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基于一项延伸、跟踪项目在北京地区对中学生、教师和学生的家长所做的实证问卷调查的统计资料,描述和分析了北京地区学生接受青春期教育的现状,对青春期教育内容的需求以及家长、学校对青春期教育的认识与态度,提出了一些加强青春期教育的看法.  相似文献   

本调查报告以陇南市武都区偏远农村学校教师流动的现状为例,通过问卷调查、统计分析,发现武都区农村教师流以中青年教师为主,流动的方向单一,普遍从农村学校流向城市学校。针对这种现象,笔者认为政府应加大对农村义务教育投入力度,扶持偏远农村学校发展,制定教师队伍的合理流动政策,为农村教师提供外出深造交流的机会,进一步深化农村教育改革,加强农村教育制度创新,来促进偏远农村教育的持续、健康、协调发展。  相似文献   

王志凤 《职业》2020,(8):30-31
以宣城市信息工程学校二年级学生为调查和研究对象,采用心理症状自评量表scl90和访谈法进行调查。结论如下:第一,中职学生心理健康状况较差;第二,中职学生的心理健康状况存在着性别差异,女生的心理健康水平明显低于男生;第三,心理问题的产生反映出人格在个人成长过程中的偏离。最后,以笔者和各位同仁的长期教育工作经验为依据,提出相应的教育对策。  相似文献   

小学是学生学习的启蒙阶段,教育者应合理把握这段时间,利用科学的读写教学方法激发学生的读写兴趣,培养学生的读写能力,继而为学生后期的学习和发展夯实基础。  相似文献   

对于小学高年级学生来讲,在数学中应用题解题是最为重要的一部分,应用题能够在数学知识、思维能力、逻辑能力、推理能力等方面进行综合性的考察,但在目前小学数学高年级应用题教学中仍然受到传统教学模式的影响,在教学中仍然存在诸多问题,导致学生在解决应用题时仍然无从下手,无法提高小学数学高年级学生在解决数学应用题时的能力.因此,这...  相似文献   

黄广智 《社会学》2003,(3):20-23,15
在当今的多元化社会里,社会正以其强大的侵蚀力影响着身在“象牙塔”中的莘莘学子。高校学生是国家现代化建设的重要后备军,也是国民中素质较高的一个群体。本次调查通过对广东高校学生的所思所想、所作所为深入了解,研究并掌握当前广东高校学生的思想状况。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》指出,小学语文必须高度重视引导学生进行课外阅读.并首次把“丰富语言的积累”写进了教学目的,对学生的阅读量还做了明确的规定:高年级课外阅读总量不少于100万字,即每学期应达到25万字,相当于高年级的语文课本5本书左右.因此,在开放的语文教育体系中,课外阅读不是游离于语文教育过程之外的“点缀”,而是语文教育的一个重要组成部分.引领孩子们进行快乐的课外阅读,让孩子们在浩瀚的书海中遨游.我在班级开展了“我喜欢,我阅读”的课外阅读指导活动,并注重在以下五个环节都努力激发学生阅读兴趣,有所收获.  相似文献   

小学阶段英语学习重在知识的积累和良好学习习惯的养成。阅读教学对学生词汇的积累,口语能力的培养起到积极促进作用。在当前的小学英语教学中,很多教师忽视阅读教学的重要性,只注重书本词汇、语法识记与讲习,导致很多学生词汇量不足,知识面狭窄,英语思维不完善。文章如实分析影响学生阅读能力提高的原因,探讨提升学生英语阅读能力的有效策略。  相似文献   

小学高年级数学应用题“三步教学法”是依据小学生学习数学知识心理特点和思维特征,重视思维过程,缩小思维跨度,进行多步教学,使学生找到一套理解、分析和解答数学应用题的具体思维模式,从而加快提高学生的思维能力和提高小学生高年级数学应用题的教学质量.  相似文献   

作文,是衡量学生语文水平的重要尺度。新课标要求作文教学应有整体思路,要循序渐进。学生作文重在自我表达,发展个性;重在交流信息,传达思想,适应社会需要。然而,当前的作文教学着实令人担忧。十几年的语文教学经历,使我对作文教学也有了一些浅显的认识。  相似文献   

绝大多数中学生都和异性有过交往,都有异性朋友.中学生在异性交往的过程中,要注意避免不敢交往和过密交往两个误区.老师和家长要正确引导.  相似文献   

The views and knowledge level of 135 randomly selected secondary school teachers in the Abeokuta Local Government Area of Ogun State in Nigeria on drug abuse were sought through a self-report anonymous questionnaire. The respondents were mostly male (59.3%) under the age of thirty years (89.6%). The majority (59.3%) were never exposed to drug education as students while less than 20 percent have been exposed since qualifying as teachers. Although the majority had a good concept of the definition of drug abuse, their views on the potential drugs of abuse and the concept of "drug dependence" were inadequate. Eighty-five and nine-tenths percent chose "guidance counselling" as the approach to the management of student drug abusers despite the death of this professional cadre in the schools. The authors gave suggestions on the pattern and content of teacher-targeted formal drug education program in light of the findings.  相似文献   


