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Beijing Butterfly Lovers and Yellow River古典协奏曲:《梁祝》与《黄河》Venue:Beijing Concert Hall Date:October 2 Price($):100/180/380/580/880/ 1,080 JAM Project World Flight 2008 Beijing Concert JAM Project World Flight 2008北京演唱会Venue:Star Live Date:October 2 Price($):400/600  相似文献   

Beijing Eason Chan Yik-shun 2008 Beijing Concert陈亦迅北京演唱会Venue:Beijing Workers' Stadium Date:September 28 Price($):200/300/400/680/880/ 1,280 Guitar China Eighth Anniversary吉他中国八周年庆典Venue:Star Live Date:September 20 Price($):40/50 Japanese Kabuki Rock Tour 2008雅-miyavi《This is the Japanese Kabuki Rock》新专辑发布会  相似文献   

Beijing Jay Chou 2008 World Tour Beijing Concert周杰伦2008世界巡回演出——北京演唱会Venue:Beijing Workers' Stadium Date:May 1 Price($):180/280/380/480/ 680/980/1,280  相似文献   

Beijing Fairy Tale:The Queen's New Clothes儿童剧《王后的新衣》Venue:Haidian Theatre Date:June 1 Price($):80/120/180/280/380 French Piano Festival 2008 Beijing  相似文献   

BeijingBooking website:www.ycpiao.com.cnwww.ycpiao.com.cnBooKinq number:1338145975613381459756Four Opera Cycle by Richard Wagner:The Ring of the NibelungAddress:Poly TheatreDate:November1Price:800,580,380,180RMBPeking Opera:Yangown Heroic WomenAddress:Pek…  相似文献   

Beijing Shang Yang话剧《商鞅》Venue:Tianqiao Theatre Dates:July 1-3 Price($):TBA Women General of Yang Family京剧《杨门女将》Venue:Mei Lanfang Theatre Dates:July 1-7 Price($):TBA  相似文献   

Beijing Sleeping Beauty 睡美人 Venue: Poly Theater Date: September 22 Price (¥): 180/280/380/480/ 680/880 Tel: (010) 65001188-5619/5621  相似文献   

Teahouse 茶馆DONGCHENG DISTRICTCha Tao FangTel: 64174318Add: No.1 Red Building, Xinzhong Street, NorthGongti RoadTime: 12:00-02:00Costs: Water, free; Tea, 50 yuan/setMingren TeahouseTel: 65222903Add: A5, West Chongwenmen AvenueTime: 24 hoursCosts: Water, 10 yuan/person;Tea, 55 yuan/set  相似文献   

森田:这个机种价格多少? 贝尔:100美金。 森田:那个呢? 贝尔:这个价格要贵一点,110美金。 森田:这个价我们承受不了。 贝尔:如果订购1000个,可以优惠。 英语的Yes与No表达赞成和反对的意思,有时候 在会话中为了随声附和对方而连说Yes.Yes,则有可 能被对方误解。在对方讲话的时候,还是以静听为 好。另外,作为最后结论的Yes和No也很重要,对于不 能做的、或不能接受的事,要明确地说No。有些人当 自己的意见被说No时,会感到自己的人格被否定。但 是,工作上的No不是对立,不要怕No,这是谈判中不 产生误解的关键。  相似文献   

Beijing 北京Booking Website:www.ycpiaolcom.cn 订票网址:www.ycpiao.com.cn Booking numbef:13381459756 订票热线:13381459756 Ballet:The Last Emperor Date:1 September 9月1日芭蕾舞剧《末代皇帝》Two Fount Study by Moonlight Date:2 September 9月2日芭蕾舞剧《二泉映月》Giselle Date:3 September 9月3日芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔》Address:Poly Theater 演出地点:保利剧院Price:680,580,380.280,180,80(RMB) 演出票价:180,580,380,280,180,80元  相似文献   

In this issue we will introduce readers to the General Principles of the Civil Lave of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the Fourth Session of the Sixth National People's Congress, promulgated by order No.37 of the President of the People's Republic of China on April 12, 1986, and effective as of January 1, 1987.This law was formulated according to the constitution and the actual situation in our country, drawing upon our practical experience in civil actirities,for the purpose of protecting the lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons and correctly adjusting civil relations,so as to meet the needs of the developing socialist modernizationThe Civil Law of the People's Republie of China has 156 articles and 9 chapters. The chapters are:1) Basic Principles;2) Citizen (Natural Person); 3) Legal Persons; 4) Civil Law and Agencies; 5)Civil Rights; 6) Civil Liability; 7) Limitations of Action; 8) Application of Law in Civil Relations with Foreigners; and 9) Supplement  相似文献   

