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Shíyòng Hàn yǔKǒu yǔ实用汉语口语Basic Chinese Sentences现在几点? Xiàn zài jǐdiǎn? What time is it now?今天几号? Jīn tiān jǐhào? What is the date today?明天星期几? Míng tiān xīng qījǐ? What day is tomorrow?  相似文献   

Astray "I couldn't understand it," she said in a sad and serious voice, "in what way do I not match her? I'm more beautiful, more selfrestrained and more tender and considerate than her...." Sitting at the psychological consultative center, Xi'er buried her head in her hands. Only at the center could she, not being all nerves, get her tangled feelings of anxiety, agony and antipathy off her chest. She is an unbending young woman and conscious of her image all the time. So, even shedding sad tears, she took a tissue from her purse to  相似文献   

ll勺砚万l口厅J王q tJ口八ow boxina、a traditional Chines‘Ui渤irnl卜OTtBallroom daneing 15sure to set Vou baek inthe qroove.Amateur parasailersExercise those brain muscles with C:hinese chessFree and content-and it strengthens the heart and lungs too.The joys0f scuba diving.Taking a dip in the icy blue?Easy does it,just don’t stop movingThe China National Exercise Campaign…  相似文献   

There can be comfort in having other people make decisions for us, even life altering ones. When we are unsure or afraid, it is not uncommon to turn to others-experts-to help us decide whatto do, wha! path to take. Perhaps we don't trust our own instincts or maybe we really don't know what to do in a specific situation. Rather than rely on our own self-knowledge, we seek outside advice. We want to defer the decision making to others, get an ironclad, black or white answer to questions that sometimes reside in a shade of gray. One time when I was at a dermatologist's office, she told me There are three things I want you to do: take an aspirin every day, use suntan lotion every time you go outside in the sun and wear a baseball hat if you are in the sun for a prolonged period of time.  相似文献   

对话场景(戴夫把他“甜蜜的家”安在了办公室的隔壁)吉娜一早进公司 Zina: Dave, wake up. 吉娜:戴夫,醒醒。 Dave: Whaah? Zina? What's the time? 戴夫:啊? 吉娜? 现在几点了?  相似文献   

Chu~ng qj看n mfng yu~guang,床前明月光,Moonlight in front of mv bed——Yf sm曲sh&ng shuAng.疑是地上霜。l took it for frost on the ground!Ju tou wang mmg yue举头望明月,l¨ft my eyes to watch the bright moon,DR6u甜g、uxianq.低头思故乡。1 0Wer them and dream of home.(Everybody iswelC0metotrytogueSSthernean-ings of;)5 .SendUs y0Ur anSWerS·SmallP’jz(任xeeutive Edito卜:L.N 21责任编辑:林子)圈学汉语(英文)…  相似文献   

Photos by CHENG JINGJINGIn fall 1993,the Seventh National Women’sCongress was held in Beijing.Deputies exercised their right tO elect membersOf ACWF’S Seventh Executive Committee.Deputies from all walks of life gathered togetherJinuo,Han and Miao deputies exchange ideasP月r tv and气tate!eaders Inelud一n日】lan只又e,1llr (from L toR):T一ans日:J}allZ日d()l!Hua「t,Z卜OU,Kangl,ng,Zhan、1,al·2卜en,Ht才ango}zao Llu日alr()n只〔12}厂妙曙卿屺;£巴习刃翻.竺代巴群二二飞romth。Peop!e…  相似文献   

单位:%年龄文化文盲半文盲小学初中高中中专合计11当73 13 30 80 4350000 2 5 11 226 公一巴J廿.二口沙Q口月b两‘nU ‘2一l︸rJ,1 n.八UnU,l,上 双习一nUn︶n︸n甘nUn目八U专一一的四4816巧肠5182越月一f占nll﹄︸“一八U八”,上nU|氏f一|16no︸07 14 43 67 1941八曰︸nU八lj︸n︸︸“,上.勺..几12舰︸12 32 97 19 5221︸日n,一日八”︵“︸OJ n6勺‘06血汤97O.O.0。Q甘11,1﹄b4口甘尸a魂b加。论25614 37 09 0725胎44010 0 1 5 7 15 26591 70 42 38 61 99 76170 1 3 6 1017器1D15 16 17 18 19 2021封资料来源:1990年人口普查100%资…  相似文献   

遨蘸酬卿黝啊黝翩蠕赢酬麒麒瓤A请问,oTng有出租汽车吗?氏一请工奉Wer15 the阳a、恕融妙一Ca卜B有,您去哪儿?沙肿确祥r?丫e吕_VV日e阳口oy0UA熟泉弓之ch吞. nthe远吗卜-A.我去银行。B.太远了嗽恕冬如心姗氮沐别尘索一凛嚼纂公红B.请上车。{种赞户扮份份吮,州州钟呼勺嘴,份呼啼oTngs隐ng;丽A.P leaseg献inA.谢谢!去银朽选林?yu勤匕的浦n?乡甲一动蛇111尽nKy0U卜L芝董纂请问,去飞机场远不远?声丫__长_、,,二.丫_只,rlg1w尽{,·甲u..「e,J,,『,a『,导lV旧ylas吮15 Inea}rpo几far away?B.很远。户‘日勘yu渐B.不太远,一会儿就到。\\B…  相似文献   

