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A choice function is backwards‐induction rationalizable if there exists a finite perfect‐information extensive‐form game such that for each subset of alternatives, the backwards‐induction outcome of the restriction of the game to that subset of alternatives coincides with the choice from that subset. We prove that every choice function is backwards‐induction rationalizable.  相似文献   

An isotone pure strategy equilibrium exists in any game of incomplete information in which each player's action set is a finite sublattice of multidimensional Euclidean space, types are multidimensional and atomless, and each player's interim expected payoff function satisfies two “nonprimitive conditions” whenever others adopt isotone pure strategies: (i) single‐crossing in own action and type and (ii) quasi‐supermodularity in own action. Conditions (i), (ii) are satisfied in supermodular and log‐supermodular games given affiliated types,and in games with independent types in which each player's ex post payoff satisfies supermodularity in own action and nondecreasing differences in own action and type. This result is applied to provide the first proof of pure strategy equilibrium existence in the uniform price auction when bidders have multi‐unit demand, nonprivate values, and independent types.  相似文献   

We consider a class of mechanism games in which there are multiple principals and three or more agents. For a mechanism game in this class, a sort of folk theorem holds: there is a threshold value for each of the principals such that an allocation is achieved at a pure‐strategy sequential equilibrium of the game if and only if (i) it is incentive compatible and (ii) it attains an expected utility for each principal that is greater than or equal to the threshold value for the principal.  相似文献   

For a finite game with perfect recall, a refinement of its set of Nash equilibria selects closed connected subsets, called solutions. Assume that each solution's equilibria use undominated strategies and some of its equilibria are quasi‐perfect, and that all solutions are immune to presentation effects; namely, if the game is embedded in a larger game with more pure strategies and more players such that the original players' feasible mixed strategies and expected payoffs are preserved regardless of what other players do, then the larger game's solutions project to the original game's solutions. Then, for a game with two players and generic payoffs, each solution is an essential component of the set of equilibria that use undominated strategies, and thus a stable set of equilibria as defined by Mertens (1989).  相似文献   

We introduce a class of strategies that generalizes examples constructed in two‐player games under imperfect private monitoring. A sequential equilibrium is belief‐free if, after every private history, each player's continuation strategy is optimal independently of his belief about his opponents' private histories. We provide a simple and sharp characterization of equilibrium payoffs using those strategies. While such strategies support a large set of payoffs, they are not rich enough to generate a folk theorem in most games besides the prisoner's dilemma, even when noise vanishes.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm to compute the set of perfect public equilibrium payoffs as the discount factor tends to 1 for stochastic games with observable states and public (but not necessarily perfect) monitoring when the limiting set of (long‐run players') equilibrium payoffs is independent of the initial state. This is the case, for instance, if the Markov chain induced by any Markov strategy profile is irreducible. We then provide conditions under which a folk theorem obtains: if in each state the joint distribution over the public signal and next period's state satisfies some rank condition, every feasible payoff vector above the minmax payoff is sustained by a perfect public equilibrium with low discounting.  相似文献   

A game is better-reply secure if for every nonequilibrium strategy x* and every payoff vector limit u* resulting from strategies approaching x*, some player i has a strategy yielding a payoff strictly above ui* even if the others deviate slightly from x*. If strategy spaces are compact and convex, payoffs are quasiconcave in the owner's strategy, and the game is better-reply secure, then a pure strategy Nash equilibrium exists. Better-reply security holds in many economic games. It also permits new results on the existence of symmetric and mixed strategy Nash equilibria.  相似文献   

Extensive‐form market games typically have a large number of noncompetitive equilibria. In this paper, we argue that the complexity of noncompetitive behavior provides a justification for competitive equilibrium in the sense that if rational agents have an aversion to complexity (at the margin), then maximizing behavior will result in simple behavioral rules and hence in a competitive outcome. For this purpose, we use a class of extensive‐form dynamic matching and bargaining games with a finite number of agents. In particular, we consider markets with heterogeneous buyers and sellers and deterministic, exogenous, sequential matching rules, although the results can be extended to other matching processes. If the complexity costs of implementing strategies enter players’ preferences lexicographically with the standard payoff, then every equilibrium strategy profile induces a competitive outcome.  相似文献   

