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族群认同是一种多维立体的理论,强调从历时性与共时性中去探索族群文化内涵.兴仁县大山镇尔期村坪子上组作为当地少有的苗族村组,尽管与周边民族(主要以汉族为主)文化交融过程中接纳了部分外来文化元素,但在族群内部仍有"倔强"的一面.而烧灵仪式音乐则是该族群所要强调的文化元素之一.本文以族群认同视角为主线,旨在探索出烧灵仪式音乐、社会、文化认同的内涵.  相似文献   

贺州地处萌渚岭中段、 湘粤桂三省区交界地带,这里世居着壮、 汉、 瑶、 苗等族群.这些语言族群长期以来与汉语方言族群毗邻,随着经济、 文化的交往,语言接触互动成为必然.区域族群语言互动的原动力来自彼此的多层次需要,其差异根源在于族群文化内在的认知结构及文化语法.这种差异表征在语言上为语言符号的非对应性,族际互动可以有效解决这一问题.互动的形式通常有语言互用、 词语互借、 语法互适,不管何种形式,都必须建立在语言族群个体或群体认同的基础上.语言的彼此认同互动,有利于语言和族际关系和谐.  相似文献   

本文通过对美国华人中文学校和华裔辅助性教育体系的研究,论述族裔特性如何创造社会资本,使族群在一个有利的环境中形成积极的态度、采取有效的策略对抗不利的社会环境,并解释族裔特性以及由此派生的社区力、社会资本对华人移民的社会适应及后代教育的影响方式和溢出效应.本文的重点在于揭示族裔组织对华人移民后代教育的功能,这种功能不但在于推崇教育价值观,还在于使这种价值观得以实现.笔者认为对族裔特性不应只从结构或文化方面去探讨,而应围绕族裔特性、族裔社区的内在因素以及主流社会的结构性因素之间的互动过程和结果去探讨.  相似文献   

任何族群认同都是主、客观因素综合作用的结果,受地理位置、交通条件、文化教育水平、参与社区活动的机会、族群自我意识等因素的影响与制约;清塘镇壮族认同的层次性明显,呈现出向汉文化演进中自身文化"多元化"的特性;随着经济发展和交往的加深,族群认同将淡化族群界限,在保留文化多元的基础上,接纳更多的主流文化.  相似文献   

美国是一个多元、开放的社会 ,汇聚了世界各种族的成员。在美国 ,各种种族、文化、思想的融合从未间断。但多元并不意味着各个单元在社会、政治、经济、文化等方面的完全平等 ,非主流群体要想在主流社会占有一席之地并非易事。在这方面 ,美国穆斯林群体在美国社会中的现状、发展轨迹和在发展中面临的困惑与挑战很有代表性 ,它在很大程度上反映了少数族群在美国的现状与发展特点 ,对其进行研究有助于深入了解美国社会。同时 ,它为各国少数民族的发展提供了值得借鉴的宝贵经验 ,具有积极的现实意义。一、一体多元的美国对普通人来讲 ,地理和政…  相似文献   

A村苗寨苗族作为特困族群总体上遵循节俭主义的消费伦理,消费欲望与拥有的资源之间的张力较少,化解消费风险的途径是依赖政府,但年轻人群消费的竞争与攀比心理日益显现.A村苗寨苗族的消费文化受到物质短缺和国家福利供给及外部消费主义文化等多方影响.其对于精准扶贫的政策含义在于扶贫措施在保留一定现金支付的福利保障的基础上应着眼于为贫困人群通过资产建设与能力提升创造发展机会,同时这个过程中应考虑贫困族群成员的竞争心理给予应有的内部激励.  相似文献   

民族旅游文献中的文化认同研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对近年来国内外民族旅游与文化认同的研究进行了详细的梳理,发现国外对于民族旅游与文化认同的研究主要集中在民族国家的文化认同、地方族群的文化认同、地方族群的文化变迁以及民族艺术品的转化与复兴等四个方面.而国内对民族旅游与文化认同的研究主要集中在族群身份与文化认同、现代化与民族文化复兴等两个方面.文化认同既有来自主流社会的建构,也有地方族群的自我认知.在旅游发展这样一个特定的历史场景中,频繁的人员流动和文化之间的交往接触引起地方民族对我者和他者的文化判别,进而形成了对本民族文化认同的考量.  相似文献   

试论族群认同和国族认同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
族群主要属于文化范畴,而国族则属于社会政治范畴,在族群认同和国族认同之间既存在着一致的一面,又存在着冲突的一面.对于一致的一面,我们要善加利用,以利于国族的统一和稳定;对于冲突的一面,则要通过构建包容性的价值取向、平等的酬赏制度和各族群间的交流与沟通予以克服.  相似文献   

