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Funding for American art museums has undergone significant changes in the past 20 years. In particular, federal and corporate giving have substantially declined following the Great Recession. These changes impact museums’ ability to secure funding for exhibitions. This study addresses how funding scarcity affects American art museums, specifically with regard to staff’s ability to execute their own tasks and the strategies of action they use to compensate for these changes. Drawing from literature on resource scarcity, I explore how funding declines have prompted museum staff to use “strategic cooperation” as a means of diversifying limited financial resources. Moreover, using interviews with curators and development officers, I identify three cooperative strategies they may use: coordinating inter‐professional activities, pooling professional knowledge, and finding creative financial solutions. These findings add to work on resource scarcity by identifying inter‐group cooperation as a diversification strategy. More importantly, I add to this literature by specifically identifying multiple forms of strategic cooperation individuals may employ to combat resource scarcity. Finally, while literature on the arts has focused on museums’ propensity for inter‐professional conflict during times of duress, my work demonstrates that, despite this, cooperative action is a present and viable strategy in cultural organizations.  相似文献   

The thesis that weight affects women's life chances for reaching high-status, white-collar jobs is tested with survey data gathered from a large aerospace organization (N = 306). It is hypothesized that women who are at or below their desirable weight will have higher incomes and occupational positions than women who are overweight, with human capital variables controlled. It is further hypothesized that weight will be most related to occupational position in male-dominated occupations and in occupations that involve frequent contact outside the firm. Results show that weight is related to income, but only at entry-level professional/managerial occupations. Weight is significantly related to occupational position, especially so in male-dominated occupations. Weight is not more strongly related to occupational position in jobs involving outside contact. Findings are consistent with the interpretation that discrimination based on weight in the general society extends to the inner workings of workplace organizations.  相似文献   

《Social Studies》2013,104(4):131-136
Because art is a reflection of cultural heritage, a natural affinity exists between art and social studies. In Jacob Lawrence's The Migration Series, art serves as narrative history, with visual images telling the story of the Great Migration, a movement of African American people from the South to the North around World War I. Social studies and the arts can be effectively integrated using principles of discipline-based arts education and comprehensive arts education. In this article, the author provides (1) background information on the historical period, artist, and art, (2) objectives, (3) sample guided discussion questions and extension activities, and (4) sample assessment ideas. He also outlines a complete sample lesson, synthesizing the principles and ideas into a meaningful whole in which social studies studies enhances teaching and learning in the arts and vice versa.  相似文献   

Data from both waves of the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH) were used to estimate the effects of couple‐level measures of cohabitors' relationship assessments and expectations on their union transitions. Although positive relationship assessments deterred separation, they did not hasten entry into marriage. Female partners' negative assessments of the relationship increased the odds of separation, whereas such reports among male partners weakened the odds of marriage. Plans to marry were positively associated with marriage entry, but this effect was considerably larger for White couples than it was for Black couples. Cohabitors' expectations that their union would dissolve were also associated with union transitions. When both partners reported an even to high chance of dissolution, the odds of marriage were low, and the odds of separation were high. Cohabitors' own relationship assessments and expectations are significant predictors of their union outcomes.  相似文献   

Despite its theoretical importance, the effect of past punishment on verbal behavior is often overlooked in research due to the difficulty of measuring it. The present study explores the relationship between physiological arousal in humans and swearing; a behavior likely to have been punished in the typical conditioning history of an individual. Participants'' skin conductance was measured as they read aloud a list of words containing swear words, emotionally salient words, and neutral words. The association between SCR measurements and participants'' scores on questionnaires on previous punishment for swearing was then analyzed. Findings suggest that people have significantly higher physiological arousal when saying swear words than neutral words, and that this arousal is higher for participants who have previously received more frequent punishment for swearing, according to self-report.  相似文献   

