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The double bootstrap provides diagnostics for bootstrap calculations and, if need be, appropriate adjustments. The amount of computation involved is usually considerable, and recycling provides a less computer intensive alternative. Recycling consists of using repeatedly the same samples drawn from a recycling distribution G for estimation under each first-level bootstrap distribution, rather than independently repeating the simulation and estimation steps for each of these.Recycling is successful in parametric applications of the bootstrap, as demonstrated by M.A. Newton and C.J. Geyer (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 89: 905–912, 1994). We show that it is bound to fail in non-parametric bootstrap applications, and suggest a modification that makes the method work. The modification consists of smoothing the first-level bootstrap distributions, with the desired consequence that this removes the zero probabilities in the multinomial distributions that define them. We also discuss efficient choices of recycling distributions, both in terms of estimator efficiency and simulation efficiency.  相似文献   

A generalised regression estimation procedure is proposed that can lead to much improved estimation of population characteristics, such as quantiles, variances and coefficients of variation. The method involves conditioning on the discrepancy between an estimate of an auxiliary parameter and its known population value. The key distributional assumption is joint asymptotic normality of the estimates of the target and auxiliary parameters. This assumption implies that the relationship between the estimated target and the estimated auxiliary parameters is approximately linear with coefficients determined by their asymptotic covariance matrix. The main contribution of this paper is the use of the bootstrap to estimate these coefficients, which avoids the need for parametric distributional assumptions. First‐order correct conditional confidence intervals based on asymptotic normality can be improved upon using quantiles of a conditional double bootstrap approximation to the distribution of the studentised target parameter estimate.  相似文献   

The solar nebula theory hypothesizes that planets are formed from an accretion disk of material that, over time, condenses into dust, small planetesimals, and that the planets should have, on average, coplanar, nearly circular orbits. If the orbit of Pluto has a different origin to the other planets in the solar system, then there will be tremendous repercussions on modelling the spacecrafts for a mission to Pluto. We test here the nebula theory for Pluto, using both parametric and non-parametric methods. We first develop asymptotic distributions of extrinsic means on a manifold, and then derive bootstrap and large sample distributions of the sample mean direction. Our parametric and non-parametric analyses provide very strong evidence that the solar nebula theory does not hold for Pluto.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We study a semiparametric generalized additive coefficient model (GACM), in which linear predictors in the conventional generalized linear models are generalized to unknown functions depending on certain covariates, and approximate the non-parametric functions by using polynomial spline. The asymptotic expansion with optimal rates of convergence for the estimators of the non-parametric part is established. Semiparametric generalized likelihood ratio test is also proposed to check if a non-parametric coefficient can be simplified as a parametric one. A conditional bootstrap version is suggested to approximate the distribution of the test under the null hypothesis. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed methods. We further apply the proposed model and methods to a data set from a human visceral Leishmaniasis study conducted in Brazil from 1994 to 1997. Numerical results outperform the traditional generalized linear model and the proposed GACM is preferable.  相似文献   

Alternative methods of estimating properties of unknown distributions include the bootstrap and the smoothed bootstrap. In the standard bootstrap setting, Johns (1988) introduced an importance resam¬pling procedure that results in more accurate approximation to the bootstrap estimate of a distribution function or a quantile. With a suitable “exponential tilting” similar to that used by Johns, we derived a smoothed version of importance resampling in the framework of the smoothed bootstrap. Smoothed importance resampling procedures were developed for the estimation of distribution functions of the Studentized mean, the Studentized variance, and the correlation coefficient. Implementation of these procedures are presented via simulation results which concentrate on the problem of estimation of distribution functions of the Studentized mean and Studentized variance for different sample sizes and various pre-specified smoothing bandwidths for the normal data; additional simulations were conducted for the estimation of quantiles of the distribution of the Studentized mean under an optimal smoothing bandwidth when the original data were simulated from three different parent populations: lognormal, t(3) and t(10). These results suggest that in cases where it is advantageous to use the smoothed bootstrap rather than the standard bootstrap, the amount of resampling necessary might be substantially reduced by the use of importance resampling methods and the efficiency gains depend on the bandwidth used in the kernel density estimation.  相似文献   