西方社会学界较早关注族群工具化现象,一些学者认为现代社会的族群并非简单的文化群体,而是一种社会群体间相互竞争的工具.中国也存在族群工具化现象,部分地方、群体精英有意识通过对族群意识的操弄,以实现自己特殊的社会目标.族群工具化现象的背后,有着许多方面的诱因.族群工具化现象对中国政府重视区域间、群体间发展差距有积极作用.但总体而言,族群工具化对中国社会的影响是消极甚至危险的,过度工具化的族群会导致社会成员日益碎片化,社会矛盾冲突激化.  相似文献   

具有藏族和回族双重文化特征的"藏回"②,是历史上回族积极适应边疆多民族社会文化的产物,属于云南回族的一个派生族群或亚族群(subgroup)③.此篇以这一亚族群近期发生的文化和民族认同回归的调查为基础,利用宗教人类学、民族学的理论和方法探讨了回归的原因.同时还描述了"藏回"独特的文化,旨在展现回族文化发展的多元空间.  相似文献   


While considerable research has focused on the process and factors affecting acculturation, there is little research that investigates how members of minority and majority groups define acculturation in educational settings. Ethnographic research and qualitative interviews in three secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium) show that teachers and ethnic minority students have different ideas and expectancies regarding the concept ‘integration’, which appears to affect student–teacher relationship. Berry et al.’s [1989. “Acculturation Attitudes in Plural Societies.” Applied Psychology: An International Review 3 (2): 185-206. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.1989.tb01208.x.] acculturation orientations are used as a theoretical template to analyse teachers’ and ethnic minority students’ discourses about acculturation. Analyses reveal that students of immigrant descent perceive acculturation mainly in terms of the establishment of intergroup contact. In contrast, teachers find it harder to disconnect cultural maintenance from contact and participation. By suggesting some form of cultural adoption, teachers hope to socialise their ethnic minority students into the culture of the dominant ethnic group and prepare them for their future. These distinct interpretations of ‘integration’ in everyday life (which actually refers to acculturation) often leads to misunderstandings between ethnic minority students and their teachers, even to conflict, as many students feel that their cultural background is disparaged and not fully valued in school.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined acculturation strategies of Karen refugees who resettled in London, Ontario, Canada after initially being displaced from their villages in Burma and subsequently settled in refugee camps on the Thailand–Burma border. Developing and utilising Karen acculturation measure, the study found that Karen refugees had diverse orientations regarding customs and values, social relations, and leisure activities. The analysis grouped acculturation strategies of these individuals into three segments: segregation, integration, and assimilation. Karens adopting assimilation strategy overwhelmingly endorsed Canadian values and customs and engaged in social relations and leisure activities with members of Canadian society. While open to change and willing to experiment with new leisure activities and social relations, Karens in the integration strategy cluster preserved their values and customs. Karens adopting segregation strategies clung to their old ways of life, values, and practices.  相似文献   

Many immigrants in Western countries hail from countries where attitudes towards gender relations and sexual norms are considerably more conservative than in the host countries where they eventually settle. This paper assesses whether immigrants and their children acculturate in this dimension, and how migrants’ cultural practices and economic integration influence this process. Presenting a conceptual and methodological innovation, this paper treats acculturation as a process by which immigrants (and their children) shift from the attitude distribution in the origin country to the one of the host country. Using a cross-classified hierarchical regression model and data on attitudes towards homosexuality in 83 countries of origin and 23 destination countries, I model the relative influence of origin and destination contexts on the attitudes of 15,000 immigrants and children of immigrants in Europe. In line with previous work, I find considerable evidence for acculturation across and within generations, but also important variation: respondents who use the home-country language, who are religious, or who are economically marginalised, show less acculturation in attitudes, though these effects vary between immigrants and the second generation.  相似文献   

In this qualitative paper, I have examined how women from a conservative minority group handle their encounter with the values of the majority group as they acquire academic education. This examination was undertaken in the general context of the research tradition that addresses the sociological and anthropological attributes of conservative societies when in confrontation with the processes of moderation, and is based on the acculturation model formulated by Berry. The source materials for this qualitative study are based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with 30 Bedouin students. The fact that Bedouin women who wish to study strive to maintain traditional values, such as their manner of dress, indicates their understanding that it is necessary to create change and acquire an academic education in order to earn a suitable salary and aid their communities, while at the same time upholding the boundaries and conventions set by the community. Tradition is thus maintained, and traditional and even religious values continue to exist within the boundaries of the minority group, alongside the stretching of those boundaries and the integration of values from ‘outside’ with those ‘inside.’  相似文献   

Understanding the complexity of identity in the children of immigrants has become important with the growing rates of global migration. A new theoretical construct refers to an individual’s subjective representation of the interrelationships among his or her multiple group identities and how their subjective identity could be explained.

The aim of this study was to examine the impact of their Iranian background and the social characteristics of their host society, Australia, on the second generation’s understanding of their national and ethnic identity.