This study sought to understand the link between trait mindfulness, forgiveness, and relationship satisfaction. Previous research established a significant positive relationship between mindfulness and relationship satisfaction, but forgiveness had not been studied in relation to these variables. Two hundred and nineteen couples in committed romantic relationships were included in the sample and completed self‐report measures on trait mindfulness, forgiveness, and relationship satisfaction. Upon conducting an actor–partner interdependence model mediation (APIMeM; Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 2006, 37, 27–40) analysis for dyadic data, results indicated significant positive associations for both inter and intrapersonal effects for both men and women. Findings indicated forgiveness is linked to both individual and partner mindfulness and relationship satisfaction, such that a person's ability to be mindful can impact the ability to forgive and therefore increase relationship satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between private safety nets and economic outcomes among 2,818 low‐income single mothers in three U.S. counties in the 1990s. I define private safety nets as the potential to draw upon family and friends for material or emotional support if needed. Using a combination of survey and administrative records data collected for the National Evaluation of Welfare‐to‐Work Strategies, I find that human capital deficits, depressive symptoms, and low self‐efficacy are associated with having less private safety net support, suggesting that social network disadvantages compound individual‐level disadvantages. I also find that mothers with strong private safety nets worked more, earned more, and were less reliant on welfare compared with mothers with more meager private safety nets.  相似文献   

Surveys spanning more than 35 years show that older Americansare less likely than younger citizens to endorse increased spendingon public schools. The conventional explanation for this generationalcleavage presumes that citizens’ interests change as theyapproach or transition into retirement—the absence ofschool-age children and fixed incomes combine to lower theirinterest in supporting spending increases for public education.We show that the conventional wisdom is incorrect, based ona confusion of age and cohort effects. Cohort-period analysisshows that every cohort becomes more supportive of educationalspending, rather than less, as they reach their 60s and 70s.The implications are important, for they suggest that the predicted"gray peril" to educational spending will not occur. Rather,our results suggest that public support for educational spendingwill continue its remarkable rise.  相似文献   

Patterns of extradyadic involvement (EDI) were assessed for 3 samples: an undergraduate dating sample and a community marital sample reporting on an actual experience of EDI, and an undergraduate sample which denied recent EDI and was asked to imagine a hypothetical EDI experience. Good consistency of responses within and between measures was found for the hypothetical EDI sample. Persons reporting on a hypothetical EDI were generally less approving of EDI and imagined that they would experience higher levels of primary relationship satisfaction, overall remorse, and specific types of distress, particularly in comparison to the dating EDI group. Relative to the dating EDI group, the marital EDI group recalled greater dissonance with the EDI behavior, more concern about disapproval from others, and higher levels of intimacy, self‐esteem, and love reasons for the EDI. No differences were found among the groups on the level of emotional closeness with the extradyadic partner.  相似文献   


The relationship between collegiate adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) and adult children from dysfunctional families (ACDFs) was examined to determine whether ACOAs and ACDFs were at greater risk of stress than non-ACOAs and non-ACDFs. The participants were 549 students from a midwestern university. The data collection instruments were the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test, 6-Item Version (CAST-6); the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales, Version II (FACES-II); and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). A substantial proportion of the sample was classified as ACOA, ACDF, or both, and there was considerable overlap between the two groups. Both ACOA and ACDF status were found to be significant predictors of stress, with ACDF status being a better predictor than ACOA status. Possible explanations for the results and implications for collegiate wellness programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers have documented the consequences of relationship instability for parenting stress but have given little attention to within‐partner relationship instability. In this study, the authors used data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 3,544) to estimate the association between within‐partner relationship instability (known as churning or on‐again/off‐again relationships) and parenting stress. First, they found that by the focal child's 5th birthday about 16% of biological parents experience churning. Second, compared to being stably together with or stably separated from the child's other parent, churning is associated with greater parenting stress for both mothers and fathers. Because parenting stress is the same or higher among churners compared to their counterparts who stably separate, this suggests that, more than a change in partner, relationship instability—whether within or across relationships—is tied to parenting stress.  相似文献   