Importance sampling and control variates have been used as variance reduction techniques for estimating bootstrap tail quantiles and moments, respectively. We adapt each method to apply to both quantiles and moments, and combine the methods to obtain variance reductions by factors from 4 to 30 in simulation examples.We use two innovations in control variates—interpreting control variates as a re-weighting method, and the implementation of control variates using the saddlepoint; the combination requires only the linear saddlepoint but applies to general statistics, and produces estimates with accuracy of order n -1/2 B -1, where n is the sample size and B is the bootstrap sample size.We discuss two modifications to classical importance sampling—a weighted average estimate and a mixture design distribution. These modifications make importance sampling robust and allow moments to be estimated from the same bootstrap simulation used to estimate quantiles.  相似文献   

In this article, the two-way error component regression model is considered. For the nonhomogenous linear hypothesis testing of regression coefficients, a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach is proposed. Simulation results indicate that the PB test, regardless of the sample sizes, maintains the Type I error rates very well and outperforms the existing generalized variable test, which may far exceed the intended significance level when the sample sizes are small or moderate. Real data examples illustrate the proposed approach work quite satisfactorily.  相似文献   

This article presents parametric bootstrap (PB) approaches for hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the regression coefficients and the variance components of panel data regression models with complete panels. The PB pivot variables are proposed based on sufficient statistics of the parameters. On the other hand, we also derive generalized inferences and improved generalized inferences for variance components in this article. Some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the PB approaches with the generalized inferences. Our studies show that the PB approaches perform satisfactorily for various sample sizes and parameter configurations, and the performance of PB approaches is mostly the same as that of generalized inferences with respect to the expected lengths and powers. The PB inferences have almost exact coverage probabilities and Type I error rates. Furthermore, the PB procedure can be simply carried out by a few simulation steps, and the derivation is easier to understand and to be extended to the incomplete panels. Finally, the proposed approaches are illustrated by using a real data example.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Using San Francisco city clinic cohort data, we estimate the HIV seroconversion distribution by both non-parametric and parametric methods, and illustrate the effects of age on this distribution. The non-parametric methods include the Turnbull method, the Bacchetti method, the expectation, maximization and smoothing (EMS) method and the penalized spline method. The seroconversion density curves estimated by these nonparametric methods are of bimodal nature with obvious effects of age. As a result of the bimodal nature of the seroconversion curves, the parametric models considered are mixtures of two distributions taken from the generalized log-logistic distribution with three parameters, the Weibull distribution and the log-normal distribution. In terms of the logarithm of the likelihood values, it appears that the non-parametric methods with smoothing as well as without smoothing (i.e. the Turnbull method) provided much better fits than did the parametric models. Among the non-parametric methods, the EMS and the spline estimates are more appealing, because the unsmoothed Turnbull estimates are very unstable and because the Bacchetti estimates have a longer tail. Among the parametric models, the mixture of a generalized log-logistic distribution with three parameters and a Weibull distribution or a log-normal distribution provided better fits than did other mixtures of parametric models.  相似文献   

Although bootstrapping has become widely used in statistical analysis, there has been little reported concerning bootstrapped Bayesian analyses, especially when there is proper prior informa-tion concerning the parameter of interest. In this paper, we first propose an operationally implementable definition of a Bayesian bootstrap. Thereafter, in simulated studies of the estimation of means and variances, this Bayesian bootstrap is compared to various parametric procedures. It turns out that little information is lost in using the Bayesian bootstrap even when the sampling distribution is known. On the other hand, the parametric procedures are at times very sensitive to incorrectly specified sampling distributions, implying that the Bayesian bootstrap is a very robust procedure for determining the posterior distribution of the parameter.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes methods and a bootstrap bias adjustment procedure are used to estimate the size of a closed population when the individual capture probabilities are independently and identically distributed with a Beta distribution. The method is examined in simulations and applied to several well-known datasets. The simulations show the estimator performs as well as several other proposed parametric and non-parametric estimators.  相似文献   

In this note we define a composite quantile function estimator in order to improve the accuracy of the classical bootstrap procedure in small sample setting. The composite quantile function estimator employs a parametric model for modelling the tails of the distribution and uses the simple linear interpolation quantile function estimator to estimate quantiles lying between 1/(n+1) and n/(n+1). The method is easily programmed using standard software packages and has general applicability. It is shown that the composite quantile function estimator improves the bootstrap percentile interval coverage for a variety of statistics and is robust to misspecification of the parametric component. Moreover, it is also shown that the composite quantile function based approach surprisingly outperforms the parametric bootstrap for a variety of small sample situations.  相似文献   

