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Personal branding was popularized in the late twentieth century through a spate of self‐help literature which enjoined workers to take responsibility for themselves by taking an entrepreneurial approach to the self, seeing themselves as products to be marketed as a means of managing the risks of an unstable labor market. Self‐branding discourse frames the “authentic self” as a source of material value which workers can leverage to build a reputation, which they can later capitalize upon in their attempts to remain competitive as workers. This article examines the literature on self‐branding to trace its origins as a framework for conceptualizing the self. The discourse of self‐branding proposes a singular, profitable self which is at once authentic and consistent. In this review of self‐branding literature, I explore what thinking of the self as a brand does to the way individuals relate to themselves. I examine the social construction of authentic self‐brands, how branding the self on social media impacts the process of self‐presentation, and how workers experience the imperative to self‐brand.  相似文献   

Over a decade has passed since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This major political change has had profound effects on how social welfare is delivered in countries in transition from communism. Using material derived from the author's involvement in social work education projects in Ukraine, this article examines the changing relationship between statutory social welfare provider agencies and the burgeoning voluntary sector. A confusing and rapidly changing picture has emerged. Some prominent themes likely to shape future directions are identified, particularly the imperative to ensure that social work education continues to be sensitive to local political and cultural contexts, rather than relying on importing Western solutions.  相似文献   

Critical work on advertising is underscored by a teleological conception of its object. This often emerges in the form of an emphasis on advertising as an evolving, hybrid institutions that increasingly mixes the ‘economic’ with the ‘cultural’. It is in this vein that advertising practitioners have been characterized as ‘new cultural intermediaries’ deploying distinctive aesthetic sensibilities. Similar patterns of knowledge and behaviour, however, can be traced amongst early producers of advertising suggesting a generation of ‘old’ cultural intermediaries. This unexpected phenomenon, it is argued, arises for two reasons. The first is that much critical work addressing the nature of contemporary advertising lacks historical context. The second is that culture and economy are normatively conceptualized as separate spheres. This separation underplays the multiple interconnections between the cultural and the economic in instances of material practice. Accordingly it is proposed that advertising be reformulated as a constituent practice that has historically relied upon the juxtaposition of ‘cultural’ and ‘economic’ knowledges.  相似文献   

The essay focuses on thinking about thinking about PR history. The space between history and sociology encompasses theoretical and conceptual frames and can be drawn upon to consider PR in time, across times and between times. It reflects upon the purposes and practices of historical sociology and foregrounds themes relevant to public relations, its histories and methodological approaches. The paper, which is methodological at the strategic rather than the technical level, argues that public relations historians can usefully engage with theoretical issues and problems delineated in historical sociology and historical theory. Evolutionary, functionalist and typological approaches and the cultural logics of historical periodization are discussed and contextualized.  相似文献   

This paper explores the findings of a small‐scale empirical study of social work admissions data. It is designed to be exploratory in nature and used to illustrate key themes discussed in a previous paper. The study has been designed as a comparator to a Canadian study with the aim of building upon their findings within the current UK/England context. The research examines the relationship between applicants' pre‐admission information and their subsequent performance on the programme. Data relating to a sample of students and available at the pre‐admission stage (from application forms and interviewer report forms) and data relating to students on the programme who had been identified (by faculty) as having difficulties in one or more areas of their learning, are compared to a sample of those not identified as having experienced such problems. The two groups (total sample size = 150) are drawn from one university in southern England and comprise students from both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Methodological issues are critically analysed and findings are explored and compared to that of the Canadian study. Key themes regarding the seemingly complex relationships between performance on the programme and academic background, extent of previous experience and a range of other factors are discussed and examined in relation to other available literature. Implications are explored in relation to current practice and development needs within social work education.  相似文献   

Three features of pragmatist thought remain empirically underdeveloped or insufficiently explored: its call for a return to experience or recovery of concrete practices; its idea that obstacles in experience give rise to efforts at creative problem-solving; and its understanding of language in use, including conversational interaction, as an order of empirical practices in and through which problem-solving efforts are undertaken and social order ongoingly and collaboratively accomplished. Our aim in this article is to show that there exists a long-standing, theoretically informed, and empirically rich research tradition in which these pragmatist themes are further developed, albeit in ways the originators might have foreseen only in dimly programmatic form. This research tradition is ethnomethodology. We present in bold strokes the classical pragmatist ideas of Peirce, James, Mead, Dewey, plus Addams, focusing on the three themes mentioned above. We show how Garfinkel’s work surpasses even that of the pragmatists in developing the larger implications and promise of those themes. We demonstrate how ethnomethodological studies of work and science and conversation analysis, respectively, continue as well to develop the original pragmatist impulse in unsuspected ways. Finally, we step back from this account to ponder the broader significance of the connections we have explored between pragmatism and ethnomethodology.  相似文献   

