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The topic of this paper is inference in models in which parameters are defined by moment inequalities and/or equalities. The parameters may or may not be identified. This paper introduces a new class of confidence sets and tests based on generalized moment selection (GMS). GMS procedures are shown to have correct asymptotic size in a uniform sense and are shown not to be asymptotically conservative. The power of GMS tests is compared to that of subsampling, m out of n bootstrap, and “plug‐in asymptotic” (PA) tests. The latter three procedures are the only general procedures in the literature that have been shown to have correct asymptotic size (in a uniform sense) for the moment inequality/equality model. GMS tests are shown to have asymptotic power that dominates that of subsampling, m out of n bootstrap, and PA tests. Subsampling and m out of n bootstrap tests are shown to have asymptotic power that dominates that of PA tests.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with tests and confidence intervals for parameters that are not necessarily point identified and are defined by moment inequalities. In the literature, different test statistics, critical‐value methods, and implementation methods (i.e., the asymptotic distribution versus the bootstrap) have been proposed. In this paper, we compare these methods. We provide a recommended test statistic, moment selection critical value, and implementation method. We provide data‐dependent procedures for choosing the key moment selection tuning parameter κ and a size‐correction factor η.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of choosing the number of bootstrap repetitions B for bootstrap standard errors, confidence intervals, confidence regions, hypothesis tests, p‐values, and bias correction. For each of these problems, the paper provides a three‐step method for choosing B to achieve a desired level of accuracy. Accuracy is measured by the percentage deviation of the bootstrap standard error estimate, confidence interval length, test's critical value, test's p‐value, or bias‐corrected estimate based on B bootstrap simulations from the corresponding ideal bootstrap quantities for which B=. The results apply quite generally to parametric, semiparametric, and nonparametric models with independent and dependent data. The results apply to the standard nonparametric iid bootstrap, moving block bootstraps for time series data, parametric and semiparametric bootstraps, and bootstraps for regression models based on bootstrapping residuals. Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed methods work very well.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the properties of standard estimators, tests, and confidence sets (CS's) for parameters that are unidentified or weakly identified in some parts of the parameter space. The paper also introduces methods to make the tests and CS's robust to such identification problems. The results apply to a class of extremum estimators and corresponding tests and CS's that are based on criterion functions that satisfy certain asymptotic stochastic quadratic expansions and that depend on the parameter that determines the strength of identification. This covers a class of models estimated using maximum likelihood (ML), least squares (LS), quantile, generalized method of moments, generalized empirical likelihood, minimum distance, and semi‐parametric estimators. The consistency/lack‐of‐consistency and asymptotic distributions of the estimators are established under a full range of drifting sequences of true distributions. The asymptotic sizes (in a uniform sense) of standard and identification‐robust tests and CS's are established. The results are applied to the ARMA(1, 1) time series model estimated by ML and to the nonlinear regression model estimated by LS. In companion papers, the results are applied to a number of other models.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical justification for some existing methods for constructing confidence intervals for the sum of coefficients in autoregressive models. We show that the methods of Stock (1991), Andrews (1993), and Hansen (1999) provide asymptotically valid confidence intervals, whereas the subsampling method of Romano and Wolf (2001) does not. In addition, we generalize the three valid methods to a larger class of statistics. We also clarify the difference between uniform and pointwise asymptotic approximations, and show that a pointwise convergence of coverage probabilities for all values of the parameter does not guarantee the validity of the confidence set.  相似文献   

