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In this paper, we study the performance of the most popular bootstrap schemes for multilevel data. Also, we propose a modified version of the wild bootstrap procedure for hierarchical data structures. The wild bootstrap does not require homoscedasticity or assumptions on the distribution of the error processes. Hence, it is a valuable tool for robust inference in a multilevel framework. We assess the finite size performances of the schemes through a Monte Carlo study. The results show that for big sample sizes it always pays off to adopt an agnostic approach as the wild bootstrap outperforms other techniques.  相似文献   

Summary.  Traditional studies of school differences in educational achievement use multilevel modelling techniques to take into account the nesting of pupils within schools. However, educational data are known to have more complex non-hierarchical structures. The potential importance of such structures is apparent when considering the effect of pupil mobility during secondary schooling on educational achievement. Movements of pupils between schools suggest that we should model pupils as belonging to the series of schools that are attended and not just their final school. Since these school moves are strongly linked to residential moves, it is important to explore additionally whether achievement is also affected by the history of neighbourhoods that are lived in. Using the national pupil database, this paper combines multiple membership and cross-classified multilevel models to explore simultaneously the relationships between secondary school, primary school, neighbourhood and educational achievement. The results show a negative relationship between pupil mobility and achievement, the strength of which depends greatly on the nature and timing of these moves. Accounting for pupil mobility also reveals that schools and neighbourhoods are more important than shown by previous analysis. A strong primary school effect appears to last long after a child has left that phase of schooling. The additional effect of neighbourhoods, in contrast, is small. Crucially, the rank order of school effects across all types of pupil is sensitive to whether we account for the complexity of the multilevel data structure.  相似文献   

The ANOVA-F test is the most popular and commonly used procedure for comparing J independent groups. However, it is well known that this method is very sensitive to non-normality, which has led to the derivation of alternative techniques based on robust estimators. In this work, ANOVA-F-test, trimmed mean Welch test, bootstrap-t trimmed mean Welch test, Schrader and Hettmansperger method with trimmed means, a percentile bootstrap method with trimmed means and a newly proposed method were compared in terms of both the Type I error probability and power. The proposed method compares well with ANOVA-F and other alternatives under various situations.  相似文献   

Real time series can present anomalies, like non-additivity, non-normality, and heteroscedasticity, which makes using GARMA models impossible. Our article introduces a new class of models called Transformed Generalized Autoregressive Moving Average (TGARMA) models that allow using transformations to guarantee the GARMA assumptions. We present an extensive simulation study of the influence of the transformation on GARMA estimation. We also propose using bootstrap methods to get more information about the distribution of the transformation parameter. We apply the methodology to data related to annual Swedish fertility rates.  相似文献   

Under non-normality, this article is concerned with testing diagonality of high-dimensional covariance matrix, which is more practical than testing sphericity and identity in high-dimensional setting. The existing testing procedure for diagonality is not robust against either the data dimension or the data distribution, producing tests with distorted type I error rates much larger than nominal levels. This is mainly due to bias from estimating some functions of high-dimensional covariance matrix under non-normality. Compared to the sphericity and identity hypotheses, the asymptotic property of the diagonality hypothesis would be more involved and we should be more careful to deal with bias. We develop a correction that makes the existing test statistic robust against both the data dimension and the data distribution. We show that the proposed test statistic is asymptotically normal without the normality assumption and without specifying an explicit relationship between the dimension p and the sample size n. Simulations show that it has good size and power for a wide range of settings.  相似文献   

We study various bootstrap and permutation methods for matched pairs, whose distributions can have different shapes even under the null hypothesis of no treatment effect. Although the data may not be exchangeable under the null, we investigate different permutation approaches as valid procedures for finite sample sizes. It will be shown that permutation or bootstrap schemes, which neglect the dependency structure in the data, are asymptotically valid. Simulation studies show that these new tests improve the power of the t-test under non-normality.  相似文献   


Asymptotic and bootstrap tests for inequality measures are known to perform poorly in finite samples when the underlying distribution is heavy-tailed. We propose Monte Carlo permutation and bootstrap methods for the problem of testing the equality of inequality measures between two samples. Results cover the Generalized Entropy class, which includes Theil’s index, the Atkinson class of indices, and the Gini index. We analyze finite-sample and asymptotic conditions for the validity of the proposed methods, and we introduce a convenient rescaling to improve finite-sample performance. Simulation results show that size correct inference can be obtained with our proposed methods despite heavy tails if the underlying distributions are sufficiently close in the upper tails. Substantial reduction in size distortion is achieved more generally. Studentized rescaled Monte Carlo permutation tests outperform the competing methods we consider in terms of power.  相似文献   

