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In this meta-analysis, correlations of personality traits and career decision-making self-efficacy with self and environmental career exploration were estimated across 71 samples and a pairwise sample of 19,846. Traits included the Big Five personality traits, shyness, locus of control, vocational decision styles, and stress. Many measures of career exploration were based on scores of self and environmental exploration on the Career Exploration Survey. Results varied by characteristics with the largest effects for locus of control, vocational decision style: thinking-feeling and self-efficacy. Environmental exploration and self-exploration were moderately correlated and demonstrated different relations with traits that were consistent with theory. Self-exploration was related to openness to experience and unrelated to extraversion, while environmental exploration was correlated with extraversion. Both were similarly correlated with conscientiousness such that conscientious individuals were more likely to engage in career exploration.  相似文献   

Compared to other topics, right wing extremism has been experiencing a decrease in attention from the general public. However, the extent of right wing extremism and its causes are still to be explored. Based on a self-administered survey of 4,300 juveniles in Bavaria, the extent of right wing attitudes among juveniles is determined. In addition, several explanatory concepts are assessed using path analysis. Next to anomy theory and social disintegration theory, the following concepts are tested: socio-economic status and relative deprivation, theory of transgression, theory of the authoritarian personality, and contact thesis. Among the concepts tested, the theory of the authoritarian personality reveals the most profound impact on right wing attitudes; the concept of social disintegration, too, yields considerable, though less pronounced, regressions weights. Based on these findings, consequences for the future development of explanatory concepts are discussed. In our perspective, right wing attitudes are considered to be a result of social change and social disintegration to which some juveniles react with archaic patterns of the self and of social relations: People considered different in terms of ethnicity or other socially relevant characteristics are downgraded while at the same time the own person is emphasized.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (1) to show that a previously established relationship between female sexual enjoyment and self‐actualization also holds for males and (2) to demonstrate that sexual enjoyment of males and females is related to the actualization of their sexual partners. Forty‐two couples attending a large northeastern state university participated on a voluntary basis. Actualization was measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory. Sexual enjoyment was assessed by a questionnaire about orgasm consistency and by the Sexual Interaction Inventory (SII), which measures a variety of aspects of sexual satisfaction. Self‐actualization was related to orgasm consistency among males but not females. Several SII scales were correlated with self‐actualization for both males and females. Partners' self‐actualization was positively correlated with several aspects of male sexual enjoyment. However, female sexual enjoyment was negatively correlated with partners' self‐actualization. The results indicate that personality factors account for variance in male as well as female sexual responsiveness and that personality characteristics of one's partner may be related to one's sexual pleasure.  相似文献   

Relationship between team competence and the group performance is analyzed in this paper. The underlying question is whether it is possible to create an ideal group, when focussing on personality characteristics of group members. For this purpose, the paper first describes that the performance of a group is influenced by its composition. The team competence concept is then described based upon team concept sub-components like communication and cooperation competencies. Integrating the concept of team competence into the “five factors personality model” shows that the personality characteristics of ‘agreeableness’ and ‘extraversion’ have the highest coverage towards the team competence concept. The studies cited in this paper do not show significant positive relations between these two team competence related personality characteristics and the performance of a team. Implications for the understanding of team competence are shown.  相似文献   

We developed a new listening scale pertaining to how one likes to be listened to by others. Specifically, we constructed items by adapting the Listening Style Profile (LSP)-16 and a Constructive Listening subscale taken from the Facilitative Listening Scale and tested the validity of the scale against the Big Five personality traits. A survey (N = 195) suggested that (a) the factor structure of the adapted LSP-16 items yielded the expected four factors, albeit with items not loading on factors as expected in the original LSP-16; (b) the people facet of the LSP-16 is strongly correlated with a scale of constructive listening, r = .70; and (c) both the people facet of the LSP-16 and the constructive-listening behaviors scale are correlated with all of the Big Five personality traits, save for neuroticism. These listening scales showed a moderate correlation with a summary of all of the Big Five scales, known as General Factor of Personality, r = .38. Among the implications is the possibility that the more adjusted a person is, the more the person prefers to be listened to with a people-listening style or by a constructive listener.  相似文献   

This paper begins with an extended discussion of the case of A, a client diagnosed with a personality disorder who tested the ability of the professionals involved in his care to the limits. Despite their best attempts to contain his distress, the out of hours social workers and others involved with A were unable to help him effectively and A died from complications following a diabetic coma. A discussion of theory relevant to A follows: theory relating to personality disorder and the ‘hateful’ client; Freud's concept of the ‘negative therapeutic reaction’; Main's seminal work ‘The ailment’; Bion's theory of containment; and Winnicott's emphasis on attentive waiting. Further case examples are then provided which show both the success and failure of attempts at containment in an out of hours emergency social work setting. The impact of such work on the professionals concerned is highlighted. The paper concludes with an examination of the difficulties that can arise for workers charged with a duty to contain in the context of government policy. The desire for hope and optimism needs to be kept alive in the light of the recognition that even our best attempts will sometimes prove not sufficient.  相似文献   

