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This paper considers residuals for time series regression. Despite much literature on visual diagnostics for uncorrelated data, there is little on the autocorrelated case. To examine various aspects of the fitted time series regression model, three residuals are considered. The fitted regression model can be checked using orthogonal residuals; the time series error model can be analysed using marginal residuals; and the white noise error component can be tested using conditional residuals. When used together, these residuals allow identification of outliers, model mis‐specification and mean shifts. Due to the sensitivity of conditional residuals to model mis‐specification, it is suggested that the orthogonal and marginal residuals be examined first.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the properties of four types of residual vectors, arising from fitting a linear regression model to a set of data by least squares. The four types of residuals are (i) the Stepwise residuals (Hedayat and Robson, 1970), (ii) the Recursive residuals (Brown, Durbin, and Evans, 1975), (iii) the Sequentially Adjusted residuals (to be defined herein), and (iv) the BLUS residuals (Theil, 1965, 1971). We also study the relationships among the four residual vectors. It is found that, for any given sequence of observations, (i) the first three sets of residuals are identical, (ii) each of the first three sets, being identical, is a member of Thei’rs (1965, 1971) family of residuals; specifically, they are Linear Unbiased with a Scalar covariance matrix (LUS) but not Best Linear Unbiased with a Scalar covariance matrix (BLUS). We find the explicit form of the transformation matrix and show that the first three sets of residual vectors can be written as an orthogonal transformation of the BLUS residual vector. These and other properties may prove to be useful in the statistical analysis of residuals.  相似文献   

Model checking with discrete data regressions can be difficult because the usual methods such as residual plots have complicated reference distributions that depend on the parameters in the model. Posterior predictive checks have been proposed as a Bayesian way to average the results of goodness-of-fit tests in the presence of uncertainty in estimation of the parameters. We try this approach using a variety of discrepancy variables for generalized linear models fitted to a historical data set on behavioural learning. We then discuss the general applicability of our findings in the context of a recent applied example on which we have worked. We find that the following discrepancy variables work well, in the sense of being easy to interpret and sensitive to important model failures: structured displays of the entire data set, general discrepancy variables based on plots of binned or smoothed residuals versus predictors and specific discrepancy variables created on the basis of the particular concerns arising in an application. Plots of binned residuals are especially easy to use because their predictive distributions under the model are sufficiently simple that model checks can often be made implicitly. The following discrepancy variables did not work well: scatterplots of latent residuals defined from an underlying continuous model and quantile–quantile plots of these residuals.  相似文献   

Recent discussions on Open Access (OA) have tended to treat OA journals and self-archiving as two distinct routes. Some supporters of self-archiving even suggest that it alone can bring about full Open Access to the world's scientific literature. In this paper, it is argued that each route actually corresponds to a phase in the movement toward Open Access; that the mere fact of self-archiving is not enough; that providing some branding ability to the repositories is needed. However, doing so will eventually bring about the creation of overlay (or database) journals. The two roads, therefore, will merge to create a mature OA landscape.  相似文献   

We propose several new tests for monotonicity of regression functions based on different empirical processes of residuals and pseudo‐residuals. The residuals are obtained from an unconstrained kernel regression estimator whereas the pseudo‐residuals are obtained from an increasing regression estimator. Here, in particular, we consider a recently developed simple kernel‐based estimator for increasing regression functions based on increasing rearrangements of unconstrained non‐parametric estimators. The test statistics are estimated distance measures between the regression function and its increasing rearrangement. We discuss the asymptotic distributions, consistency and small sample performances of the tests.  相似文献   

Binary response models consider pseudo-R 2 measures which are not based on residuals while several concepts of residuals were developed for tests. In this paper the endogenous variable of the latent model corresponding to the binary observable model is substituted by a pseudo variable. Then goodness of fit measures and tests can be based on a joint concept of residuals as for linear models. Different kinds of residuals based on probit ML estimates are employed. The analytical investigations and the simulation results lead to the recommendation to use standardized residuals where there is no difference between observed and generalized residuals. In none of the investigated situations this estimator is far away from the best result. While in large samples all considered estimators are very similar, small sample properties speak in favour of residuals which are modifications of those suggested in the literature. An empirical application demonstrates that it is not necessary to develop new testing procedures for the observable models with dichotomous regressands. Well-know approaches for linear models with continuous endogenous variables which are implemented in usual econometric packages can be used for pseudo latent models. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