Process capability indices (PCIs) are tools widely used by the industries to determine the quality of their products and the performance of their manufacturing processes. Classic versions of these indices were constructed for processes whose quality characteristics have a normal distribution. In practice, many of these characteristics do not follow this distribution. In such a case, the classic PCIs must be modified to take into account the non-normality. Ignoring the effect of this non-normality can lead to misinterpretation of the process capability and ill-advised business decisions. An asymmetric non-normal model that is receiving considerable attention due to its good properties is the Birnbaum–Saunders (BS) distribution. We propose, develop, implement and apply a methodology based on PCIs for BS processes considering estimation, parametric inference, bootstrap and optimization tools. This methodology is implemented in the statistical software {\tt R}. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate its performance. Real-world case studies with applications for three data sets are carried out to illustrate its potentiality. One of these data sets was already published and is associated with the electronic industry, whereas the other two are unpublished and associated with the food industry.  相似文献   

The authors propose a bootstrap procedure which estimates the distribution of an estimating function by resampling its terms using bootstrap techniques. Studentized versions of this so‐called estimating function (EF) bootstrap yield methods which are invariant under reparametrizations. This approach often has substantial advantage, both in computation and accuracy, over more traditional bootstrap methods and it applies to a wide class of practical problems where the data are independent but not necessarily identically distributed. The methods allow for simultaneous estimation of vector parameters and their components. The authors use simulations to compare the EF bootstrap with competing methods in several examples including the common means problem and nonlinear regression. They also prove symptotic results showing that the studentized EF bootstrap yields higher order approximations for the whole vector parameter in a wide class of problems.  相似文献   

In the applied sciences, it is often important to be able to compare the mean values of two populations. However, testing a hypothesis can be complex, if the two populations are heteroscedastic and exhibit non-normality in the data. This paper reviews currently available strategies for the multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem. It then carries out Monte Carlo comparisons of selected procedures to assess their robustness when applied to data from normal mixture distributions. The overall conclusion is that Johansen's procedure appears to work best for small sample data both in terms of empirical power and significance level. Johansen's procedure works reasonably well even with mixture data. The simulation also provides researchers with specific guidelines to follow at the early designing and planning stages of the investigation.  相似文献   

It is an important problem to compare two time series in many applications. In this paper, a computational bootstrap procedure is proposed to test if two dependent stationary time series have the same autocovariance structures. The blocks of blocks bootstrap on bivariate time series is employed to estimate the covariance matrix which is necessary in order to construct the proposed test statistic. Without much additional effort, the bootstrap critical values can also be computed as a byproduct from the same bootstrap procedure. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is obtained. A simulation study is conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the test. The simulation results show that the proposed procedure with the bootstrap critical values performs well empirically and is especially useful when time series are short and non-normal. The proposed test is applied to an analysis of a real data set to understand the relationship between the input and output signals of a chemical process.  相似文献   

Although regression estimates are quite robust to slight departure from normality, symmetric prediction intervals assuming normality can be highly unsatisfactory and problematic if the residuals have a skewed distribution. For data with distributions outside the class covered by the Generalized Linear Model, a common way to handle non-normality is to transform the response variable. Unfortunately, transforming the response variable often destroys the theoretical or empirical functional relationship connecting the mean of the response variable to the explanatory variables established on the original scale. Further complication arises if a single transformation cannot both stabilize variance and attain normality. Furthermore, practitioners also find the interpretation of highly transformed data not obvious and often prefer an analysis on the original scale. The present paper presents an alternative approach for handling simultaneously heteroscedasticity and non-normality without resorting to data transformation. Unlike classical approaches, the proposed modeling allows practitioners to formulate the mean and variance relationships directly on the original scale, making data interpretation considerably easier. The modeled variance relationship and form of non-normality in the proposed approach can be easily examined through a certain function of the standardized residuals. The proposed method is seen to remain consistent for estimating the regression parameters even if the variance function is misspecified. The method along with some model checking techniques is illustrated with a real example.  相似文献   

In certain statistical process control applications, performance of a product or process can be monitored effectively using a linear profile or a linear relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. In this article, we design a nonparametric bootstrap control chart for monitoring simple linear profiles based on T 2 statistic. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method in phase II. The average and standard deviation of the run length under different shifts in the intercept, slope, and standard deviation are considered as the performance measures. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed bootstrap control chart improves as the size of the available data increases.  相似文献   

Six procedures which convert tests of homogeneity of variance into tests for mean equality for independent groups are compared. The tests are the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Welch F statistics. The Welch statistics are included since it was anticipated that ANOVA would not provide a robust test when samples of unequal sizes are obtained from non-normal populations. However, the Welch tests are not found to be uniformly preferrable. In addition, a prior recommendation for Miller's jackknife procedure is not supported for the unequal sample size case. The data indicates that the current tests for variance heterogeneity are either sensitive to non-normality or, if robust, lacking in power. Therefore, these tests cannot be recommended for the purpose of testing the validity of the ANOVA homogeneity assumption.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider autoregressive processes with random coefficients and develop bootstrap approaches that asymptotically work for the distribution of estimated autoregressive parameter as well as for the distribution of estimated variances of the innovation noise and the disturbance noise. We discuss how to obtain approximative residuals of the process and how to separate between the innovation and the disturbance noise in order to be able to extend the classical residual bootstrap for autoregressive processes to the situation considered in this paper. Thereafter, we propose a wild bootstrap procedure as a variation of the residual bootstrap that uses estimated densities of the innovation and the disturbance noise to generate bootstrap replicates of the data generating process. The consistency of the bootstrap approaches is established and their performance is illustrated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