The relationship between voluntary agencies and their consumers has been the subject of very little, if any, empirical research. The burden of this paper is to highlight questions appropriate for investigation. It explores the idea of a ‘power’ relationship between voluntary agencies and consumers, and makes particular reference to the theory of a social construction of disability. Questions are raised about the meaning of ‘consumer participation’ and the role of the disability movement. Consumer participation depends upon the exercise of power; which itself requires the fulfilment of three pre-conditions. Successful implementation hinges on more than just structural and operational change. Participation must be seen as a process of re-definition: a reconstruction of the social reality in which voluntary groups exist. Such a process fundamentally alters the relationship between voluntary agencies and consumers; and so transforms the ethos and nature of voluntary action itself.  相似文献   

《Slavery & abolition》2012,33(4):659-681

Perhaps one of the most visceral symbols used to represent the evils of the trans-Atlantic slave trade is the brand. The branding iron holds a profound semiotic weight due to its connotation with identity and how we collectively represent humans in opposition to animals. This article engages with the historical significance of the brand particularly in the context of slavery, tracing its influence through theories of identity as well as commodities, before exploring actual evidence of branding usage from the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Understanding not only the mechanisms which governed branding but its social significance is crucial as we work to better understand the experiences of those who suffered through this trade.  相似文献   

In 2005, with a view to cultivating the loyalties of local supporters rather than attracting new support, Manchester City Football Club launched its Our City branding campaign. The campaign suggests that ‘real’ Mancunians support City and not local rivals like Manchester United, which it implicitly conceives of as a global, non‐local, corporate entity. By building on established fan culture and the myths surrounding the local and the global, City is portrayed as ‘authentic’, ‘cool’ and rooted in a traditional ‘working‐class community’. Contending that football is a revealing field in which to explore contemporary formations of identity, in this article we critically explore the relationship between branding, place and identity. We describe the campaign, explore the myths with which the Our City campaign is aligned and discuss the embedded contexts that constrain the global branding of football.  相似文献   

Some themes in couple therapy are explored by introducing a case study of a couple in distress. The question, ‘Why were you drawn to each other?’ helps to unravel the relationship story, its dynamics and difficulties. Attachment theory as developed by John Bowlby is propounded as a useful model in understanding couple relationships. The importance of exploring family-of-origin attachments is reiterated, as well as helping each spouse to change in themselves rather than to blame their partner for their difficulties, with the ultimate aim being the enhancement of the relationship.  相似文献   

In 1983 the Fourth Australian Family Therapy Conference had the theme ‘Merging the Streams — Integrating Trends in Family Therapy’. In his keynote address Brian Stagoll outlined concerns regarding the nature of family therapy as it was then developing in Australia. This article revisits some of these themes to see where we have come from, where we are heading and which topics continue to be ignored. Evidence is drawn from articles that stood out for me in the Australian Journal of Family Therapy (later the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy) and selected relevant papers from the 1983 conference itself. Finally, I speculate upon possible reasons for the absence of discussion on certain issues, most strikingly: systemic influences upon indigenous Australians, farm families, working with children in families, certain aspects of gender, the systemic implications of addiction; and environmental impacts on families now and for the future. The danger for family therapy is becoming stuck in a closed system that ignores the wider system.  相似文献   



Previous research pertaining to the citizen review panel (CRP) initiative indicates that discrepancies exist between panel member and state agency liaison perceptions of CRP effectiveness in fulfilling the CAPTA CRP mandate. This study explores the impressions of both CRP members and liaisons involving barriers to effective CRP-state child welfare partnerships and recommendations to improve the relationship, provided through narrative survey responses from CRP liaisons from 30 states and D.C. and panel members from 32 states and D.C. Thematic categories which emerged from analyses of these responses are discussed, and a conceptual model and substantive-level theory of the CRP-child protective services (CPS) relationship developed from the results are presented.


The complex nature of CRP-CPS relationships emerged as the central theme among CRP members' and liaisons' responses. Liaisons and CRP members identified a need for CRP members to become more educated globally on child welfare despite the relatively high level of education and experience of much of the sample. Difficulties encountered by panel members in the effort to partner surfaced in themes of mistrust and skepticism about the worth of citizen participation in child protection. Negative agency attitudes, lack of role clarity, and lack of commitment to authentic partnership were cited as negative influences upon the relationship by both liaisons and CRP members. The most important preferred outcome of the partnership was that citizen volunteers would become more knowledgeable partners who could meaningfully contribute to child welfare efforts. A second desired outcome important to CRP members was to form a shared vision with CPS.


Findings imply that when key components of mutual respect, legitimacy, CPS knowledge, shared vision, authenticity, citizen engagement, honest communication, and a serious, deliberative process are in any way impeded, the partnership is vulnerable to breakdown, and intended outcomes may be compromised.