We introduce a game of complete information with multiple principals and multiple common agents. Each agent makes a decision that can affect the payoffs of all principals. Each principal offers monetary transfers to each agent conditional on the action taken by the agent. We characterize pure‐strategy equilibria and we provide conditions—in terms of game balancedness—for the existence of an equilibrium with an efficient outcome. Games played through agents display a type of strategic inefficiency that is absent when either there is a unique principal or there is a unique agent.  相似文献   

This paper examines repeated implementation of a social choice function (SCF) with infinitely lived agents whose preferences are determined randomly in each period. An SCF is repeatedly implementable in Nash equilibrium if there exists a sequence of (possibly history‐dependent) mechanisms such that its Nash equilibrium set is nonempty and every equilibrium outcome path results in the desired social choice at every possible history of past play and realizations of uncertainty. We show, with minor qualifications, that in the complete information environment an SCF is repeatedly implementable in Nash equilibrium if and only if it is efficient. We also discuss several extensions of our analysis.  相似文献   

关于产量策略双寡头多维博弈模型及其分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据现实社会中的博弈现象,本文给出了多维博弈概念,并在文献[1]描述的多维博弈特征和策略型形式及多维Nash均衡基础上,分别讨论以两种产品产量为策略具有完全信息"静态"和"动态"寡头二维博弈模型及其二维Nash均衡。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes Bayesian normal form games in which players write contracts that condition their actions on the contracts of other players. These contracts are required to be representable in a formal language. This is accomplished by constructing contracts which are definable functions of the Godel code of every other player's contract. We provide a complete characterization of the set of allocations supportable as pure‐strategy Bayesian equilibria of this contracting game. When information is complete, this characterization provides a folk theorem. In general, the set of supportable allocations is smaller than the set supportable by a centralized mechanism designer.  相似文献   

We define belief‐free equilibria in two‐player games with incomplete information as sequential equilibria for which players' continuation strategies are best replies after every history, independently of their beliefs about the state of nature. We characterize a set of payoffs that includes all belief‐free equilibrium payoffs. Conversely, any payoff in the interior of this set is a belief‐free equilibrium payoff. The characterization is applied to the analysis of reputations.  相似文献   

非对称情况下的多物品拍卖   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
本文讨论当投标人之间存在不同的预算约束时两物品的序贯增价拍卖,对于物品之间不同的关系(互补、替代或者不相干的关系),物品价值大小的不同及与预算大小之间的关系,在一个简单的完全信息模型下,我们分不同情况讨论投标人的均衡出价策略,并发现对卖方来说,先拍卖价值高的物品是弱占优的策略。  相似文献   

PPP建设模式的关键核心之一是依绩效付费,绩效付费机制的科学合理性是PPP模式实施成功的保障。基于演化博弈理论及系统动力学研究PPP项目绩效支付机制,分析绩效监督机构与项目公司双方演化稳定均衡策略。研究发现存在三种演化稳定均衡策略,两种不稳定均衡策略。针对五种演化状态运用系统动力学对其进行仿真。仿真发现三种稳定均衡策略仿真结果与理论分析一致,两种不稳定均衡策略中的一种是不存在的均衡策略,另一种是呈规律波动的不稳定均衡策略。针对绩效支付机制中呈波动不稳定均衡策略,引入动态绩效支付进行优化,使其演化为稳定均衡策略。并理论验证了引入动态绩效支付使波动不稳定均衡策略变成稳定均衡策略的有效性。为政府有关部门设计及完善PPP项目绩效支付机制提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

