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The aim of this paper is to measure the effectiveness of the organizations Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from the point of view of the manager, using Item Response Theory (IRT). There is a need to verify the effectiveness of these organizations which are normally associated to complex, dynamic, and competitive environments. In academic literature, there is disagreement surrounding the concept of organizational effectiveness and its measurement. A construct was elaborated based on dimensions of effectiveness towards the construction of the items of the questionnaire which submitted to specialists for evaluation. It demonstrated itself to be viable in measuring organizational effectiveness of ICT companies under the point of view of a manager through using Two-Parameter Logistic Model (2PLM) of the IRT. This modeling permits us to evaluate the quality and property of each item placed within a single scale: items and respondents, which is not possible when using other similar tools.  相似文献   

Drawing from a sample obtained from a large scale, community-based child maltreatment prevention initiative, factor analysis and item response theory (IRT) were used to examine item discrimination and to identify items on the Family Assessment Form (FAF) that statistically do not add value for predictive modeling. Results suggest a consolidated, six-factor structure in general accordance with the current configuration of the instrument. In addition, 13 of the 59 items are identified as low information, indicating that they do not contribute unique measurement information regarding the underlying dimensions of the FAF. Findings suggest that from a statistical measurement perspective, the FAF can be shortened and retain its internal validity, although from a functional assessment perspective, certain items may need to be retained for comprehensive family assessment and case planning.  相似文献   

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD) in sonographers have increased over the past 20 years with shoulder injuries being the most prevalent. Advancing ultrasound technologies have reduced a sonographer's need to move when performing exams and increased prolonged arm abduction, resulting in static work postures and decreased joint perfusion. Work modifications in other industries have demonstrated that reducing arm abduction to 30° reduces muscle firing and fatigue. Although this is the ideal work posture for sonographers, there are many instances in which excessive arm abduction and static postures cannot be avoided. These positions are further complicated by the fact that the scanning arm is also supporting the weight of the ultrasound transducer. This observational case study evaluated the use of a moveable arm support system as a means to provide support for the scanning arm and reduce muscle firing during ultrasound exams in the scanning lab of a university diagnostic ultrasound educational program.  相似文献   

This research examines predictors of antigay violence (physical assault, sexual assault, and property damage) using Finkelhor and Asdigian's (1996) revised routine activities theory, which predicts that target congruence increases victimization risk. Results indicate about half of the sample experienced at least one type of victimization, while 25% experienced two or more types. Physical violence was the most common type of antigay victimization, with property damage and sexual assault occurring less often. Having a higher level of contact with gay/lesbian organizations and being out of the closet or open about sexual orientation increases the risk of both physical assault and property damage. More frequent drinking to intoxication also increases the risk of antigay-motivated physical assault. The sexual assault model was not significant. Implications for future research and prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

The increased prevalence of work-related cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) of the upper extremity highlights the need for effective prevention programs. This paper examines the effectiveness of different intervention strategies used to educate workers about the prevention of upper extremity CTDs. The articles reviewed include primary prevention and reinjury prevention interventions in both clinical and workplace settings. The current research findings are inconclusive. Intervention strategies may include discussion, demonstration, or practice of proper posture and body mechanics. Practice of correct techniques may not be necessary to achieve improved hand-use patterns in assembly-line workers. However, practice with intensive feedback may be necessary to achieve the best performance of hand-wrist position, but not sitting posture, in computer operators. The effects of practice on correct hand use may depend on the type of job task. Further research is needed to clarify the role of practice and feedback in CTD prevention.  相似文献   

Comparability of data across modes is an important issue in survey research. In this paper we discuss item non-response to attitudinal questions in telephone and web surveys. We present results from a survey experiment conducted in Italy and in Spain that compares different presentations of response options in an online setting with a benchmark telephone survey. In line with earlier studies we find that (A), the share of non substantial answers in the online survey depends on how the response option is presented. Comparing different presentations in an online survey to the standard approach of telephone surveys using propensity score matching, we find that (B), the share and pattern of non substantial answers, is most similar across the two modes in the online survey when the it is captured in an instruction on each screen for the online survey. Our findings are of particular relevance for the design of multiple mode or mix-mode surveys of attitudinal questions using online and telephone modes.  相似文献   

随着我国经济市场化的不断深入,特别是面临我国加入WTO这一新的市场条件,企业为了增强自身抗风险能力,向大型化方向发展似乎已经成为了一种趋势。你建立“旗舰企业”,我组建“航母集团”,通过企业之间的兼并、重组,扩大企业规模,提高产品营销量,以达到降低成本,增强竞争能力,提升企业经济效益的目的。值得注意的是,一些企业脱离实际,不顾自身条件,盲目“跟风”而上。必须提醒的是,大规模的企业与企业的经济规模并非一回事,也就是说,企业规模并不一定就是越大越好。因此,扩大企业规模,正确实施企业集团战略决策,必须注意以下几个方面的问题…  相似文献   

