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This theme-based book review considers three recent titles related to public sector corruption: Populism and corruption: The other side of the coin, edited by Jonathan Mendilow and Eric Phelippeau; Critical perspectives on public systems management in India, by Amar KJR Nayak and Ram Kumar Kakani; and Handbook on corruption, ethics and integrity in public administration, edited by Adam Graycar.


We analyse the impact of different immigration policies on human capital investment in a search‐theoretic model. This class of models features unemployment and underinvestment in human capital. The underinvestment in human capital can be solved by combining immigration policy with appropriate education subsidies. Extending the model with respect to different skill groups allows to analyse the observed bimodal skilled immigration of the USA.  相似文献   

This article examines the similarities and differences in the concepts or in the usage of the terms “integrity”, “morals” and “ethics” to provide a framework for understanding why these concepts are the foundation of professional ethics and to promote a more thoughtful consideration of the need for codes of ethics for the field of adult education. The article reviews the original interpretations of these terms by the classic philosophers whose works are fundamental for a greater appreciation of contemporary ethics.  相似文献   

企业与社会相分离、管理与伦理相割裂的发展模式不可持续,迫切需要有新的商业模式、新的管理理论和管理模式出现。在此背景下,2014年6月10日,于上海召开的"第一届中国企业·管理·伦理论坛"对相关问题进行了研讨。在此,结合论坛的主要报告和讨论内容,就企业社会责任、企业伦理、管理伦理以及这一领域未来应关注的主题等几个方面的主要观点进行综述,并归纳了与会者对论坛的可持续发展的各种建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical review of the theoretical basis and empirical evidence for the popular practitioner idea that there are generational differences in work values. The concept of generations has a strong basis in sociological theory, but the academic empirical evidence for generational differences in work values is, at best, mixed. Many studies are unable to find the predicted differences in work values, and those that do often fail to distinguish between ‘generation’ and ‘age’ as possible drivers of such observed differences. In addition, the empirical literature is fraught with methodological limitations through the use of cross‐sectional research designs in most studies, confusion about the definition of a generation as opposed to a cohort, and a lack of consideration for differences in national context, gender and ethnicity. Given the multitude of problems inherent in the evidence on generational differences in work values, it is not clear what value the notion of generations has for practitioners, and this may suggest that the concept be ignored. Ultimately, it may not matter to practitioners whether differences in the values of different birth cohorts reflect true generational effects, provided one can reliably demonstrate that these differences do exist. However, at present this is not the case, and therefore significant research is required first to disentangle cohort and generational effects from those caused by age or period. The suggestion that different groups of employees have different values and preferences, based on both age and other factors such as gender, remains a useful idea for managers; but a convincing case for consideration of generation as an additional distinguishing factor has yet to be made.  相似文献   

After nearly 30 years as a subject of inquiry, mentoring remains a mainstay in the organizational literature, as relationships are arguably more important than ever to employees' personal and career growth. In this paper, we take an ecological perspective to situate and review topical areas of the literature with the intention of enhancing our understanding of how mentoring outcomes for protégés and mentors are determined not only by individual differences (e.g., personality) and dyadic factors (e.g., the quality of a relationship)—both of which represent the most frequently examined levels of analyses—but also the influences of the people from various social spheres comprising their developmental network, the larger organization of which they are a part, and macrosystem factors (e.g., technological shifts, globalization) that enable, constrain, or shape mentoring and other developmental relationships. Our review examines multi-level influences that shape mentoring outcomes, and brings into focus how the study of mentoring can be advanced by research at the network, organizational, and macrosystem levels. To help guide future research efforts, we assert that adult development and relational schema theories, Positive Organizational Scholarship, a social network perspective, signaling theory, and institutional theories can help to address emerging and unanswered questions at each ecological level.  相似文献   

2011’中国·实践·管理论坛以直面中国的管理实践为主题,从实践导向的管理研究的内涵、机制和成果评价进行了丰富而有启发性的探讨。论坛强调中国实践导向的管理理论研究的价值,认真探索中国情境理论化的方法和实例,达成了源于中国管理实践的理论研究基本共识,呼吁正确评价实践导向的管理理论研究,强化了直面中国管理实践的学术导向的影响,期望学术界与实践界的合作更加紧密。  相似文献   

