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第16届亚运会将于2010年11月12日在广州举行,这是继2008年北京奥运会后在我国举办的又一国际体育盛会。 北京奥运会的成功缘于很多因素,其中一个很重要的因素来自奥运志愿者的支持。奥运会是运动员的盛会,也是志愿者的盛会。现代奥运会从一开始就与志愿者结下渊源。1896年第一届现代奥运会在希腊雅典举办时就出现了为奥运会服务的志愿者。  相似文献   

“世博会是上海的盛会也是世界的盛会。来自世界各地的人们融洽地聚集在同—片蓝天下,共同完成这件美妙而又错综复杂的‘工程’,其实,并没有真正意义上的‘志愿者’与‘非志愿者’,只要心怀良知与责任,大家都可成为‘志愿者'……我想说,是纯朴而善良的人们,是鲜活而美丽的生活,让这个城市更美好。” ——一名上海世博志愿者马莉在博客中写道  相似文献   

陈海燕 《城市》2011,(5):72-76
2010年上海世博会是一场“成功、精彩、难忘”的盛会,它的顺利举办离不开近200万世博志愿者184天的兢兢业业、无私奉献。经过这次世博会,志愿者形象深刻地印在人们心间,志愿者精神在全社会也得到了极大的提倡和弘扬。  相似文献   

当前,2008年北京奥运会的江西地区志愿者招募工作已进入尾声。至此,’2008奥运的志愿服务在江西逐渐成为一种时尚。自2006年12月5日团省委、省青年志愿者协会在南昌隆重举行"弘扬志愿精神、共建和谐江西——第21个‘国际志愿者日’暨2008北京奥运志愿者(江西地区)招募宣传"活动,江西奥运会志愿招募工作开始造势。  相似文献   

科技奥运 惠及百姓(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥运会,不仅仅是一次体育盛会,也是国家综合实力的集中展现。奥运赛场,不仅是运动员为"更快、更高、更强"的目标奋力拼搏的竞技场,也是最新科技成果竞妖娆的"比武场"。  相似文献   

2009年年末,北京奥运会志愿者工作成果转化研究课题组正式发布了《2008北京奥运会、残奥会志愿者工作成果转化研究报告》,课题组通过广泛的调查指出,北京奥运会志愿者工作不仅创下了参与面最广报名人数和志愿者人数最多的记录,其诸多创新工作模式更将对“后奥运”时代的志愿者工作产生重要意义。  相似文献   

志愿服务是成功举办大型赛会的关键因素之一,大型赛会志愿服务工作也面临越来越多的挑战。从近几年来在我国举办的几次大型赛会,尤其是2008年北京奥运会看,志愿服务的组织管理工作卓有成效,但与西方发达国家相比,我国志愿者工作起步晚、经验不足,在认知水平、组织管理、法律保障、志愿者资源和结构等方面都存在差距。  相似文献   

对志愿者的激励和认可,不论是在志愿服务蓬勃发展的中国,还是在志愿服务较为普遍和成熟的美国,都是志愿服务项目管理中的一个重要环节。但是,由于文化差异、经济发展水平不同等因素,在对志愿者的激励上,中美两国存在着很大的差异。  相似文献   

研究制定出科学且行之有效的激励方式对于保障冬奥志愿者权益,提升志愿服务水平具有重要的现实意义。本人作为2022北京冬奥会志愿者,从志愿者角度出发,针对冬奥志愿者激励方式进行了调研,发现存在的不足,并具体分析原因,提出相应的建议,创新冬奥志愿者激励保障方案,促进其主动性全面提升,有利于整体上提高志愿服务的水平,对促进构建和谐社会发挥着重要的作用,同时也可以为其他城市及大型赛事的志愿服务事业提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

"世博会"的全称是世界博览会,它是由一个国家的政府主办、多个国家或国际组织参加的国际性大型博览会。世博会是非贸易型的博览会,历史悠久,它的诞生比奥运会还要早45年。"成功奥运,精彩世博"——中国在21世纪初举办的两大盛会,奥运会开幕式向世界展示了中国辉煌的过去;而上海世博会,将让世界窥见这个国家的未来!  相似文献   

第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会将于2022年2月在北京市和张家口市举行。近年来,随着中国冰雪运动飞速发展,涌现出一批优秀女性冰雪运动员。为此,《中国妇女》英文月刊特别推出“冬奥之星”栏目,重点展现她们为国争光的巾帼风采。本期,让我们一起走近花样滑冰双人滑运动员隋文静。  相似文献   

如今.象征着和平、友谊和希望的奥林匹克圣火已经点燃。以"和谐之旅"为主题的北京奥运会火炬接力也拉开了帷幕,从而奏响北京2008年奥运会精彩的序曲。圣火将在"祥云"火炬的承载下传遍世界各地和整个中国.有史以来.这是奥林匹亚圣火和中国人民最近距离的亲密接触。  相似文献   