The population of people who use wheelchairs has been increasing due to technological advances. With this increase, there has also been an increase in participation in wheelchair sports. The incidence of upper extremity injury in wheelchair users has been reported to be between 31 and 73% [2,13,23,26,29]. Wheelchair athletes may be at an increased risk for upper extremity injury due to increased upper extremity use with sport. The purpose of this paper is to ascertain whether proper seating and positioning have an impact on the prevention of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) of the soft tissues, including peripheral nerve entrapments and muscle injury, of the upper extremity in wheelchair athletes. A review of current research on wheelchair propulsion and RSI revealed several hazards for wheelchair athletes to develop RSI's. These include duration of impairment, muscle imbalance, awkward positioning, inadequate rest breaks, repetition of muscle use in daily activities and in sport participation, the degree of force needed for propulsion, and fatigue. Current research does not provide conclusive information on optimal seating. Suggestions of preventative measures are given including suggestions with regard to positioning in the wheelchair.  相似文献   

Older adults with cognitive impairment are a population at great risk for financial exploitation. At-risk older adults often have difficulty reporting on their own financial abilities. Collecting information from trusted others is vital for professionals investigating the financial exploitation older adults. There are few reliable, valid, and standardized informant-report measures of financial capacity, and none that assess decisional abilities for an ongoing, real-world financial transaction. The present study sought to examine the psychometric properties of a new informant-report scale of financial decisional abilities in older adults. One hundred fifty participants were recruited to complete the Family and Friends and Interview regarding a known older adult’s financial decisional abilities. A factor analysis identified two subscales. The full scale had adequate sensitivity and specificity to detect an informant’s current concerns regarding financial exploitation. The Family and Friends Scale is a useful tool for collecting informant-report regarding an older adult’s ability to make financial transactions.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary mental health settings, particularly what aids and hinders the process of multidisciplinary teamworking, and the social work contribution in such teams. In order to attain an in-depth exploration of these phenomena, a single case study design was employed. Within this design, data were generated through semi-structured interviews and structured observation of a mental health MDT in Ireland. These data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The research highlights how the concept of mental illness is contested within this MDT, with the medical model dominant within an environment of fluid working arrangements. Professional role blurring and stereotyping were found to impact the division of labour on this team, with role negotiation found to be an integral part of retaining a professional's practice identity. This research raises concerns for social work's capacity to function within mental health MDTs in Ireland, and highlights ways in which social work educators might respond in order to empower Irish social workers to meet the challenges of mental health multidisciplinary teamworking.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether individuals with work-related injuries receiving worksite analysis would have less lost workdays than individuals not receiving worksite analysis. Therapeutic management of work-related injuries in a hospital and a university setting were also compared. STUDY DESIGN: Over a one-year period, employees who sustained an upper extremity work-related injury were issued questionnaires regarding their injury, treatment, functional status and pain level. Participants were divided into three groups: group 1 consisted of hospital employees (N=14) who underwent worksite analysis, group 2 included university employees (N=15) who underwent worksite analysis whereas group~3 included university employees (N=14) who underwent no analysis. RESULTS: All groups were similar in demographics, functional status, and pain level. Satisfaction with the worksite analysis was similar for groups one and two. CONCLUSION: A pattern of less absenteeism but greater modified duty days was associated with those individuals undergoing worksite analysis.  相似文献   

The development and initial psychometric properties of an adolescent gambling problem severity measure are described. The scale, based on a revision of the South Oaks Gambling Screen (Lesieur & Blume, 1987), was administered to 1,101 older (ages 15 to 18) Minnesota adolescents as part of a state-wide gambling survey. Study results indicated that the scale had moderate internal consistency reliability and was significantly related to alternate measures of problem severity for male subjects. Because the rate and severity of gambling among females was very low, the psychometric adequacy of the scale for females is not known at this time. The implications of study findings to the conceptual understanding of adolescent gambling problem severity as well as study limitations and future research needs, are discussed.Support for the study was provided by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Center for Addiction Studies, University of Minnesota, Duluth. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance from Robert Blum, Linda Harris, Durand Jacobs, J. Laundergan, Alan Mathiason, Brenda Miller, James Schaefer, school officials from the participating high schools, and interviewers who assisted with the telephone survey.  相似文献   

The focus of these analyses was to examine the psychometric properties of the Lichtenberg Financial Decision Screening Scale (LFDSS). The purpose of the screen was to evaluate the decisional abilities and vulnerability to exploitation of older adults. Adults aged 60 and over were interviewed by social, legal, financial, or health services professionals who underwent in-person training on the administration and scoring of the scale. Professionals provided a rating of the decision-making abilities of the older adult. The analytic sample included 213 individuals with an average age of 76.9 (SD = 10.1). The majority (57%) were female. Data were analyzed using item response theory (IRT) methodology. The results supported the unidimensionality of the item set. Several IRT models were tested. Ten ordinal and binary items evidenced a slightly higher reliability estimate (0.85) than other versions and better coverage in terms of the range of reliable measurement across the continuum of financial incapacity.  相似文献   

This article analyzes glurbanization theory. The theory rests on the premise that major urban transformations and reconfigurations through interscalar strategies and rescaling processes are a good method of increasing the capacity and status of cities (and their regions) to develop global competitive advantages. This urban model stems from the fact that cities are increasingly exposed to global competition. An important tenet of glurbanization is that large cities worldwide, called ‘global cities’, come to share the same essential attributes (i.e., cityscapes, skyscrapers, financial markets, cultural centers, etc.). Another important tenet of glurbanization is that it collapses the global and the local: urban spaces are restructured so that globalization does not become just a top-down hierarchical design whereby the nation-state dictates how things work; rather, globalization is made to happen both from ‘below’ and from ‘above’.  相似文献   

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