This paper studies the behavior, under local misspecification, of several confidence sets (CSs) commonly used in the literature on inference in moment (in)equality models. We propose the amount of asymptotic confidence size distortion as a criterion to choose among competing inference methods. This criterion is then applied to compare across test statistics and critical values employed in the construction of CSs. We find two important results under weak assumptions. First, we show that CSs based on subsampling and generalized moment selection (Andrews and Soares (2010)) suffer from the same degree of asymptotic confidence size distortion, despite the fact that asymptotically the latter can lead to CSs with strictly smaller expected volume under correct model specification. Second, we show that the asymptotic confidence size of CSs based on the quasi‐likelihood ratio test statistic can be an arbitrary small fraction of the asymptotic confidence size of CSs based on the modified method of moments test statistic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an instrumental variable approach to constructing confidence sets (CS's) for the true parameter in models defined by conditional moment inequalities/equalities. We show that by properly choosing instrument functions, one can transform conditional moment inequalities/equalities into unconditional ones without losing identification power. Based on the unconditional moment inequalities/equalities, we construct CS's by inverting Cramér–von Mises‐type or Kolmogorov–Smirnov‐type tests. Critical values are obtained using generalized moment selection (GMS) procedures. We show that the proposed CS's have correct uniform asymptotic coverage probabilities. New methods are required to establish these results because an infinite‐dimensional nuisance parameter affects the asymptotic distributions. We show that the tests considered are consistent against all fixed alternatives and typically have power against n−1/2‐local alternatives to some, but not all, sequences of distributions in the null hypothesis. Monte Carlo simulations for five different models show that the methods perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

It is well known that standard asymptotic theory is not applicable or is very unreliable in models with identification problems or weak instruments. One possible way out consists of using a variant of the Anderson–Rubin ((1949), AR) procedure. The latter allows one to build exact tests and confidence sets only for the full vector of the coefficients of the endogenous explanatory variables in a structural equation, but not for individual coefficients. This problem may in principle be overcome by using projection methods (Dufour (1997), Dufour and Jasiak (2001)). At first sight, however, this technique requires the application of costly numerical algorithms. In this paper, we give a general necessary and sufficient condition that allows one to check whether an AR‐type confidence set is bounded. Furthermore, we provide an analytic solution to the problem of building projection‐based confidence sets from AR‐type confidence sets. The latter involves the geometric properties of “quadrics” and can be viewed as an extension of usual confidence intervals and ellipsoids. Only least squares techniques are needed to build the confidence intervals.  相似文献   

This paper establishes the higher‐order equivalence of the k‐step bootstrap, introduced recently by Davidson and MacKinnon (1999), and the standard bootstrap. The k‐step bootstrap is a very attractive alternative computationally to the standard bootstrap for statistics based on nonlinear extremum estimators, such as generalized method of moment and maximum likelihood estimators. The paper also extends results of Hall and Horowitz (1996) to provide new results regarding the higher‐order improvements of the standard bootstrap and the k‐step bootstrap for extremum estimators (compared to procedures based on first‐order asymptotics). The results of the paper apply to Newton‐Raphson (NR), default NR, line‐search NR, and Gauss‐Newton k‐step bootstrap procedures. The results apply to the nonparametric iid bootstrap and nonoverlapping and overlapping block bootstraps. The results cover symmetric and equal‐tailed two‐sided t tests and confidence intervals, one‐sided t tests and confidence intervals, Wald tests and confidence regions, and J tests of over‐identifying restrictions.  相似文献   

This paper considers tests for structural instability of short duration, such as at the end of the sample. The key feature of the testing problem is that the number, m, of observations in the period of potential change is relatively small—possibly as small as one. The well‐known F test of Chow (1960) for this problem only applies in a linear regression model with normally distributed iid errors and strictly exogenous regressors, even when the total number of observations, n+m, is large. We generalize the F test to cover regression models with much more general error processes, regressors that are not strictly exogenous, and estimation by instrumental variables as well as least squares. In addition, we extend the F test to nonlinear models estimated by generalized method of moments and maximum likelihood. Asymptotic critical values that are valid as n→∞ with m fixed are provided using a subsampling‐like method. The results apply quite generally to processes that are strictly stationary and ergodic under the null hypothesis of no structural instability.  相似文献   

