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Alternative Markov Properties for Chain Graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Graphical Markov models use graphs to represent possible dependences among statistical variables. Lauritzen, Wermuth, and Frydenberg (LWF) introduced a Markov property for chain graphs (CG): graphs that can be used to represent both structural and associative dependences simultaneously and that include both undirected graphs (UG) and acyclic directed graphs (ADG) as special cases. Here an alternative Markov property (AMP) for CGs is introduced and shown to be the Markov property satisfied by a block-recursive linear system with multivariate normal errors. This model can be decomposed into a collection of conditional normal models, each of which combines the features of multivariate linear regression models and covariance selection models, facilitating the estimation of its parameters. In the general case, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the equivalence of the LWF and AMP Markov properties of a CG, for the AMP Markov equivalence of two CGs, for the AMP Markov equivalence of a CG to some ADG or decomposable UG, and for other equivalences. For CGs, in some ways the AMP property is a more direct extension of the ADG Markov property than is the LWF property.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A Markov property associates a set of conditional independencies to a graph. Two alternative Markov properties are available for chain graphs (CGs), the Lauritzen–Wermuth–Frydenberg (LWF) and the Andersson–Madigan– Perlman (AMP) Markov properties, which are different in general but coincide for the subclass of CGs with no flags . Markov equivalence induces a partition of the class of CGs into equivalence classes and every equivalence class contains a, possibly empty, subclass of CGs with no flags itself containing a, possibly empty, subclass of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). LWF-Markov equivalence classes of CGs can be naturally characterized by means of the so-called largest CGs , whereas a graphical characterization of equivalence classes of DAGs is provided by the essential graphs . In this paper, we show the existence of largest CGs with no flags that provide a natural characterization of equivalence classes of CGs of this kind, with respect to both the LWF- and the AMP-Markov properties. We propose a procedure for the construction of the largest CGs, the largest CGs with no flags and the essential graphs, thereby providing a unified approach to the problem. As by-products we obtain a characterization of graphs that are largest CGs with no flags and an alternative characterization of graphs which are largest CGs. Furthermore, a known characterization of the essential graphs is shown to be a special case of our more general framework. The three graphical characterizations have a common structure: they use two versions of a locally verifiable graphical rule. Moreover, in case of DAGs, an immediate comparison of three characterizing graphs is possible.  相似文献   

Graphical Markov models use undirected graphs (UDGs), acyclic directed graphs (ADGs), or (mixed) chain graphs to represent possible dependencies among random variables in a multivariate distribution. Whereas a UDG is uniquely determined by its associated Markov model, this is not true for ADGs or for general chain graphs (which include both UDGs and ADGs as special cases). This paper addresses three questions regarding the equivalence of graphical Markov models: when is a given chain graph Markov equivalent (1) to some UDG? (2) to some (at least one) ADG? (3) to some decomposable UDG? The answers are obtained by means of an extension of Frydenberg’s (1990) elegant graph-theoretic characterization of the Markov equivalence of chain graphs.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The Andersson–Madigan–Perlman (AMP) Markov property is a recently proposed alternative Markov property (AMP) for chain graphs. In the case of continuous variables with a joint multivariate Gaussian distribution, it is the AMP rather than the earlier introduced Lauritzen–Wermuth–Frydenberg Markov property that is coherent with data-generation by natural block-recursive regressions. In this paper, we show that maximum likelihood estimates in Gaussian AMP chain graph models can be obtained by combining generalized least squares and iterative proportional fitting to an iterative algorithm. In an appendix, we give useful convergence results for iterative partial maximization algorithms that apply in particular to the described algorithm.  相似文献   

Multivariate Gaussian graphical models are defined in terms of Markov properties, i.e., conditional independences, corresponding to missing edges in the graph. Thus model selection can be accomplished by testing these independences, which are equivalent to zero values of corresponding partial correlation coefficients. For concentration graphs, acyclic directed graphs, and chain graphs (both LWF and AMP classes), we apply Fisher's z-transform, Šidák's correlation inequality, and Holm's step-down procedure to simultaneously test the multiple hypotheses specified by these zero values. This simple method for model selection controls the overall error rate for incorrect edge inclusion. Prior information about the presence and/or absence of particular edges can be readily incorporated.  相似文献   

We consider acyclic directed mixed graphs, in which directed edges ( x → y ) and bi-directed edges ( x ↔ y ) may occur. A simple extension of Pearl's d -separation criterion, called m -separation, is applied to these graphs. We introduce a local Markov property which is equivalent to the global property resulting from the m -separation criterion for arbitrary distributions.  相似文献   

