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宋涛 《东西南北》2014,(23):35-37
连续两个晚上,57岁的彭晓辉都熬到了凌晨。9月9日晚,一个叫“新媒体女性”的组织给他发私信,说要利用教师节这个机会,给教育部写一封公开信,呼吁建立高校反性骚扰机制。“要我签名”。发起活动的背景是,厦门大学博导吴春明涉嫌性骚扰女生事件仍无任何调查结果。彭晓辉索要了他们的资料,发现了很多的问题:“性骚扰的界定取决于受害者的主观感受,这个太宽泛了。”他拒绝了签名。  相似文献   

江晓原 《创新时代》2011,(11):103-104
“民科”(“民间科学爱好者”的简称)这个词汇,如今已逐渐被国内大众媒体广泛接受和采用,它的一般定义是:没有在相应的科学共同体中任职,其研究领域和研究方法也未被科学共同体所认可的人。例如,一个无业人员研究星占学或炼金术,那么他很容易被视为“民科”;又如,一个纺织厂的纺织工程师,虽然在纺织技术领域堪称专业,但是如果他业余开...  相似文献   

优秀的制片人身上有两种属性,一种是商业属性.在商言商,“电影是娱乐产品”这个概念在业内达成共识很多年了,所以考核一个制片人的标准之一就是他推出的产品是否好卖,或者换言之.他能不能将一个产品卖好。  相似文献   

马帅 《东西南北》2013,(10):64-65
韩国人喜欢“大” 在到韩国留学以前,周辰对这个“爱面子”的国家早有耳闻,大学同学里早早整容的那几位女生,无不是哈韩族。那时候,周辰寝室对面住着一个韩国交换生,他有一回串门,看见这个韩国大男孩的衣柜边挂着一面不小的镜子,镜子旁边,放着一堆护肤品。  相似文献   

早晨,打开电脑,登录挂Q,很多人都是这样开始了一天的工作。但对于多数QQ用户而言,他们并不认识这款产品的幕后英雄。在中国互联网史上,张志东作为“马化腾背后的男人”,从来不是媒体焦点。这个胖胖的工程师自称是一个“典型的技术宅男”,他远远地避开闪光灯和镜头,人们在他所改变的世界里生活,在人海里却认不出他的面孔。  相似文献   

试论我国知识分子的社会地位冯云,冯舒邓小平同志1988年9月曾提出:“要把‘文化大革命’时的‘老九’提到第一,科学技术是第一生产力嘛,知识分子是工人阶级的一部分嘛。”①他还特别解释说:这个意见,“是作为一个战略方针,一个战略措施来说的。从长远看,这个...  相似文献   

周昂 《东西南北》2011,(14):32-34
“其实,曾国藩这个人既不是圣贤完人,也不是十恶不赦的罪人,他是中国近代史上一个充满了深刻内涵的悲剧人物。”唐浩明如是说。1990年,他的小说《曾国藩》问世,曾国藩终于摆脱了政治的羁绊,红遍大江南北。  相似文献   

张岑 《东西南北》2013,(5):60-62
金·施米茨,德闲人,一个身高1.9米、体重超过270斤的超级胖子。他更偏爱金·达康——这是他用网络后缀名(.com)给自己取的名字。这个名字形象地概括了他的“职业”:一个天才黑客。  相似文献   

8集电视连续剧《遵义会议》由中央电视台播放后,李德这个名字又引起了人们兴趣。这个共产国际派驻中国的军事顾问,曾是红军以至中共中央的“太上皇”。当年,中国革命的前程就差点断送在他手上。而让人想不到的是,当年共产国际并没派出这么一个“顾问”。《传记文学》最近一  相似文献   

1992年,作家刘震云经多方考证,查阅资料,创作了《温故1942》。多年以后,这个故事被导演冯小刚看中,他决定将其拍成电影。在电影《温故1942》拍摄完成之后,冯小刚有一个很强烈的感受:“我们都是一个灾民的后代,往回倒回去我们就是一个灾难深重的民族。”他觉得,“电影不能让这300万人复活,但是也许能让他们的死变得有价值。” 一场灾难和一个民族的失忆,开始在点点滴滴的拯救中慢慢复活。  相似文献   

