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A simple least squares method for estimating a change in mean of a sequence of independent random variables is studied. The method first tests for a change in mean based on the regression principle of constrained and unconstrained sums of squares. Conditionally on a decision by this test that a change has occurred, least squares estimates are used to estimate the change point, the initial mean level (prior to the change point) and the change itself. The estimates of the initial level and change are functions of the change point estimate. All estimates are shown to be consistent, and those for the initial level and change are shown to be asymptotically jointly normal. The method performs well for moderately large shifts (one standard deviation or more), but the estimates of the initial level and change are biased in a predictable way for small shifts. The large sample theory is helpful in understanding this problem. The asymptotic distribution of the change point estimator is obtained for local shifts in mean, but the case of non-local shifts appears analytically intractable.  相似文献   

Change point estimation procedures simplify the efforts to search for and identify special causes in multivariate statistical process monitoring. After a signal is generated by the simultaneously used control charts or a single control chart, add-on change point procedure estimates the time of the change. In this study, multivariate joint change point estimation performance for simultaneous monitoring of both location and dispersion is compared under the assumption that various single charts are used to monitor the process. The change detection performance for several structural changes for the mean vector and covariance matrix is also discussed. It is concluded that choice of the control chart to obtain a signal may affect the change point detection performance.  相似文献   


We propose a semiparametric approach to estimate the existence and location of a statistical change-point to a nonlinear multivariate time series contaminated with an additive noise component. In particular, we consider a p-dimensional stochastic process of independent multivariate normal observations where the mean function varies smoothly except at a single change-point. Our approach involves conducting a Bayesian analysis on the empirical detail coefficients of the original time series after a wavelet transform. If the mean function of our time series can be expressed as a multivariate step function, we find our Bayesian-wavelet method performs comparably with classical parametric methods such as maximum likelihood estimation. The advantage of our multivariate change-point method is seen in how it applies to a much larger class of mean functions that require only general smoothness conditions.  相似文献   

The hazard function plays an important role in reliability or survival studies since it describes the instantaneous risk of failure of items at a time point, given that they have not failed before. In some real life applications, abrupt changes in the hazard function are observed due to overhauls, major operations or specific maintenance activities. In such situations it is of interest to detect the location where such a change occurs and estimate the size of the change. In this paper we consider the problem of estimating a single change point in a piecewise constant hazard function when the observed variables are subject to random censoring. We suggest an estimation procedure that is based on certain structural properties and on least squares ideas. A simulation study is carried out to compare the performance of this estimator with two estimators available in the literature: an estimator based on a functional of the Nelson-Aalen estimator and a maximum likelihood estimator. The proposed least squares estimator tums out to be less biased than the other two estimators, but has a larger variance. We illustrate the estimation method on some real data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a two-dimensional sinusoidal model observed in an additive random field. The proposed model has wide applications in statistical signal processing. The additive noise has mean zero but the variance may not be finite. We propose the least squares estimators to estimate the unknown parameters. It is observed that the least squares estimators are strongly consistent. We obtain the asymptotic distribution of the least squares estimators under the assumption that the additive errors are from a symmetric stable distribution. Some numerical experiments are performed to see how the results work for finite samples.  相似文献   

Pricing of American options in discrete time is considered, where the option is allowed to be based on several underlying stocks. It is assumed that the price processes of the underlying stocks are given by Markov processes. We use the Monte Carlo approach to generate artificial sample paths of these price processes, and then we use nonparametric regression estimates to estimate from this data so-called continuation values, which are defined as mean values of the American option for given values of the underlying stocks at time t subject to the constraint that the option is not exercised at time t. As nonparametric regression estimates we use least squares estimates with complexity penalties, which include as special cases least squares spline estimates, least squares neural networks, smoothing splines and orthogonal series estimates. General results concerning rate of convergence are presented and applied to derive results for the special cases mentioned above. Furthermore the pricing of American options is illustrated by simulated data.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of the expected sojourn time in a Markov renewal process under the data condition that only the counts of the exits from the states are available for fixed intervals of time. For analytical and illustrative purposes we concentrate on the two-state process case. We present least squares and method of moments estimators and compare their statistical properties both analytically and empirically. We also present modified estimators with improved properties based upon an overlapping interval sampling strategy. The major results indicate that the least squares estimator is biased in general with the bias depending on the size of the sampling interval and the first two moments of the sojourn time distribution function. The bias becomes negligible as the size of the sampling interval increases. Analytical and empirical results indicate that the method of moments estimator is less sensitive to the size of the sampling interval and has slightly better mean squared error properties than the least squares estimator.  相似文献   

