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A few statistics on population for Thailand are reported for April 1, 1993. Total population is determined to be 58,113,000 of which 29,039,000 are males and 29,074,000 are females. The urban population was 17,852,000 and the rural population was 40,261,000. Regional distribution showed population in the north to be 9,443,000, in the northeast to be 19,590,000, in the south to be 7,107,000, and in the center excluding Bangkok to be 14,517,000. The population of Bangkok Metropolitan area was 7.5 million. Age distribution was 16.7 million under the age of 15 years, 19.4 million 6-21 years, 37.1 million 15-59 years, 4.2 million 60 years and older, and 35.3 million 20 years and older. There were 15,002,000 women in the reproductive ages of 15-44 years. The crude birth rate was 17.4/1000 population. The crude death rate was 5.9/1000 population. Infant mortality was 35.5/1000 live births. The natural growth rate was 1.15%. Life expectancy at birth was 66.4 years for males and 71.8 years for females. Life expectancy at 60 years was 17.9 years for males and 21.2 years for females. The total fertility rate was 2.2/woman. Contraceptive prevalence was 75.0%. Estimated population in the year 2012 is expected to be 71,310,000. A graph provides the projected number of living children per 1000 aged 12 years or younger who would be born to mothers with HIV infection and the number who would be orphans between 1990 and 2000. 350,000 children 12 years and under are expected to be born to HIV-infected mothers in the year 2000.  相似文献   

Population growth around the world affects Americans through its impact on the economy, the environment, and the world our children will inherit. This explains why population growth is important and why the U.S. government provides assistance (roughly $500 million annually, or $2 per American) for population programs in developing countries. These programs help couples to use family planning when they want to, thereby reducing birthrates, protecting the health of women, and strengthening families.  相似文献   

This is a general introduction to how population projections are made and used for the consumers of this information. Population projections are computations of what future trends in fertility, mortality and migration of a population might be given set assumptions. They are not actual forecasts. Projections are used by planners in government and business for a clearer understanding of social changes. How to prepare projections, obtain base data, select starting and future levels of rates, variant series, and the mathematics involved are discussed. Assumptions must be carefully checked and chosen, since reliability of the projections depends on assumptions. There are 3 rules of thumb for reliability: 1) the shorter the projection period, the more reliable the projection; 2) the larger the geographic area being projected the more reliable the projection; 3) the lower the current fertility and the higher the current life expectancy, the lower the projection's margin of error. Major sources of data and projections on world, regional, national, subnational, and local areas and difficulties with data for developing countries are discussed. Available microcomputer programs for IBM PC compatible machines are listed and described briefly.  相似文献   

Data from the 1991 Census largely confirm earlier projections of the size and structure of the Aboriginal population, although the data for Torres Strait Islanders are markedly inconsistent with previous counts. The 1986 and 1991 Censuses mark the first intercensal period for decades for which Aboriginal population counts have been consistent. This provides an opportunity, taken in this paper, to examine closely the discrepancies between projections and the 1991 Census and to comment on ways in which determinants of Aboriginal population change are diverging from the parameters used for previous projections. We pay particular attention to mortality prospects, because of the occurrence in the 1991 Census of a higher than expected sex ratio and differences between projections and counts for certain age groups. We note the evidence for under-enumeration of the Aboriginal population in particular age groups in the 1991 Census as in previous censuses, and estimate the size of adjustments necessary to correct for some, but not all, of these deficiencies. The analysis shows that Aboriginal fertility increased in the second half of the 1980s.  相似文献   

The purposes of the World Population Year (1974) declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations are: 1) to improve knowledge of and information about population trends; 2) sharpen awareness of population problems and their implications; 3) provide education on population, family life and reproduction; 4) stimulate consideration of alternative policies in the population and development fields, and 5) expand international cooperation in the population field and supply increased technical assistance to countries needing and desiring it. The central core of activity is the United Nations Conference which is a series of meetings under various names culminating in the final World Population Conference to be held in Bucharest in August, 1974.  相似文献   