We consider the bootstrap unit root tests based on finite order autoregressive integrated models driven by iid innovations, with or without deterministic time trends. A general methodology is developed to approximate asymptotic distributions for the models driven by integrated time series, and used to obtain asymptotic expansions for the Dickey–Fuller unit root tests. The second‐order terms in their expansions are of stochastic orders Op(n−1/4) and Op(n−1/2), and involve functionals of Brownian motions and normal random variates. The asymptotic expansions for the bootstrap tests are also derived and compared with those of the Dickey–Fuller tests. We show in particular that the bootstrap offers asymptotic refinements for the Dickey–Fuller tests, i.e., it corrects their second‐order errors. More precisely, it is shown that the critical values obtained by the bootstrap resampling are correct up to the second‐order terms, and the errors in rejection probabilities are of order o(n−1/2) if the tests are based upon the bootstrap critical values. Through simulations, we investigate how effective is the bootstrap correction in small samples.  相似文献   

L Kopylev  J Fox 《Risk analysis》2009,29(1):18-25
It is well known that, under appropriate regularity conditions, the asymptotic distribution for the likelihood ratio statistic is χ2. This result is used in EPA's benchmark dose software to obtain a lower confidence bound (BMDL) for the benchmark dose (BMD) by the profile likelihood method. Recently, based on work by Self and Liang, it has been demonstrated that the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio remains the same if some of the regularity conditions are violated, that is, when true values of some nuisance parameters are on the boundary. That is often the situation for BMD analysis of cancer bioassay data. In this article, we study by simulation the coverage of one- and two-sided confidence intervals for BMD when some of the model parameters have true values on the boundary of a parameter space. Fortunately, because two-sided confidence intervals (size 1–2α) have coverage close to the nominal level when there are 50 animals in each group, the coverage of nominal 1−α one-sided intervals is bounded between roughly 1–2α and 1. In many of the simulation scenarios with a nominal one-sided confidence level of 95%, that is, α= 0.05, coverage of the BMDL was close to 1, but for some scenarios coverage was close to 90%, both for a group size of 50 animals and asymptotically (group size 100,000). Another important observation is that when the true parameter is below the boundary, as with the shape parameter of a log-logistic model, the coverage of BMDL in a constrained model (a case of model misspecification not uncommon in BMDS analyses) may be very small and even approach 0 asymptotically. We also discuss that whenever profile likelihood is used for one-sided tests, the Self and Liang methodology is needed to derive the correct asymptotic distribution.  相似文献   

A new method is proposed for constructing confidence intervals in autoregressive models with linear time trend. Interest focuses on the sum of the autoregressive coefficients because this parameter provides a useful scalar measure of the long‐run persistence properties of an economic time series. Since the type of the limiting distribution of the corresponding OLS estimator, as well as the rate of its convergence, depend in a discontinuous fashion upon whether the true parameter is less than one or equal to one (that is, trend‐stationary case or unit root case), the construction of confidence intervals is notoriously difficult. The crux of our method is to recompute the OLS estimator on smaller blocks of the observed data, according to the general subsampling idea of Politis and Romano (1994a), although some extensions of the standard theory are needed. The method is more general than previous approaches in that it works for arbitrary parameter values, but also because it allows the innovations to be a martingale difference sequence rather than i.i.d. Some simulation studies examine the finite sample performance.  相似文献   

This paper develops the fixed‐smoothing asymptotics in a two‐step generalized method of moments (GMM) framework. Under this type of asymptotics, the weighting matrix in the second‐step GMM criterion function converges weakly to a random matrix and the two‐step GMM estimator is asymptotically mixed normal. Nevertheless, the Wald statistic, the GMM criterion function statistic, and the Lagrange multiplier statistic remain asymptotically pivotal. It is shown that critical values from the fixed‐smoothing asymptotic distribution are high order correct under the conventional increasing‐smoothing asymptotics. When an orthonormal series covariance estimator is used, the critical values can be approximated very well by the quantiles of a noncentral F distribution. A simulation study shows that statistical tests based on the new fixed‐smoothing approximation are much more accurate in size than existing tests.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asymptotic properties of the quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator of (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) GARCH(1, 1) models without strict stationarity constraints and considers applications to testing problems. The estimator is unrestricted in the sense that the value of the intercept, which cannot be consistently estimated in the explosive case, is not fixed. A specific behavior of the estimator of the GARCH coefficients is obtained at the boundary of the stationarity region, but, except for the intercept, this estimator remains consistent and asymptotically normal in every situation. The asymptotic variance is different in the stationary and nonstationary situations, but is consistently estimated with the same estimator in both cases. Tests of strict stationarity and nonstationarity are proposed. The tests developed for the classical GARCH(1, 1) model are able to detect nonstationarity in more general GARCH models. A numerical illustration based on stock indices and individual stock returns is proposed.  相似文献   

