Five penalties (Lasso, Ridge, SCAD0, SCAD1 and SCAD2) are considered with their equivalent expressions in Bayesian framework. The regularized quantile estimates are then compared to the maximum likelihood estimates with respect to the sample size. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are developed for each hierarchical model to simulate the conditional posterior distribution of the quantiles. Results indicate that the SCAD0 and Lasso have the best performance for quantile estimation according to Relative Mean Biais (RMB) and the Relative Mean-Error (RME) criteria, especially in the case of heavy distributed errors. A case study of the annual maximum precipitation at Charlo, Eastern Canada, with the Pacific North Atlantic climate index as covariate is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the Bayesian analysis of competing risks data, when the data are partially complete in both time and type of failures. It is assumed that the latent cause of failures have independent Weibull distributions with the common shape parameter, but different scale parameters. When the shape parameter is known, it is assumed that the scale parameters have Beta–Gamma priors. In this case, the Bayes estimates and the associated credible intervals can be obtained in explicit forms. When the shape parameter is also unknown, it is assumed that it has a very flexible log-concave prior density functions. When the common shape parameter is unknown, the Bayes estimates of the unknown parameters and the associated credible intervals cannot be obtained in explicit forms. We propose to use Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling technique to compute Bayes estimates and also to compute associated credible intervals. We further consider the case when the covariates are also present. The analysis of two competing risks data sets, one with covariates and the other without covariates, have been performed for illustrative purposes. It is observed that the proposed model is very flexible, and the method is very easy to implement in practice.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian approach to the problem of estimating density matrices in quantum state tomography. A general framework is presented based on a suitable mathematical formulation, where a study of the convergence of the Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm is given, including a comparison with other estimation methods, such as maximum likelihood estimation and linear inversion. This analysis indicates that our approach not only recovers the underlying parameters quite properly, but also produces physically acceptable punctual and interval estimates. A prior sensitive study was conducted indicating that when useful prior information is available and incorporated, more accurate results are obtained. This general framework, which is based on a reparameterization of the model, allows an easier choice of the prior and proposal distributions for the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the method of estimation of the parameters of k-components load-sharing parallel system model in which each component’s failure time distribution is assumed to be geometric. The maximum likelihood estimates of the load-share parameters with their standard errors are obtained. (1 − γ) 100% joint, Bonferroni simultaneous and two bootstrap confidence intervals for the parameters have been constructed. Further, recognizing the fact that life testing experiments are time consuming, it seems realistic to consider the load-share parameters to be random variable. Therefore, Bayes estimates along with their standard errors of the parameters are obtained by assuming Jeffrey’s invariant and gamma priors for the unknown parameters. Since, Bayes estimators can not be found in closed form expressions, Tierney and Kadane’s approximation method have been used to compute Bayes estimates and standard errors of the parameters. Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique such as Gibbs sampler is also used to obtain Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals of the load-share parameters. Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is used to generate samples from the posterior distributions of the unknown parameters.  相似文献   

Spatial generalised linear mixed models are used commonly for modelling non‐Gaussian discrete spatial responses. In these models, the spatial correlation structure of data is modelled by spatial latent variables. Most users are satisfied with using a normal distribution for these variables, but in many applications it is unclear whether or not the normal assumption holds. This assumption is relaxed in the present work, using a closed skew normal distribution for the spatial latent variables, which is more flexible and includes normal and skew normal distributions. The parameter estimates and spatial predictions are calculated using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. Finally, the performance of the proposed model is analysed via two simulation studies, followed by a case study in which practical aspects are dealt with. The proposed model appears to give a smaller cross‐validation mean square error of the spatial prediction than the normal prior in modelling the temperature data set.  相似文献   

This paper considers the implementation of a mean-reverting interest rate model with Markov-modulated parameters. Hidden Markov model filtering techniques in Elliott (1994, Automatica, 30:1399–1408) and Elliott et al. (1995, Hidden Markov Models: Estimation and Control. Springer, New York) are employed to obtain optimal estimates of the model parameters via recursive filters of auxiliary quantities of the observation process. Algorithms are developed and implemented on a financial dataset of 30-day Canadian Treasury bill yields. We also provide standard errors for the model parameter estimates. Our analysis shows that within the dataset and period studied, a model with two regimes is sufficient to describe the interest rate dynamics on the basis of very small prediction errors and the Akaike information criterion.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for pairwise interacting point processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pairwise interacting point processes are commonly used to model spatial point patterns. To perform inference, the established frequentist methods can produce good point estimates when the interaction in the data is moderate, but some methods may produce severely biased estimates when the interaction in strong. Furthermore, because the sampling distributions of the estimates are unclear, interval estimates are typically obtained by parametric bootstrap methods. In the current setting however, the behavior of such estimates is not well understood. In this article we propose Bayesian methods for obtaining inferences in pairwise interacting point processes. The requisite application of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques is complicated by an intractable function of the parameters in the likelihood. The acceptance probability in a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm involves the ratio of two likelihoods evaluated at differing parameter values. The intractable functions do not cancel, and hence an intractable ratio r must be estimated within each iteration of a Metropolis-Hastings sampler. We propose the use of importance sampling techniques within MCMC to address this problem. While r may be estimated by other methods, these, in general, are not readily applied in a Bayesian setting. We demonstrate the validity of our importance sampling approach with a small simulation study. Finally, we analyze the Swedish pine sapling dataset (Strand 1972) and contrast the results with those in the literature.  相似文献   

It is vital for insurance companies to have appropriate levels of loss reserving to pay outstanding claims and related settlement costs. With many uncertainties and time lags inherently involved in the claims settlement process, loss reserving therefore must be based on estimates. Existing models and methods cannot cope with irregular and extreme claims and hence do not offer an accurate prediction of loss reserving. This paper extends the conventional normal error distribution in loss reserving modeling to a range of heavy-tailed distributions which are expressed by certain scale mixtures forms. This extension enables robust analysis and, in addition, allows an efficient implementation of Bayesian analysis via Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. Various models for the mean of the sampling distributions, including the log-Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), log-Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and state space models, are considered and the straightforward implementation of scale mixtures distributions is demonstrated using OpenBUGS.  相似文献   

A three-parameter generalisation of the beta-binomial distribution (BBD) derived by Chandon (1976) is examined. We obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters and give the elements of the information matrix. To exhibit the applicability of the generalised distribution we show how it gives an improved fit over the BBD for magazine exposure and consumer purchasing data. Finally we derive an empirical Bayes estimate of a binomial proportion based on the generalised beta distribution used in this study.  相似文献   

Summary. We propose a Bayesian model for physiologically based pharmacokinetics of 1,3-butadiene (BD). BD is classified as a suspected human carcinogen and exposure to it is common, especially through cigarette smoke as well as in urban settings. The main aim of the methodology and analysis that are presented here is to quantify variability in the rates of BD metabolism by human subjects. A three-compartmental model is described, together with informative prior distributions for the population parameters, all of which represent real physiological variables. The model is described in detail along with the meanings and interpretations of the associated parameters. A four-compartment model is also given for comparison. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are described for fitting the model proposed. The model is fitted to toxicokinetic data obtained from 133 healthy subjects (males and females) from the four major racial groups in the USA, with ages ranging from 19 to 62 years. Subjects were exposed to 2 parts per million of BD for 20 min through a face mask by using a computer-controlled exposure and respiratory monitoring system. Stratification by ethnic group results in major changes in the physiological parameters. Sex and age were also tested but not found to have a significant effect.  相似文献   

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