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黄振九  李成立 《西北人口》2004,(5):64-64,F003
输卵管吻舍术是绝育术后输卵管再通的主要方法。本文对一例输卵管吻合手术后42天妊娠的分析,说明了遵守术后注意事项的重要性。以避免术后官外孕和生殖道感染发生。  相似文献   

为了了解顺义区育龄女性早期意外妊娠的水平、特征以及发生人工流产的主要原因,从而对人工流产情况实施干预,2010年7、8月间顺义区生殖健康技术服务中心和药具站的服务人员在顺义区妇幼保健院、顺义区医院对即将人工引流产的育龄女性进行一对一、面对面的现场访谈,并根据人流者的回答如实填写调查问卷,  相似文献   

随着B超技术的发展,特别是β-HCG测定的开展,异位妊娠早期诊断率不断提高,使异位妊娠的药物治疗成为可能。我院对近年来收治的26例异位妊娠未破裂型或流产型症状轻者采取中西医保守治疗。护理心得如下:  相似文献   

风儿轻轻送来了花儿的清香,乌儿的鸣唱。然而,玉儿却忘记了它们的存在。她一动不动地注视着那条蜿蜒曲折的载着她的父亲和她全部希望的小道,生怕自己一不留神,父亲就会消失,“希望”就会破灭……爸爸为什么还不回来,他是不是忘了明天就是开学的日子了?不!他不会的,他说过等挣了钱就回来让我上学了,可现在……  相似文献   

异位妊娠是妇科常见病,由于大量内出血可以导致孕妇死亡,所以一直被视为是有高度危险的早期妊娠并发症,随着血HCG放射免疫测定,阴道超声检查的应用,异位妊娠能得到早期诊断,从而使许多未破裂异位妊娠治疗从手术治疗改为药物保守治疗,目前保守治疗已成为治疗异位妊娠的主要手段之一。1996年1月—1998年12月省人民医院对33例未破裂异位妊娠进行了保守治疗,现将有关情况报告如下:  相似文献   

放置宫内节育器(IUD)是一种相对稳定的避孕方法,因其安全、有效、简便,在我国节育措施中占有重要地位。自60年代在我国推广使用以来,带器进入绝经期的妇女日益增多。由于多种原因,有相当一部分妇女未能在绝经后及时取出。1999年1月—2000年12月,我院通过查环查孕、生殖健康检查及日常门诊,共收治绝经2年以上带器者220人,并采用适当方法给予取器,取得一定效果。报道如下:  相似文献   

部分放置宫内节育器的妇女,在进入绝经期后,需要及时取环。何时是最佳的取环期?请看本文153例取环的临床分析。  相似文献   

开展计划生育优质服务,推进以避孕方法知情选择为重点的“三项改革”,是实现计划生育工作“两个转变”的重要途径,是提高计划生育工作水平的有效载体。避孕方法知情选择能否顺利开展,将直接关系到计划生育优质服务的成功与否。为此,余杭区对开展知情选择后使用药具意外妊娠的妇女进行了回顾调查,现将调查情况分析如下:  相似文献   


Problem and background

Despite a generally affluent society, the caesarean section rate in Switzerland has steadily climbed in recent years from 22.9% in 1998 to 33.7% in 2014. Speculation by the media has prompted political questions as to the reasons. However, there is no clear evidence as to why the Swiss rate should be so high especially in comparison with neighbouring countries.


To describe the emerging expectations of giving birth of healthy primigravid women in the early second semester of pregnancy in four Swiss cantons.


Qualitative individual interviews with 58 healthy primigravid women, were audio recorded, transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis. Recruitment took place through public and private hospitals, birth centres, obstetricians and independent midwives. The main ethical issues were informed consent, autonomy, confidentiality and anonymity.


The three main themes identified were taking or avoiding decisions, experiencing a continuum of emotions and planning the care.


Being pregnant was part of a project women had mapped out for their lives. Only three women in our sample expressed a wish for a caesarean section. One of the strongest emotions was that of fear but in contrast some participants expressed faith that their bodies would cope with the experience.


Bringing together the three languages and cultures produced a truly “Swiss” study showing contrasts between a matter of fact approach to pregnancy and the concept of fear. Such a contrast is worthy of further and deeper exploration by a multi-disciplinary research team.  相似文献   

BackgroundBoth induction of labour at 41 weeks and expectant management until 42 weeks are common management strategies in low-risk pregnancy since there is no consensus on the optimal timing of induction in late-term pregnancy for the prevention of adverse outcomes. Our aim was to explore maternal preference for either strategy and the influence on quality of life and maternal anxiety on this preference.MethodsObstetrical low-risk women with an uncomplicated pregnancy were eligible when they reached a gestational age of 41 weeks. They were asked to fill in questionnaires on quality of life (EQ6D) and anxiety (STAI-state). Reasons of women's preferences for either induction or expectant management were explored in a semi-structured questionnaire containing open ended questions.ResultsOf 782 invited women 604 (77.2%) responded. Induction at 41 weeks was preferred by 44.7% (270/604) women, 42.1% (254/604) preferred expectant management until 42 weeks, while 12.2% (74/604) of women did not have a preference. Women preferring induction reported significantly more problems regarding quality of life and were more anxious than women preferring expectant management (p < 0.001). Main reasons for preferring induction of labour were: “safe feeling” (41.2%), “pregnancy taking too long” (35.4%) and “knowing what to expect” (18.6%). For women preferring expectant management, the main reason was “wish to give birth as natural as possible” (80.3%).ConclusionWomen's preference for induction of labour or a policy of expectant management in late-term pregnancy is influenced by anxiety, quality of life problems (induction), the presence of a wish for natural birth (expectant management), and a variety of additional reasons. This variation in preferences and motivations suggests that there is room for shared decision making in the management of late-term pregnancy.  相似文献   