The consistency and asymptotic normality of a linear least squares estimate of the form (X'X)-X'Y when the mean is not Xβ is investigated in this paper. The least squares estimate is a consistent estimate of the best linear approximation of the true mean function for the design chosen. The asymptotic normality of the least squares estimate depends on the design and the asymptotic mean may not be the best linear approximation of the true mean function. Choices of designs which allow large sample inferences to be made about the best linear approximation of the true mean function are discussed.  相似文献   

A method based on forecasting techniques is proposed to estimate missing observations in time series. Using mean squares, this method is compared to the minimum mean square estimate.  相似文献   

The least squares estimate of the autoregressive coefficient in the AR(1) model is known to be biased towards zero, especially for parameters close to the stationarity boundary. Several methods for correcting the autoregressive parameter estimate for the bias have been suggested. Using simulations, we study the bias and the mean square error of the least squares estimate and the bias-corrections proposed by Kendall and Quenouille.

We also study the mean square forecast error and the coverage of the 95% prediction interval when using the biased least squares estimate or one of its bias-corrected versions. We find that the estimation bias matters little for point forecasts, but that it affects the coverage of the prediction intervals. Prediction intervals for forecasts more than one step ahead, when calculated with the biased least squares estimate, are too narrow.  相似文献   

Least absolute deviation regression is applied using a fixed number of points for all values of the index to estimate the index and scale parameter of the stable distribution using regression methods based on the empirical characteristic function. The recognized fixed number of points estimation procedure uses ten points in the interval zero to one, and least squares estimation. It is shown that using the more robust least absolute regression based on iteratively re-weighted least squares outperforms the least squares procedure with respect to bias and also mean square error in smaller samples.  相似文献   

Control charts are used to detect changes in a process. Once a change is detected, knowledge of the change point would simplify the search for and identification of the special cause. Consequently, having an estimate of the process change point following a control chart signal would be useful to process analysts. Change-point methods for the uncorrelated process have been studied extensively in the literature; however, less attention has been given to change-point methods for autocorrelated processes. Autocorrelation is common in practice and is often modeled via the class of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. In this article, a maximum likelihood estimator for the time of step change in the mean of covariance-stationary processes that fall within the general ARMA framework is developed. The estimator is intended to be used as an “add-on” following a signal from a phase II control chart. Considering first-order pure and mixed ARMA processes, Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed change-point estimator across a range of step change magnitudes following a genuine signal from a control chart. Results indicate that the estimator provides process analysts with an accurate and useful estimate of the last sample obtained from the unchanged process. Additionally, results indicate that if a change-point estimator designed for the uncorrelated process is applied to an autocorrelated process, the performance of the estimator can suffer dramatically.  相似文献   

This paper extends the univariate time series smoothing approach provided by penalized least squares to a multivariate setting, thus allowing for joint estimation of several time series trends. The theoretical results are valid for the general multivariate case, but particular emphasis is placed on the bivariate situation from an applied point of view. The proposal is based on a vector signal-plus-noise representation of the observed data that requires the first two sample moments and specifying only one smoothing constant. A measure of the amount of smoothness of an estimated trend is introduced so that an analyst can set in advance a desired percentage of smoothness to be achieved by the trend estimate. The required smoothing constant is determined by the chosen percentage of smoothness. Closed form expressions for the smoothed estimated vector and its variance-covariance matrix are derived from a straightforward application of generalized least squares, thus providing best linear unbiased estimates for the trends. A detailed algorithm applicable for estimating bivariate time series trends is also presented and justified. The theoretical results are supported by a simulation study and two real applications. One corresponds to Mexican and US macroeconomic data within the context of business cycle analysis, and the other one to environmental data pertaining to a monitored site in Scotland.  相似文献   