2008年5月8日上午9点12分,珠穆朗玛峰霞光四射,祥云在顶峰飘动,五色经幡、五色哈达迎风飘扬,满载着全中国全世界人民的热切期望,2008北京奥运会圣火登临海拔8844.43米的世界"屋脊"——珠穆朗玛峰。奥运圣火第一次在地球之巅熊熊燃烧,这是我们中国人创造的又一项奇迹。这一刻,奥林匹克精神在世界最高峰传递和平与友谊;这一刻将毫无疑问地被载入史册。  相似文献   

The Summer Olympics bring hundreds of thousands of visitors and generate upward of $10 billion in spending for the host city. This large influx of tourism dollars is only part of the overall impact of hosting the Olympic Games. In order to host the visitors and sporting events, cities must make sizable investments in infrastructure such as airports, arenas, and highways. Additionally, the publicity and international exposure of a host city may benefit international trade and capital flows. Proponents argue that this investment will pay off through increased economic growth, but research confirming these claims is lacking. This paper examines whether hosting an Olympiad improves a city's long‐term growth. In order to control for the self‐selection of cities that host Olympic Games, this paper matches Olympic host cities with cities that were finalists for the Olympic Games, but were not selected by the International Olympic Committee. A difference‐in‐difference estimator examines post‐Olympic impacts for host cities between 1950 and 2005. Regression results provide no long‐term impacts of hosting an Olympics on two measures of population, real Gross Domestic Product per capita and trade openness. (JEL O18, R11)  相似文献   

This study examines whether the performance of a country in the Olympics would affect its national image in the eyes of a Chinese audience. Guided by the theoretical perspectives of agenda setting and cultivation analysis, the project intends to test whether the highly publicized Olympic Games have a globally accepted effect of bolstering national image, as politicians and governments claim they do. Based on data from panel surveys and the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Medal Index, this study found that the overall performance of a country in the Olympic Games was positively correlated with both its current and comparative scores of national image in the minds of Chinese audiences. However, an increase in the number of medals collected during the two Olympics by developing countries did not benefit national image. Agenda setting theorizes that only a few top agendas can successfully draw attention from the public. National image is a very stable perception built by macro and long-term factors. For most countries, their overall performance in the Olympic Games varies within a limited range. As long as a developed country can stay within its tier, its national image is not likely to diminish. Meanwhile, as long as a developing country is unable to enter the “elite club” of Olympic champions, winning a few medals will not lead to a positive change in its national image.  相似文献   

This paper examines the wider social impacts of hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games and its 'legacy' ambitions in East London, emphasizing securitization as an inbuilt feature of the urban regeneration project. Drawing on extensive original empirical research, the paper analyses the modalities of Olympic safety and security practices within the Olympic Park itself and their wider impact, while also connecting this research to theorization and debates in urban sociology and criminology. In this complex setting, a raft of formal and informal, often subtle, regulatory mechanisms have emerged, especially as visions of social ordering focused on 'cleansing' and 'purifying' have 'leaked out' from the hyper-securitized 'sterilized' environment of the Olympic Park and become embedded within the Olympic neighbourhood. In such complex circumstances, applying Douglas' (1966) work on purity and danger to the spatial realm provides a key conceptual framework to understand the form and impact of such processes. The imposition of order can be seen to not only perform 'cleansing' functions, but also articulate multiple symbolic, expressive and instrumental roles.  相似文献   

In these times of dwindling resources for human services, the elderly are considered by many policy analysts and researchers to be the largest untapped source for volunteer recruitment In this article we identify the origins of this societal expectation, its current actualization, and then analyze factors contributing to and deterring actual deployment of large numbers of elderly as volunteers. To assist in this analysis we have employed the conceptual framework that examines expected age, period, and cohort effects among the elderly on volunteerism in order to provide a basis for more realistic projections. Our findings indicate that elderly volunteers cannot be viewed as the cure-all to a squeeze on economic resources. In light of expected changes in future cohorts, elderly volunteers can be expected to increase their contribution only if creative recruitment and bahhg methods will be used by volunteer administrators.  相似文献   

In these times of dwindling resources for human services, the elderly are considered by many policy analysts and researchers to be the largest untapped source for volunteer recruitment. In this article we identify the origins of this societal expectation, its current actualization, and then analyze factors contributing to and deterring actual deployment of large numbers of elderly as volunteers. To assist in this analysis we have employed the conceptual framework that examines expected age, period, and cohort effects among the elderly on volunteerism in order to provide a basis for more realistic projections. Our findings indicate that elderly volunteers cannot be viewed as the cure-all to a squeeze on economic resources. In light of expected changes in future cohorts, elderly volunteers can be expected to increase their contribution only if creative recruitment and training methods will be used by volunteer administrators.  相似文献   

More and more foreign visitors have been flocking to China in recent years.Moreover,the upcoming 29th Olympic Games have made Beijing a hot tourist destination.As a result,more and more foreigners are trying to learn Chinese in China.Women of China will introduce foreigners,in an easy and lively way,to some basic Chinese sentences related to leisure life,which they might find helpful in improving their competency in Chinese.  相似文献   

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