Matching estimators are widely used in empirical economics for the evaluation of programs or treatments. Researchers using matching methods often apply the bootstrap to calculate the standard errors. However, no formal justification has been provided for the use of the bootstrap in this setting. In this article, we show that the standard bootstrap is, in general, not valid for matching estimators, even in the simple case with a single continuous covariate where the estimator is root‐N consistent and asymptotically normally distributed with zero asymptotic bias. Valid inferential methods in this setting are the analytic asymptotic variance estimator of Abadie and Imbens (2006a) as well as certain modifications of the standard bootstrap, like the subsampling methods in Politis and Romano (1994).  相似文献   

This paper considers studentized tests in time series regressions with nonparametrically autocorrelated errors. The studentization is based on robust standard errors with truncation lag M=bT for some constant b∈(0, 1] and sample size T. It is shown that the nonstandard fixed‐b limit distributions of such nonparametrically studentized tests provide more accurate approximations to the finite sample distributions than the standard small‐b limit distribution. We further show that, for typical economic time series, the optimal bandwidth that minimizes a weighted average of type I and type II errors is larger by an order of magnitude than the bandwidth that minimizes the asymptotic mean squared error of the corresponding long‐run variance estimator. A plug‐in procedure for implementing this optimal bandwidth is suggested and simulations (not reported here) confirm that the new plug‐in procedure works well in finite samples.  相似文献   

We study inference in structural models with a jump in the conditional density, where location and size of the jump are described by regression curves. Two prominent examples are auction models, where the bid density jumps from zero to a positive value at the lowest cost, and equilibrium job‐search models, where the wage density jumps from one positive level to another at the reservation wage. General inference in such models remained a long‐standing, unresolved problem, primarily due to nonregularities and computational difficulties caused by discontinuous likelihood functions. This paper develops likelihood‐based estimation and inference methods for these models, focusing on optimal (Bayes) and maximum likelihood procedures. We derive convergence rates and distribution theory, and develop Bayes and Wald inference. We show that Bayes estimators and confidence intervals are attractive both theoretically and computationally, and that Bayes confidence intervals, based on posterior quantiles, provide a valid large sample inference method.  相似文献   

We consider tests of a simple null hypothesis on a subset of the coefficients of the exogenous and endogenous regressors in a single‐equation linear instrumental variables regression model with potentially weak identification. Existing methods of subset inference (i) rely on the assumption that the parameters not under test are strongly identified, or (ii) are based on projection‐type arguments. We show that, under homoskedasticity, the subset Anderson and Rubin (1949) test that replaces unknown parameters by limited information maximum likelihood estimates has correct asymptotic size without imposing additional identification assumptions, but that the corresponding subset Lagrange multiplier test is size distorted asymptotically.  相似文献   

We analyze use of a quasi‐likelihood ratio statistic for a mixture model to test the null hypothesis of one regime versus the alternative of two regimes in a Markov regime‐switching context. This test exploits mixture properties implied by the regime‐switching process, but ignores certain implied serial correlation properties. When formulated in the natural way, the setting is nonstandard, involving nuisance parameters on the boundary of the parameter space, nuisance parameters identified only under the alternative, or approximations using derivatives higher than second order. We exploit recent advances by Andrews (2001) and contribute to the literature by extending the scope of mixture models, obtaining asymptotic null distributions different from those in the literature. We further provide critical values for popular models or bounds for tail probabilities that are useful in constructing conservative critical values for regime‐switching tests. We compare the size and power of our statistics to other useful tests for regime switching via Monte Carlo methods and find relatively good performance. We apply our methods to reexamine the classic cartel study of Porter (1983) and reaffirm Porter's findings.  相似文献   

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