We study reputation dynamics in continuous‐time games in which a large player (e.g., government) faces a population of small players (e.g., households) and the large player's actions are imperfectly observable. The major part of our analysis examines the case in which public signals about the large player's actions are distorted by a Brownian motion and the large player is either a normal type, who plays strategically, or a behavioral type, who is committed to playing a stationary strategy. We obtain a clean characterization of sequential equilibria using ordinary differential equations and identify general conditions for the sequential equilibrium to be unique and Markovian in the small players' posterior belief. We find that a rich equilibrium dynamics arises when the small players assign positive prior probability to the behavioral type. By contrast, when it is common knowledge that the large player is the normal type, every public equilibrium of the continuous‐time game is payoff‐equivalent to one in which a static Nash equilibrium is played after every history. Finally, we examine variations of the model with Poisson signals and multiple behavioral types.  相似文献   

本文建立了两个企业的序贯价格竞争模型,基于有限理性预期调整,研究了企业博弈的动态演化特征,分析了模型的均衡解及其稳定性条件。研究发现,边界解和纳什均衡解是一定参数条件下的局部稳定均衡。基于有限理性的动态博弈能够实现基于完全信息的纳什均衡。单纯跟随策略是一定条件下的均衡策略,并能使跟随企业获得更高的销售价格。企业之间报价的相互跟随程度和企业预期的调整速度将会影响均衡点的稳定性。本文对模型进行了数值模拟分析,当参数不满足稳定性条件时会出现分岔、奇异吸引子等混沌现象。本文的主要研究结果对相关行业的企业竞争和稳定市场有启发意义。  相似文献   

Consider a two‐person intertemporal bargaining problem in which players choose actions and offers each period, and collect payoffs (as a function of that period's actions) while bargaining proceeds. This can alternatively be viewed as an infinitely repeated game wherein players can offer one another enforceable contracts that govern play for the rest of the game. Theory is silent with regard to how the surplus is likely to be split, because a folk theorem applies. Perturbing such a game with a rich set of behavioral types for each player yields a specific asymptotic prediction for how the surplus will be divided, as the perturbation probabilities approach zero. Behavioral types may follow nonstationary strategies and respond to the opponent's play. In equilibrium, rational players initially choose a behavioral type to imitate and a war of attrition ensues. How much should a player try to get and how should she behave while waiting for the resolution of bargaining? In both respects she should build her strategy around the advice given by the “Nash bargaining with threats” (NBWT) theory developed for two‐stage games. In any perfect Bayesian equilibrium, she can guarantee herself virtually her NBWT payoff by imitating a behavioral type with the following simple strategy: in every period, ask for (and accept nothing less than) that player's NBWT share and, while waiting for the other side to concede, take the action Nash recommends as a threat in his two‐stage game. The results suggest that there are forces at work in some dynamic games that favor certain payoffs over all others. This is in stark contrast to the classic folk theorems, to the further folk theorems established for repeated games with two‐sided reputational perturbations, and to the permissive results obtained in the literature on bargaining with payoffs as you go.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for computing an equilibrium of an extensive two‐person game with perfect recall. The method is computationally efficient by virtue of using the sequence form, whose size is proportional to the size of the game tree. The equilibrium is traced on a piecewise linear path in the sequence form strategy space from an arbitrary starting vector. If the starting vector represents a pair of completely mixed strategies, then the equilibrium is normal form perfect. Computational experiments compare the sequence form and the reduced normal form, and show that only the sequence form is tractable for larger games.  相似文献   

本文利用实验研究方法首次在独立董事人数占优的董事会中引入序贯和惩罚机制,探讨了董事会科学决策的促成因素及制度环境.实验结果发现,序贯与惩罚机制引入后,董事决策正确率较静态实验分别提高了39.09%和34.26%,但两者的作用原理不同:序贯机制着力于改善董事会的私人信息结构,通过将独立董事"知情化",从而使决策行为独立于董事类型;惩罚机制则是利用独立董事的社会偏好进行治理,使决策行为与项目类型无关.与Gillette等人的研究结果不同,好项目的通过率并不是100%,原因可能与序贯时的针锋相对策略、惩罚时的社会偏好存在有关.  相似文献   

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