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In this paper, we obtain some results for the asymptotic behavior of the tail probability of a random sum Sτ = ∑τk = 1Xk, where the summands Xk, k = 1, 2, …, are conditionally dependent random variables with a common subexponential distribution F, and the random number τ is a non negative integer-valued random variable, independent of {Xk: k ? 1}.  相似文献   

In this note, we derive the exact distribution of S by using the method of generating function and BELL polynomials, where S = X1 + X2 + ??? + Xn, and each Xi follows the negative binomial distribution with arbitrary parameters. As a particular case, we also obtain the exact distribution of the convolution of geometric random variables.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2, … , Xn be independent and identically distributed random variables with a continuous cumulative distribution function F, which belongs to the max‐domain of attraction of the Frechet or Gumbel extreme value distribution. We define the probability of being maximal, Dn , and approximate it. Several previous papers have considered this problem, but only for special cases. The approximations to Dn are very useful for obtaining demand functions from random utility models in the qualitative response models used in social sciences.  相似文献   

A random vector X = (X 1,…,X n ) is negatively associated if and only if for every pair of partitions X 1 = (X π(1),…,X π(k)), X 2 = (X π(k+1),…,X π(n)) of X , P( X 1 ? A, X 2 ? B) ≤ P( X 1 ? A)P( X 2 ? B) whenever A and B are open upper sets and π is any permutation of {1,…,n}. In this paper, we develop some of concepts of negative dependence, which are weaker than negative association but stronger than negative orthant dependence by requiring the above inequality to hold only for some upper sets A and B and applying the arguments in Shaked.  相似文献   

Non‐inferiority trials aim to demonstrate whether an experimental therapy is not unacceptably worse than an active reference therapy already in use. When applicable, a three‐arm non‐inferiority trial, including an experiment therapy, an active reference therapy, and a placebo, is often recommended to assess assay sensitivity and internal validity of a trial. In this paper, we share some practical considerations based on our experience from a phase III three‐arm non‐inferiority trial. First, we discuss the determination of the total sample size and its optimal allocation based on the overall power of the non‐inferiority testing procedure and provide ready‐to‐use R code for implementation. Second, we consider the non‐inferiority goal of ‘capturing all possibilities’ and show that it naturally corresponds to a simple two‐step testing procedure. Finally, using this two‐step non‐inferiority testing procedure as an example, we compare extensively commonly used frequentist p ‐value methods with the Bayesian posterior probability approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article we obtain some novel results on pairwise quasi-asymptotically independent (pQAI) random variables. Concretely speaking, let X1, …, Xn be n real-valued pQAI random variables, and W1, …, Wn be another n non negative and arbitrarily dependent random variables, but independent of X1, …, Xn. Under some mild conditions, we prove that W1X1, …, WnXn are still pQAI as well. Our result is in a general setting whether the primary random variables X1, …, Xn are heavy-tailed or not. Finally, a special case of above result is applied to risk theory for investigating the finite-time ruin probability for a discrete-time risk model with a wide type of dependence structure.  相似文献   

A sequence of independent lifetimes X 1, X 2,…, X m , X m+1,…, X n were observed from the mixture of a degenerate and left-truncated exponential (LTE) distribution, with reliability R at time τ and minimum life length η with unknown proportion p 1 and θ1 but later it was found that there was a change in the system at some point of time m and it is reflected in the sequence after X m by change in reliability R at time τ and unknown proportion p 2 and θ2. This distribution occurs in many practical situations, for instance; life of a unit may have a LTE distribution but some of the units fail instantaneously. Apart from mixture distributions, the phenomenon of change point is also observed in several situations in life testing and reliability estimation problems. It may happen that at some point of time instability in the sequence of failure times is observed. The problem of study is: When and where this change has started occurring. This is called change point inference problem. The estimators of m, R 1(t 0), R 2(t 0), p 1, and p 2 are derived under asymmetric loss functions namely Linex loss & general entropy loss functions. Both the non informative and informative prior are considered. The effects of prior consideration on Bayes estimates of change point are also studied.  相似文献   

A simple random sample is observed from a population with a large number‘K’ of alleles, to test for random mating. Of n couples, nijkl have female genotype ij and male genotype kl (i, j, k, l{1,…, A‘}). The large contingency table is collapsed into three counts, n0, n1 and n2 where np is the number of couples with s alleles in common (s = 0,1, 2). The counts are estimated by np?o where n0, is the estimated probability of a couple having s alleles in common under the hypothesis of random mating. The usual chi-square goodness of fit statistic X2 compares observed (ns) with expected (np?) over the three categories, s = 0,1,2. An empirical observation has suggested that X2 is close to having a chi-square distribution with two degrees of freedom (X) despite a large number of parameters implicitly estimated in e. This paper gives two theorems which show that x is indeed the approximate distribution of X2 for large n and K1“, provided that no allele type over-dominates the others.  相似文献   

In a model for rounded data suppose that the random sample X1,.,.,Xn,. i.i.d., is transformed into an observed random sample X,.,.,X, where X = 2vΔ if Xi, ∈ (2vΔ - Δ, 2vΔ + Δ), for i = 1,.,.,n. We show that the precision Δ of the observations has an important effect on the shape of the kernel density estimator, and we identify important points for the graphical display of this estimator. We examine the IMSE criteria to find the optimal window under the rounded-data model.  相似文献   

