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沃格尔:《日本雄冠全球:美国可以借鉴什么》 Japan as Number One:Lesson for America By Ezra F. Vogel(Harvard University Press.Pp.272) 克拉克:《日本公司》 The Japanese Company By Rodney Clark(Yale University Press. Pp.282)卡恩和佩珀合著:《日本的挑战:经济发展的成就和不足》 The Japanese Challenge: The Success and Failure of Economic Success By Herman Kahn and Thomas Pepper(Thomas Y. Crowell. Pp.162)  相似文献   

《哲学论文集》 Essays in Philosophy.Philosophy Department,The Pennsylvania State University.The PennsylvaniaState Univ.Press,1962.Pp.224. 美国《哲学杂志》(1964年1月30日)评介说,本书包括下述论文:安德逊(J.M.Anderson)的“作为怀疑者的人”,布格比(H.G.Bugbec)的“对创造的一些意见”,芬契(H.A.Finch)的“理论的成果性和概念的衡量”,哥德夏尔克(R.Gotshalk)的“反省  相似文献   

Professor and Dr. Shi Qing-huan, female and Han nationality, was born in Shuangliao, Jilin Province in 1958. She is a professor of School of History in Liaoning University currently and taught in History. Department of Heilongjiang University and Northeast Normal University in the past. She is a member of Council on American History Research Association of China. Her teaching and research focus on the modern--contemporary world history and American political system history. She got funds from United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia and did research on "The Comparative Studies on Bureaucracy between China and The West" in Augustana College of the United State from 1997 to 1998. She again got funds from Fulbright Program and worked on "The Civil Service and Bureaucracy in The United States" in Texas University at San Antonio of the United States from 2001 to 2002. She has published four books which mainly include The United States Civil Service and Bureaucracy in the 20th Century. Additionally she has published more than thirty articles in core social science journals of China such as World History, American Studies, Journal of Historical Science and Journal of Historical Collection.  相似文献   

H.C.林:《中华人民共和国石油工业》 H. C. LING. The Petroleum Industry of the People's Republic of China. Stanford, CA, Hoover Institution Press, 1975. 程楚元:《中国石油工业:产量增长和出口潜力》1976年 CHU-YUAN CHENG. China's Petroleum Industry: Output Growth and Export Potential. New York, NY, Praeger, 1976. V.斯米尔:《中国能源的成就、问题与展望》  相似文献   

《美国哲学的精神》The Spirit of American Philosophy.By John E.Smith.(New York:Oxford University Press,1963.Pp.219.)据美国《伦理学》杂志1963年10月号报道,本书是一系列关于美国哲学家皮亚斯、詹姆士、劳埃斯、杜威和怀特海等人的研究,目的在于找出“这些美国思想家以哲学形式来解释人类生活和文化的不同方法”。作者确信,“美国哲学家从不仅仅满足于赞扬概念或者说明概念;他们宁愿受这种希望的鼓  相似文献   

艾耶尔:《哲学和语言》Philosophy and Languge.By A.J.Ayer.(Oxford University Press)英国《观察家》(1961年2月17日)发表比却(R.A.Becher)的评论说,“‘看来好象我们通常的表达形式在本质上不是分析性的;好象在形式里藏着某些东西须要把它揭露出来。’维特根斯坦说之这句话  相似文献   

孙绵涛教授撰写的英文著作“The Concept of Tizhi (system) in Chinese Education”(《中国教育体制论》)(Liaoning people' s House, 2004),  相似文献   

国外有关毛泽东与毛泽东思想研究书目约翰·鲁:《在野的毛泽东,1927—1935》(1966年) Mao Tse-tung in opposition, 1927—1935. By John E. Rue (Stanford. Stanford University Press. 1966. Pp. 378) 埃勒根特:《毛泽东的大革命》(1971年)  相似文献   

This paper mainly focuses on investigating to what extent and how listening comprehension was affected by students‘anxiety, which was considered to be one of the factors to which EFL/ESL teachers must pay attention. The author of the thesis used a questionnaire on trait anxiety and one on state anxiety to look into students‘anxiety levels exhibited in the listening part of the College English Band IV Test. 52 subjects from the Inner Mongolia (Polytechn:c) University of Technology were involved in the investigation. Data collected from the investigation were statistically analyzed using SPSS 10. 0. The research findings indicate that anxiety is a factor to affect the students’ listening performances, that means the reduction of trait anxiety levels may facilitate listening performances of the students. Visualization is a promising technique for treatment.  相似文献   

The Meaning of Poetry in the "Life World" before Warring States Period CAI Xian-jin ( University of Jinan, Jinan 20022 , China )  相似文献   