(北京·1986)编号职业平均分编号职业平均分编号职业平均分44 4336肠32 27 2589湘25 04 00 90 63 2504吐d几舀吸甘OU性叨心曰介00目勺习勺自O自曰.︸,l‘.11山,二35 36 37 38 39 4041砚43 44 45 46 4748钓油只J任丹n OU oC拍0 eol台,口八Ug口几O‘dJ任眨Jl﹄J,1 n.八曰.U,J 0.0。O。只行才片了J峪 ...……0.…付产7 tJ仲‘7内矛。。5片u;。5,O比口5 大学教师 医生 自然科学家 电气工程师 社会科学家 建筑工程师 记者 作家 中学教师 图书管理员司、局级干部 会计 电工 处级千部 秘书 运动员 汽车司机7。627。60食品工人厨师警察化学…  相似文献   

八:一厂周六中冬你有空吗?子晒ul心多比八「ey0UT旧已湘伽而g“a?住从一atnoqn?毅滴耘礴瓣籍如氰Zh6UhaVe.\,__丫V}旧znong四日四0an apPUI「Ilrrlerl卿心崛自山A补挪卿免怎娓导N乙w筋s·〕HOwa匕cLr le?eVening?瓤崛本有零{二夔嘟鬓奉害螂身W澎门sh匕、sh翻mes喻ma?mfreeWoUj目帅叫{啼相回。叭踩:我澎谕你来狐家搬客。叭x{纂叩}Wa「11工口森 V,大V.‘一丫、nl:lal四gJ}母zUO阴·】_四比10叨日门e厂歇田y日Qme跳落婉i艺蓄瞬l辫豁麒赢 V了,仁Z少立乍、,、洲只卿甲圳gyu娜lyl}阳柑g乒一戍夔缈琳…娜娜晦终鱿渺罐参攀蒙攀琳litl储n…  相似文献   

综合得分一、经济 1.人均国民生产总值 一-一一{t,二{低收入国家}中等收入国家)*,l、、1二、 1世孙1—!——一尸以八},,,,’甲标}1}其中{」下中等}上中等}{国居世 }丫毕}平均}}平均}收入国(收人国{二,}田*夯—阵斗公}~~些丰一华滨一共斗攫 !72{“1}“7}”1}76}”2}’43{了1 …6…2 12…5…4 16…1。…95。八Q.内nl廿内h叹一丹OOUn了..‘。OQ﹄一片O曰 ,,50 10 10 4 10 10642 8 8 4 9 85二、社会结构 2.农业产值在国民生产总值中的比重 3.第三产业产值在国民生产总值中的比重 4.出口总额在国民生产总值中的比重 5.城市人口占总人「(比重 6…  相似文献   

薪Thefirstfivc--starredflagll”ng“,lemnly。ver Tian,allmen Square Ph。一0 supplicdhyXinhua()n()e[oberl,19斗9(:hairman Mao Zedonga一Inounccdthelounding()f the PeoPI任,5 RePublie of(二hin扭。n Tian,anmen TO、、℃r(Careof〔Ica爬nlyl,ea代).rll.)一0 supp一ied句x万nllua…蘸蘸薰鬓7‘诫嘱名犷下川螂渗热翩气葬清岁考渗滚旦弓The eaPiral(〕ctober 1.workers’Procession ma“hed tllrough一he Square onlqsqIntliV仁l一Sal军ofth〔when a grand〔elebra[1011、foundizl只ofNe划(11ina-was held tor lhe]()[hrll…  相似文献   

年份(万对)婚(为)(万对)婚!离婚率}离婚为结婚对数 {(为)1(%)1978年1979年1980年1985年1986年5 .0‘.85 .55。76 0 OUn一J七叮J no nU .…n﹄0 01︸?1 8 J6 .…,上J肠之J内11﹄飞︸内J 41‘J曰﹄,占60产叮」份山伪JJ马尸、﹃6月l有上J土,︵.土8,占‘土‘土,J7. 3. 6. 9.j59 63 71 8288我国历年结婚率和离婚率~~  相似文献   

六毒和吐·客心个/今作·但齐巷吵擎·︸个人想祝够、·公祝件l石依不冈念的惰几!·琴泛丁亏由通讨一再食亏马卜走次育问的·兮叱后约林扁公乃位医.沈‘竹·。,入·挂未门沈|十八浮· 分娩后的阵痛会持续多久?医生说,两三天,母亲们说-十八年。 夫妻和睦,要两个人合作,但要想吵架,一个人想就够了,这就像—在狼不同意的情况下.羊单方面通过家t方案是没有用的。口.,加产二‘.司,,‘,,.护诊面月、该书L趣怜和名兮.事l皿二中念佑,小‘佃外人道冲·雨盈·六,发,八宋上.五当问又砚|价大尹兀破反问!六有剑的边择呜,及软卜参.认称走均铃姻卜走这拜不…  相似文献   

什么时候女人拥有难忘的性爱?是蜜月里的如胶似漆,还是旅途中的情景交融?每个女人可能有不同的体验。一般来说,美好的做爱感觉多半是因为下列几种因素:1.自己有强烈欲望,很想要、心情又很轻松,最容易进入情况。"感觉最棒的一次是从朋友处喝酒谈心后,他载我回家已经是清晨五点多了,弟弟在房里睡,我要他去洗把脸,休息一下再回去,结果他却一把抱住我说:‘我想要!’那一次我们在房间里不敢大声,怕吵醒弟弟,可是我们同时达到高点……那次的感觉好棒!"2.对方表现良好,很体贴、技巧佳。"最棒的性爱经验是和我的第四任男友,他是摄影师,相当浪漫、温柔,外型酷酷的,跟他在一起经常会有一些  相似文献   

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