The comic book may be more popular in Mexico than in any other Latin American country. In this essay, Harold Hinds focuses on Chanoc, which was a best seller in Mexico during its peak years from 1960 to 1971. Hinds gives much interesting information on the evolution of the comic book and on its creators, sales, and readership. He speculates that itsdecline was due to a number of factors, including the degeneration o f one of its main characters, Tsekub, into a mere clown, the inaccessibility of its increasingly “slangy” language, and its tendency towards cuteness rather than meaningful satire. He then examines the main characters. Chanoc is a kind of highly moral Tarzan-figure who protects the defenseless against villainous exploiters. Tsekub, Chanoc's sidekick and anthithesis, is an old man with a young spirit whose zest for life provides much comedy. Hinds points out that in addition to adventure and humor, Chanoc's main components, the comic book also deals with foreign, particularly US., interference in Mexico and elsewhere. He also considers a variety of ways in which Chanoc reflects, at times quite subtly, Mexican culture and society; e.g., aspects of regionalism, nationalism, mestizo character, machismo, and modernization are briefly explored.  相似文献   

因为公共权力本身容易导致腐败的特性,对公共权力给予必要的限制已经成为人们的共识。要想对公共权力的限制能够有的放矢和真实有效,就必须对公共权力概念本身给予解析,显现其构成要素。对症下药方能药到病除。在法律上,公共权力首先表现为强制力;其次是一种特殊的权利,是一种不能被抛弃的权利;最后公共权力的内核是一种易异化的法律义务。而造成公共权力腐败的原因正是因为它的核心要素是一种易异化的法律义务。  相似文献   

Listening to children and young people is for social workers a legal requirement, it is also believed to lead to better outcomes and is increasingly promoted in policy. The practice of listening is, however, rarely straightforward, and this is particularly the case with socially excluded groups. As a result, the voices of the marginalized are less likely to be heard. In this paper the author draws on interview data from a research study into communication between social workers and looked‐after children for the light it sheds on why effective dialogue with disaffected young people can be hard to achieve. It is argued that much that appears unsuccessful in an interaction can be understood in terms of power plays, with young people resisting the adult's agenda and trying to impose their own. True listening to disaffected young people requires time, so that a trusting relationship can be developed. It also demands an acceptance that the adult agenda may be flawed and a willingness to consider alternative possibilities. This can challenge the preconceptions, not just of individual workers, but of agencies and of national policy‐makers.  相似文献   

Integrating and applying Family Systems Theory principles into the assessment and treatment process of families of hospitalized high risk elderly is an area that has received little attention in health care literature. The multigenerational approach is a model that can be used as a clinical framework for guiding the social workers in developing intervention strategies when working with hospitalized high risk elderly and their families. This approach can be extended to clinical assessment techniques and psychosocial rationales for discharge planning. Three case examples are presented to illustrate how Family Systems Theory can be integrated into social work practice resulting in effective interventions for hospitalized high risk elderly and their families.  相似文献   


Although there has always been a general awareness that mathematical expressions must make dimensional sense in terms of the units involved, it is very easy to make simple mistakes in quantitative work that result in profound and potentially dangerous errors. Such errors are ubiquitous in modern research, as can be seen by reviewing government publications where dimensional errors persist despite peer and public review. Software methods have recently become available for checking calculations, equations, algorithms and programs for dimensional soundness. Correctness depends on conformance at two levels: balance of dimensions and agreement among units. Error at either level can now be detected automatically by software. Disagreement among units can even be automatically corrected by software procedures. These software tools can be used to check for errors in calculations and software source code in a way that is similar to using a spelling or grammar checker for text.  相似文献   

