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北大图书馆长李大钊找到代理校长蒋梦麟,希望能给毛泽东安排一个职位。于是,蒋梦磷写了一张条子:“派毛泽东为图书馆书记.月薪17元。”后来。某英国议员哥玩笑对蒋梦麟说:“如果你那时多给他一点钱,也许毛泽东就不会变成共产党。”  相似文献   

小宝 《领导文萃》2012,(9):86-89
我特别想聊聊徐树铮。他是民国第一个10年里政坛上翻江倒海的角色。虽然他名义上的官职最高不过陆军部次长、国务院秘书长,但他实际上是段祺瑞的智囊,皖系的核心。段祺瑞及其皖系的成败功罪,他起码要负一半责任。正所谓春秋无义战,那  相似文献   

勃列日涅夫是一面镜子,是二十世纪以至人类历史上一面灰蒙蒙的镜子,一面可以照出因为坚持僵化、倒退、反对改革而终于导致国家完全崩溃的镜子。 任何改革者在这面历史镜子面前,都应当抱着如临深渊、如履薄冰的态度:是屈服于反对改革者,还是同反改革者斗争到底,走上复兴的道路。 本文当然不可能去研究勃列日涅  相似文献   

巴依 《办公室业务》2013,(11):63-63
清代大学者俞樾在《俞楼杂纂》里讲过一个笑话:有京朝官出仕于外者,往别其师。师日:“外官不易为,宜慎之。”其人日:“某备有高帽一百,逢人辄送其一,当不至有所龃龉也。”师怒日:“吾辈直道事人,何须如此!”其人日:“天下不喜戴高帽如吾师者,能有几人欤?”师颔其首日:“汝言亦不为无见。”其人出,语人日:“吾高帽一百,今止存九十九矣。”  相似文献   

冯小茹 《领导科学》2002,(12):33-34
由于选择题具有灵活性大、知识覆盖面广以及采分的客观性强和评卷速度快等优点,因此,现在的各种考试中均广泛地采用了选择题,并且所占分数比例很大.  相似文献   

笔试是全国公开选拔党政领导干部考试的重要环节。其特点是考生通过解答试题,让主考机关了解自己的知识深度和广度。众多考生同时临场,有统一的、较客观的评判标准,省时高效,经济易行。但笔试也有很大的局限性,考生不能直观地向招考机关展现自己,而要通过卷面展示自己,因此,有必要了解几种常用的技巧。  相似文献   

笔试作为公开选拔领导干部素质测评的重要手段和必经程序,笔试试题的内容、题型、题量设置是否科学,能否准确地考察干部的真才实学,非常关键,非常重要。  相似文献   

笔试是全国公开选拔党政领导干部考试的重要环节。其特点是考生通过解答试题,让主考机关了解自己的知识深度和广度。众多考生同时临场,有统一的、较客观的评判标准,省时高效,经济易行。但笔试也有很大的局限性,考生不能直观地向招考机关展现自己,而要通过卷面展示自己,因此,有必要了解几种常用的技巧。  相似文献   

笔试是全国公开选拔党政领导干部考试的重要环节。其特点是考生通过解答试题,让主考机关了解自己的知识深度和广度。众多考生同时临场,有统一的、较客观的评判标准,省时高效,经济易行。但笔试也有很大的局限性,考生不能直观地向招考机关展现自己,而要通过卷面展示自己,因此,有必要了解几种常用的技巧。  相似文献   

为了拓宽识人选人视野,建立广纳群贤的选人用人机制,中共北京平谷区委建立了领导干部以个人名义向组织部门书面推荐领导干部人选责任制(简称推荐书制度)。这项制度出台以来,受到了各级领导和社会各界的广泛关注。一、进一步拓宽了选人用人视野。2004年4月初,平谷区委率先在北京市建立区级领导干部及处级领导干部以个人名义向组织部门书面推荐处级、科级领导干部人选责任制,进一步拓宽了选人用人视野。这项制度弥补了组织推荐、群众推荐和个人自荐的不足。从某种意义上讲,基层组织推荐领导干部人选,有时更多的体现的是单位一把手的意志和意愿…  相似文献   