We consider n pairs of random variables (X11,X21),(X12,X22),… (X1n,X2n) having a bivariate elliptically contoured density of the form where θ1 θ2 are location parameters and Δ = ((λik)) is a 2 × 2 symmetric positive definite matrix of scale parameters. The exact distribution of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between X1 and X2 is obtained. The usual case when a sample of size n is drawn from a bivariate normal population is a special case of the abovementioned model.  相似文献   

For a random walk {R n ≥0} given on a homogeneous irreducible finite MARKOV chain {X n ≥0} the identity (8) is obtained. Generalizations (14)-(16) of WALD's Fundamental Identity and WALD's first and second equations for the two-dimensional process {(R n ,X n ), n≥0} are proved. The Average Sample Number (21)-(22) and the Operating Characteristic Function (24)-(25) of a Sequential Probability Ratio Test follow. With this test a decision about two simple hypotheses on the unknown transition probability matrix of {X n , n≥0} and the unknown parameters of the probability distributions for the increments of {X n , n≥0} can be made. For a special case these results were proved by PHATARFOD [6] and KüCHLER [3] with other methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, by considering a (3n+1) -dimensional random vector (X0, XT, YT, ZT)T having a multivariate elliptical distribution, we derive the exact joint distribution of (X0, aTX(n), bTY[n], cTZ[n])T, where a, b, c∈?n, X(n)=(X(1), …, X(n))T, X(1)<···<X(n), is the vector of order statistics arising from X, and Y[n]=(Y[1], …, Y[n])T and Z[n]=(Z[1], …, Z[n])T denote the vectors of concomitants corresponding to X(n) ((Y[r], Z[r])T, for r=1, …, n, is the vector of bivariate concomitants corresponding to X(r)). We then present an alternate approach for the derivation of the exact joint distribution of (X0, X(r), Y[r], Z[r])T, for r=1, …, n. We show that these joint distributions can be expressed as mixtures of four-variate unified skew-elliptical distributions and these mixture forms facilitate the prediction of X(r), say, based on the concomitants Y[r] and Z[r]. Finally, we illustrate the usefulness of our results by a real data.  相似文献   

Summary Let {X n } be a sequence of random variables conditionally independent and identically distributed given the random variable Θ. The aim of this paper is to show that in many interesting situations the conditional distribution of Θ, given (X 1,…,X n ), can be approximated by means of the bootstrap procedure proposed by Efron and applied to a statisticT n (X 1,…,X n ) sufficient for predictive purposes. It will also be shown that, from the predictive point of view, this is consistent with the results obtained following a common Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the dependence structure of the minimum and maximum of n iid random variables X1,…,Xn by determining their copula. It is then easy to give an alternative proof for their asymptotic independence and to calculate Kendall's τ and Spearman's ρ for (X(1),X(n)). This will show that the dependence between the variables is already small for small sample sizes. Finally, it can be shown that 3τnρnτn>0. Although closed-form expressions are available for τn and ρn, we cannot compare them directly but have to use the concept of positive likelihood ratio dependence to establish this result.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be mutually independent non-negative integer-valued random variables with probability mass functions fi(x) > 0 for z= 0,1,…. Let E denote the event that {X1X2≥…≥Xn}. This note shows that, conditional on the event E, Xi-Xi+ 1 and Xi+ 1 are independent for all t = 1,…, k if and only if Xi (i= 1,…, k) are geometric random variables, where 1 ≤kn-1. The k geometric distributions can have different parameters θi, i= 1,…, k.  相似文献   

We discuss some properties of the point spread distribution, defined as the distribution of the difference of two independent binomial random variables with the same parameter n including exact and approximate probabilities and related optimization issues. We use various approximation techniques for different distributions, special functions, and analytic, combinatorial and symbolic methods, such as multi-summation techniques. We prove that in case of unequal success rates, if these rates change with their difference kept fixed and small, and n is appropriately bounded, then the point spread distribution only slightly changes for small point differences. We also prove that for equal success rates p, the probability of a tie is minimized if p=1/2. Numerical examples are included for the case with n=12.  相似文献   

Fix r ≥ 1, and let {Mnr} be the rth largest of {X1,X2,…Xn}, where X1,X2,… is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with distribution function F. It is proved that P[Mnr ≤ un i.o.] = 0 or 1 according as the series Σn=3Fn(un)(log log n)r/n converges or diverges, for any real sequence {un} such that n{1 -F(un)} is nondecreasing and divergent. This generalizes a result of Bamdorff-Nielsen (1961) in the case r = 1.  相似文献   

T. Pham-Gia  N. Turkkan 《Statistics》2013,47(4):355-372
We derive the closed form exact expression of the density of the ratio X 1/X 2, where X 1 and X 2 are independent and belong to the very versatile family of power-quadratic exponential distributions. The case of X 2 as a gamma variable is studied in detail, and new applications found in different domains show the varied uses of the results presented.  相似文献   

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