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相信凡是经历过高考的人,都深知备考的艰辛与痛苦.因此,作为过来人,我非常愿意也非常高兴能有机会在这里与即将参加高考的朋友们一起分享我的一点点体会,但愿能对你们有些许的帮助与启示.  相似文献   

直销人进入直销行业,必须进行相应的业务拓展培训.要花时间去帮助直销人成功完成每一项业务.首先要引导直销人步入市场,列出朋友名单,如:①那些与你有生意往来的人;②专业人士;③你所参加的俱乐部、社区等活动;④你的老同学、老同事;⑤你配偶那边的亲戚朋友们等等.  相似文献   

肖雪 《女性天地》2006,(1):29-31
那些为了爱情而减肥的朋友们,别再委屈自己、折磨自己了,胖不胖是你自己的事,爱不爱——随他去吧。  相似文献   

继桥 《现代交际》2002,(7):31-31
“五·一”放长假,和朋友们结伴游云南。在少数民族文化村,经历了一次有趣的瑶族传统婚礼。“新娘”是个漂亮的瑶族姑娘,“新郎”就是我——别急,假的。这是文化村的一项活动,别看是假结婚,场面却热闹非凡,妙趣横生。闹了一天,朋友们都觉得余兴未尽,便开玩笑说干脆在这把离  相似文献   

四五月的时候,总是我和我的女朋友们生活最找不着北的时候,这时候春末夏初,天气白天热晚上还有点寒,说去旅游吧,刚刚从春运的人潮噩梦中恢复过来,至少有三个月“谈景色变”。说去运动,  相似文献   

玉霞 《伴侣(A版)》2016,(8):28-29
天津女子张丹原本在一家私企上班,多年过去,她的工作和薪水都毫无变化,老公也开始有些嫌弃她.郁闷的她只跟一帮有类似经历的朋友们聊得来,动辄抱怨老公和公婆,大吐职场和生活中的苦水.在这样的一群“负能量爆棚”的女人圈里,她们不再在乎形象,也不在乎心态,被称为“懒妻”.  相似文献   

时光荏苒。转眼又到了伊人与朋友们共处的时刻。近一个时期以来,众多的朋友写信给伊人,提出了各种各样的问题。布于时间的限制,对朋友们的来信难以—一作复,现选取一些比较典型的问题作答,还望朋友们多多谅解。新疆读者马琴来信说:我是一名17岁的女中专生。作为一个女孩,我也需要同男孩一样拥有半边天。可是我的代声、却始终没被人们发现,比如我的画画得不错,可是却没给人们留下多少印象。是不是我太不会“表现”了?请问女。何使内向变得外向些?马琴朋友:坦率地告诉你,伊人自己就是个十分内向的人。以我的人生经历,倒实在看不…  相似文献   

主持人:朋友们好!我是张春燕,毕业于华中师范大学心理系,先后从事编辑、热线主持及公司职贝等职,现任武汉市中德心理医院心理医师。因特殊的经历而痴迷于心理治疗,现主要从事系统家庭治疗和青少年心理咨询与治疗。今天,我有幸主持"心理专家工作室"这个栏目,心里非...  相似文献   

<正>拥有一对健康丰满的乳房是每个女性的梦想。为了达到美的效果,许多人不惜花巨资去隆胸丰乳。在追求外表美观的同时,女性朋友们不要忘了健康才是最重要的。  相似文献   

我是《老年世界》的忠实读者.最近看到《老年世界》又增加了《草原知青》栏目,十分高兴,因为我也是上百万草原知青中的一分子。现在我想把自己在农场、兵团16年的经历和思念之情告诉《老年世界》的读者朋友们,因为当年的兵团战士如今大都跨入了老年人的行列,让我们共同在老年世界怀想知青岁月,重温知青精神。  相似文献   


Based on a reflexive and critical analysis of the citizen protests that pervaded Brazilian cities in June 2013, in this article we argue that a significant part of the demonstrators’ dissatisfaction took the form of a new politics of consumption with particular characteristics, including the subversion of the culture jamming concept by citizens and by corporations. Our main contribution is to provide the Brazilian protests as an illustration of a new politics of consumption, where ‘citizen-consumers’ direct their dissatisfaction toward the government using tactics that, historically, were considered counter-hegemonic and directed to the market, as is the case of the culture jamming. Likewise, the corporations present themselves as partners of those citizen-consumers. Mobilizing a dialectical reasoning, our results invite readers to reflect on the ambiguities among politics of consumption and culture jamming, and the challenges they bring to organizations and society.  相似文献   