During recent years, analysts have been relying on approximate methods of inference to estimate multilevel models for binary or count data. In an earlier study of random-intercept models for binary outcomes we used simulated data to demonstrate that one such approximation, known as marginal quasi-likelihood, leads to a substantial attenuation bias in the estimates of both fixed and random effects whenever the random effects are non-trivial. In this paper, we fit three-level random-intercept models to actual data for two binary outcomes, to assess whether refined approximation procedures, namely penalized quasi-likelihood and second-order improvements to marginal and penalized quasi-likelihood, also underestimate the underlying parameters. The extent of the bias is assessed by two standards of comparison: exact maximum likelihood estimates, based on a Gauss–Hermite numerical quadrature procedure, and a set of Bayesian estimates, obtained from Gibbs sampling with diffuse priors. We also examine the effectiveness of a parametric bootstrap procedure for reducing the bias. The results indicate that second-order penalized quasi-likelihood estimates provide a considerable improvement over the other approximations, but all the methods of approximate inference result in a substantial underestimation of the fixed and random effects when the random effects are sizable. We also find that the parametric bootstrap method can eliminate the bias but is computationally very intensive.  相似文献   

A test statistic is constructed to test linear relationships in randomly right-censored varying-coefficient models. A residual-based bootstrap procedure is employed to derive the p-value of the test. The performance of the test is examined by extensive simulations. The simulation results show that the bootstrap estimate of the null distribution of the test statistic is approximately valid and the test method with the residual-based bootstrap works satisfactorily for at least moderate censoring rates of the response. Furthermore, the proposed test is applied to the Stanford heart transplant data for exploring a linear regression relationship between the logrithm of the survival time and the age of the patients.  相似文献   

Control charts are one of the most important methods in industrial process control. The acceptance control chart is generally applied in situations when an X¯ chart is used to control the fraction of conforming units produced by the process and where 6-sigma spread of the process is smaller than the spread in the specification limits. Traditionally, when designing control charts, one usually assumes that the data or measurements are normally distributed. However, this assumption may not be true in some processes. In this paper, we use the Burr distribution, which is employed to represent various non-normal distributions, to determine the appropriate control limits or sample size for the acceptance control chart under non-normality. Some numerical examples are given for illustration. From the presented examples, ignoring the effect of non-normality in the data leads to a higher type I or type II error probability.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the performance of tests for a single structural change at unknown date when regressors are stationary, trending and when they have a break in mean. Size and power of the test procedures are compared in a simulation setup particularly aimed at autoregressive models using their limiting distribution and some bootstrap approximations. The comparisons are performed using graphical methods, namely P value discrepancy plots and size–power curves. The simulation study gives some interesting insights to the test procedures. Indeed, it documents that tests based on the conventional asymptotic distribution are oversized in small samples. The size correction is achieved by some bootstrap methods which appear to possess reasonable size properties. For the power study, the proposed bootstrap method improves on the asymptotic approximations of some tests for heteroskedastic regression errors especially when there is a mean-shift in the regressors. This result has not been found for the case of i.i.d. errors where the bootstrap tests have the same power properties as the tests based on the asymptotic approximations. We finally study the relationship between two monthly US interest rates. The results show that such relationship has been altered by a regime-shift located in May 1981.  相似文献   

Bootstrapping the conditional copula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with inference about the dependence or association between two random variables conditionally upon the given value of a covariate. A way to describe such a conditional dependence is via a conditional copula function. Nonparametric estimators for a conditional copula then lead to nonparametric estimates of conditional association measures such as a conditional Kendall's tau. The limiting distributions of nonparametric conditional copula estimators are rather involved. In this paper we propose a bootstrap procedure for approximating these distributions and their characteristics, and establish its consistency. We apply the proposed bootstrap procedure for constructing confidence intervals for conditional association measures, such as a conditional Blomqvist beta and a conditional Kendall's tau. The performances of the proposed methods are investigated via a simulation study involving a variety of models, ranging from models in which the dependence (weak or strong) on the covariate is only through the copula and not through the marginals, to models in which this dependence appears in both the copula and the marginal distributions. As a conclusion we provide practical recommendations for constructing bootstrap-based confidence intervals for the discussed conditional association measures.  相似文献   

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