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■5月28日,国务院副总理回良玉在第七届全国“创业之星”经验交流表彰大会上强调,促进农民就业创业,拓宽农民增收渠道,是我国现代化建设中的一项战略性、全局性、长期性的工作。要深刻认识促进农民就业创业的重要性和紧迫性,大力营造有利于农民就业创业的政策和制度环境。要鼓励农村各类人才成为创业主体,既倡导农民外出创业,也鼓励农民就地创业,还要支持外出的农民回乡创业,努力走出一条以创业促就业、以就业带增收的农村发展道路。  相似文献   

为了解决农民工回乡创业时普遍存在的资金、场地、技术、人才、服务等问题,今年2月上旬,河南省政府办公厅下发了《关于认真做好农民工回乡创业工作的通知》。《通知》要求,县乡政府要为农民工回乡创业提供公共服务,通过建立创业信息发布平台,送法律、法规、政策和各类市场信息等,并要求对  相似文献   

农村就业问题关乎到重大的民生问题,同时也是十分重要的经济问题。随着市场经济改革的不断推进,人口增长更加凸显了就业问题亟待解决,在我们这样一个农村人口众多的国家,需要不断探索促进农村人口就业创业问题,实现农村经济新的增长点。集思广益,调整农村产业结构以及所有制结构,实现农村人口扩大就业创业,实现农村劳动力创业就业,提升就业质量。本文主要探讨应该如何建立健全农村就业创业机制,从哪些方面出发。  相似文献   

四川省应从农村基础设施、优势特色农业、农产品加工业、农村能源建设、农村房屋建设、返乡民工就业和创业能力培训投资等六个方面加大投资力度,从而激活农村消费,启动农村内需,促进四川经济发展。  相似文献   

中国农村的城市化必须先走劳动力转移这条路,但目前农村劳动力的转移并不意味着城市化的实现,其核心问题是,如何使长期在城市就业的农民由“民工”变成“民民”,要实现这个目标就必须在城市制度变革、农村土地制度创新上有新的举措——  相似文献   

近年来各地越来越多地出现"凤还巢"、"回归工程"、"归燕工程"等的探索与实践,农民工回乡创业实现了由普通打工者向创业者的转变,形成了以创业  相似文献   

在就业形势日益严峻的今天,自主创业已成为大学生解决就业的一条重要途径。本文在对河南省大学毕业生自主创业现状调查的基础上,从大学生自主创业的动机、优势、困境以及大学创业教育等角度对自主创业现象进行深入剖析,同时对高校毕业生自主创业意愿进行实证分析,在政府、学校和个人共同营建的“大学生创业教育”体系下指导大学生提高自主创业能力。最后结合河南省大学毕业生在创业过程中存在的问题,探讨现阶段金融危机还没有完全消退的形势下高校毕业生如何实现自主创业可行的路径,为有意创业的大学生提供参考。  相似文献   

“共患难易,同富贵难”寓意着,初期创业团队在面临高风险性、模糊性与不确定性的情况下仍保持较好的合作和协调,而当业务步入正轨后更易于产生冲突。在创业团队快速发展过程中,此类冲突现象较为常见。遗憾的是,现有创业理论对该现象,尤其背后蕴含的产权冲突缺乏应有重视,本文试图弥补这一不足。基于人力资本产权视角,本文通过对4家案例企业进行分析,第一阶段研究发现,创业团队的人力资本产权包含“转化期—界定期—动荡期—治理期”4个演化阶段,不同阶段承载创业团队租金获取、产权界定与明晰等功能。本文第二阶段研究发现,人力资本产权演化本质在于企业资产价值提升过程所带来的“公共领域”难以被有效界定,因而产生人力资本产权再界定动力并引发新企业创业团队的冲突。综上,由于人力资本初始禀赋及增长的差异,新企业资产价值增长带来难以界定的“公共领域”,将导致创业者付出的人力资本与其产权难以匹配,给团队的协调与稳定带来破坏性冲突,表现为价值折损或团队解散。本文有助于深化对人力资本产权理论的认识,对创业团队研究也是重要的补充。  相似文献   

在经历了20多年的发展后,广东作为改革开放的“先行者”、经济发展的“桥头堡”,其民营经济在广东经济发展中扮演了一个什么样的角色?广东民营经济在全国地位如何?广东在促进民营经济发展上如何放下包袱、轻装上阵,实施二次创业?为此,本刊记者对广东民营经济进行了全方位采访。  相似文献   

缪梦琦 《科学咨询》2024,(2):180-183
随着高校扩招,医药类高校的毕业生数量不断增长,医药高职院校学生面临严峻的就业形势,出现了“难就业”“慢就业”“懒就业”等现象。“慢就业”现象的产生原因复杂多样,本文结合工作中遇到的医药高职毕业生进行分析,认为社会环境、家庭观念以及毕业生个人心态、能力等多种因素都可能导致学生在就业时选择或被迫采取“慢就业”。这一现象应引起社会各界的重视。本文认为,通过政府、学校、家庭和学生个人的共同努力,可以改善医药高职院校的“慢就业”情况。  相似文献   

In only a decade, anesthesiology has reversed its fortunes from an underrepresented specialty in the 1980 Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee report to "a specialty in trouble" featured in The Wall Street Journal. This article focuses on anesthesiology and its work force dilemma as an evolving specialist model for change. What is happening to anesthesiology will not be unique--managed care competition will affect all physicians. Most specialties will have to reshape curricula and redesign education programs and academic delivery systems concentrating on fewer trainees. What are the options for coping with physicians grieving over lost dreams, such as autonomy and solo practice, while redesigning a medical specialty? The authors untangle fact from fear, mission from myth, and offer strategic thinking and solutions.  相似文献   