G Xong 《人口研究》1989,(5):59-61
Since 1986, China has experienced another baby boom which is expected to last till 1997. If no effective measure is implemented to check population growth, the population target of around 1.2 billion will not be achieved. The author proposed four population regulation mechanisms that need to be strengthened. First, ideological education needs to be used to change people's perceptions about family size, so that couples would willingly accept small families. Second, financial incentives and penalties need to be used to direct people to regulate their fertility. The incentive and penalty technique directly affect the interests of the family and is likely to produce rapid results. Third, legislation can be used to regulate reproductive behavior, the laws and legislation which restrict social behavior should be utilized for population control purposes. Once legislation on fertility regulation is passed, those who violate the law can be penalized. Furthermore, legislation gives family planning (FP) workers legitimacy in implementing the program and can help avoid disputes in the process of FP program implementation. Fourth, provision of contraception and abortion services is an important mechanism to ensure the realization of the objectives of population growth control. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of contraceptive methods and the acceptance of abortion depends on the research and development of contraceptive technology and on abortion techniques. These fertility regulatory mechanisms have not be adequately established, and their functions have not been fully utilized. The current FP program is hampered by simplistic ideological education, abusive use of incentives and penalties, lack of legislation, and unmet needs in contraceptive development. To achieve the population targets, these mechanisms need to be strengthened.  相似文献   

Z Liu 《人口研究》1984,(2):9-12
A correct population policy is very crucial to the solution of the population problem, economic development, and social progress. The real situation in China now is a large population, a high rate of population growth, and low level of productivity. Facing this situation, China's population policy should include control of population growth in quantity, a promotion of population quality, and a match between population growth and social and economic development for the final realization of the Four Modernizations. In recent years, under the leadership of the National Committee on Family Planning, together with cooperation from various offices at the local level, a great change has taken place in China's population situation. The fertility rate has declined gradually, and late marriage, delayed births, and a reduced number of births have also become popular. A change in the age structure of the population has also slowed the pace of population growth. A reduction in the ratio of women of childbearing age is also helpful in the control of population growth, and the natural growth rate for the population has declined. This change shows that family planning is working in China and great results have been achieved. To come closer to the national goal of population control, practical work should be focused on rural areas. The rural population constitutes about 80% of total population and the fertility rate in rural areas is much higher than that of the cities. If population control can be achieved in the rural areas, the overall goal of population control for the country can then be achieved more easily.  相似文献   

人口容量与适度人口的热力学解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于地球的人口容量问题,人口学者曾做过许多尝试,并提出了不同版本的人口容量阙值。本文在借鉴前人的研究成果基础上,把生物圈的能量流动分为外部能量流动和内部能量流动,并在回顾人类社会发展历程中,提出人类社会的发展源自内能流能量的增加和人类对内能流能量使用效率的提高。进而又得出了人口容量和适度人口的热力学模型,及其热力学含义。  相似文献   

The world's population growth rate peaked at slightly over 2%/year in the late 1960s and in 1986 is down to 1.7% and falling. Annual numbers added continue to rise because these rates apply to a very large base, 4.9 billion in 1986. According to UN medium variant projections, world population growth will peak at 89 million/year in the late 1990s and then taper off until world population stabilizes in the late decade of the 21st century at about 10.2 billion. Close to 95% of this growth is occurring in less developed countries (LDCs) of Africa, Asia (minus Japan), and Latin America. LDC fertility rates are declining, except in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Latin America and South Asia, but most have far to go to reach the replacement level of 2.1 births/woman. Fertility is below replacement in virtually all more developed countries. For LDCs, large numbers will be added before stabilization even after attainment of replacement level fertility because of the demographic momentum built into their large and young population bases. This complicates efforts to bridge gaps between living standards in LDCs and industrialized countries. From a new debate about whether rapid population growth deters or stimulates economic growth, a more integrated view has emerged. This view recognizes the complementary relationship between efforts to slow population growth and other development efforts; e.g., to improve health and education, upgrade women's status, increase productivity. Most effective in the increased contraceptive prevalence and fertility declines seen in many LDCs has been the combination of organized programs to increase access to family planning information and supplies with socioeconomic development that enhances the desire for smaller families.  相似文献   