Telecollaboration involving children around the world allows them to develop international understanding (IU). This paper reports on the design and implementation of a telecollaboration project between Japanese and Australian primary school students. The main purpose of the project, which integrates the contents of Social Studies and foreign language (FL) education, is to promote student interest in learning their own and a foreign language, as well as a foreign culture, using an educational social network site (SNS), in this case Edmodo. This study focused on Japanese students in particular. The exchange of cultural information online became a meaningful and authentic activity for communication in FL. Additionally, the evaluation showed that the Japanese students became more motivated to learn English and initiate IU. A curriculum-based telecollaboration project involving a long-term plan – instead of a one-off activity – is recommended in order to develop young students’ IU in FL education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to introduce the cross-disciplinary competency standards for work-related assessments, why they are needed and how they have been developed in New South Wales (NSW). Cross-disciplinary competency standards communicate the benchmarks for effective performance of work-related assessments. They outline what is expected of rehabilitation professionals, including the ability to apply and transfer competence across different conditions and workplace contexts. Outcomes in occupational rehabilitation are affected by the efficacy of the work-related assessments performed, which is dependent upon competent, clinical decision-making by rehabilitation professionals. However, in Australia, work-related assessment practice is not governed by universally accepted competency standards or by any competency-based training/education and assessment system. To enhance professional practice, WorkCover NSW has developed cross-disciplinary competency standards for work-related a ssessments. The competencies provide (i) quality standards for professional workplace training and development, (ii) benchmarks for assessing the competence of rehabilitation professionals, (iii) a framework for evidence-based practice, (iv) benchmarks for measuring service quality and (v) "real world" learning outcomes and assessment criteria for professional education programs.  相似文献   

This study examines factors related to school achievement among low-income urban families in the Sudan. Data were obtained during January-February 1992 from a sample of 198 students aged 6-10 years from boys' and girls' schools in Ombada settlement in Khartoum, Elhag-Yousif in Khartoum North, and Arkwait in Khartoum. 53.5% of the sample were first enrolled in school after the age of 7 years. About 30% were enrolled prior to the age of 7 years. 4.5% had repeated a grade. About 25% had perfect attendance. 37% were absent for 1-2% of school days; 18.2% were absent for 3-4% of school days, and a similar percentage were absent for 5% or more of school days. Over 66% were absent due to medical reasons. About 41% of math scores and 58% of language scores were above 50, out of a possible total score of 60. 29% of math scores and 21% of language scores ranged from 41 to 50. 13.5% of math scores and 10.5% of language scores were failing. Class size ranged from 53 to 102 persons per class. Children who were enrolled in the higher grades tended to have been enrolled at a later age. The age of enrollment was negatively related to maternal educational level and weight for age. Poorly educated mothers tended to enroll their children later, and lower weight-for-age children tended to be enrolled later. Students from boys' schools in Khartoum and schools in the Khartoum area had a higher absenteeism rate. Students whose fathers were laborers or self-employed had greater absences. Children whose mothers had lower educational levels had greater absenteeism. Children with lower weight-for-height had more absenteeism. Absenteeism was positively correlated with height-for-age and the number of types of illnesses that the child had during the school year. Students who lived in Khartoum North had higher scores. Findings indicate that educational outcomes were related to home background and health conditions.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine current knowledge and perceptions toward primary care providers commonly staffed at student health centers (PAs and NPs), and also assess the effectiveness of information-rich provider biographies to improve knowledge and perceptions. Participants: One thousand six hundred forty six students from 2 universities in 2 states participated in this study from February to November, 2016. Methods: An online survey. Students were exposed to an improved biography of an NP discussing how she can perform many of the same duties as primary care physicians. Changes in knowledge and perceptions were assessed pre- and post-biography exposure. Results: More than half of students are unaware NPs and PAs can prescribe medications and diagnose illnesses. Students exposed to the biography increased their knowledge of NPs, and perceptions of their expertise. Conclusions: Results suggest improved provider biographies on student health centers' websites can help reduce the knowledge deficit that exists among students regarding common primary care providers.  相似文献   

This study critically examines knowledge in elementary school textbooks in China. Language analysis and story‐line analysis are used to examine how the knowledge related to minority groups and how the knowledge related to the Han group are introduced and interpreted. This study finds that the Han knowledge dominates elementary school textbooks in China and that minority knowledge and culture are under‐represented, which demonstrates that the dominant Han group’s knowledge is seen as the ‘truth’ while minority knowledge is seen as backward. Moreover, through the dominant Han group’s selection and construction of school knowledge, the Han group reproduces its ideology and legitimates its hegemonic control over minority groups. Minority knowledge and culture are, therefore, subjugated.  相似文献   

Summary This article has indicated the use, and attitudes toward use, of newer, perhaps questionable, treatment modes by social workers and has considered some related problems. It suggests that it is imperative for the profession to begin exploring these problems and developing forums, instruments, and mechanisms whereby the issues can be addressed and policy formulated and implemented.The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of graduate social work students Ronald Bailey, Sally King, Colleen McGuigan, Barbara Sejnoski, and David Stout, on questionnaire construction and evaluation.  相似文献   

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