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公选面试已实行多年了,按说已不是陌生问题,但笔者最近两三年做面试考官时发现,有很多应试者在面试时仍不得要领,存在不少问题。故笔者根据多位考官的说法对应试者如何提高公选面试成绩提几点建议,以供参考。一、精神风貌要讲究。这虽然属于面试的细节问题,但不讲究就会失分。应试者中有不少仍是胆怯紧张、神态拘谨、表情造作。这是面试的大忌。人少了精神,其他行为都会受影响。应试者应该有精神、有朝气、有活力,神态从容、自然、自信避免畏缩、胆怯、慌张、失态,否则一上场“亮相”便失分了。精神风貌虽然与性格有关,但只要控制好情绪,使…  相似文献   

面试是公开选拔领导干部过程中的重要一关.如果说笔试主要是考察应试者的知识面,那么面试则是考察应试者的综合素质,其中之一就是考察应试者的心理素质. 笔者2000年曾参加过一次双推双考,面试得了第二名.面试中我体会到,面试的心理状况如何,对应试者水平的发挥和成绩的好坏起着决定性作用.  相似文献   

在公开选拔领导干部中,面试是非常重要的一个环节。在面试中,常见有的人发挥不佳,特别是在展示个人风度方面出现失误。面试中存在的有关风度方面的问题可以归纳为:一是有的人在面试中语言表达的效果欠佳。声音低沉嘶哑,吐字不清,发音颤抖,诸如“这个”、“那个”的口头禅过多,语速节奏把握不当,  相似文献   

如果说笔试侧重于对应试者知识水平的考察,那么面试则更能反映出一个应试者的综合素质。因为面试不仅仅是对一个人语言文字表达能力的检验,同时也是对一个人的逻辑思维能力、应变能力、分析和解决问题的能力、心理素质乃至个性、形象、气质的综合考评。在此,笔者结合自身经历谈几点心得。一、面试前的准备工作应扎实有序首先是知识准备。扎实深厚的知识功底是面试取得成功的前提和基础。因此,要想在面试中有不俗的表现,知识准备必不可少。面试内容和形式灵活多样,不像笔试那样范围明确,但也不是无章可循。应试者可根据公选的类型确定大的复…  相似文献   

创新公选工作的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年3月至6月,重庆市黔江区面向全市、全国公开选拔8名处级领导干部.在这次公选中,黔江区积极探索,大胆创新,在传统笔试、面试环节的基础上,增加了"岗位技能测试"环节,对笔试、面试综合成绩进入前3名的,进行了计算机知识及专业技能测试,并安排其到报考单位进行为期5个工作日的试岗见习,最后根据笔试、面试、岗位技能测试成绩(比例为4:4:2)确定应试者的综合成绩,改变了原来仅依笔试、面试成绩进行排序和考察的做法,提高了公开选拔领导干部工作的科学性和公信度.  相似文献   

在公选面试中,为了提高考试的难度,提高考察的深度和准确度,有些主考官往往会千方百计地设卡,别出心裁地出题,拟定一些刁钻古怪的面试题.因此,应试者要想在公选面试中获胜,就要具备良好的心理素质和很强的应变能力、情绪自控能力,掌握相应的基本要领,临阵不慌,应答自如.笔者认为,应试者不妨从以下几方面作出积极的努力.  相似文献   

唐曙光 《领导科学》2012,(24):34-37
无领导小组讨论因其考察应试者素质全面、准确等优点,成为公务员考试和领导干部公选考试除结构化面试外的最重要的方式。在无领导小组讨论过程中,应试者会呈现出不同特点。下面,我们以一次无领导小组讨论面试个人陈述阶段为例,分析几名典型应试者的回答,使大家更加了解在无领导小组讨论面试中应试者的特点,也使应试者更加清醒地认识自己并进行针对性改进。×××局公开选拔科长职位无领导小组讨论面试题某单位招录新公务员,认为公务员应具备下面几项素质:1.较强的学习能力,2.有边工作边学习的认识,3.  相似文献   

对于面试答辩,许多应试者都会感到心里没底,不知如何下手。笔者参加工作以来先后经历了几次结构化面试,而且每次面试都取得了较好的成绩。总结这几次取得好成绩的经验,笔者感到面试答辩也有一定技巧可循,现将几点不成熟的心得写出来与大家交流。面试答辩技巧之一:找准题眼。无论是什么性质的面试,主考单位对于试题的设计都有一定的目的性,期望通过面试题考察出考生某一方面的能力。应试者要想得高分,就要在回答问题时尽量找准题眼,根据题眼去回答。我曾答过这样一道题:如果一个人正在做一件不愿让别人看到的事,而你看到了,他也看到了你,你将…  相似文献   

近些年,在我国各地公推公选工作中,常采用无领导小组讨论方法对候选人进行测评,效果很好.无领导小组讨论是人才评价中经常使用的一种测评技术,其采用情景模拟的方式对应试者进行集体的面试.评价者不指定每个应试者的角色,而是让所有应试者自行安排、自行组织,力求在自由讨论中形成一致意见.评价者通过应试者的活动,观察每个应试者的表现,对应试者的能力、素质和个性特征进行综合评价.  相似文献   