Sequential estimation of parameters In a continuous time Markov branching process with Immigration with split rate λ1 Immigration rate λ2, offspring distribution {p1j≥O) and Immigration distribution {p2j≥l} is considered. A sequential version of the Cramér-Rao type information inequality is derived which gives a lower bound on the variances of unbiased estimators for any function of these parameters. Attaining the lower bounds depends on whether the sampling plan or stopping rule S, the estimator f, and the parametric function g = E(f) are efficient. All efficient triples (S,f,g) are characterized; It Is shown that for i = 1,2, only linear combinations of λipij j's or their ratios are efficiently estimable. Applications to a Yule process, a linear birth and death process with immigration and an M/M/∞ queue are also considered  相似文献   

We study an inventory model for perishable products with a critical-number ordering policy under the assumption that demand for the product forms an i.i.d. sequence, so that the state of the system forms a Markov chain. Explicit calculation of the stationary distribution has proved impractical in cases where items have reasonably long lifetimes and for systems with large under-up-to levels. Using the recently developed coupling-from-the-past method, we introduce a technique to estimate the stationary distribution of the Markov chain via perfect simulation. The Markov chain that results from the use of a critical-number policy is particularly amenable to these simulation techniques, despite not being ordered in its initial state, since the recursive equations satisfied by the Markov chain enable us to identify specific demand patterns where the backward coupling occurs.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider joint probability distributions generated recursively in terms of univariate conditional distributions satisfying conditional independence restrictions. The independences are captured by missing edges in a directed graph. A matrix form of such a graph, called the generating edge matrix, is triangular so the distributions that are generated over such graphs are called triangular systems. We study consequences of triangular systems after grouping or reordering of the variables for analyses as chain graph models, i.e. for alternative recursive factorizations of the given density using joint conditional distributions. For this we introduce families of linear triangular equations which do not require assumptions of distributional form. The strength of the associations that are implied by such linear families for chain graph models is derived. The edge matrices of chain graphs that are implied by any triangular system are obtained by appropriately transforming the generating edge matrix. It is shown how induced independences and dependences can be studied by graphs, by edge matrix calculations and via the properties of densities. Some ways of using the results are illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model, which is an extension-of-symmetry model, for square contingency tables with the same nominal row and column classifications. The model states that the absolute values of difference between the conditional probability that an observation will fall in cell (i, j) on condition that it falls in cell (i, j) or (j, i) and the conditional probability that it falls in cell (j, i) on the same condition, are constant for every i≠j. The model describes a structure of asymmetry (not symmetry), and it is applied to the data on a nominal scale. An example is given.  相似文献   

In this article, a stock-forecasting model is developed to analyze a company's stock price variation related to the Taiwanese company HTC. The main difference to previous articles is that this study uses the data of the HTC in recent ten years to build a Markov transition matrix. Instead of trying to predict the stock price variation through the traditional approach to the HTC stock problem, we integrate two types of Markov chain that are used in different ways. One is a regular Markov chain, and the other is an absorbing Markov chain. Through a regular Markov chain, we can obtain important information such as what happens in the long run or whether the distribution of the states tends to stabilize over time in an efficient way. Next, we used an artificial variable technique to create an absorbing Markov chain. Thus, we used an absorbing Markov chain to provide information about the period between the increases before arriving at the decreasing state of the HTC stock. We provide investors with information on how long the HTC stock will keep increasing before its price begins to fall, which is extremely important information to them.  相似文献   

On Block Ordering of Variables in Graphical Modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  In graphical modelling, the existence of substantive background knowledge on block ordering of variables is used to perform structural learning within the family of chain graphs (CGs) in which every block corresponds to an undirected graph and edges joining vertices in different blocks are directed in accordance with the ordering. We show that this practice may lead to an inappropriate restriction of the search space and introduce the concept of labelled block ordering B corresponding to a family of B - consistent CGs in which every block may be either an undirected graph or a directed acyclic graph or, more generally, a CG. In this way we provide a flexible tool for specifying subsets of chain graphs, and we observe that the most relevant subsets of CGs considered in the literature are families of B -consistent CGs for the appropriate choice of B . Structural learning within a family of B -consistent CGs requires to deal with Markov equivalence. We provide a graphical characterization of equivalence classes of B -consistent CGs, namely the B - essential graphs , as well as a procedure to construct the B -essential graph for any given equivalence class of B -consistent chain graphs. Both largest CGs and essential graphs turn out to be special cases of B -essential graphs.  相似文献   