We consider conditions under which parametric estimates of the intensity of a spatial–temporal point process are consistent. Although the actual point process being estimated may not be Poisson, an estimate involving maximizing a function that corresponds exactly to the log-likelihood if the process is Poisson is consistent under certain simple conditions. A second estimate based on weighted least squares is also shown to be consistent under quite similar assumptions. The conditions for consistency are simple and easily verified, and examples are provided to illustrate the extent to which consistent estimation may be achieved. An important special case is when the point processes being estimated are in fact Poisson, though other important examples are explored as well.  相似文献   

We estimate model parameters of Lévy‐driven causal continuous‐time autoregressive moving average random fields by fitting the empirical variogram to the theoretical counterpart using a weighted least squares (WLS) approach. Subsequent to deriving asymptotic results for the variogram estimator, we show strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the parameter estimator. Furthermore, we conduct a simulation study to assess the quality of the WLS estimator for finite samples. For the simulation, we utilize numerical approximation schemes based on truncation and discretization of stochastic integrals and we analyze the associated simulation errors in detail. Finally, we apply our results to real data of the cosmic microwave background.  相似文献   

Abstract. Inverse response plots are a useful tool in determining a response transformation function for response linearization in regression. Under some mild conditions it is possible to seek such transformations by plotting ordinary least squares fits versus the responses. A common approach is then to use nonlinear least squares to estimate a transformation by modelling the fits on the transformed response where the transformation function depends on an unknown parameter to be estimated. We provide insight into this approach by considering sensitivity of the estimation via the influence function. For example, estimation is insensitive to the method chosen to estimate the fits in the initial step. Additionally, the inverse response plot does not provide direct information on how well the transformation parameter is being estimated and poor inverse response plots may still result in good estimates. We also introduce a simple robustified process that can vastly improve estimation.  相似文献   

The bootstrap is a methodology for estimating standard errors. The idea is to use a Monte Carlo simulation experiment based on a nonparametric estimate of the error distribution. The main objective of this article is to demonstrate the use of the bootstrap to attach standard errors to coefficient estimates in a second-order autoregressive model fitted by least squares and maximum likelihood estimation. Additionally, a comparison of the bootstrap and the conventional methodology is made. As it turns out, the conventional asymptotic formulae (both the least squares and maximum likelihood estimates) for estimating standard errors appear to overestimate the true standard errors. But there are two problems:i. The first two observations y1 and y2 have been fixed, and ii. The residuals have not been inflated. After these two factors are considered in the trial and bootstrap experiment, both the conventional maximum likelihood and bootstrap estimates of the standard errors appear to be performing quite well.  相似文献   

In modern quality engineering, dual response surface methodology is a powerful tool to model an industrial process by using both the mean and the standard deviation of the measurements as the responses. The least squares method in regression is often used to estimate the coefficients in the mean and standard deviation models, and various decision criteria are proposed by researchers to find the optimal conditions. Based on the inherent hierarchical structure of the dual response problems, we propose a Bayesian hierarchical approach to model dual response surfaces. Such an approach is compared with two frequentist least squares methods by using two real data sets and simulated data.  相似文献   

The minimum mean square error linear interpolator for missing values in time series is extended to handle any pattern of nonconsecutive observations. The paper then develops evidence with simple ARMA models that the usefulness of either the"nonparametric"or the parametric form of the least squares interpolator depends on the time series model, the arrangement of the missing data and the objective for completing the series.  相似文献   

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