The transition to institutional care often implies the separation from a dysfunctional environment, marked by neglect, abandonment and lack of emotional responsiveness, which makes youth more vulnerable to the development of deviant behavior. The quality of the relationship established with significant figures within the institution as well as with teachers is suggested as a protective factor for the development of resilience and the detachment from deviant behaviour. The present study aims to test the predictive effect of the quality of relationship to institutional caregivers and teachers on the development of resilience and deviant behaviour in institutionalized adolescents. We also intend to test the mediating effect of resilience in the previous association. The sample was composed by 202 institutionalized adolescents, 12–18 aged (M = 14.96, SD = 1.80), and from both genders. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires. The results demonstrated that the quality of relationship with significant figures was positively associated with resilience and may play an important role in preventing deviant behaviour. There was also a total mediation effect of resilience on the association between quality of relationship with significant figures and development of deviant behaviour. The results suggest that the affective reorganization of institutionalized adolescents can be promoted by the establishment of safe havens, which reflect feelings of belonging and acceptance, facilitating a more adaptive experience.  相似文献   

Cultural variables (e.g., cultural values, acculturation and attitudes towards seeking professional assistance) have been found to play important roles in the initiation and maintenance of numerous mental health and substance related problems. However, there is a significant lack of empirical studies investigating the relationships between these cultural variables and gambling behavior. Thus, this study assessed whether these cultural variables could predict gambling behavior among 233 Chinese residing in Australia. Several questionnaires were used in the study including the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), the Asian Values Scale (AVS), Attitudes towards Seeking Psychological Help Scale (ATSPHS) and the modified version of the Cultural Life Style Inventory (CLSI). Results showed that although adherence to Asian values could not predict gambling behavior, acculturation (i.e., cultural shift and cultural incorporation) could negatively predict gambling behavior. Furthermore, the interpersonal openness subscale of ATSPHS could predict gambling behavior. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a national survey of 508 art history Ph.D.s including data on graduate school performance and careers 10 – 15 years post‐Ph.D., this study investigates gender, family, and academic tenure in art history, the humanities field with the highest proportion of women. Alternative hypotheses derived from three perspectives—termed here clockwork, two‐body, and synergy—are evaluated with multivariate logistic regression. Analysis finds that marriage increases men’s tenure odds and decreases women’s, but that some types of marriages do not decrease women’s odds, and some types dramatically increase men’s. This study calls attention to male advantage in female‐dominated academic disciplines and demonstrates the potential to better understand the interactions of gender, marriage, and careers by conceptualizing different types of marriages.  相似文献   

Art is an activity that has historically invited self-reflection, self-immersion, and self-exploration—for example, in self-portraits, exhibitions, experimentation with media—and that as such may open a window onto the relationship between self and activity. In this article, we describe two cases studies involving observation of and interviews with two artists to explore what it feels like to invest oneself in an activity emotionally, cognitively, sensuously, and reciprocally to “make oneself” through this activity. These case studies highlight the importance of authenticity in both the activity of making art and the making of self through making art. The implications for agency, emotion, and ethical activity are analysed and some of the implications for a sociocultural approach to activity discussed.  相似文献   

The wealth gap between the rich and poor is widening and contributing to Japan’s shrinking middle class. This study examined concerns about the future and life satisfaction and their association with household financial preparedness (e.g., savings, investments, life insurance) among married women in Japan. Double-hurdle models assessed the probability of having savings and the amount of these savings, using the sample from the 2006 Japanese Panel Survey of Consumers (n = 1,206). Supporting earlier works from several other countries, concerns about the future were positively associated with the probability of having supplemental life insurance. Moreover, life satisfaction levels were positively associated with the probabilities of having savings, investments, and supplemental life insurance and with the amount of the investments. The findings suggest economic inequalities among women could widen in the future, as those who have and are expecting to have more financial resources are more likely to be prepared for future financial needs than those who do not.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and gender role attitudes. Female university students rated themselves and their parents on gender role attitudes and history of childhood sexual abuse. Traditional participant gender role attitude and social isolation were associated with reporting being sexually abused as a child and may thus be risk factors for, or the result of a history of, CSA in women. Traditional participant gender role attitude and low income were associated with victim distress and therefore may be detrimental to coping with a history of childhood sexual abuse. Although replication of these results is needed, discovery of attitudinal and demographic variables associated with CSA may be important in the prevention and treatment of CSA.  相似文献   

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