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Money is only one of many factors which motivate Indians to leave India to come to the US. Considerations vary according to the particular stage one is in concerning family development. These decision points occur when one has to decide whether to leave or stay; the factors to consider differ at each point. Decision points generally come when consideration has to be made as to: 1) where one will obtain a university education, 2) where to obtain on-the-job training, 3) where children should be raised, 4) where the best career opportunities are, and 5) where retirement should be spent. The decision is often made on perceptions and stereotypes rather than accurate information. In India, unlike the US, the unit of consideration is the family. The concern is how the family will be affected. Emigration becomes a goal, for the belief develops that going abroad in and of itself is enhancement. In addition, the potential emigrant develops an unrealistic view of what life is like abroad and what to expect.  相似文献   

Although using published research is only one part of the evidence-based practice process, clinical social workers more often doubt their abilities in this area than in client assessment or in the individualizing of treatment approaches to fit client preferences, values and resources. This article reviews the nature of research and the reason it is often a preferred source of information; common flaws to watch for in published research; types of research studies and how different kinds of studies are viewed by those interested in treatment outcome research; and the elements of a published research report that must be considered when deciding on its usefulness for decision-making about practice. It will also include discussion of the controversies that surround these topics, which are significant. While readers will have been introduced to these topics in their professional education, when knowledge is not used it is often not well-remembered. Few clinicians find that reading, assessing, or conducting research is part of their daily work, which is one reason why the discussion of evidence-based practice and other approaches to the use of research in clinical practice can be anxiety-provoking. This “refresher” emphasizes that critical thinking skills, which clinicians often have in abundance, are the single most important element in using research to inform practice.  相似文献   

The paper provides a search ––– theoretic interpretation of a well-known empirical regularity ––– the inverse relationship between quit rates and job tenure. We consider a setting where the employed job searcher has incomplete information about non-wage job attributes at the time acceptance decisions are made; hence jobs will be accepted (or refused) without full knowledge of the value of the offers. The model implies that workers with long tenure will be less likely to quit, holding wage rates constant. We also show that a risk-neutral worker is willing to accept a wage offer that falls below his current "full" wage (in the absence of moving costs).  相似文献   


This article describes the experience of a family therapist working in a family with an adolescent child suffering from a terminal illness. This work was undertaken in the framework of the Mexican Institute of Social Security.

In dealing with patents afflicted with incurable diseases such as renal deficiency, osteosarcoma or leukemia, which will eventally lead to death, it is important to know about the successive stages in this progression from life to death and to understand them. Some authors have studied in general the reactions of the dying and their families. Kubler-Ross (1970) reports denial, resentment, bargaining, depression and acceptance; Eric Lindemann (1944) mentions pain, anxiety, tension and guilt as the main components of mourning.

Psychotherapy with the terminal patient and their family is intimately concerned with the separation process, which is always accompanied by anxiety; this can become so acute that it feels like death or total annihilation. The family responds in many ways to this anxiety, but will often not express these feelings; the therapist has to try to discover at which stage of mourning the family has arrived. This is even more important where the patient is an adolescent who has no hope of achieving his longing to live. It is important that we are dealing here with anticipatory mourning, which can prevent serious reactions following bereavement. Great care is required in uncovering feelings of hostility, anger, fear, repulsion and frustration. The patient too must be encouraged to express his feelings; this will relieve tension, and make it easier for the family to accept the reality of what is going to happen.

It is important to keep the family informed about the medical requirements of the treatment. These should be explained very clearly, so that all members understand, accept and cooperate in such tasks as ensuring attendance at out-patient consultations, laboratory investigations and taking the medicine prescribed. We find that often only one member of the family, usually the mother, carries the whole responsibility of caring for the patient. All these matters need to be discussed with the whole family, together with such matters as the patient's school attendance, any problems of family relationships, and plans for the future. The worker needs to help family members to continue their personal growth and development while understanding this crisis, which might otherwise arrest them.