青藏铁路通车后西藏流动人口探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱玉福  周成平 《西北人口》2009,30(6):110-114
青藏铁路为西藏人口流动创造了便利条件,2006年通车以来,西藏的流动人口剧增。成为西藏社会经济发展的主力军,促进了西藏社会经济全面发展。大量的流动人口加快西藏社会经济发展的同时。也给西藏的社会治安、就业、生态环境、文化保护等工作带来了不同程度的压力和影响。针对流动人口引起的一系列问题。不断加强流动人口管理和制度建设,加快西藏社会经济快速发展,是当前西藏发展面临的一件大事。  相似文献   

Extending work of Cook et al. (1999, 1996), this paper examines abortion funding cutoffs for poor women in North Carolina, a unique setting allowing for a strong quasi-experimental design. Using vital registration data and additional administrative data from North Carolina, we decompose program effects on the abortion/birth ratio into two components: coverage (i.e., the proportion of all abortions that are state funded) and substitutability (the proportion of state funded abortions that would have been births in the absence of the state program). We show that both components are crucial for understanding the effects of fund cutoffs and that both components vary by age and by race. We offer explanations for these differences. Overall, we conclude that: the North Carolina State Abortion Fund (SAF) had powerful and pervasive effects: i.e., the SAF cutoffs reduced abortions and increased births.  相似文献   

城市化发展滞后是我国东部发达地区面临的一个突出问题。本文主要根据对浙江省柯桥、柳市两镇的抽样调查,探讨农村劳动力的非农化转移和向城镇转移的特征,在此基础上,分析其对农村城市化发展的影响,最后提出加快发达地区农村城市化发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

尹勤  宗占红 《西北人口》2007,28(2):63-66
本文通过文献研究和问卷调查,分析重庆直辖以来人口和计划生育状况,在总结计划生育工作成效的同时,针对新形势下计划生育工作面临的问题与挑战,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

刘红  高鹏 《人口学刊》2003,(3):59-62
加入世界贸易组织(WTO)将对我国劳动力市场产生重要影响。从长远的角度看,加入WTO有利于我国劳动力市场总量增加;从近期看,由于切人了国际市场的变量,我国劳动力市场将会出现结构性及行业性就业量减少。面对入世后我国劳动力市场的变化,我们必须抓住机遇,积极应对,做出理性选择。  相似文献   

ProblemBirth satisfaction is an important health outcome that is related to postpartum mood, infant caretaking, and future pregnancy intention.BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected antenatal care and intrapartum practices that may reduce birth satisfaction.AimTo investigate the extent to which pandemic-related factors predicted lower birth satisfaction.Methods2341 women who were recruited prenatally in April–May 2020 and reported a live birth between April–October 2020 were included in the current analysis. Hierarchical linear regression to predict birth satisfaction from well-established predictors of birth satisfaction (step 1) and from pandemic-related factors (step 2) was conducted. Additionally, the indirect associations of pandemic-related stress with birth satisfaction were investigated.FindingsThe first step of the regression explained 35% of variance in birth satisfaction. In the second step, pandemic-related factors explained an additional 3% of variance in birth satisfaction. Maternal stress about feeling unprepared for birth due to the pandemic and restrictions on companions during birth independently predicted lower birth satisfaction beyond the non-pandemic variables. Pandemic-related unpreparedness stress was associated with more medicalized birth and greater incongruence with birth preference, thus also indirectly influencing birth satisfaction through a mediation process.DiscussionWell-established contributors to birth satisfaction remained potent during the pandemic. In addition, maternal stress and restriction on accompaniment to birth were associated with a small but significant reduction in birth satisfaction.ConclusionStudy findings suggest that helping women set flexible and reasonable expectations for birth and allowing at least one intrapartum support person can improve birth satisfaction.  相似文献   

1990年以后的中国人口迁移研究综述   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王德  叶晖 《人口学刊》2004,2(1):40-46
我国改革开放以来的人口迁移从规模到强度均呈现强势发展状态。人口迁移现象相较于改革开放前完全计划经济时代有着更大的主动性和灵活性。1990年人口普查首次将人口迁移的项目列入其中,使众多的研究人员获得了全面把握我国人口迁移的机会,有关人口迁移的研究也随之活跃起来。对1990年以来中国人口迁移状况的研究大致集中在了回顾,并从城市规划角度提出有待进一步研究的方向及意义。  相似文献   

农村留守妻子是新农村建设的重要力量,也是农村留守家庭农业生产和生活中的核心劳动力,扮演着非常重要的角色.但当前她们在婚姻家庭、 生产生活负担、 自身的保障和发展等方面都面临一些困境和挑战,急需社会关注.基于此,本文分析了2015年我国留守妻子在规模、 分布和社会经济特征上呈现的新特点;突出家庭的视角,通过留守家庭的居住安排和同住老人、 子女的状况进一步剖析留守妻子在工作生活等方面面临的问题和困境.提出当前亟需开展全国留守妻子专项调查、 增强留守妻子及其家庭的发展和建设能力、 依托精准扶贫优先解决其生产和生活中突出困难、 实现留守妻子及家庭帮扶常态化、 体系化、 制度化.  相似文献   

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