Adam Smith dealt with questions of population mainly in his Wealth of Nations. His discussion falls roughly under five heads and reflects in considerable measure his image of the English economy. (1) A country's population capacity, given the average level of consumption, was conditioned by the stock of land, the skill with which it was cultivated, and the degree to which division of labour could be increased and thereby augment output for domestic use and sale in external markets. (2) Growth of population was essentially in response to growth of the demand for labour and served to increase division of labour. (3) The social mechanisms underlying elevation of the scale of living are touched upon, and in an optimistic spirit. (4) The distribution of a country's population responded to its progress in opulence, with the rate of this progress conditioned by the degree to which inappropriate (e.g. mercantilist) policies were avoided. (5) Smith dealt briefly with such matters as colonies, education, size of economy, environmental influences, and public policy, all of which he recognized as significant for the quantity and quality of a country's numbers.  相似文献   

Optimum human population size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the European historical experience, nuptiality patterns played a very significant role in the development of low fertility. Late marriage and widespread celibacy provided one of the mechanisms by which age-specific fertility rates were brought to low levels in the populations of Western Europe. In Eastern and Central Europe on the other hand, where marriage customarily occurred earlier and was more nearly universal, a somewhat slower fertility transition was achieved through a reduction in marital fertility — without any drastic accompanying nuptiality change. Populations of developing countries, however, commonly exhibit nuptiality patterns characterized by a still higher incidence and a considerably younger age-pattern of marriage than even the earliest observed schedule from Eastern Europe. With few exceptions, little work has been done to date to examine the implications of these very early and universal marriage schedules for fertility in general and for the growth of these populations in particular.1 We have therefore tried to analyse the impact of nuptiality on the fertility and growth of a series of populations from developing nations where extra-marital fertility is negligible. Populations in which the prevalence of cohabitation by age is not well documented by existing marital-status data (mainly those in Latin America and tropical Africa) are excluded from this analysis; an attempt will be made in later work, however, to extend the analysis to these populations.  相似文献   

The Development and Population Redistribution in South Asia symposium, held in Pakistan during January 1980, was organized around 4 major themes: 1) national, regional and local policies of population redistribution; 2) population redistribution aspects of national development plans; 3) development projects and population redistribution; and 4) settlement of refugees. A principal concern was the ecological impact of programs of resettlement, particularly in the tarai zone of India and Nepal and in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. A 2nd major concern fo the symposium was the spatial pattern of urbanization in each country. The final symposium under the term of office of the present International Geographical Union Population Commission will deal with migration and population redistribution in the Asia and Pacific region.  相似文献   

全球化与中国人口   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今全球化已成为一种不可逆转的趋势 ,而且正在深刻地影响和改变着我们生存与发展的方方面面。从经济全球化、国际移民以及文化多元化等方面 ,讨论全球化对中国人口的机遇与挑战 ,也是前所未有的。全球化实际上为中国人口提供了一个更大的生存空间 ,一个更大的施展竞争力的舞台。全球化对中国人口最大的挑战 ,是如何提高现有的、未来的人口素质 ,把中国人口潜在的数量优势发挥出来 ,汇入全球化人力、人才竞争的时代。  相似文献   

Very little information is available about the size and composition of the population of Libya. The author has collected together the available information, both official and unofficial. He describes the resources available for feeding the population, and tries to evaluate a natural rate of increase. He reaches the conclusion that the rate of increase is large in relation to the resources that are available and that there is a danger of over-population. An attempt is also made to assess the significance of Italian colonization on the demographic situation of Libya.  相似文献   

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