为应对本轮经济危机,各国政府纷纷出台经济刺激计划及相应配套政策,以遏制经济增长显著下滑的态势。随着经济危机渐行渐远,如何实现经济刺激计划的平稳退出,成为各国政府亟需面对的首要问题,理论界也对此展开了激烈的探讨。本文以判断经济复苏走势为切入点,选择经济刺激计划退出过程中面临的相关问题为研究对象,对国内外学者的研究成果进行综述,并在此基础上展望了未来我国宏观经济政策走向。  相似文献   

Collaboration across national boundaries has become increasingly prevalent over the last decade, yet the management literature remains remarkably unhelpful in answering questions about what happens when people across nations and cultures work closely together. We review the management literature that reports empirical studies of global work and conclude that few of these studies, despite their explicit focus on globally distributed work, meaningfully examine the intercultural aspects of these collaborations. We assume an intercultural lens to understand what gets lost by not examining the global in global work and conclude that the very process by which workers who reside in different countries confront, explore, and resolve cultural differences begs for more clarity. Further, we conclude that a more contextual and dynamic view of culture is necessary to shed light on these processes. We use two examples—social networks and technology use—to illustrate how cultural differences might generate different patterns of behavior, and consider the effect of these potential incompatibilities on global work and workers as they collaborate across national boundaries.  相似文献   

In this review, the primary subject is the 'business case' for corporate social responsibility (CSR). The business case refers to the underlying arguments or rationales supporting or documenting why the business community should accept and advance the CSR 'cause'. The business case is concerned with the primary question: What do the business community and organizations get out of CSR? That is, how do they benefit tangibly from engaging in CSR policies, activities and practices? The business case refers to the bottom-line financial and other reasons for businesses pursuing CSR strategies and policies. In developing this business case, the paper first provides some historical background and perspective. In addition, it provides a brief discussion of the evolving understandings of CSR and some of the long-established, traditional arguments that have been made both for and against the idea of business assuming any responsibility to society beyond profit-seeking and maximizing its own financial well-being. Finally, the paper addresses the business case in more detail. The goal is to describe and summarize what the business case means and to review some of the concepts, research and practice that have come to characterize this developing idea.  相似文献   

More than a quarter century ago, organizational scholars began to explore the implications of prosociality in organizations. Three interrelated streams have emerged from this work, which focus on prosocial motives (the desire to benefit others or expend effort out of concern for others), prosocial behaviors (acts that promote/protect the welfare of individuals, groups, or organizations), and prosocial impact (the experience of making a positive difference in the lives of others through one's work). Prior studies have highlighted the importance of prosocial motives, behaviors, and impact, and have enhanced our understanding of each of them. However, there has been little effort to systematically review and integrate these related lines of work in a way that furthers our understanding of prosociality in organizations. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the literature, highlight key findings, identify major research themes, and address important controversies and debates. We call for an expanded view of prosocial behavior and a sharper focus on the costs and unintended consequences of prosocial phenomena. We conclude by suggesting a number of avenues for future research that will address unanswered questions and should provide a more complete understanding of prosociality in the workplace.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the literature on organization control could benefit from more attention to 'disconnections', particularly those that take the form of extrusions and effacements from organization processes. Pointing out that current organization researchers depend almost exclusively on 'connections' for their theorizing on control, the paper illustrates the importance of disconnections in the form of gaps, breaks and absences in three field studies. The argument of the paper is that control is an effect that is enacted in practice by a distribution of connections alongside disconnections.  相似文献   

本文以1999年至2003年的民营上市公司为研究对象,回避国有上市公司的非市场因素,研究股权结构、高管持股对绩效的影响。实证研究显示:第一大股东绝对控股时,其持股比例越高公司绩效越好,这时高管的股权激励无法发挥作用;当第一大股东持股比例低于20%时,高管的股权激励也无法发挥作用;当第一大股东持股比例在20%至40%之间时,其持股比例和绩效呈现倒U型关系,这时高管的股权激励发挥显著的作用。不同的股权结构对股权激励和绩效产生不同的影响,设计公司治理机制时应充分考虑这一因素。  相似文献   

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