A Gauss–Markov model is said to be singular if the covariance matrix of the observable random vector in the model is singular. In such a case, there exist some natural restrictions associated with the observable random vector and the unknown parameter vector in the model. In this paper, we derive through the matrix rank method a necessary and sufficient condition for a vector of parametric functions to be estimable, and necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimator to be unbiased in the singular Gauss–Markov model. In addition, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for the ordinary least-square estimator (OLSE) and the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) under the model to satisfy the natural restrictions.   相似文献   

Abstract.  We correct two proofs concerning Markov properties for graphs representing marginal independence relations.  相似文献   

In this note we consider the equality of the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) and the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of the estimable parametric function in the general Gauss–Markov model. Especially we consider the structures of the covariance matrix V for which the OLSE equals the BLUE. Our results are based on the properties of a particular reparametrized version of the original Gauss–Markov model.   相似文献   

We present a Bayesian approach to estimating a covariance matrix by using a prior that is a mixture over all decomposable graphs, with the probability of each graph size specified by the user and graphs of equal size assigned equal probability. Most previous approaches assume that all graphs are equally probable. We show empirically that the prior that assigns equal probability over graph sizes outperforms the prior that assigns equal probability over all graphs in more efficiently estimating the covariance matrix. The prior requires knowing the number of decomposable graphs for each graph size and we give a simulation method for estimating these counts. We also present a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for estimating the posterior distribution of the covariance matrix that is much more efficient than current methods. Both the prior and the simulation method to evaluate the prior apply generally to any decomposable graphical model.  相似文献   

In this work, the type-I intermittency is studied from the optimized Markov binary visibility graphs perspective. We consider a local Poincaré map such as the logistic map that is a simple model for exhibiting this type of intermittency. To consider the acceptance gate as G0.01, we show that the transition between laminar and non-laminar zones in type-I intermittency takes distinct phases and regions. According to their behavioral characteristics, we call them as pure, switching, threshold, trapping, and transforming phases for the laminar zone and initial, terminal reinjection, and chaotic burst regions for non-laminar zone. We investigate their properties based on statistical tools such as the maximum and the mean length of the laminar zone and also length distributions of the laminar zone. For further investigation, we study degree distribution of the complex network generated by type-I intermittency time series and finally, predict various behaviors of phases and regions by proposed theoretical degree distributions.KEYWORDS: Type-I intermittency, binary block design, Markov binary visibility graph, chaos

We study the effect of the acceptance gate on the type-I intermittency derived from a local Poincaré map such as the logistic map. Then, based on system behaviors during the transition between laminar and non-laminar zones, we consider them as dynamic states such as pure, switching, threshold, trapping, and transforming phases for laminar zone and initial, terminal reinjection, and chaotic burst regions for non-laminar zone. We define an optimized Markov binary visibility graphs using the binary block design in order to describe the type-I intermittency from the complex network perspective. Statistical results proved this claim and in order to further illustrate this claim, we use from network properties of the optimized Markov binary visibility graphs.  相似文献   

针对股市收益率在不同时期内具有不同的均值、波动性和持续性等非线性特征,引入马尔可夫域变模型(MRSM)对上海股市收益率的均值与波动性的对应关系以及高、低收益率状态转换特征进行分析,结果表明马尔可夫域变模型与GARCH类模型相比较,显著地提高了对股票市场行为的描述能力。它不仅可以从动态角度明确刻画金融市场的“收益与风险”相对称的特征,而且可测定不同状态持续的可能性和由一种状态转向另一种状态的概率。  相似文献   

In this paper, the dependence of transition probabilities on covariates and a test procedure for covariate dependent Markov models are examined. The nonparametric test for the role of waiting time proposed by Jones and Crowley [M. Jones, J. Crowley, Nonparametric tests of the Markov model for survival data Biometrika 79 (3) (1992) 513–522] has been extended here to transitions and reverse transitions. The limitation of the Jones and Crowley method is that it does not take account of other covariates that might have association with the probabilities of transition. A simple test procedure is proposed that can be employed for testing: (i) the significance of association between covariates and transition probabilities, and (ii) the impact of waiting time on the transition probabilities. The procedure is illustrated using panel data on hospitalization of the elderly population in the USA from the Health and Retirement Survey (HRS).  相似文献   

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