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Consider a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials and assume that the odds of success (or failure) or the probability of success (or failure) at the ith trial varies (increases or decreases) geometrically with rate (proportion) q, for increasing i=1,2,…. Introducing the notion of a geometric sequence of trials as a sequence of Bernoulli trials, with constant probability, that is terminated with the occurrence of the first success, a useful stochastic model is constructed. Specifically, consider a sequence of independent geometric sequences of trials and assume that the probability of success at the jth geometric sequence varies (increases or decreases) geometrically with rate (proportion) q, for increasing j=1,2,…. On both models, let Xn be the number of successes up the nth trial and Tk (or Wk) be the number of trials (or failures) until the occurrence of the kth success. The distributions of these random variables turned out to be q-analogues of the binomial and Pascal (or negative binomial) distributions. The distributions of Xn, for n→∞n, and the distributions of Wk, for k→∞k, can be approximated by a q  -Poisson distribution. Also, as k→0k0, a zero truncated negative q  -binomial distribution Uk=Wk|Wk>0Uk=Wk|Wk>0 can be approximated by a q-logarithmic distribution. These discrete q-distributions and their applications are reviewed, with critical comments and additions. Finally, consider a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials and assume that the probability of success (or failure) is a product of two sequences of probabilities with one of these sequences depending only the number of trials and the other depending only on the number of successes (or failures). The q-distributions of the number Xn of successes up to the nth trial and the number Tk of trials until the occurrence of the kth success are similarly reviewed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the exact D-optimal designs of the linear log contrast model using the mixture experiment suggested by Aitchison and Bacon-Shone (1984) and the design space restricted by Lim (1987) and Chan (1988). Results show that for three ingredients, there are six extreme points that can be divided into two non-intersect sets S1 and S2. An exact N-point D  -optimal design for N=3p+q,p≥1,1≤q≤2N=3p+q,p1,1q2 arranges equal weight n/N,0≤n≤pn/N,0np at the points of S1 (S2) and puts the remaining weight (N−3n)/N(N3n)/N on the points of S2 (S1) as evenly as possible. For four ingredients and N=6p+q,p≥1,1≤q≤5N=6p+q,p1,1q5, an exact N-point design that distributes the weights as evenly as possible among the six supports of the approximate D-optimal design is exact D-optimal.  相似文献   

The q-Bernstein basis, used in the definition of the q-Bernstein polynomials, is shown to be the probability mass function of a q-binomial distribution. This distribution is defined on a sequence of zero–one Bernoulli trials with probability of failure at any trial increasing geometrically with the number of previous failures. A modification of this model, with the probability of failure at any trial decreasing geometrically with the number of previous failures, leads to a second q-binomial distribution that is also connected to the q-Bernstein polynomials. The q-factorial moments as well as the usual factorial moments of these distributions are derived. Further, the q-Bernstein polynomial Bn(f(t),q;x) is expressed as the expected value of the function f([Xn]q/[n]q) of the random variable Xn obeying the q-binomial distribution. Also, using the expression of the q-moments of Xn, an explicit expression of the q-Bernstein polynomial Bn(fr(t),q;x), for fr(t) a polynomial, is obtained.  相似文献   

The paper studies the three-parameter generalization of the logarithmic distribution that is obtained as the cluster distribution for the generalized Euler distribution. The diagnostic statistic, R(x)=xpx/[(x-1)px-1]R(x)=xpx/[(x-1)px-1], is constant for the logarithmic distribution. For the new distribution it can decrease, stay constant, or increase as x increases. The relative values of the extra parameters determine the flatness/hollowness of the distribution and its tail behaviour. Kemp's q-logarithmic distribution and the Euler cluster distribution are special cases. Fitted data sets illustrate the properties of the distribution and its limiting forms.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the distributions of test statistics for the number of useful discriminant functions and the characteristic roots in canonical discriminant analysis. These asymptotic distributions have been extensively studied when the number p   of variables is fixed, the number q+1q+1 of groups is fixed, and the sample size N tends to infinity. However, these approximations become increasingly inaccurate as the value of p increases for a fixed value of N. On the other hand, we encounter to analyze high-dimensional data such that p is large compared to n. The purpose of the present paper is to derive asymptotic distributions of these statistics in a high-dimensional framework such that q   is fixed, p→∞p, m=n-p+q→∞m=n-p+q, and p/n→c∈(0,1)p/nc(0,1), where n=N-q-1n=N-q-1. Numerical simulation revealed that our new asymptotic approximations are more accurate than the classical asymptotic approximations in a considerably wide range of (n,p,q)(n,p,q).  相似文献   

The main theorem of this paper shows that foldover designs are the only (regular or nonregular) two-level factorial designs of resolution IV (strength 3) or more for n   runs and n/3?m?n/2n/3?m?n/2 factors. This theorem is a generalization of a coding theory result of Davydov and Tombak [1990. Quasiperfect linear binary codes with distance 4 and complete caps in projective geometry. Problems Inform. Transmission 25, 265–275] which, under translation, effectively states that foldover (or even) designs are the only regular two-level factorial designs of resolution IV or more for n   runs and 5n/16?m?n/25n/16?m?n/2 factors. This paper also contains other theorems including an alternative proof of Davydov and Tombak's result.  相似文献   