No Wonder! 怪不得呢! Guai bu de ne! Sometimes, people want to find answers to the questions that puzzle them. If the truth turns out to prove their shrewd observations, they will be pleased. Example例句: 1. A:Hey, Lao Li was arrested for embezzlement! B: No wonder! I was curious where he got  相似文献   

瀚哑ie如“CinemaTel:6立256713Add:No.石9,Xin改PeO盯Ie’盆Tne题tleT亡1:66181634Add: No.74,Hugu。Street51 Street 界妇钾礴鑫藻)粼{必{麟蓦王卜On期如朋韵贯eCrea石0口鞠口翻CeC亘四emaTel:63034485公即in翻P朋翻目et Pla贾仆e晶扮eAdd:No.85,Tianqiao舀朋ang知nmen ejnem合Market St〔eet :N。‘万,Longftls升Street 霸曲爵n组峪0雷良e比公朋.t明『韵l摊jaCe 64031596- St胎et 漏猛纂揣豁oustr郎‘丫TcL6皿29689Ad次N劝64,Don梦anmenstreet蕊蕊;群-Tel: 63D30878Tel: 6425484目Add: No.AI,Anhua Xilij画业50皿gC亘…  相似文献   

fitness Clubs健身俱乐部Looking for a place to keep fit? Check out these places:The Spa Fitness ClubOffered: Swimming, gym facilities, aerobics, massage, steambathTel: 85251818Add: Floor B1, China Renshou Mansion, No. 16, ChaowaiStreet, Chaoyang DistrictTime: 06:30-22:30, 09:00-21 :00 on weekendsMembership Card: 6,500 yuan/year  相似文献   

Theatres and Concert HallsBeijing Concert HallTel: 66054470, 66057006Add: No.1, North Xinhua Street, LiubuKou, West Chang'an Avenue  相似文献   

Memories of Home     
COUPLES invited to participate in the '96 Beijing Golden Wedding Anniversary for the World's People's Tour stayed in the Shangri-La Hotel in western Beijing. The large contingent included Chen Dong and his wife Zhang Shujie. Shortly after arriving, one segment of a TV program featuring a Canadian woman recounting her experiences in China in the Chinese language aroused the attention of Zhang Shujie. That woman said she was born in Beijing at a time when her family lived at No.47 Waijiaobu Street. Zhang muttered to herself: "It's No.32 and not No.47." Zhang suddenly remembered  相似文献   

No1.潘石屹/张欣夫妇:SOHO中国上市 伴随着SOHO中国的上市,二人身价在上市当天即达到317亿港元,而后又起身胡润百富榜第16名.有了资金这个制高点后,自比为鹰的SOHO中国就相当于鹰的翅膀有了风的助力,会飞得更快更高.老潘的2007,相当精彩!  相似文献   

1.你有把零钱放入钱筒的习惯吗?Yes前进至3,No前进至22.你就算熬夜也依然光鲜亮丽?Yes前进至4,No前进至73.你很想或曾经去过迪斯尼乐园?Yes前进至6,No前进至54.你喜欢的异性类型都很相似?Yes前进至7,No前进至6  相似文献   

It,5 Probably No Good J又成是不行了日孔卜6ngs喻匕乙x南9 Ie :z\成比e卜巨ng,”whie卜Ijtera}Iy means”80 pereent,”}mplies the ldea of”most Probably”orl!most likely.l‘If one says this,he/ she 15 almost sure that something WIll haPPen. ExamPlefflJ句: 1  相似文献   

Makye means "not born" or "not stained," which can be interpreted as "holy," "perfect," or "pure." Ame is the preposition of Ama, which means "mother." To Tibetans, mother is the embodiment of all that is beautiful in a woman. Therefore, Makye Ame can mean holy mother, pure lady, or it can be interpreted as "beautiful ancient dream." This restaurant offers typical Tibetan dishes and a dining environment with Tibetan flare. You can also watch some Tibetan folk dances while eating. 1. Address: 2/F, Club of Golden Lake Garden, No. 23 Baijiazhuang Dongli, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010-65088986 2. Address: 2/F, Xiu Shui Nan Jie, Jian Guo Men Wai, Beijing Tel: 010-65069616  相似文献   

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