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Closely bounded research programs are both common and effective in sociology. Describing such programs as operating with a "restricted code" is deeply problematic. These matters aside, the remarkable rise of cultural sociology in fact reflects adaptation to sociology's disciplinary norms and core thematic concerns. Steensland (2009) might better have reversed his argument: faced with the achievements of cultural analysis, the slumbering giant called "mainstream sociology" should wake up.  相似文献   

This article presents a model of strategic nonprofit human resource management (SNHRM) that draws from resource-based view and resource dependence theory, to explain the determinants of strategic human resources management (SHRM) in nonprofit organizations. Three guiding principles, strategy types and propositions are presented to explain the complex interactions and processes in the SNHRM system. The article lays a foundation for future research and offers managers a framework for SHRM planning and implementation in nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

齐骥 《城市观察》2013,23(1):96-104
市场经济条件下的城镇化,实质是人口和生产要素的集中过程。新型城镇化不仅仅是线性的“破旧立新”的发展过程,更是多元的“文化创新”的展过程,是文化基因的传承,文化记忆的存留和文化历史的延续。大北郊作为以金属器加工制作为主导的产业集群和生产者集聚的生活社区,其成型、变迁和发展,是基于文化自觉的城镇化的典型个案。  相似文献   

美、日人力资源管理模式比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资源管理是现代企业管理中的一项重要工作。美国和日本同属于市场经济发达的资本主义国家,但是由于历史和国情不同,在长期的企业管理实践中,它们形成了各具特色又富有成效的人力资源管理模式。近年来,随着经济全球化的深入,美、日两国企业之间相互学习与借鉴,取长补短,使各自的人力资源管理模式不断完善。研究比较这两种模式,对于我国人力资源管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

On the basis of a detailed, in-depth study of the operations and strategic decision-making of Centraide, a charitable organization in Greater Montreal, this paper suggests that dependency on the environment can be a stimulus to organizational adaptation. Two major changes over a 10-year period are studied to show that strategic management in high dependency situations requires a continual attention to the organization's relationships and interactions with the forces in its environment, and a continuous management of the process by which change takes place. The basic position advanced is that: strategy in philanthropic organizations is more effective in ensuring survival and growth when the search for autonomy is seen as irrelevant and when dependence is seen as an unavoidable fact that should shape behavior. A set of propositions helps conceptualize the findings and is offered as a guide for further research.  相似文献   

The “cultural turn” that swept across the social sciences a generation ago ushered in renewed attention to the cultural analysis of politics. Yet despite this growing area of research, there remains a lack of integration between cultural and noncultural studies of political phenomena. Should this state of affairs be a source of concern for cultural sociologists? I believe it should be. In this essay, I outline reasons why this is the case and what might be done to address this issue. Drawing loosely on Basil Bernstein’s distinction between “restricted” and “elaborated” codes, I suggest that cultural analyses of politics need to be more “elaborated” in nature and I offer three guidelines that can orient this type of research program.  相似文献   

Human resource (HR) management is important for human service nonprofits because they rely on the quality of their employees for the provision of their services. Using a typology of nonprofit HR architecture developed by Ridder and McCandless (Nonprofit Volunt Sect Q 29(1):124–141, 2010), we attempt to unpack the black box between performance and HR practices. To this end, we conducted semi-structured interviews with HR managers and young employees to investigate their perceptions of HR practices in their nonprofit organizations. Based on the findings, we extend the research on HR management in nonprofit organizations and caution that success or failure of implementing HR practices may be directly influenced by the external environment.  相似文献   

Modes of Network Governance: Structure, Management, and Effectiveness   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article examines the governance of organizational networksand the impact of governance on network effectiveness. Threebasic models, or forms, of network governance are developedfocusing on their distinct structural properties. Propositionsare formulated examining conditions for the effectiveness ofeach form. The tensions inherent in each form are then discussed,followed by the role that management may play in addressingthese tensions. Finally, the evolution of governance is explored.  相似文献   

黎明泽 《城市观察》2014,(5):167-173
城市历史文化的保护传承,是人类文明的一种延续和再生,既在乎历史文化自身的生命力,也有赖城市规划建设主体的文化自觉。徽州文化在历史传承中坚持文化自觉注重政府主导下的公众参与、物态和非物态传承的有机融汇、重视传统文化精神内核的传承的经验,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

侯景新  任霞 《城市观察》2013,27(5):150-157
随着经济的不断发展和对城市化质量要求的提高,城中村改造成为我国城市化进程中不可回避的问题。城中村的改造是一个系统的社会综合治理工程,主要涉及政府作用、改造模式、改造主体、资金来源、土地权属变更、拆迁补偿方式、流动人口住房问题等多方面,如何合理的进行城中村改造?关键在于对以上多方面问题的优化协调。本文试图在阐述城中村改造原理的基础上,将处于不同成长阶段的城中村划分为三类——成熟型城中村、成长型城中村和初生成型城中村,然后围绕成熟型城中村提出改造的思路。  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This paper looks at organizations working on issues of sex work/sex trafficking in Chicago as a strategic action field...  相似文献   