Treatment should not be rigidly planned at the start; as in all psychotherapies, it is necessary to make an initial evaluation of the degree of function and dysfunction in the family. This appraisal is made by exploring family problems, areas of conflict and the resources which are mobilized to support the system. In this process the worker collects all the elements which enable him to get a picture, free from his own technical preferences, so that the data can be integrated, taking into account the opinions of experts on structural family therapy, triaxial or psychodynamic views among others.

In the case I shall describe, we used a combination of theories and techniques, mainly derived from systems theory and psychoanalysis. A purist attitude was not adopted, because our main aim was to find what was of most immediate benefit to patient and family.  相似文献   

Various substantive literatures in sociology seek small regularities in sequences: turning points in the life course, catalytic moments in organizational change, sharp turns in occupational trajectories, and the like. Commonly these are turning points, but they may also be simple local patterns. This paper reports a method for discovering such regularities even when they are quite faint, applying that method to rhetorical regularities in sociological articles. The paper begins by analyzing the overall sequence structure of such articles and then gives a basic introduction to Gibbs sampling, one member of the broader class of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. It then reports an algorithm employing Gibbs sampling to find local sequence regularities and applies that algorithm to demonstrate the subsequence regularities present in sociological articles. Substantively, the paper shows that the rhetorical structure of sociological articles changed from one pattern to another in the period 1895–1965 and that certain faint but standard rhetorical subsequences became characteristic of articles in the later period. Methodologically, it introduces a broad class of methods that provide effective approaches to a number of previously intractable statistical questions.  相似文献   

The problems of statistics relating to international migration have been well documented. It is a fact that the concepts of legal nationality, residence, place of birth, time, and purpose of stay underlying those statistics vary considerably, not only between countries but even within countries through time or between different sources of information within the same country. The crusade to achieve greater homogeneity in the concepts underlying flow statistics on international migration was started at least 55 years ago, but despite some encouraging developments, it is unlikely that homogeneity will be achieved during the rest of this century. This article analyzes how these 5 basic concepts are used to characterize migration. Statistical systems generally use at least 1 or more of these concepts to identify migrants from other international travelers. A review of these basic concepts reveals the great influence that legal or regulatory considerations exert, whether explicitly or implicitly, in their definitions. Perhaps one of the most serious problems in understanding how migration is viewed and measured by national statistical systems is to disentangle the legal or quasilegal nature of certain concepts from those that can be taken at face value. The tendency to sift from their meaning all legal impurities and thus transform them into reflections of actual events operates under the assumption that migrants are free agents, able to determine their durations of stay, absence, or the type of work that they will perform. In reality, the freedom of migrants stops where the State's prerogatives start, and statistics often reflect an uneasy compromise between the 2. Despite their many deficiencies, statistics on international migration are a rich source of information, not only about quantitative aspects of the process, but also about how the process is conceived by their generators. A careful evaluation of their meaning, scope, and limitations can be, therefore, a rewarding exercise.  相似文献   

Abstract: What I will present here is mainly about the research I engaged in from 1988 until now, on the Chinese newcomers problem in the global city of Tokyo. From the community‐study point of view, I explored the migration process of Chinese newcomers from sojourning to settling. Migration processes of Chinese newcomers are different from those of old overseas Chinese in Japan. This paper presents the new immigration tendencies of Chinese newcomers. A transnational social space is forming between Japan and the places where immigrants come from. In the age of globalization, there will be new circumstances and formations of ethnic networks of Chinese newcomers at the global level. At present, both of these tendencies can be found in Japan's society. The process for Chinese newcomers to new overseas Chinese differs from that of the old overseas Chinese. In the near future, Japan may bring in some high‐level specialized personnel by adopting a method of welcoming immigrants. At the same time, new immigrants can also form a new transnational social space. The field research I have carried out on the Chinese newcomers during these ten years fully illustrates these points.  相似文献   