梅尔堡:《科学的途径》The Reach of Science.By Henryk Mehlberg.(University of Toronto Press,1958.Pp.356)美国《哲学杂志》(1959年1月29日)发表的评论说,〔本书作者〕前任多伦多大学教授、现任芝加哥大学教授梅尔堡是在波兰出生和受教育的。他在1935和1936年发表的关于时间因果性理论的文章,在美国引起过人们的兴趣。本书提供了一个获得知识的方法的纲要,而这些方法正是波兰、奥地  相似文献   

《最初的俄国修正主义者:对俄国合法马克思主义的研究》The First Russian Revisionists:A Study of LegalMarxism in Russia.By Richard Kindersley.(Oxford:Clarendon Press,1962.Pp.viii+260)据美国《现代史杂志》(1963年12月号)介绍称,作者在这本有趣的著作中论述十九世纪九十年代俄国马克思主义的修正主义者,特别是论述到下列五位最杰出的人物:司徒卢威(Peter Struve)、图  相似文献   

艾伦·沃尔夫:《合法的局限性:当代资本主义的政治矛盾》 The Limits of Legitimacy:Political Contradictions of ContemporaryCapitalism.By Alan Wolfe.(NewYork:The Free Press.1979.Pp.432) 据美国《社会学与社会研究》季刊1979年7月号的报导说,在《合法的局限  相似文献   

中国社会科学院研究生院法学系2002级博士生蒋劲松撰著的英文本The NationalPeople’s Congress of China(《中国全国人大》),2003年由北京外文出版社出版。全书560页。 英文本《中国全国人大》是中国政治学者向  相似文献   

0.0 What is‘fuzziness’?Before inquiring into the fuzziness of language,we should first of all understand what‘fuzziness’is.The term didnot become a scientific term until L.A.Zadeh,an American Professor of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,published his thesis“Fuzzy Sets”in 1965.Up to then linguists and philosophers had been using‘vagueness’instead of‘fuzziness’.And now some still use the term‘vagueness’while others use‘fuzziness’,but both of them bear the samemeaning.A.Shaff,a Polish linguist,asserted that‘fuzziness’is“indicated by the finite area and lack of specification of itsboundary”(1965).Zadeh defined his‘fuzzy set’from the dynamic point of view.He points out that‘fuzzy set’is“a  相似文献   

Professor LIU Li-gang,male,of Han nationality,was born in Shenyang,Liaoning Province in July,1955,member of Communist Party of China.In 1983,he graduated from Department of Economy,Liaoning University with BA degree.In 1999,he received Doctoral degree of Management from Liaoning University.In 2000,he was honored Ph.D supervisor by Liaoning University and post-doctorial co-supervisor in 2002.In 2008,Prof.Liu went to Indiana State University in America as a visiting scholar.Since 1983 when he took a teachi...  相似文献   

1.China University of Petroleum:a.School of Physics Science and Technology,b.College of Petroleum Engineering,Dongying Shandong 257061,China;2.Luning Transmit Oil Section,Pipeline Storage & Transportation Company,SINOPEC,Zoucheng Shandong 273500,China)JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY(SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY EDITION),VOL.31,NO.6,85-88,2009(ISSN 1674-5086,in Chinese  相似文献   

罗勃特·坎贝尔:《苏联石油和天然气工业趋势》 Robert W. Campbell. Trends in the Soviet Oil and Gas Industry. BaltimoreMD, and London, Johns Hopkins University Press. 1976. 杰里米·拉塞尔:《苏联对外政策的一种因素——能源》 Jeremy Russell. Energy as a Factor in Soviet Foreign Policy. London, SaxonHouse, D. C. Heath Ltd., and Lexington Books, D. C. Heath and Company, 1976. 莱恩·爱略特:《苏联能源平衡:天然气、其他矿物燃料和可选用的动力资源》  相似文献   

"The European War" and Modernization of China
QIU Wei-jun ( Department of History, Tunghai University of Taiwan, Taizhong 40744, China)
The dispute between Universal Modernity and Multiple Modernities is the most critical among all of them created by Modenity. The dispute of Modernity often publicizes the tendency of General Modernity in the form of Activism During the Transitional Periods (1895--1925). Meanwhile, Multiple Modernities, in most cases, are regarded as conservatism or reactionism. The research into "European War( 1914--1918) " is able to bet- ter understand the ideological significance, reconsidering the ideologies in "Eastern Miscellany" and "New Youth" periods.  相似文献   

正日前,本刊编辑部接到读者来信,反映作者王东浩(所在单位:南开大学哲学院)发表于本刊2014年第1期的文章《人工智能体的道德确立与伦理困境》【文章编号:1672-0202(2014)01-0116-07】大量文字翻译自英文论文集Robot Ethics:The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics(Patrick Lin,Keith Abney,George A Bekey.[M].Cambridge USA:The MIT Press,2011)第55-68页的论文Moral Machines:Contradiction in Terms or Abdication of Human Responsibility  相似文献   

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