Important relational difficulties that have formed barriers between volunteers and CPS agencies have been identified, and results suggest specific issues to target for improvement. These findings can prompt a more informed discourse about the challenges and opportunities presented when attempting to engage citizens in child welfare practice and policy-making, and can lead to new research paths. Suggestions for such efforts are offered.  相似文献   

This essay reviews key themes in the research on school change, multicultural organization development, and multicultural education initiatives to suggest a new perspective from which to understand efforts to meet the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in school settings. A model is proposed, which indicates that the range of current program efforts are best understood when seen in their relationship to each other and as parts of a continuum of school change strategies. By providing a systemic overview based on multicultural organization development principles, the strengths and applicability of a range of current change efforts may offer useful suggestions of practical, developmentally appropriate next steps for educators, parents, and community advocates working to change schools to better serve LGBT youth.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the role of public relations practice in public diplomacy is undergoing a transformation as a consequence of the influence from nation branding. A case study of the Danish government's response to the so-called Cartoon Crisis illustrates how the threat from international terrorism to national security initially served as a catalyst for new public diplomacy initiatives. But as the initiatives were implemented within a framework of nation branding the focus on risk reduction became subjected to a marketing logic and a new focus on economic objectives took over. The paper points to a possible future status of public diplomacy under the influence of nation branding: Public diplomacy may maintain a function pertinent to national security but as this function is incapable of managing real risks it will only serve as auto-communication that legitimizes security policy towards a domestic audience. In the public diplomacy efforts towards transnational publics the link to national security will completely disappear whereby the public relations of states is transformed to the marketing of states.  相似文献   

This paper examines the regulatory regimes surrounding the operations of intermediaries who facilitate Ethiopian women's employment as contract domestic workers in the Middle East. Drawing on empirical research in Ethiopia, Lebanon, and Kuwait, the paper focuses on the commonly observed problem of “regulatory failure,” as states and international agencies frequently fail to achieve their objectives in the regulation of intermediaries of migration. This paper argues that a decentered approach to regulation can provide a productive diagnosis of regulatory failure, one that recognizes how power may be dispersed between social actors and (non‐unitary) state actors and how it is differentially exercised across multiple regulatory regimes within this migration trajectory.  相似文献   

This article draws upon data generated from life history interviews with a small group of men who had experienced spinal cord injury (SCI) through playing sport and defined themselves as disabled. By focusing on the initial acute phase of rehabilitation following SCI their autobiographical memories of pain are explored in relation to the narratives constructed by the participants some years after the event had taken place. Attention is given to the themes of unspeakable pain, naming pain, welcomed pain, hidden pain and locked in pain. The analysis highlights the contextual nature of this phenomenon and the narrative resources that are drawn upon by individuals to give meaning to pain over time.  相似文献   

Censorship in all its forms has recently been increasing across the United States. While censorship is practiced across the political spectrum, the greatest threat to free expression comes from the Theocratic Right, The largest category of material targeted by this movement is queer expression. Present censorship efforts are rooted in a long-standing American tradition of hostility to art and to dissenting voices. The five principal areas in which queer expression is censored are: (I) state and federal cultural agencies such as the National Endowment for the Arts; (II) public education, school curricula, and public libraries; (III) higher education; (IV) print, broadcast, and digital media; (V) arts and entertainment. The progress the Theocratic Right is making in narrowing the limits to speech is often abetted by unholy alliances with the Left. Anti-censorship organizations exist, but have thus far been insufficient to turn the tide.  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to, and makes a case for, cultural intermediaries as an entry point for the study of media and cultural production. We offer a strategic parsing of the conceptual foundations provided by Bourdieu with regard to cultural intermediaries and the media, loosely organized in terms of where they are located (working in media); the means of accomplishing their role (working with media); and their economic role in promoting consumption (the work of mediation). We then follow the translation of the concept from Bourdieu to a cultural economy approach that is concerned with the material practices involved in the formation of value. A review and comparison of substantive findings from a range of cultural economic case studies of cultural intermediary occupations serves as an introduction to a three-fold approach that might guide future studies of occupations in cultural industries, in terms of: historicizing occupations, material practices, and assessments of impact. Finally, we conclude with a claim for the utility of ‘cultural intermediaries’ as a way to think about cultural production, and highlight areas in which work remains to be done.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》1999,13(2):161-176
Using grounded theory methodology, this research identifies the major themes or meaning systems that caregiving daughters and their aging mothers apply to their caregiving. In depth interviews with 11 mother-daughter pairs explore attitudes toward filial responsibility and actual caregiving experiences. Five themes emerge describing the cognitive, affective, motivational, and interpersonal components of the meaning systems of filial caregiving: increased relational tolerance or acceptance, redefinition of the mother-daughter relationship, aging awareness, relationship priority, and sacrifice. Four themes are evident in both mothers' and daughters' narratives, whereas the final theme, sacrifice, is linked to daughters' accounts. These themes reflect efforts to create meaning at the interpersonal, familial, symbolic, and psychological levels. The significance of the findings for understanding the dynamic nature of the mother-daughter relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores ways in which stepfamily education benefits children. The study is based on interviews with 40 parents and 20 facilitators who were part of a multisite stepfamily program. Three main themes emerged from the interviews. Children were perceived to benefit by their parents' increased empathy, engagement in family time, and enhanced relationship skills. Children benefited from expressing their feelings and developing their own relationship skills. Normalizing and social support from peers and facilitators were also considered beneficial. The findings support educational efforts to strengthen stepfamilies and highlight the value of systemic interventions that involve the entire family.  相似文献   

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