Drug use, like much criminality, is often explored in relation to the journey into adulthood. Though young people are understood to commonly ‘grow out’ of crime, protracted transitions from adolescence into adulthood have brought about a new developmental phase where many young people are freer to engage in drug-related leisure and other forms of subterranean play in a period of extended adolescence. In this article, we look to this phase with focus upon those engaged in full time higher education and explore the extent to which entry into university and ‘studenthood’ enables particular changes in levels of involvement in recreational drug use and supply. Drawing on 30 in-depth interviews undertaken with mainly ‘traditional’ undergraduate university students in South West England, this article seeks to explore the ways in which the structural circumstances of the university environment can produce favourable conditions for ‘turning points’, where university students transition into regular drug use and ‘social supply’. It is argued that the university can be understood as a specific ‘risk environment’ where certain cultural and environmental attributes including distance from guardians, the interconnected nature of the student populace, and financial insecurity can ultimately provide facilitative conditions for transitions into drug supply.  相似文献   

Colleague consultation in professional organizations is both important and commonplace. One consequence of consultation is that some individuals acquire more prominence than others in the work contact networks. The literature suggests that variation in prominence depends on personal characteristics, such as occupation, education, ascribed traits, and activities both inside and outside the organization. Using sociometric data for the staff members of a psychiatric hospital for children, various hypotheses dealing with the effects of personal attributes are examined. An alternative explanation is that social relations within and between organizational subunits influence the likelihood that subunit members will be prominent in the hospital-wide communication network. The analysis indicates that these subunit relations have direct effects on prominence and also mediate the effects of certain personal characteristics.  相似文献   

Pay secrecy is often justified on the ground of concerns about the detrimental consequences of intra‐firm pay comparisons for work morale and performance. Surprisingly, however, there is only limited empirical evidence that the availability of pay comparison information is detrimental for effort provision. In this paper, I study pay comparison effects in a gift‐exchange game laboratory experiment where an employer is matched with two symmetric employees. I compare effort choices made by employees in a “pay secrecy” treatment and in two “public wages” treatments where employees are informed of the wage paid to the co‐worker. In one “public wages” treatment the employer can choose both wages she pays to the employees, while in the other treatment the wage paid to one employee is regulated exogenously. I show that pay disclosure can be detrimental for effort provision if employees are treated unequally. (JEL A13, C92, J31)  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on cultural considerations in psychotherapeutic treatment. Sound psychotherapy is ideally culturally sensitive and concerned with the context within which the client developed and exists. At the same time it is often difficult for many clinicians to navigate the cultural within the psychological framework. When both patient and clinician share more than one language in common, there are a variety of subtle issues that surface. In psychotherapy, “coordinate bilinguals,” those who learn their languages separately, during different developmental stages and contexts, tend to have greater access to their emotional experiences within their first language. When the client presents with a sexual trauma history, the language spoken during the abuse will also have an effect on the language used in the psychotherapy. The case history of Lucio, a Latino gay male, is discussed in terms of the cultural and psychological elements of his treatment by a bilingual North American therapist. This therapist's psychotherapeutic conceptualizations and treatment approaches are examined and reviewed in a written dialogue/ discussion with a Latino psychologist.  相似文献   

A range of factors has affected the design and construction of Indigenous housing in remote areas of Australia in recent times, including: socio-demographic issues; culture and design; consultation processes; the costs of remoteness; and procurement and delivery processes. Their implications for appropriate design and construction of remote Indigenous housing are analysed in this paper. Most significantly, these factors cannot be separated from cost because the need to spread available funds broadly to build the largest number of houses at the best price affects design and construction quality, and these are often neglected in the short-term budgeting within this process.  相似文献   

This paper examines two significant moments in sexual minority citizenship in England and Wales in relation to one of the Marshallian sets of rights, namely, civil or legal rights, focusing specifically on the Sex Offences legislation and policing practices. The first moment that will be examined here is the process whereby homosexual acts were decriminalized in the 1950s and 1960s; here special attention will be paid to the recommendations made by the Wolfenden Committee. The second moment is one we are currently experiencing, which is associated with the inclusive policing of sexual minority communities (especially lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities) under the provisions of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and in the review of Sex Offences, especially in the consultation paper (Home Office 2000) and White Paper (Home Office 2002) associated with this review. Privacy and toleration dominate the first moment, at the same time it shall be demonstrated that privacy is also central to the British Sexual Citizenship literatures that have emerged in sociology in the post-Wolfenden context. However, as the title suggests, the second moment under examination points to the emergence of a rather more extensive sexual minority citizenship beyond the boundaries of 'homosexual privacy' (which British Sexual Citizenship Studies is not currently engaging with) and perhaps even beyond the boundaries of toleration through ever more 'inclusive' policing strategies and through the review of sex offences in which many discriminatory laws are being 'de-homosexualized'.  相似文献   

