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近年来,随着时代经济的飞速发展,当前社会逐渐趋向于多元化经济的发展,尤其是互联网的大量普及,为我国各行各业的发展带来了各种便利。现如今,银行的发展已经不仅仅局限于传统人工式的银行,更加的趋向于信息化以及网络化的发展。但是就目前而言,对于如何保证网络银行安全高效的运行发展成为金融行业以及计算机行业领域共同研究的热点之一。本文在对网络银行发展问题进行研究的过程中,首先阐述了网络银行的基本概念和特点,并分析了我国网络银行发展的现状以及发展中存在的主要问题,最后探讨总结了我国网络银行发展中应采取的具体对策。 相似文献
电子商务的发展给银行业带来了机遇。论文对我国网络银行与发达国家网络银行进行了对比研究。我国网络银行现阶段的发展目标应定位于利用网络树立良好的企业形象,形成传统银行业务和网络银行业务"两条腿"走路的格局。走出一条符合中国银行业实际情况的网络银行发展道路。 相似文献
网络银行是信息时代的产物,是金融机构利用现代科技手段、以因特网为载体开展金融业务的新方式,是当代国际金融业发展的趋势和主流。为了顺应金融业务发展的趋势,中国的网络银行的发展必须跟上时代的步伐。本文将主要对我国网络营销发展的阶段,发展过程中存在的问题,以及现有网络银行发展情况进行分析。 相似文献
文章以网络银行的风险与防范措施为主要研究对象,并对其展开深入、细致的研究,希望能为网络银行风险的有效识别与防范提供一定的参考和依据。 相似文献
网络经济的日益发展使网络银行建设成为不可逆转的趋势,发达国家纷纷使用INTERNET技术来对传统银行业进行改造。研究了网络银行的特点,分析了网络银行对我国银行业的影响,认为网络银行的发展与其说是挑战,不如说是一次机遇,最后就我国网络银行发展的相关问题提出自己的看法。 相似文献
如何克服目前绩效评估中的不确定,提高绩效评估的准确性与有效性已经成为目前迫切需要解决的重要问题,社会各部门发展迅速,在为社会提供公共产品和服务的同时,也缺乏企业那种科学、明确的绩效评价指标,本文将层次分析法与绩效管理进行有效结合,详细研究了基于模糊数学的判断矩阵对群体决策的一致性问题,讨论了AHP层次分析法,并以结合某高校进行了实证研究。 相似文献
20世纪90年代以来,在信息技术取得突破性进展的基础上,电子通讯网络技术也得到了飞速的发展。这极大地推动了以互联网络为基础的电子商务的发展。电子商务是网络银行的商业基础,而网络银行又是电子商务赖以生存和发展的核心。然而,我国的网络银行由于起步较晚,在发展过程中面临很多困难,如不能查找出这些问题,势必会影响网络银行在我国的发展。 相似文献
There is a lack of knowledge about which risk factors are more important in West Nile virus (WNV) transmission and risk magnitude. A better understanding of the risk factors is of great help in developing effective new technologies and appropriate prevention strategies for WNV infection. A contribution analysis of all risk factors in WNV infection would identify those major risk factors. Based on the identified major risk factors, measures to control WNV proliferation could be directed toward those significant risk factors, thus improving the effectiveness and efficiency in developing WNV control and prevention strategies. Neural networks have many generally accepted advantages over conventional analytical techniques, for instance, ability to automatically learn the relationship between the inputs and outputs from training data, powerful generalization ability, and capability of handling nonlinear interactions. In this article, a neural network model was developed for analysis of risk factors in WNV infection. To reveal the relative contribution of the input variables, the neural network was trained using an algorithm called structural learning with forgetting. During the learning, weak neural connections are forced to fade away while a skeletal network with strong connections emerges. The significant risk factors can be identified by analyzing this skeletal network. The proposed approach is tested with the dead bird surveillance data in Ontario, Canada. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
Trond Rafoss 《Risk analysis》2003,23(4):651-661
Pest risk analysis represents an emerging field of risk analysis that evaluates the potential risks of the introduction and establishment of plant pests into a new geographic location and then assesses the management options to reduce those potential risks. Development of new and adapted methodology is required to answer questions concerning pest risk analysis of exotic plant pests. This research describes a new method for predicting the potential establishment and spread of a plant pest into new areas using a case study, Ralstonia solanacearum, a bacterial disease of potato. This method combines current quantitative methodologies, stochastic simulation, and geographic information systems with knowledge of pest biology and environmental data to derive new information about pest establishment potential in a geographical region where a pest had not been introduced. This proposed method extends an existing methodology for matching pest characteristics with environmental conditions by modeling and simulating dissemination behavior of a pest organism. Issues related to integrating spatial variables into risk analysis models are further discussed in this article. 相似文献
《Risk analysis》2018,38(8):1529-1533
In the field of risk analysis, the normative value systems underlying accepted methodology are rarely explicitly discussed. This perspective provides a critique of the various ethical frameworks that can be used in risk assessments and risk management decisions. The goal is to acknowledge philosophical weaknesses that should be considered and communicated in order to improve the public acceptance of the work of risk analysts. 相似文献
This article describes an application of a method for assessing risks associated with the introduction of an organism into a new environment. The test organism was a binucleate Rhizoctonia fungal isolate that has potential for commercial development as a biological control agent for damping-off diseases in bedding plants. A test sample of host plant species was selected using the centrifugal phylogenetic host range principles, but with an emphasis on economic species. The effect of the fungus on the plant was measured for each species and expressed on a logarithmic scale. The effects on weights of shoots and roots per container were not normally distributed, nor were the effects on the number of plants standing (those which survived). Statements about the effect on the number standing and the shoot weight per container involved using the observed (empirical) distribution. This is illustrated with an example. Problems were encountered in defining the population of species at risk, and in deciding how this population should be formally sampled. The limitations of the method are discussed. 相似文献
基于非正态分布的投资风险测度方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文通过计算风险点对投资项目的风险进行定量分析,引进当量正态化的方法解决了独立变量非正态分布下的风险的测度问题,在此基础上提出一种新的投资项目风险测度方法。 相似文献
Chauncey Starr 《Risk analysis》2003,23(1):1-3
Precautionary behavior serves a valuable protective purpose as a first response to the new. It causes a quick retreat to the safety of the familiar; it provides time for a realistic "friend or foe" assessment of a new event. This rational assessment is often delayed by the sluggishness of government bureaucratic processes, or stopped by an implied challenge to a status quo. At the public level, reassurance may be slow to overcome an early uncertainty. However, a precautionary response does not provide an operational governing principle, although it makes publicly plausible an indefinite concealment of de facto political actions, or nonaction. The alternative of rational decision making at the policy level should flow from a comparative benefit/cost/risk analysis. Such early risk analyses have pragmatic uncertainties based on the limited available knowledge base and, accordingly, require judgmental application. 相似文献
资本结构决策的概率分析法 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
本文适应我国正在进行的优化资本结构试点工作的需要,借助于统计学原理,将风险报酬的理论和方法应用于资本结构决策中,提出了“修正自有资本利润率”这一评价指标,权衡了风险和报酬,使资本结构决策更加科学。 相似文献