This cross-sectional study is based on a quantitative method. Participants in the study were second-generation Iranians aged 18–40, living in Australia. Data were collected on how these second-generation Iranians identified themselves with Iranian society and/or with the wider society, and how their chosen identity was influenced by their background, their national beliefs, their perspectives towards the host country and the host country’s perspective towards specific ethnic groups.

Overall, 137 people participated in this study, and the results show patterns of biculturalism; the majority claimed hyphenated identity wherein the second identity was shown to be the weaker identity. The main contextual factors influencing their identity formation were birth place, acculturation and attitudes towards the host.  相似文献   

文化适应:理论及测量与研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化的背景下,各个国家之间和各个民族之间在文化交往、融合过程中产生的文化冲突和文化适应问题日益突出,主流文化背景下的少数民族或弱势群体,其文化适应和认同问题尤为凸显。研究者从不同的视角界定文化适应的概念和结构,提出了各自的文化适应理论和测量方法,但在概念界定、测量的理论框架等方面依然存在诸多问题。文章认为,从文化背景和现实问题出发,整合不同学科的概念、理论和方法,将量化研究和质化研究两大研究范式结合起来,重视文化适应的纵向研究和应用研究,是今后可能的研究取向。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature demonstrates important negative health effects from racial microaggressions for racial/ethnic minorities. However, at present, the bulk of the literature is focused on the case of black Americans with relatively little attention as to how this may play out for other racial/ethnic groups. Here, we examine the association of health and racial microaggressions in the case of Latinos. Furthermore, we disaggregate Latinos by language preference in order to see how acculturation to the USA may moderate the effect of racial microaggressions on health outcomes for the group. In a statistical analysis of the 2004 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, we examine the association between stress from racial microaggressions and self-rated health for Latinos of different levels of linguistic acculturation. We find that more acculturated Latinos (measured in terms of language preference) are more likely to experience physical stress from perceived racial microaggressions after accounting for social and demographic factors. Further, this stress is linked to overall poorer self-rated health for the group. However, we find no such association for less acculturated, Spanish-preference Latinos.  相似文献   


At a time when public debates about radicalization of Muslim youth in the West are taking center stage and when questions about “home-grown” security threats are increasing in the wake of a number of terrorist attacks in many émigré societies, this article provides fresh empirical insights from the perspective of religious leadership. It outlines a picture of a highly diverse Muslim religious landscape where competing religious discourses are struggling to attract and support Muslim youth facing social dislocation and identity crises within increasingly contested social milieus. The article argues that a typology of religious leadership is clearly emerging where a spectrum of faith-based orientations and religious practice emphasize, to different degrees, notions of attachment to universal ethics and individual agency. The fact that conservative, sometimes radical, interpretations of such contestations represent a minority of voices is heartening even though the actual damage by such minority is often disproportionate to its actual size within the so-called silent majority. The empirical insights provided by the religious leaders interviewed for this study offer hope that the future of Western Muslims is more positive than we are led to think, if the possibility of combining devout faith with local political engagement becomes a real and sustainable conduit towards social inclusion and intercultural understanding and if necessary support and understanding are extended by the host communities.  相似文献   


This article illustrates how blacklisting can function as a modality of deportability among temporary migrant workers participating in a programme touted as a model of ordered migration internationally, with attention to sending state action. In 2010, Local 1518 of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union applied successfully to British Columbia's Labour Relations Board to represent a group of circular migrants engaged under Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Worker Programme. Yet less than a year later, the union complained of unfair labour practices on the part of not only the host state employer and certain employees but sending state officials who select and assign workers to Canadian employers, contending that they blocked the visa reapplications of union members eligible for recall and improperly interfered in a decertification application. On account of the unique empirics available through this case, its analysis offers a window into practices which are routinely obscured but nevertheless central to how deportability operates.  相似文献   

People who routinely cross borders for their jobs are often cast as beneficiaries of globalisation. But in a world of economic downturns, un- or underemployment as well as political unrest access to an increasingly global market becomes the personal and organisational solution to a host of unwanted happenings. In these circumstances, it therefore becomes less clear whether the heightened mobility of transnational workers is a benefit or indeed a choice. This article examines the onus placed on employees to be geographically mobile for their jobs. Relocation enables organisations to operate in expanding transnational markets and fields; it is therefore a prerequisite of jobs in an increasing number of sectors. Through systematic comparison of the attitudes to mobility of highly skilled employees in a ‘market’ (corporate) and a ‘moral’ (UN) case-study organisation, this article makes a contribution to our understanding of work orientations in transnational institutions. It interrogates the myth of choice of highly skilled movers and identifies the aspirations, contradictions and dilemmas that are associated with relocating for their jobs. Analysis of biographical interviews in tandem with online survey data elucidates the complex ways that the competing repertoires of choice and compliance are woven into transnational narratives.  相似文献   

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