Having taken taking as one of its starting points a concern to avoid fetishising method – or employing any form of method for its own sake – this paper then argues that visual methods of research may be particularly helpful in investigating areas that are difficult otherwise to verbalise or articulate. These include Bourdieu's understanding of habitus; our predisposed ways of being, acting and operating in the social environment that Bourdieu himself suggests are 'beyond the grasp of consciousness, and hence cannot be touched by voluntary, deliberate transformation, cannot even be made explicit' ( Bourdieu, 1977 : 94). Having outlined what Bourdieu means by habitus and considered some of the difficulties surrounding its operationalisation, the paper goes on to consider Bourdieu's own use of photography and understanding of photographic practice. It is then argued that we can move beyond Bourdieu's position by employing visual methods specifically to uncover and illuminate aspects of habitus. Where research participants are directly involved in this process this also means that visual methods can be potentially transformative, allowing for the development of forms of critical self-awareness amongst research participants of the sort that Bourdieu attributes to 'socioanalysis' ( Bourdieu, 1999 : 611).  相似文献   

This article discusses family therapy as a complementary treatment modality with the adult borderline patient. According to theory, the separation-individuation process is the underlying conflict of the pathological adaptation of the adult borderline patient and the goal of therapy is often considered to be separation of the patient from the family. Family treatment can facilitate the process of separation-individuation as it allows for the concomitant enhancement of the separateness of the parents. Family treatment can also reduce anxiety about separation, minimize the development of a premature intense transference, and prevent the battle for control between the therapist and the parents. Moreover, the process of the family treatment itself, described in this article, reflects the developmental phase of symbiosis, followed by the subphases of the separation-individuation process, i.e., differentiation, practicing and rapprochement, with the groundwork being laid for moving into object constancy. The ego functioning of all family members has the potential of being enhanced and strengthened through this process.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis' judgments about patients' decentered sexual lives are often influenced by analytic ideals that are based on long-cherished cultural values and/or theoretical constructs. These analytic value judgments sometimes assume that all or most individuals are optimally fulfilled in the context of deeply intimate and sexually monogamous long-term relationships, where attachment love and sexual passion coexist in equal intensity. Such analytic aims may not at all correspond to the wishes of any given patient, nor do such aims consider the literature that suggests that what may be called attachment love is often difficult to integrate with intense erotic desire. As well, there is risk that analysts' aims for patients may be hypocritically more idealistic than the values that analysts themselves adhere to in their own personal lives. Analysts' acknowledgment and acceptance of their own imperfect sex lives and love lives may leave more room to respect the idiosyncratic compromises and adaptations of each uniquely individual patient.  相似文献   

Language ideologies and the consequences of standardization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the effects of the standard language ideology on attitudes to language of nonlinguists and of language specialists, and considers how far linguists themselves have been affected by – and have contributed to – this ideology. The primary definition of standardization is taken to be the imposition of uniformity upon a class of objects . Attitudes to language within standard language cultures are then reviewed and contrasted with unstandardized situations, in which the boundaries of languages are indeterminate. It is therefore suggested that determinate languages, such as English, may be defined more by ideologies than by their internal structures. Some effects of standardization on the work of linguists are then reviewed. This is followed by a discussion of the importance of the process of legitimization in contributing to the standard language culture, and of the contribution of language specialists themselves to this process. Finally, certain matters arising are reviewed.  相似文献   

Elderly women with Parkinson's disease (PD) represent a specific patient population that may benefit from individualized treatment strategies. PD has been shown to occur approximately twice as often in men than in women, resulting in theories regarding estrogen being protective against the disease and as a potential treatment strategy. Given women's longer life expectancy, they are more likely to reach an age where antiparkinsonian medications are associated with side-effects. This paper will review medical and surgical treatments as well as the relationship of gender and age with respect to the management of PD.  相似文献   

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