In this paper we outline and illustrate an easy-to-use inference procedure for directly calculating the approximate bootstrap percentile-type p-value for the one-sample median test, i.e. we calculate the bootstrap p -value without resampling, by using a fractional order statistics based approach. The method parallels earlier work on fractionalorder-statistics-based non-parametric bootstrap percentile-type confidence intervals for quantiles. Monte Carlo simulation studies are performed, which illustrate that the fractional-order-statistics-based approach to the one-sample median test has accurate type I error control for small samples over a wide range of distributions; is easy to calculate; and is preferable to the sign test in terms of type I error control and power. Furthermore, the fractional-order-statistics-based median test is easily generalized to testing that any quantile has some hypothesized value; for example, tests for the upper or lower quartile may be performed using the same framework.  相似文献   

It is proved that the accuracy of the bootstrap approximation of the joint distribution of sample quantiles lies between O(n?1/4) and O(n?1/4 an), where (log(n))1/2=O(an). As an application, we investigated confidence intervals based on the bootstrap.  相似文献   

The conventional Shewhart-type control chart is developed essentially on the central limit theorem. Thus, the Shewhart-type control chart performs particularly well when the observed process data come from a near-normal distribution. On the other hand, when the underlying distribution is unknown or non-normal, the sampling distribution of a parameter estimator may not be available theoretically. In this case, the Shewhart-type charts are not available. Thus, in this paper, we propose a parametric bootstrap control chart for monitoring percentiles when process measurements have an inverse Gaussian distribution. Through extensive Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the behaviour and performance of the proposed bootstrap percentile charts. The average run lengths of the proposed percentage charts are investigated.  相似文献   

The authors propose a bootstrap procedure which estimates the distribution of an estimating function by resampling its terms using bootstrap techniques. Studentized versions of this so‐called estimating function (EF) bootstrap yield methods which are invariant under reparametrizations. This approach often has substantial advantage, both in computation and accuracy, over more traditional bootstrap methods and it applies to a wide class of practical problems where the data are independent but not necessarily identically distributed. The methods allow for simultaneous estimation of vector parameters and their components. The authors use simulations to compare the EF bootstrap with competing methods in several examples including the common means problem and nonlinear regression. They also prove symptotic results showing that the studentized EF bootstrap yields higher order approximations for the whole vector parameter in a wide class of problems.  相似文献   

Because model misspecification can lead to inconsistent and inefficient estimators and invalid tests of hypotheses, testing for misspecification is critically important. We focus here on several general purpose goodness-of-fit tests which can be applied to assess the adequacy of a wide variety of parametric models without specifying an alternative model. Parametric bootstrap is the method of choice for computing the p-values of these tests however the proof of its consistency has never been rigourously shown in this setting. Using properties of locally asymptotically normal parametric models, we prove that under quite general conditions, the parametric bootstrap provides a consistent estimate of the null distribution of the statistics under investigation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to estimate parameters of generalized Pareto distribution based on generalized order statistics. Some non-Bayesian methods, such as MLE, bootstrap and unbiased estimators have been obtained to develop point and interval estimations. Bayesian estimations have also been derived under LSE and LINEX loss functions. To compare the performances of the employed methods, numerical results have been computed. To illustrate dependence and association properties of generalized order statistics, correlation coefficient and some informational measures in closed form have been obtained.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing non parametric confidence intervals for the mean of a positively skewed distribution. We suggest calibrated, smoothed bootstrap upper and lower percentile confidence intervals. For the theoretical properties, we show that the proposed one-sided confidence intervals have coverage probability α + O(n? 3/2). This is an improvement upon the traditional bootstrap confidence intervals in terms of coverage probability. A version smoothed approach is also considered for constructing a two-sided confidence interval and its theoretical properties are also studied. A simulation study is performed to illustrate the performance of our confidence interval methods. We then apply the methods to a real data set.  相似文献   

The simplest construction of bootstrap likelihoods involves two levels of bootstrapping, kernel density estimation, and non-parametric curve-smoothing. We describe more accurate and efficient constructions, based on smoothing at the first level of nested bootstraps and saddlepoint approximation to remove second-level bootstrap variation. Detailed illustrations are given.  相似文献   

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