Physician unions are in the news. Patient management and patient care decisions are increasingly being taken out of the hands of physicians and put into the hands of "The Suits." To take their case for a return to physician-driven patient care to the people, some physicians are joining unions. Some are even collectively bargaining for salary and other issues that are historically more closely associated with unions. The simple fact is that physician unions exist and the number of physicians joining them is expected to increase. What are the pros and cons of unionization? What motivates physicians to join unions, and what potential negative and positive factors are associated with physician unionization? This article reviews the pros and cons and the issues related to physician unions, for physicians attempting to answer the question, "Is there a union in my future?"  相似文献   

What effect does employment protection through severance payments have on the behaviour of employed workers? We analyse this issue within a stochastic two–period framework where workers decide on human capital investments and find two competing effects: severance payments imply higher job security that fosters human capital formation. At the same time, a lay–off is perceived by the workers to be a weaker penalty if severance payments are provided. This incentive lowers their optimal amount of firm–specific investments. Which effect prevails on balance depends on the distribution of investment returns among firm and workers. For strong positive reactions, employment protection is also in the interests of the firm.  相似文献   

Is it possible that the herd mentality, the "Follow The Other Guy" idea is not the golden road to transformation? In fact, the three questions that are most helpful in deciding your path, as a person or an organization, lie almost completely in the other direction: (1) "What am I really good at?" (2) "What am I afraid of?" and (3) "What is no one else doing?" Heading for the open space means looking for the hole in the market, searching for what no one else is doing. Only by going toward open space can you or your organization stay ahead of the pack in a turbulent health care environment. Get out in front of the pack, either as a leader or quarry, and you have a measure of control. How does the quarry control the pack that is hunting it? By choosing the terrain, choosing the ground on which the chase will take place.  相似文献   

Using original survey data from a national sample of small cities in the USA, this paper explores the perceptions of policy-makers as to what matters for the viability of their downtowns. How do policy-makers of small cities perceive the viability of their downtowns? What policies and programs are associated with perceptions of viability? The results show policy-makers across the USA believe their downtown districts have strengths and weaknesses. Perceived strengths include safety from crime, access to government services, pedestrian safety, cultural opportunities, availability of restaurants and tolerance of diversity. Perceived weaknesses include a lack of available grocery stores, hotels, housing and economic competitiveness with areas outside of downtown. These perceptions indicate policy-makers are concerned about their downtown's ability to compete in the marketplace and that they feel more positively about issues perceived to be within their locus of control. A controlled multivariate model suggests the presence of mixed-use zoning, a Main Street program, the ability for downtown to compete with businesses outside of the downtown, higher levels of cooperation among key stakeholders and quality of life ratings are all significantly related to whether policy-makers perceive their downtowns to be viable. These findings are important because they examine competing and complementary explanations of downtown development and viability for small cities for the first time. They also point to the need to address the continual tensions between downtown and suburban development with innovative policy solutions especially for small cities.  相似文献   

新世纪:中国管理科学界的挑战、机遇与对策   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
21世纪我们将面临什么样的社会经济环境 ?在该环境下社会经济活动的管理将具有什么新特点 ?这些特点对管理科学将提出什么新要求 ?面对这些要求 ,中国管理科学界的挑战、机遇和对策是什么 ?文章将对这些问题展开讨论和分析  相似文献   

At first glance, it may appear as if managed care itself may be doomed. The avalanche of bills, measures, initiatives, Federal regulations, etc., seemed overwhelming in late 1996. Did this, in fact, portend a national shift away from managed care? What does the consumer protection and regulatory activity really mean? What directions for the future can be identified? This article seeks to answer those questions and highlights a case study of "reform gone awry" that may hold lessons for the national scene. The anti-HMO legislation activity does not represent a repudiation of managed care. Rather, it may be seen as a maturing of the entire process of redefining our medical delivery and financing system.  相似文献   

The central planning agencies in Latin America have undergone multiple transformations in their structural design. These agencies came to life during the late 1950s in response to a development strategy that required the state to provide long-run direction to development by means of economic planning. Five decades later, the same agencies were redeployed to perform an open-market development strategy. What explains the fact that the same agency, created with the purpose of planning economic development, has functioned across time and governments with sharp economic, and political differences? Following Mahoney and Thelen (2010), this paper highlights the idea that the basic properties of institutions provide some forceful elements that permit change. In this sense, the document shows how veto possibilities and compliance are key variables in understanding the changing role of the central planning offices in Latin America.  相似文献   

We study whether a positive historical shock can generate long‐term persistence in development. We show that Italian cities that achieved self‐government in the Middle Ages have a higher level of civic capital today than similar cities in the same area that did not. The size of this effect increases with the length of the period of independence and its intensity. This effect persists even after accounting for the fact that cities did not become independent randomly. We conjecture that the Middle‐Age experience of self‐government fostered self‐efficacy beliefs—beliefs in one's own ability to complete tasks and reach goals—and this positive attitude, transmitted across generations, enhances civic capital today. Consistently, we find that fifth‐graders in former free city‐states exhibit stronger self‐efficacy beliefs and that these beliefs are correlated with a higher level of civic capital. (JEL: O43, P16, O10)  相似文献   

中国积极劳动政策的实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据对北京、上海和苏州三个试点城市及其他10余个城市实施积极劳动政策的调查及国际比较 ,初步评估了中国实施积极劳动政策尤其是针对国有企业下岗职工的创业扶持政策的成效得失。文章认为 ,中国在特殊背景下实施积极劳动政策的是必要的 ,效果也是比较显著的 ,但随着劳动就业形势的变化 ,对积极劳动政策的实施效果有必要进行认真的评估 ,并在此基础上进行适当的调整  相似文献   

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