Fifty-three men and 56 women viewed brief video segments of 32 male targets and rated them on three personality traits: extraversion, neuroticism, and masculinity-femininity (M-F). Judges were assessed on general intelligence, Big Five traits, and gender-related traits. Two measures of accuracy were computed: 1) consensus accuracy, which measured the correlation between judges' ratings and corresponding ratings made by previous judges, and 2) trait accuracy, which measured the correlation between judges' ratings and targets' assessed personality. There was no gender difference in overall accuracy. However, women showed higher trait accuracy than men in judging neuroticism. Consensus accuracy exceeded trait accuracy, and extraversion and M-F were judged more accurately than neuroticism. M-F judgments showed the highest level of consensus accuracy. Judges' intelligence correlated positively with accuracy. Except for openness, personality traits were generally unrelated to accuracy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relations between gambling, brain emotion systems, personality, self/other perception, and hopelessness in an Italian community. Dimensions of gambling, positive and negative emotions, self/other perception, personality and hopelessness were assessed in a community sample of 235 adults aged 19–59 years. Two structural models were tested. We found a significant correlation between problem gambling and impulsivity, which in association with aggressivity and negative personality dimensions may help explain the psychopathology factor, i.e. a latent variable involving neurotic personality, hopelessness, high sensation seeking, low metacognitive responsiveness, and disorganized patterns of interpersonal relationships. These results contribute to develop a theoretical framework of gambling in relation with personality factors and provide a new approach for clinical intervention of problem gambling that relies on a solid multidimensional perspective.  相似文献   

A brief history of the research, findings, and conclusions on how our two cortical hemispheres function is given as are some current speculations regarding an anatomical locus for some psychological phenomena. The paper suggests that much of therapy favors the left hemispheric or sequential mode of thinking. Many therapists may not recognize in some of their clients' responses a right hemispheric or simultaneous thinking preference. Respect for such thinking as on the same intellectual and maturational level as the sequential mode is indicated. Furthermore, techniques to help such clients through the utilization of their preferred hemisphere and through fostering hemispheric cross-talk can be devised. Three cases of such clients and the techniques used in working with them are described.  相似文献   

The Self-Directed Search was administered to 68 university seniors who were majoring in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, Elementary Education, and Office Administration. Their resulting three-letter summary codes were compared with three-letter college major codes obtained from the College Majors Finder. A high degree of agreement between the two sets of codes was found for each of the three majors. Effective methods for matching people to jobs have held the interest and occupied much time for career counselors and vocational theorists since the inception of the trait-factor approach to career counseling. More recently, Holland (1985a) broadened and clarified matching procedures through the development of his typological theory of vocational choice. Just as personality types and occupational environments have been organized using Holland's framework to foster an understanding of occupational choice, Holland's theory can also be used to explain other types of choices, such as choice of a college major.  相似文献   

Ordinal utility theory begins with the assumption of a consumer of given preferences, therefore, we must go beyond economic theory in order to investigate the nature of preferences without becoming circular. The approach here is to use interpersonal theories of personality development to investigate the formation of the preferences of the individual consumer. To establish a methodological relationship between economics and psychology, a common ground of analysis and an integrative framework must be provided to bring the contributions of psychology into economics into a systematic way. This is explored by using specific psychoanalytic theories of the internalization of interpersonal relations, and by relating this to a more general theory of personality development based on the significance of interpersonal relations. The objective of this study is a broader understanding of the behavioral foundations of the economic theory of the consumer, and a greater appreciation for preference structures which do not conform to the concept of the rational consumer of economic theory.  相似文献   

A 5 item sexual permissiveness scale devised by Reiss, and 4 personality inventory scales purporting to measure psychoticism (P), neuroticism (N), extraversion (E) and propensity to dissimulate (L for lie scale) were administered to 427 male and 436 female subjects aged between 20 and 50 years. It was found that men were more permissive than women on all 5 items; that items are intercorrelated in a pattern which could be predicted from the Guttman‐type properties of the original scale; that high P scorers were more permissive than low P scorers; that high L scorers were less permissive than low L scorers; and that extraverts were slightly more permissive than introverts. All the findings relating to personality and permissiveness were in good agreement with findings from previous studies of the relation between personality and sexual attitudes. Assortative mating was studied for 241 couples who formed part of the original sample. Correlations for permissiveness were all positive, and reached significance for all but one of the scales. For the personality scales, assortative mating was found to be important only for neuroticism, a finding in agreement with previous studies.  相似文献   

金工实习是高职高专学生实现理论知识与实践过程相结合的重要途径,对学生树立正确的就业观,掌握职业技能至关重要。以行为导向教育思想为基础,探讨了高职高专学生体验真实工程过程,获取真实职业能力的金工实习模式,以真正培养出既有理论基础更有实践能力的高技能人才。  相似文献   

