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Between–within models are generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) for clustered data that incorporate a random intercept together with fixed effects for within-cluster and between-cluster covariates; the between-cluster covariates represent the cluster means of the within-cluster covariates. One popular use of these models is to adjust for confounding of the effect of within-cluster covariates due to unmeasured between-cluster covariates. Previous research has shown via simulations that using this approach can yield inconsistent estimators. We present theory and simulations as evidence that a primary cause of the inconsistency is heteroscedasticity of the linearized version of the GLMM used for estimation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce classical and Bayesian approaches for the Basu–Dhar bivariate geometric distribution in the presence of covariates and censored data. This distribution is considered for the analysis of bivariate lifetime as an alternative to some existing bivariate lifetime distributions assuming continuous lifetimes as the Block and Basu or Marshall and Olkin bivariate distributions. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators are presented. Two examples are considered to illustrate the proposed methodology: an example with simulated data and an example with medical bivariate lifetime data.  相似文献   

Using rounded data to estimate moments and regression coefficients typically biases the estimates. We explore the bias-inducing effects of rounding, thereby reviewing widely dispersed and often half forgotten results in the literature. Under appropriate conditions, these effects can be approximately rectified by versions of Sheppard’s correction formula. We discuss the conditions under which these approximations are valid and also investigate the efficiency loss caused by rounding. The rounding error, which corresponds to the measurement error of a measurement error model, has a marginal distribution, which can be approximated by the uniform distribution, but is not independent of the true value. In order to take account of rounding preferences (heaping), we generalize the concept of simple rounding to that of asymmetric rounding and consider its effect on the mean and variance of a distribution.  相似文献   

We propose a generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach to the estimation of the mean and covariance structure of bivariate time series processes of panel data. The one-step approach allows for mixed continuous and discrete dependent variables. A Monte Carlo Study is presented to compare our particular GEE estimator with more standard GEE-estimators. In the empirical illustration, we apply our estimator to the analysis of individual wage dynamics and the incidence of profit-sharing in West Germany. Our findings show that time-invariant unobserved individual ability jointly influences individual wages and participation in profit sharing schemes.  相似文献   

This paper develops a general Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition that allows the differences in an outcome variable between two groups to be decomposed into (i) a part that is explained by differences in observed characteristics and (ii) a part attributable to differences in the estimated coefficients also for nonlinear regression models. Based on this general model, we show how it can be applied to different models with discrete and limited dependent variables.  相似文献   

We review some issues related to the implications of different missing data mechanisms on statistical inference for contingency tables and consider simulation studies to compare the results obtained under such models to those where the units with missing data are disregarded. We confirm that although, in general, analyses under the correct missing at random and missing completely at random models are more efficient even for small sample sizes, there are exceptions where they may not improve the results obtained by ignoring the partially classified data. We show that under the missing not at random (MNAR) model, estimates on the boundary of the parameter space as well as lack of identifiability of the parameters of saturated models may be associated with undesirable asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators and likelihood ratio tests; even in standard cases the bias of the estimators may be low only for very large samples. We also show that the probability of a boundary solution obtained under the correct MNAR model may be large even for large samples and that, consequently, we may not always conclude that a MNAR model is misspecified because the estimate is on the boundary of the parameter space.  相似文献   

We show how register data combined at person-level with survey data can be used to conduct a novel type of nonresponse analysis in a panel survey. The availability of register data provides a unique opportunity to directly test the type of the missingness mechanism as well as estimate the size of bias due to initial nonresponse and attrition. We are also able to study in-depth the determinants of initial nonresponse and attrition. We use the Finnish subset of the European Community Household Panel (FI ECHP) data combined with register panel data and unemployment spells as outcome variables of interest. Our results show that initial nonresponse and attrition are clearly different processes driven by different background variables. Both the initial nonresponse and attrition mechanisms are nonignorable with respect to analysis of unemployment spells. Finally, our results suggest that initial nonresponse may play a role at least as important as attrition in causing bias. This result challenges the common view of attrition being the main threat to the value of panel data.  相似文献   

Computational expressions for the exact CDF of Roy’s test statistic in MANOVA and the largest eigenvalue of a Wishart matrix are derived based upon their Pfaffian representations given in Gupta and Richards (SIAM J. Math. Anal. 16:852–858, 1985). These expressions allow computations to proceed until a prespecified degree of accuracy is achieved. For both distributions, convergence acceleration methods are used to compute CDF values which achieve reasonably fast run times for dimensions up to 50 and error degrees of freedom as large as 100. Software that implements these computations is described and has been made available on the Web.  相似文献   

Copula, marginal distributions and model selection: a Bayesian note   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Copula functions and marginal distributions are combined to produce multivariate distributions. We show advantages of estimating all parameters of these models using the Bayesian approach, which can be done with standard Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Deviance-based model selection criteria are also discussed when applied to copula models since they are invariant under monotone increasing transformations of the marginals. We focus on the deviance information criterion. The joint estimation takes into account all dependence structure of the parameters’ posterior distributions in our chosen model selection criteria. Two Monte Carlo studies are conducted to show that model identification improves when the model parameters are jointly estimated. We study the Bayesian estimation of all unknown quantities at once considering bivariate copula functions and three known marginal distributions.  相似文献   


