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明清时代宗教的发展越来越突出其实用性与功利性的价值,越来越趋向平民化、内容世俗化。宗教的世俗化意味着传统教义中的神圣性质在逐步地淡化和减少,传统宗教的仪式及组织也日趋简化,传统宗教放下身价主动向民间信仰靠拢。从江南地区观音信仰及城隍崇拜的盛行,可以看出明清时期佛道发展的这一世俗化趋势。明清时期的城隍神最初是由官方赋予的官僚形式,成为神道设教与打击淫祠的象征,但是苏州民众却将其逐渐演变成富有特色的民间宗教信仰活动,包含进丰富的民生内容。最终使得城隍信仰活动演变成为苏州城乡民众的狂欢节日。  相似文献   

当代中国处在"古今"(传统与现代)"东西"(东西方文明)矛盾的交叉点上,原本存在着时空差距的问题同时呈现,从而使"中国难题"成为"世界之最".谁能破解"中国难题",谁就能成为当代人文社会科学之翘楚.在这方面,雷默的"北京共识"将给我们提供某种方向性的启示.  相似文献   

皖西大刀会,作为民间自卫武装团体,带有浓厚的迷信传统及地域保土意识,它的存在是对乡村权力网络结构的一种牵制,并不自觉地通过反政府的叛乱而不断被政府化,也被地方精英默许为非体制力量的存在。中共革命从城市转入乡村过程中,皖西豪绅多组织大刀会团体以图自保,这样,中共就必须将大刀会从地方性叛乱势力转化为全国性革命势力,或者说将大刀会叛乱这种传统乡村集体行动形式库转化为自主跨地域性、强组织性并带有浓厚阶级性的现代集体行动形式库。在革命践行中,中共采取多管齐下的方式进行调适、分化瓦解,最终成功达到瓦解其组织,并使其会众步入革命阵营,成为革命的同路人。  相似文献   

王海明教授对他所谓道德自律论的批判犹如跟一堆假想的老虎搏斗。他所谓道德他律论实为彻底的道德工具主义;具体表现为道德价值外在论、计算理性、功利主义等三个论题;其最终所导致的是道德虚无主义。由于王先生没有看到集体意向性乃是道德的真正诞生之地,也没有注意到语言对道德的重大作用,所以,他错误地断言:动物不但有道德,而且有最高尚的美德。  相似文献   

According to the spirit of strengthening the protection of human rights in the whole world that promoted by the Charter of the United Nations and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly Meeting passed two international covenants on human rights in December 1966.  相似文献   

There have always been two opposite opinions on the relationship between pragmatics and language norm.Some scholars hold the opinions that language norm is not the shackles of language use,so language users can break the norm occasionally in order to achieve the purpose of communication.Other scholars believe that sticking to the norm is the presupposition of successful communication.According to them,the violation of norm is the negation of the function as well as the necessity of language norm.  相似文献   

对于中国传统经济时期土地与乡村政治之间的关系问题,存在两种观点.“无关论”认为土地与乡村政治之间并没有直接的关系;“有关论”认为小块土地作为传统村庄治理的基础,与乡村政治间存在着因果或相关关系.在“相关论”的前提下,对于土地与乡村政治之间的互动影响机制存在宏观和微观两个分析视角,但已有的研究对小块土地与乡村治理之间的关系研究缺乏直接的因果论证.基于小块土地对乡村治理的实际影响可以发现,农村小块土地不仅产生了重要的经济影响,而且在社会层面上塑造了农民的“五种性格”,同时通过利益、偏好和权威三个机制实现了乡村的政治效应.  相似文献   

中国天人合一这一古老哲学命题,在当代社会理应起到它应有的启示作用。不论古代天人合一论有几多庞杂的内涵,也不论生态价值在古代天人合一论诸多内涵中地位多么次要,只要能体恤当代人在对对象、现实、感性所进行的感性活动或实践的理解,他们就一定会想到天人合一。这并非迎合时尚、随意发挥,而是因顺时势有所侧重,是思维理路和论说视阈之别。  相似文献   

Started from the argument of Culture is the carrier of the reproduction of ideology, the model of reproduction and dissemination of different ideologies. this paper divides the Chinese culture into three kinds from a macro view. These three kinds of culture are national culture, elite culture and popular culture.  相似文献   