Physical personality involves perceptible aspects of human appearance (both morphological and expressive) that are reliable cues about human traits and dispositions. Inferences made about personality on the basis of perceiving the cues in appearance may be valid as well as invalid. While the perception of many of such characteristics has been studied before, perception of suggestibility from facial appearance has remained unexplored. Here we present the results of a study where we show that real suggestibility does not correlate with perceived suggestibility. However, there is a significant correlation between perceived suggestibility and some facial characteristics such as babyfacedness and merriness.  相似文献   


Personality trait theories are often used to identify particular personality or behavioural characteristics of potential employees by human resource management departments. However, this can be enhanced by understanding how motivation plays a role in personality, and particularly within the context of knowledge-based personality processes. The paper draws on knowledge management theory called Knowledge Profiling (KP) in which a theoretical construct has been developed representing personality through a set of three traits and their polar values. This model has previously been linked to the trait theory of personality called Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This research adopts KP, develops its linkage with MBTI, and elaborates on its connection with motivation. The resulting model, referred to as Knowledge Profiling Motivational (KPM) model, is developed by connecting it with the Work Preference Inventory (WPI), which assesses individual differences in Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivational orientations. Analysis indicates that KPM is an improvement on the KP model in representing personality. Moreover, the research suggests that personality traits are not limited to a bipolar relationship but that there are relationships between traits as well.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine if lottery play along with other possible causes engenders problem gambling. Problem gambling was defined as a progression and measured by three scales: Gambling behavior, loss of control over gambling and gambling consequences. Possible causes of problem gambling included lottery play, personality traits, exposure to gambling, leisure pursuits, marital status, residence, and other background characteristics of respondents. Respondents are a stratified random sample of adult residents of Iowa contacted by telephone in May–June, 1989. It was found that lottery play is a predictor of gambling behavior, as well as loss of control and gambling consequences when previous stages of problem gambling were deleted from the analysis as predictor variables. Other predictors of the latter stages of problem gambling include its earlier stages, as well as personality traits and various background characteristics of respondents. The relevance of the findings for theory and future research on gambling are discussed.This research was partially supported by the Iowa Department of Human Services. We also wish to acknowledge the helpful comments of reviewers from this journal.  相似文献   

Factitious Disorder Imposed by Another (FDIA) can be difficult to expeditiously identify. Understanding personality characteristics of FDIA perpetrators via psychological assessment may decrease the time between initial abuse and identification of FDIA. Personality characteristics of FDIA mother-perpetrators were examined through a comparative analysis of MMPI-2 profiles. It was predicted that mother-perpetrators would have significantly higher overall profile elevations on the MMPI-2 and elevations on specific clinical scales than a comparative control group. Results indicated that mother-perpetrators displayed significantly higher, elevations on the Psychasthenia (Pt) and Schizophrenia (Sc) scales and a trend toward significantly higher elevation on the Psychopathic Deviate (Pd) scale than the control group. These findings, along with the demographic information obtained, establish a preliminary foundation for understanding an overall profile of mother-perpetrators.  相似文献   

陈艳 《职业时空》2012,(2):52-55
将学生培养成应用型的高技能专业人才,是高职院校一直研究的课题和高职教育不断追求的目标。高职院校法律专业教育应该在准确把握学生实践能力的内涵,明确实践能力培养现实意义的基础上,深入分析我国目前高职院校法律专业学生实践能力培养存在的问题及原因,并提出可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

To ascertain whether actual and perceived emotional sending are distinct constructs, the present study investigated the relationship between subjects' ability to facially express six basic emotions and their perceived success at expressing these emotions. Sixty-eight subjects completed a number of standardized personality scales and were videotaped while attempting to portray six basic emotions. Immediately following the videotaping subjects were asked to rate their perceived success in the emotional-sending task. Observers then judged the emotional-sending videotapes to determine subjects' actual sending abilities. A confirmatory factor analytic model indicated that actual and perceived emotional-sending were distinct factors. Zero-order correlations between the traditional personality measures and the actual and perceived sending factors also supported this distinction. These findings have important implications for the construction of standardized measures of individual differences in nonverbal communication skills.This research was supported by a UCR intramural research grant and a UCR NIH Biomedical Support Equipment grant. The authors would like to thank Richard Lippa and Louise Prince.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between boundary ambiguity and borderline personality traits in adolescent girls in foster care. Boundary ambiguity is a family systems concept: family members are uncertain about who is in or out of the family—in either psychological or physical presence or absence. In foster care, it can be assumed that an adolescent girl has experienced trauma significant enough to be removed from her family. The connection between early childhood trauma and attachment disruption in addition to the connection between insecure/disorganized attachment and borderline personality disorder leads to the conclusion that these same adolescents are at high risk for developing borderline personality traits. The sample consists of 40 caseworkers from New England’s child protection departments and therapists from residential programs working with adolescent girls. They completed the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure for Adolescents to determine the presence of personality disruption as well as a variation of Pauline Boss’s Boundary Ambiguity Scale #1, and demographic questionnaires. The results find a significant correlation between boundary ambiguity and borderline personality traits. These findings provide directions for future research in clinical treatment and child welfare policy making.  相似文献   

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