为迎接2022年北京冬奥会,本刊特别推出“冬奥之星”栏目,重点展现优秀女性冰雪运动员为国争光的巾帼风采。本期,让我们一起走近自由式滑雪U型场地运动员张可欣。  相似文献   

为迎接2022年北京冬奥会,本刊特别推出“冬奥之星”栏目,重点展现优秀女性冰雪运动员为国争光的巾帼风采。本期,让我们一起走近花样滑冰冰舞运动员王诗玥。  相似文献   

This article is the first in a series which aim at ‘unpacking’ some of the concepts and controversies involved in ‘evidence based practice’ (EBP). It is critically important for clinicians to be able to understand EBP, because there is a growing likelihood that the politics of EBP will be used to construct the ways in which we are expected to provide services in our workplaces. Although EBP looks relatively benign, the whole area reveals some very disturbing aspects. I invite readers of the Journal to begin a dialogue with me and with each other about EBP and whether it is possible, or even desirable, to embrace this practice within a systemic framework.  相似文献   

During the COVID‐19 crisis, being a working mother has taken on a whole new meaning, as mothers navigate working from home while juggling childcare, as well as coming to terms with their intersecting identities. The current article is a feminist, heartful autoethnographic account, couched in Relational‐Cultural Theory, surrounding our authentic experiences working from home and raising children during the worldwide pandemic. We explore academic motherhood, working from home, mental health, and coping during coronavirus and stay‐at‐home orders through engaged dialogue. We hope that showcasing our vulnerability can lead to change in the expectations we put on mothers in academia, while at the same time connect with readers who may be going through similar challenges.  相似文献   

Some readers may have found these results of greater interest were we able to confirm the directional hypotheses of the certainty setter model in addition to finding that spending is "related" to the reversion – the much weaker prediction of the uncertainty model. Yet the failure of the certainty
When base elections were optional, their infrequent occurrence might be expected under either a median voter or a setter model. For those districts that did hold base elections, the observations appear consistent with a setter model, but are either inexplicable by or inconsistent with a median voter model. Finally, both (a) the relationship between the number of budget elections and the presence of base elections, and (b) the outcome of mandatory base elections in 1978 provide a set of observations that are challenging to either model.
A similar challenge was posed by our investigation of budget elections when we called attention to the inadequacy of static, full information models. Rather than resolving the question of the simple setter model against the simple median voter model, our results indicate that both may be inappropriate and that endeavors dealing with complexities omitted here are warranted.  相似文献   

Using hand-collected data from DraftKings.com, a major daily fantasy sports website, we analyze draft selections of thousands of participants in daily fantasy basketball (DFB). In our study, the first thorough examination of DFB, we show that DFB is a game in which skill is necessary for success. Using econometric analysis, we find that winning participants utilize different strategies than losing participants; for example, winning participants more frequently select NBA rookies and international players. We also find that participants paying to enter more lineups in a given contest earn profits far more often than those entering few lineups, indicating that the number of lineups entered can serve as a proxy for skill. Additionally, we provide a thorough discussion of industry characteristics, prior literature, and gameplay, which should help readers familiarize themselves with this burgeoning fantasy sports variant. This study should further the literature on the contentious activity, which has been outlawed in many U.S. states and continues to elicit controversy.  相似文献   

第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会将于2022年2月在北京市和张家口市举行。近年来,随着中国冰雪运动飞速发展,涌现出一批优秀女性冰雪运动员。为此,《中国妇女》英文月刊特别推出“冬奥之星”栏目,重点展现她们为国争光的巾帼风采。本期,让我们一起走近花样滑冰双人滑运动员隋文静。  相似文献   

王鑫 《现代交际》2014,(8):124-125
图书馆根据读者需求,提供文献复制服务是司空见惯的行为。分析图书馆实践过程中出现的一系列问题,结合现阶段我国有关立法,提出对图书馆的复制行为进行规范的建议。  相似文献   

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