In Hedayat and Pesotan [1992, Two-level factorial designs for main effects and selected two-factor interactions. Statist. Sinica 2, 453–464.] the concepts of a g(n,e)g(n,e)-design and a g(n,e)g(n,e)-matrix are introduced to study designs of nn factor two-level experiments which can unbiasedly estimate the mean, the nn main effects and ee specified two-factor interactions appearing in an orthogonal polynomial model and it is observed that the construction of a g-design is equivalent to the construction of a g  -matrix. This paper deals with the construction of D-optimal g(n,1)g(n,1)-matrices. A standard form for a g(n,1)g(n,1)-matrix is introduced and some lower and upper bounds on the absolute determinant value of a D-optimal g(n,1)g(n,1)-matrix in the class of all g(n,1)g(n,1)-matrices are obtained and an approach to construct D-optimal g(n,1)g(n,1)-matrices is given for 2?n?82?n?8. For two specific subclasses, namely a certain class of g(n,1)g(n,1)-matrices within the class of g(n,1)g(n,1)-matrices of index one and the class C(H)C(H) of g(8t+2,1)g(8t+2,1)-matrices constructed from a normalized Hadamard matrix H   of order 8t+4(t?1)8t+4(t?1) two techniques for the construction of the restricted D-optimal matrices are given.  相似文献   

We propose a new test procedure for testing linear hypothesis on the mean vectors of normal populations with unequal covariance matrices when the dimensionality, p exceeds the sample size N  , i.e. p/N→c<∞p/Nc<. Our procedure is based on the Dempster trace criterion and is shown to be consistent in high dimensions.  相似文献   

A q-Pólya urn model is introduced by assuming that the probability of drawing a white ball at a drawing varies geometrically, with rate q, both with the number of drawings and the number of white balls drawn in the previous drawings. Then, the probability mass functions and moments of (a) the number of white balls drawn in a specific number of drawings and (b) the number of black balls drawn until a specific number of white balls are drawn are derived. These two distributions turned out to be q-analogs of the Pólya and the inverse Pólya distributions, respectively. Also, the limiting distributions of the q-Pólya and the inverse q-Pólya distributions, as the number of balls in the urn tends to infinity, are shown to be a q-binomial and a negative q-binomial distribution, respectively. In addition, the positive or negative q-hypergeometric distribution is obtained as conditional distribution of a positive or negative q-binomial distribution, given its sum with another positive or negative q-binomial distribution, independent of it.  相似文献   

We deal with the problem of classifying a new observation vector into one of two known multivariate normal distributions when the dimension p and training sample size N   are both large with p<Np<N. Modified linear discriminant analysis (MLDA) was suggested by Xu et al. [10]. Error rate of MLDA is smaller than the one of LDA. However, if p and N   are moderately large, error rate of MLDA is close to the one of LDA. These results are conditional ones, so we should investigate whether they hold unconditionally. In this paper, we give two types of asymptotic approximations of expected probability of misclassification (EPMC) for MLDA as n→∞n with p=O(nδ)p=O(nδ), 0<δ<10<δ<1. The one of two is the same as the asymptotic approximation of LDA, and the other is corrected version of the approximation. Simulation reveals that the modified version of approximation has good accuracy for the case in which p and N are moderately large.  相似文献   

For a random sample of size n from an absolutely continuous bivariate population (X, Y), let Xi:n be the i th X-order statistic and Y[i:n] be its concomitant. We study the joint distribution of (Vs:m, Wt:nm), where Vs:m is the s th order statistic of the upper subset {Y[i:n], i=nm+1,…,n}, and Wt:nm is the t th order statistic of the lower subset {Y[j:n], j=1,…,nm  } of concomitants. When m=⌈np0m=np0, s=⌈mp1s=mp1, and t=⌈(n−m)p2t=(nm)p2, 0<pi<1,i=0,1,20<pi<1,i=0,1,2, and n→∞n, we show that the joint distribution is asymptotically bivariate normal and establish the rate of convergence. We propose second order approximations to the joint and marginal distributions with significantly better performance for the bivariate normal and Farlie–Gumbel bivariate exponential parents, even for moderate sample sizes. We discuss implications of our findings to data-snooping and selection problems.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a new perspective in fitting spatial point process models. Specifically the spatial point process of interest is treated as a marked point process where at each observed event xx a stochastic process M(x;t)M(x;t), 0<t<r0<t<r, is defined. Each mark process M(x;t)M(x;t) is compared with its expected value, say F(t;θ)F(t;θ), to produce a discrepancy measure at xx, where θθ is a set of unknown parameters. All individual discrepancy measures are combined to define an overall measure which will then be minimized to estimate the unknown parameters. The proposed approach can be easily applied to data with sample size commonly encountered in practice. Simulations and an application to a real data example demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Studying the right tail of a distribution, one can classify the distributions into three classes based on the extreme value index γγ. The class γ>0γ>0 corresponds to Pareto-type or heavy tailed distributions, while γ<0γ<0 indicates that the underlying distribution has a finite endpoint. The Weibull-type distributions form an important subgroup within the Gumbel class with γ=0γ=0. The tail behaviour can then be specified using the Weibull tail index. Classical estimators of this index show severe bias. In this paper we present a new estimation approach based on the mean excess function, which exhibits improved bias and mean squared error. The asserted properties are supported by simulation experiments and asymptotic results. Illustrations with real life data sets are provided.  相似文献   

EE-optimal designs for comparing three treatments in blocks of size three are identified, where intrablock observations are correlated according to a first order autoregressive error process with parameter ρ∈(0,1)ρ(0,1). For number of blocks b   of the form b=3n+1b=3n+1, there are two distinct optimal designs depending on the value of ρρ, with the best design being unequally replicated for large ρρ. For other values of bb, binary, equireplicate designs with specified within-block assignment patterns are best. In many cases, the stronger majorization optimality is established.  相似文献   

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