李春林 《领导科学》2001,(12):30-31
在公开选拔领导干部的面试中,常常会出现这样的现象:有的答题者虽然口若悬河、滔滔不绝,得分却很低;而有的答题者虽然讲话不多,也听不出有什么精彩之处,得分反而较高.这往往使一些在场的普通听众大惑不解,有时甚至连一些当事人也感到茫然.为什么会出现这种情况呢?这是因为,公开选拔领导干部的面试,是一种针对特定领导岗位要求,以测试应试者领导能力和综合素质为主的结构化面试.在这种考试中,应考者要取得较好的成绩,关键在于能够在答题中展现自己较高的领导能力和综合素质.那么,面试中如何才能展现出自己的领导能力呢?  相似文献   

Organizational investment in information systems is often large and risky given the variety of information requirements placed on systems today. To make more informed decisions and to meet the challenge of developing systems that satisfy these demands, system developers need to achieve a better understanding of factors that ultimately lead to system usage. To enhance this understanding, we posit a holistic framework to examine several constructs suggested in the literature that lead to the behavioral intention to use an information system. Our framework includes situational involvement, intrinsic involvement, argument for change, perceived usefulness, ease of use, prior usage, and attitude constructs. We extend the Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is founded on the Theory of Reasoned Action. A diverse sample from industry is used to test our model. Structural equation modeling is used to examine the entire pattern of intercorrelations among the constructs and to test related propositions. A hierarchical structure is used to compare the explanatory ability of TAM with our extension. Our model explains a large portion of the covariance among the constructs that lead to a user's behavioral intention to use an information system and compares favorably with TAM. The results indicate that (1) the direct effect of situational involvement on behavioral intention as well as attitude is significant in the negative direction, (2) attitude seems to play a mediating role, and (3) intrinsic involvement plays a significant role in shaping perceptions. Finally, we conclude that the user involvement construct needs to be separated into its psychological as well as its participative components for developers to understand its impact on the systems development process.  相似文献   


Several behaviors in a ski shop were identified as being deficient using Austin's Performance Diagnostic Checklist (2000) and Daniels and Daniels' PIC/NIC Analysis (2004). During a 4-week baseline, 7 cleaning behaviors were monitored and 5 were subsequently targeted in an intervention package using an ABC design. The intervention included: a task clarification session, a posted behavioral checklist, graphic feedback of the group's performance for the previous week, and daily task-specific feedback. Immediately after the checklist was posted, the frequency of employee cleaning behaviors increased 52%. Cleaning behaviors increased an additional 12% after the implementation of daily task-specific feedback. Results suggest the interventions generalized to the 2 cleaning behaviors not mentioned in the task-clarification session.  相似文献   

Morton L. Mandel, CEO of Cleveland-based Premier Industrial Corporation, with brothers Jack and Joe, started selling automotive fasteners out of garage 50 years ago. Today, Premier's sales are running at a record $650m clip. The market value of the Mandel brothers' publicly-traded Premier shares earns all three a place on Forbes' list of the 400 wealthiest Americans. The family still holds about 60 per cent of the stock. Mort Mandel believes that gives the company independence and the ability to concentrate on nuts and bolts rather than politics. Mandel's nuts and bolts approach to managing has created stunning success—after-tax margins twice the average of Premier's industry, return on assets of 24 per cent, return on investment above 30 per cent, earnings per share compounded in excess of 17 per cent for the past 5 years, shareholders' equity that has grown close to 10 per cent annually for 20 years, and debt of less than 3 per cent of net worth. Mandel says it's simple: Treat customers as though they have the ‘right’ to superior service. Behave ethically, professionally and personally. Do good. Invest in people. Execute, execute, execute. What he calls Management 101. We suspected it wasn't quite that simple, and we wanted to know how he created a company that repeatedly outperforms its industry and many others, how he sustains a culture that generates 5000 written profit improvement ideas a year from Premier's 5400 employees. So we asked him some questions about his views on management and leadership that produced refreshing insights into the power, purity and timeless applicability of ‘management basics’. This interview was conducted at Premier's unpretentious executive offices, located in the Midtown Corridor of Cleveland, Ohio, a privately-sponsored urban renewal project inspired by Mort Mandel, who practices his preachings about ‘doing good’.  相似文献   

Before you fix the problem, enact great change or make a far-reaching decision, take time to notice, listen and get involved. These acts provide the best insight, the best treatment, to heal an organization's wounds.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the results of an action research project whose aim was to develop and implement an operating room scheduler at the Meyer University Children’s Hospital. The study offers insights into the features that make an MSS optimisation model and scheduler effective and easy to implement, and shed light on those actions facilitating their introduction and use. Specifically, it suggests that creating an effective operating room scheduler requires clustering patients in homogeneous surgery groups and developing a flexible tool that allows: scheduling surgery groups instead of actual patients, easily adding/removing constraints, changing the objective function(s) and adjusting the planning horizon. In addition, it posits that gaining the commitment of top management by showing credible preliminary results, inferring stakeholder preferences by letting them comment on tentative schedules, introducing changes gradually and involving staff at lower levels of the hospital hierarchy can significantly facilitate the scheduler development and implementation.  相似文献   

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