To bootstrap a regression problem, pairs of response and explanatory variables or residuals can be resam‐pled, according to whether we believe that the explanatory variables are random or fixed. In the latter case, different residuals have been proposed in the literature, including the ordinary residuals (Efron 1979), standardized residuals (Bickel & Freedman 1983) and Studentized residuals (Weber 1984). Freedman (1981) has shown that the bootstrap from ordinary residuals is asymptotically valid when the number of cases increases and the number of variables is fixed. Bickel & Freedman (1983) have shown the asymptotic validity for ordinary residuals when the number of variables and the number of cases both increase, provided that the ratio of the two converges to zero at an appropriate rate. In this paper, the authors introduce the use of BLUS (Best Linear Unbiased with Scalar covariance matrix) residuals in bootstrapping regression models. The main advantage of the BLUS residuals, introduced in Theil (1965), is that they are uncorrelated. The main disadvantage is that only np residuals can be computed for a regression problem with n cases and p variables. The asymptotic results of Freedman (1981) and Bickel & Freedman (1983) for the ordinary (and standardized) residuals are generalized to the BLUS residuals. A small simulation study shows that even though only np residuals are available, in small samples bootstrapping BLUS residuals can be as good as, and sometimes better than, bootstrapping from standardized or Studentized residuals.  相似文献   

We consider nonlinear and heteroscedastic autoregressive models whose residuals are martingale increments with conditional distributions that fulfil certain constraints. We treat two classes of constraints: residuals depending on the past through some function of the past observations only, and residuals that are invariant under some finite group of transformations. We determine the efficient influence function for estimators of the autoregressive parameter in such models, calculate variance bounds, discuss information gains, and suggest how to construct efficient estimators. Without constraints, efficient estimators can be given by weighted least squares estimators. With the constraints considered here, efficient estimators are obtained differently, as one-step improvements of some initial estimator, similarly as in autoregressive models with independent increments.  相似文献   

In searching for the “best” growth inhibitor, we decided to consider growth inhibition in terms of the lengths of the terminal sprouts. For it is logical to infer that the trees with the longer sprouts (after a 20-month period) will most likely be the ones that will need trimming in the future. Additionally, we reasoned that if a particular treatment produced a smaller proportion of “long” sprouts, then it would be a more effective growth inhibitor. It was now necessary to define what was meant by “long”. After consultation with foresters we chose cutoff lengths of 15.0, 25.0 and 35.0 cm. Hence the response variable was chosen to be the proportion of the terminal sprouts on a tree that exceeded a specified cutoff length. By varying the cutoff lengths, we would minimize the effect of the arbitrariness involved in choosing one particular length.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a consistent model specification test based on the difference between the nonparametric kernel sum of squares of residuals and the sum of squares of residuals from a parametric null model. We establish the asymptotic normality of the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis of correct parametric specification and show that the wild bootstrap method can be used to approximate the null distribution of the test statistic. Results from a small simulation study are reported to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed tests.  相似文献   

Ordinal data, such as student's grades or customer satisfaction surveys, are widely used in daily life. We can fit a probit or logistic regression model to the ordinal data using software such as SAS and get the estimates of regression parameters. However, it is hard to define residuals and detect outliers due to the fact that the estimated probabilities of an observation falling in every category form a vector instead of a scalar. With the help of latent variable and latent residuals, a Bayesian perspective of detecting outliers is explored and several methods were proposed in this article. Several figures are also given.  相似文献   

A version of the nonparametric bootstrap, which resamples the entire subjects from original data, called the case bootstrap, has been increasingly used for estimating uncertainty of parameters in mixed‐effects models. It is usually applied to obtain more robust estimates of the parameters and more realistic confidence intervals (CIs). Alternative bootstrap methods, such as residual bootstrap and parametric bootstrap that resample both random effects and residuals, have been proposed to better take into account the hierarchical structure of multi‐level and longitudinal data. However, few studies have been performed to compare these different approaches. In this study, we used simulation to evaluate bootstrap methods proposed for linear mixed‐effect models. We also compared the results obtained by maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML). Our simulation studies evidenced the good performance of the case bootstrap as well as the bootstraps of both random effects and residuals. On the other hand, the bootstrap methods that resample only the residuals and the bootstraps combining case and residuals performed poorly. REML and ML provided similar bootstrap estimates of uncertainty, but there was slightly more bias and poorer coverage rate for variance parameters with ML in the sparse design. We applied the proposed methods to a real dataset from a study investigating the natural evolution of Parkinson's disease and were able to confirm that the methods provide plausible estimates of uncertainty. Given that most real‐life datasets tend to exhibit heterogeneity in sampling schedules, the residual bootstraps would be expected to perform better than the case bootstrap. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The error contrasts from an experimental design can be constructed from uncorrelated residuals normally associated with the linear model. In this paper uncorrelated residuals are defined for the linear model that has a design matrix which is less than full rank, typical of many experimental design representations. It transpires in this setting, that for certain choices of uncorrelated residuals, corresponding to recursive type residuals, there is a natural partition of information when two variance components are known to be present. Under an assumtion of normality of errors this leads to construction of appropriate F-tests for testing heteroscedasticity. The test, which can be optimal, is applied to two well known data sets to illustrate its usefullness.  相似文献   