建国初期,一场轰轰烈烈的反右运动在全中国展开.但是迄今为止,关于这场运动中右派是如何划分的仍然存在疑惑.尽管中共中央的有关文件为右派的划分制定标准,但在基层的运动中却不具有可操作性.因此两个问题被提出:一是右派、右倾、严重右倾有何差异?二是如何将其区分定性?本文以基层反右历史档案材料为依据,通过定性与定量分析方法,对上述问题给予分析与讨论.研究发现,在鸣放过程中人们对当时农村政策的批评,时以往政治运动的指责,以及在鸣放过程中使用的语言方式和情绪成为划分右派的标准,而这些标准程度上的差异决定了"右派"右的差异.  相似文献   

Despite substantial differences in labour market attainment according to gender and migration status, gender and ethnic differences in labour market behaviour are most often studied separately. In contrast, this study describes and analyses interactions between gender, ethnic background and immigrant generation with regard to labour market participation, part-time work, and occupational status. The double comparison aims to reveal whether gender gaps in these labour market outcomes among the majority population generalise to ethnic minorities. Moreover, we ask whether variation in gender gaps in labour market behaviour follows the patterns in migrants’ origin countries, and whether gender gaps show signs of intergenerational assimilation. Our heterogeneous choice and OLS regressions of 2009 German Microcensus data reveal considerable variation in gender gaps in labour market behaviour between East and West Germany, across ethnic groups and across generations. Intergenerational comparisons show that most ethnic minorities assimilate towards German patterns of gendered labour market attainment.  相似文献   

1IntroductionUnderthecombinedinfluenceoftheimagepotentialatractionandsurfacebarierrepulsion,lowenergyelectronsonthesurfaceof...  相似文献   

印度文化中的形象由多个概念体现出来:色与相是西方image的相似物,境是主客合一的形象,情呈现了艺术形象的三重结构,味体现了形象的印度型本质,韵呈现了文学形象的特质.  相似文献   

江南禅学的产生与发展有着自身的内在逻辑。它植根于江南自然诗性文化之中,融会了本土的自然天道思想和外来的玄、佛思想。牛头禅主张虚空为道本,与江南玄学有着密切的渊源。在牛头禅的推动下,宗教性的印度禅终于蜕变为自悟性的中华禅,是聪慧的哲学、热忱的宗教、浓郁的诗性和日常的生活的统一。江南禅学对当时的慧能南宗禅学产生了积极的影响,对以后的江南新理学和阳明心学也产生了革新性的影响。  相似文献   

Since the opening -up of Shanghai,various kinds of architectures have reflected a city with unique fascination.Those houses in close connection with our daily lives are just like works of art,implying complicated cultural imagination through different kinds of forms.In the last two decades,there has been a large scale of urban renewal in Shanghai.Nowadays,Shanghai,a modern and fashionable metropolis is standing in front of the public.However,from my point of view,the urban renewal of Shanghai is not very successful for it is cutting apart its real history little by little in its dreamlike modern imagination,which does not actually meet the real needs of humanity.  相似文献   

<批评、正典结构与预言>是在国内学界颇有影响的"知识分子图书馆"丛书中的一本.但就在这部经典译作之中,却出现了多处明显的翻译讹错.这些问题主要分为三类:目的语处理不当,导致读者理解可能发生偏差或无法理解;出发语理解错误或不准确,导致翻译出错;翻译时脱离语词的具体语境,产生误导性翻译.在哈罗德·布鲁姆其他著作的翻译中也存在类似的错误.这实际上从一个侧面反映了当前国内西方文论翻译的尴尬现状.  相似文献   

The left-right ideological dimension plays a central role in political science research. The meaning of left and right is often based on analyses of responses to open-ended survey questions. In the 2008 German General Social Survey, item non-response to two particular open-ended questions on the meaning of left and right was considerable and calls for analyses of the value of the data have been received. In our paper we investigate item non-response to these two open-ended questions in terms of cognitive abilities, motivational aspects, and finally, in relation to the left-right self-placement scale itself. Item non-response in the open-ended questions is not based on randomness alone, and analyses show some significant systematic results. Thus, the open-ended questions seem to be biased and the validity of this data is questionable in some respect. In this context, left-right self-placement of non-respondents and “cognitive don’t knowers” need to be given careful consideration.  相似文献   

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