A hybrid preference framework is proposed for strategic conflict analysis to integrate preference strength and preference uncertainty into the paradigm of the graph model for conflict resolution (GMCR) under multiple decision makers. This structure offers decision makers a more flexible mechanism for preference expression, which can include strong or mild preference of one state or scenario over another, as well as equal preference. In addition, preference between two states can be uncertain. The result is a preference framework that is more general than existing models which consider preference strength and preference uncertainty separately. Within the hybrid preference structure, four kinds of stability are defined as solution concepts and a post-stability analysis, called status quo analysis, which can be used to track the evolution of a given conflict. Algorithms are provided for implementing the key inputs of stability analysis and status quo analysis within the extended preference structure. The new stability concepts under the hybrid preference structure can be used to model complex strategic conflicts arising in practical applications, and can provide new insights for the conflicts. The method is illustrated using the conflict over proposed bulk water exports from Lake Gisborne in Newfoundland, Canada.  相似文献   

The design and development of a unilateral family therapy for alcohol abuse is reported from a study of 25 spouses. Subjects were recruited from newspaper advertisements in which spouses of partners who had a drinking problem and refused to enter treatment were solicited to receive free professional assistance. Treatment embraced treatment orientation, clinical assessment, spouse role induction, abuser-directed interventions, spouse-directed interventions, and maintenance. Results indicated that the unilateral treatment program can be implemented, the spouses of uncooperative alcohol abusers can be assisted to function as a positive rehabilitative influence with their alcoholic mates, and that important positive gains for the abusers and spouses can be achieved. It is concluded that the unilateral approach should be experimentally evaluated and, if results are favorable, applied with other populations.  相似文献   

This paper explores how some widely studied classes of nonexpected utility models could be used in dynamic choice situations. A new "sequential consistency" condition is introduced for single-stage and multi-stage decision problems. Sequential consistency requires that if a decision maker has committed to a family of models (e.g., the multiple priors family, the rank-dependent family, or the betweenness family) then he use the same family throughout. Conditions are presented under which dynamic consistency, consequentialism, and sequential consistency can be simultaneously preserved for a nonexpected utility maximizer. An important class of applications concerns cases where the exact sequence of decisions and events, and thus the dynamic structure of the decision problem, is relevant to the decision maker. It is shown that for the multiple priors model, dynamic consistency, consequentialism, and sequential consistency can all be preserved. The result removes the argument that nonexpected utility models cannot be consistently used in dynamic choice situations. Rank-dependent and betweenness models can only be used in a restrictive manner, where deviation from expected utility is allowed in at most one stage.  相似文献   

Persons can be subject to involuntary treatment for mental illness or substance abuse in a variety of circumstances. The ability of such persons to give a valid informed consent for research often has been called into question, because the coercive nature of the treatment is thought to impair the voluntariness of their decision making. A careful consideration of the nature of coercion from a “moralized”; perspective focuses attention on two elements that determine the acceptability of consent: the fairness of the proposal to which consent is sought, and the moral baseline from which the proposal is made. Even when coercion is not present, disproportionate rewards offered for participation in research can impair the voluntariness of consent, as can the unintended effects of the social structure of the system in which the research is taking place. When coercion, defined as a moralized concept, is not present, however, and other conditions do not substantially impair voluntariness, consent to research legitimately may be sought from involuntarily treated populations.  相似文献   

The ambiguity of community allows it to be a space for a vast range of imposed and 'organic' social reproduction functions, and an accessible site for meaningful collective action, but it also has the potential for disempowerment. The breadth of the concept of 'community' allows for it to be critiqued as ephemeral or as romantic fiction, but also used and exploited by government. It is because it retains such power to evoke reaction and contest that we need to understand the power that drives it, and the ideological purpose for which it may be used or misused. The notion of discourse immediately becomes useful. We can recognise competing discourses of community, and examine how they are used politically. We can recognise ways in which social work can engage with community discourses of empowerment rather than control. The article will explore a number of discourses and examine their usefulness for practice.  相似文献   

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