Diagnostic checking of the specification of time series models is normally carried out using the innovations—that is, the one-step-ahead prediction errors. In an unobserved-components model, other sets of residuals are available. These auxiliary residuals are estimators of the disturbances associated with the unobserved components. They can often yield information that is less apparent from the innovations, but they suffer from the disadvantage that they are serially correlated even in a correctly specified model with known parameters. This article shows how the properties of the auxiliary residuals may be obtained, how they are related to each other and to the innovations, and how they can be used to construct test statistics. Applications are presented showing how residuals can be used to detect and distinguish between outliers and structural change.  相似文献   

We introduce the log-odd Weibull regression model based on the odd Weibull distribution (Cooray, 2006). We derive some mathematical properties of the log-transformed distribution. The new regression model represents a parametric family of models that includes as sub-models some widely known regression models that can be applied to censored survival data. We employ a frequentist analysis and a parametric bootstrap for the parameters of the proposed model. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to assess global influence. Further, for different parameter settings, sample sizes and censoring percentages, some simulations are performed. In addition, the empirical distribution of some modified residuals are given and compared with the standard normal distribution. These studies suggest that the residual analysis usually performed in normal linear regression models can be extended to a modified deviance residual in the proposed regression model applied to censored data. We define martingale and deviance residuals to check the model assumptions. The extended regression model is very useful for the analysis of real data.  相似文献   

An important problem in statistical practice is the selection of a suitable statistical model. Several model selection strategies are available in the literature, having different asymptotic and small sample properties, depending on the characteristics of the data generating mechanism. These characteristics are difficult to check in practice and there is a need for a data-driven adaptive procedure to identify an appropriate model selection strategy for the data at hand. We call such an identification a model metaselection, and we base it on the analysis of recursive prediction residuals obtained from each strategy with increasing sample sizes. Graphical tools are proposed in order to study these recursive residuals. Their use is illustrated on real and simulated data sets. When necessary, an automatic metaselection can be performed by simply accumulating predictive losses. Asymptotic and small sample results are presented.  相似文献   

Christensen & Lin ( 2015 ) suggested two lack of fit tests to assess the adequacy of a linear model based on partial sums of residuals. In particular, their tests evaluated the adequacy of the mean function. Their tests relied on asymptotic results without requiring small sample normality. We propose four new tests, find their asymptotic distributions, and propose an alternative simulation method for defining tests that is remarkably robust to the distribution of the errors. To assess their strengths and weaknesses, the Christensen & Lin ( 2015 ) tests and the new tests were compared in different scenarios by simulation. In particular, the new tests include two based on partial sums of absolute residuals. Previous partial sums of residuals tests have used signed residuals whose values when summed can cancel each other out. The use of absolute residuals requires small sample normality, but allows detection of lack of fit that was previously not possible with partial sums of residuals.  相似文献   

Summary.  We define residuals for point process models fitted to spatial point pattern data, and we propose diagnostic plots based on them. The residuals apply to any point process model that has a conditional intensity; the model may exhibit spatial heterogeneity, interpoint interaction and dependence on spatial covariates. Some existing ad hoc methods for model checking (quadrat counts, scan statistic, kernel smoothed intensity and Berman's diagnostic) are recovered as special cases. Diagnostic tools are developed systematically, by using an analogy between our spatial residuals and the usual residuals for (non-spatial) generalized linear models. The conditional intensity λ plays the role of the mean response. This makes it possible to adapt existing knowledge about model validation for generalized linear models to the spatial point process context, giving recommendations for diagnostic plots. A plot of smoothed residuals against spatial location, or against a spatial covariate, is effective in diagnosing spatial trend or co-variate effects. Q – Q -plots of the residuals are effective in diagnosing interpoint interaction.  相似文献   

When one wants to check a tentatively proposed model for departures that are not well specified, looking at residuals is the most common diagnostic technique. Here, we investigate the use of Bayesian standardized residuals to detect unknown hierarchical structure. Asymptotic theory, also supported by simulations, shows that the use of Bayesian standardized residuals is effective when the within group correlation, ρ, is large. However, we show that standardized residuals may not detect hierarchical structure when ρ is small. Thus, if it is important to detect modest hierarchical structure (i.e., ρ small) one should use other diagnostic techniques in addition to the standardized residuals. We use “quality of care” data from the Patterns of Care Study, a two-stage cluster sample of patients undergoing radiation therapy for cervix cancer, to illustrate the potential use of these residuals to detect missing hierarchical structure.  相似文献   

The paper considers the fitting of polynomial trends to data when the residuals are autocorrelated. Although OLS is asymptoti­cally efficient it can be quite inefficient in small samples. Hence it is suggested that a test for autocorrelation be carried out and to this end we present a table of exact critical values of the Durbin-Watson test for this model.  相似文献   

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