战略理论认为,资源与能力是引致企业竞争优势和绩效差异的重要因素,但鲜有实证研究探讨异质性资源与何种企业能力组合可提升企业绩效的问题。本文通过定量研究分析了资源异质性与资源管理能力不同维度组合对企业绩效影响的效果。数据分析结果表明,资源获取、整合与释放能力维度对资源异质性正向影响企业绩效的作用关系有调节作用,但对不同的资源特质—绩效关系影响程度不同。本研究揭示了资源异质性—企业绩效关系成立的边界条件和影响因素,对企业管理实践有重要意义。  相似文献   

迄今为止,我已经审读了超过100家大公司的领导力描述文件。这些文件大都是一些陈词滥调,讲的也都是企业希望领导者具有怎样的特质——比如说“能够清楚地传达公司未来的愿景”,“帮助人们最大限度地发挥自己的潜力”,“要能从不同的意见当中发掘出其有价值的地方”,“不许偏袒下属”等等。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of staff performance feedback delivered by a supervisor verbally, and combined with written feedback on geriatric nursing assistants' (GNAs) completion of assigned prompted voiding. The goal of the staff management procedures was to increase the frequency of prompted voiding which would consequently maintain improvements in continence brought about on a specialized continence unit. The basic staff management system included GNA self-monitoring of their performance of prompted voiding, periodic supervisory monitoring, and verbal and graphic feedback provided to all GNAs on their performance. At a later time, the staff management program was modified to include letters of praise or disapproval sent bi-weekly to all GNAs based on their performance of the prompted voiding procedure. Also, a letter was sent to all GNAs every three months summarizing their performance during this period. These summary letters were placed in the GNAs' personnel file and used as part of their annual performance evaluation. Results suggest that, although individual verbal feedback alone resulted in acceptable maintenance of prompted voiding, the addition of written feedback produced significant improvements in the number of assigned prompted voiding completed. This study displays the utility and practicality of employing formalized staff management procedures in nursing homes.  相似文献   

This paper develops a specification test for instrument validity in the heterogeneous treatment effect model with a binary treatment and a discrete instrument. The strongest testable implication for instrument validity is given by the condition for nonnegativity of point‐identifiable compliers' outcome densities. Our specification test infers this testable implication using a variance‐weighted Kolmogorov–Smirnov test statistic. The test can be applied to both discrete and continuous outcome cases, and an extension of the test to settings with conditioning covariates is provided.  相似文献   

David Kern 《Omega》1974,2(4):487-496
This article deals with some of the key issues in the long historical controversy about the importance of money in the economy. The Keynesian approach dominated economic thinking until the mid-1960s but with the intensification of inflationary pressures, a monetarist revival took place, particularly in the U.S.A., and there was a growing tendency to re-emphasize the importance of money in economic management and to stress its key role in any anti-inflation strategy. The author examines in detail the empirical evidence and concludes that at this stage the evidence does not support the extreme positions adopted by either side. In the current public discussion about inflation he takes the view that a prices and incomes policy can have an important favourable effect in creating favourable expectations and in offering a reasonably equitable method of reconciling conflicting demands upon the economic system. However, in the long run the containment of inflation requires monetary stability. While the money supply must be allowed to expand steadily in order to provide the financial resources required for economic growth, monetary expansion which is consistently higher than the underlying growth in output is bound to intensify inflationary pressures.  相似文献   

本文分析了网络会计的特点和目前存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策,以期进一步推动网络会计的健康发展.  相似文献   

卞康 《领导科学》2001,(21):34-35
据今年1月16日央视《焦点访谈》报道,浙江省某乡领导以发展地方经济为名,违反国家政策并损害农民利益,占用4.75亩耕地搞开发。就在这个搞形式主义的典型事件中,该乡领导在轻视保护耕地基本国策和……  相似文献   

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