张丽  黄维晨 《科学发展》2021,(10):98-104
公有非居住用房,是指在计划经济时代由房管部门统一出租给企事业单位以及个人用于经营、办公的房产.公有非居住用房租金标准与市场接轨的城市,它们在公房管理架构上均采用市级统一管理、由市属直属机构运作的模式.在租金标准的确定上,公开招租模式市场化程度最高,其次为直接根据第三方市场评估值确定租金模式.随着我国市场经济体制和住房制度改革的持续深化,对于那些现行公有房屋租金管理模式不适应新发展要求的城市,需要加快公有房屋特别是公有非居住用房租金管理市场化改革.  相似文献   

Starting from the assessment that past efforts at reform in agricultural water management in developing countries have achieved very little, this article argues that a fundamental change is required in the approach to policy and institutional transformation if the present deadlock in the internalisation of ecological sustainability, human development/poverty alleviation and democratic governance into the ‘core business’ of water bureaucracies is to be overcome. ‘Social engineering’ approaches need to be replaced by ‘strategic action’ approaches that acknowledge the inherently political character and the plurality of actors, institutions and objectives of water management — a perspective operationalised here around the notions of ‘problemshed’ and ‘issue network’.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationships amongtime, organizational, and national cultural distance inan international joint venture setting. Moreparticularly, the extent to which the longevity of aninternational joint venture affects the intensity of itscultural differences, is investigated in a sample of 51international joint ventures set up in Hungary. Itaddresses certain mechanisms available to aninternational joint venture's managers and to its partners todeal with cross-cultural issues. The results suggestthat the temporal dimension is a cultural moderator ofprime importance, but to be totally effective, it must be combined with a willful strategy ofcultural integration.  相似文献   

In order to examine the way ethical decisions are made, we asked ethicists, regulatory officials, and experienced researchers to review a set of scenarios that depict important ethical tensions in research. The method employed was “protocol analysis,” a talk-aloud technique pioneered by cognitive scientists. Each individual was asked to make recommendations for courses of action. Later, we held a focus group of university faculty and staff with either institutional review board experience or research ethics training. They too were asked to recommend actions. The results show there are areas where the two data collection approaches agree, as well as areas of considerable difference. Implications for training in the responsible conduct of research are discussed.  相似文献   

Strategic planning is an essential part of management. However, planning processes can consume great amounts of time and resources that small, nonprofit organizations may lack. Moreover, the process that is used can be tedious and may result in plans that are discarded before or during their implementation. In this article, a strategic planning process is presented that incorporates a Policy Delphi group technique and Situation Structuring, a computer program that assists participants in structuring or defining the problems to be addressed in the plan. The organization to which the process is applied is a small, nonprofit hospice. Both the planning process and an evaluation of the implementation of the resultant strategic plan are examined.  相似文献   

残疾文化胜任力是残疾研究领域的一项重要议题,为残疾研究开辟了全新的视野。残疾文化胜任力的嬗变过程经历了研究视角的转型、概念内涵的探明、实践目标的定型三个发展阶段。研究视角的转型包括从“同质化”向“文化多元化”的转型,以及从“文化胜任力”向“残疾文化胜任力”的转型。残疾文化胜任力的内涵包括意识胜任力、态度胜任力、知识胜任力和技能胜任力。残疾文化胜任力的实践目标包括观念性目标、机制性目标与能力性目标。残疾文化胜任力对我国残疾人事业高质量发展具有启示价值,并在残疾人工作研究、残疾人工作实务和残疾人工作策略方面具有视角创新、工具创新与思路创新的价值。  相似文献   

This article reports a study of performance management practicesin four functions across four European Union member states (Finland,the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). The focusis on how and to what extent performance indicators influencedthe top management of the agencies concerned and the degreeto which performance data were used by ministries as steeringinstruments. The research uses a historical institutionalistperspective combined with a model that identifies primary taskcharacteristics as a source of significant variation. Thus thedesign explores both the influence of task characteristics (throughcontrasts among the four different functions) and embedded nationalsystem characteristics (through contrasts among the four countries).I show that both primary task characteristics and national systemcharacteristics had some of the theoretically predicted effectson the management regimes. Equally, however, certain generaltendencies embraced all countries and most functions. Theseinclude, first, the incremental growth of more sophisticatedperformance indicator systems and, second, the feebleness ofministries in developing performance-based strategic steering.  相似文献   

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