The problem of obtaining the maximum probability 2 × c contingency table with fixed marginal sums, R  = (R 1R 2) and C  = (C 1, … , C c ), and row and column independence is equivalent to the problem of obtaining the maximum probability points (mode) of the multivariate hypergeometric distribution MH(R 1; C 1, … , C c ). The most simple and general method for these problems is Joe's (Joe, H. (1988 Joe, H. 1988. Extreme probabilities for contingency tables under row and column independence with application to Fisher's exact test. Commun. Statist. Theory Meth., 17(11): 36773685. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Extreme probabilities for contingency tables under row and column independence with application to Fisher's exact test. Commun. Statist. Theory Meth. 17(11):3677–3685.) In this article we study a family of MH's in which a connection relationship is defined between its elements. Based on this family and on a characterization of the mode described in Requena and Martín (Requena, F., Martín, N. (2000 Requena, F. and Martín, N. 2000. Characterization of maximum probability points in the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. Statist. Probab. Lett., 50: 3947.  [Google Scholar]). Characterization of maximum probability points in the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. Statist. Probab. Lett. 50:39–47.), we develop a new method for the above problems, which is completely general, non recursive, very simple in practice and more efficient than the Joe's method. Also, under weak conditions (which almost always hold), the proposed method provides a simple explicit solution to these problems. In addition, the well-known expression for the mode of a hypergeometric distribution is just a particular case of the method in this article.  相似文献   

The Box-Jenkins method is a popular and important technique for modeling and forecasting of time series. Unfortunately the problem of determining the appropriate ARMA forecasting model (or indeed if an ARMA model holds) is a major drawback to the use of the Box-Jenkins methodology. Gray et al. (1978) and Woodward and Gray (1979) have proposed methods of estimating p and qin ARMA modeling based on the R and Sarrays that circumvent some of these modeling difficulties.

In this paper we generalize the R and S arrays by showing a relationship to Padé approximunts and then show that these arrays have a much wider application than in just determining model order. Particular non-ARMA models can be identified as well. This includes certain processes that consist of deterministic functions plus ARMA noise, indeed we believe that the combined R and S arrays are the best overall tool so fur developed for the identification of general 2nd order (not just stationary) time scries models.  相似文献   

It is common for linear regression models that the error variances are not the same for all observations and there are some high leverage data points. In such situations, the available literature advocates the use of heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimators (HCCME) for the testing of regression coefficients. Primarily, such estimators are based on the residuals derived from the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator that itself can be seriously inefficient in the presence of heteroscedasticity. To get efficient estimation, many efficient estimators, namely the adaptive estimators are available but their performance has not been evaluated yet when the problem of heteroscedasticity is accompanied with the presence of high leverage data. In this article, the presence of high leverage data is taken into account to evaluate the performance of the adaptive estimator in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, our numerical work also evaluates the performance of the robust standard errors based on this efficient estimator in terms of interval estimation and null rejection rate (NRR).  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a family of bounded influence robust estimates for the parametric and non-parametric components of a generalized partially linear mixed model that are subject to censored responses and missing covariates. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimates have been looked into. The estimates are obtained by using Monte Carlo expectation–maximization algorithm. An approximate method which reduces the computational time to a great extent is also proposed. A simulation study shows that performances of the two approaches are similar in terms of bias and mean square error. The analysis is illustrated through a study on the effect of environmental factors on the phytoplankton cell count.  相似文献   

The estimand framework requires a precise definition of the clinical question of interest (the estimand) as different ways of accounting for “intercurrent” events post randomization may result in different scientific questions. The initiation of subsequent therapy is common in oncology clinical trials and is considered an intercurrent event if the start of such therapy occurs prior to a recurrence or progression event. Three possible ways to account for this intercurrent event in the analysis are to censor at initiation, consider recurrence or progression events (including death) that occur before and after the initiation of subsequent therapy, or consider the start of subsequent therapy as an event in and of itself. The new estimand framework clarifies that these analyses address different questions (“does the drug delay recurrence if no patient had received subsequent therapy?” vs “does the drug delay recurrence with or without subsequent therapy?” vs “does the drug delay recurrence or start of subsequent therapy?”). The framework facilitates discussions during clinical trial planning and design to ensure alignment between the key question of interest, the analysis, and interpretation. This article is a result of a cross-industry collaboration to connect the International Council for Harmonisation E9 addendum concepts to applications. Data from previously reported randomized phase 3 studies in the renal cell carcinoma setting are used to consider common intercurrent events in solid tumor studies, and to illustrate different scientific questions and the consequences of the estimand choice for study design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.  相似文献   

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