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高芮 《办公室业务》2023,(3):180-182
本文以数智化时代赋能科研单位数字档案馆转型为切入点,全面分析全域感知、精准映射、智能干预的现实场景,数字伦理、数据安全、智慧技术的伦理审视,提出数智素养、数智记忆、数字共同体的路径构筑。  相似文献   

“数智”技术是以大数据、5G技术、云计算和人工智能等为代表的前沿技术。“数智”技术的加速创新,在深度改变政治、经济、社会、文化等领域发展状况的同时,重塑着现代国有企业制度建设的技术环境和社会环境。党建工作和企业文化建设并存是中国特色现代国有企业制度的一部分,共同构筑国有企业的政治内核和管理机制。在此背景下,本文深入探讨了“数智”技术对国有企业党建工作和企业文化建设的深远影响,并分析了两者在内涵交融、功能协调和组织共塑等方面融合的理论可行性,进一步分析了通过“数智”赋能,实现党建工作和企业文化建设知识重构和融合创新的技术可行性。在此基础上,从顶层设计、思想重视、制度保障和实践应用四个维度,构建了“数智”赋能国有企业党建工作和企业文化建设融合创新的路径,以期为提升国有企业党建工作和企业文化建设的科学性、实效性和灵活性,实现国有企业高质量发展提供可行参考。  相似文献   

孙新波  苏钟海 《管理科学》2018,31(5):117-130
  世界经济的发展呼唤先进制造理念和制造技术,敏捷制造受到学者的广泛关注。制造业企业通过了解实现敏捷制造的过程机理,可以使其灵活地运用各种先进生产技术促成敏捷制造。然而,已有对制造业企业实现敏捷制造过程的研究缺少契合当前情景的视角以及完整、清晰的探究。         鉴于此,引入赋能概念,从数据驱动的视角对青岛酷特智能公司的研发、生产和营销3个阶段进行深入分析,结合扎根理论的3级编码技术,构建制造业企业通过数据赋能实现敏捷制造的过程模型。在已有研究基础上,构建敏捷制造的开放式概念框架,通过调研访谈、实地考察等方式获得分析数据,分析并构建制造业企业实现敏捷制造的过程模型,结合已有研究对该模型进行进一步讨论和完善。研究过程严格遵循理论构建的理论-实践-理论研究逻辑。         研究结果表明,企业的敏捷制造能力可以通过高效对接消费者需求与资源以及提高中间对接环节的效率来打造。从数据驱动视角看,数据化、标准化和联网化是制造业企业实现敏捷制造的核心所在。一方面,数据化和标准化可以提高数据的可接入性和流通性,减少制造加工环节的延缓;另一方面,联网化可以让需求数据直接对接企业的资源和制造过程的设备,进而实现资源的自动整合,打造企业高响应速度、高质量、低成本的供给。         从数据驱动视角构建的敏捷制造过程模型系统详细地解释了制造业企业通过数据赋能实现敏捷制造的过程,完善和拓展了关于敏捷制造的研究,为未来敏捷制造实证研究提供了一定的研究基础和启示。此外,为了给企业实践提供更加详细、明确的指导,给出基于数据赋能驱动制造业企业实现敏捷制造的实践指导步骤。  相似文献   

数字赋能产业链现代化可以提高产业链基础能力、控制能力和联动能力。从产业链企业端、数据端、创新端、空间端来看,四川省数字赋能产业链现代化还存在一些突出问题。建议加强平台设施支撑,提升产业链广度;激活数据要素价值,提升产业链深度;壮大企业主体,提升产业链韧度;推进协同联动,提升产业链高度。  相似文献   

陈妃 《办公室业务》2023,(5):123-125
为提升公安档案管理工作质量,本文从宁德市公安局档案管理工作着手,分析公安局的档案管理情况,明确档案管理工作中数据库建设存在的难题与重点,并对此制订相应的工作规范与建议,提出档案数据赋能的方法。  相似文献   

知识图谱是感知智能通往认知智能的重要桥梁,基于知识图谱的知识表示、融合、推理将对管理决策产生深远影响.知识图谱能够有机集成符号表示和神经网络进行更有效的知识推理与决策.本文提出一套基于知识图谱的神经符号集成推理框架及三个技术方法,包括融合本体知识和生成模型的零样本决策、知识图谱嵌入表示学习增强结果异质性和可解释性、基于知识图谱的预训练模型增强面向下游任务的自动决策.该“1+3”技术体系实现了“模型驱动+知识增强”,在数智化管理决策中具有技术创新性.该体系已在实际商务管理实践中落地与应用,充分彰显场景创新性.该体系也具备通用性,可适用于多领域多情境的管理决策.  相似文献   

近年来,平台型电商企业纷纷开始凭借其在数智化领域的优势赋能供应链成员,这极大地影响了电商供应链成员的运营决策和收益。本文考察了由一个平台型电商企业和一个线上零售商构成的供应链系统中,在平台型电商企业数据赋能,且线上零售商同时进行数据运用投入的情境下,零售商会在何种条件下接受数据赋能,以及怎样的成本分担机制更有助于发挥数据赋能的作用,实现供应链成员的共赢。本文从报童模型出发,运用建模的方法进行探讨,研究表明,只有双方数据运用合作所增加的成本较低时,零售商才会选择接受数据赋能。本文还分析了分散决策、零售商分担平台型电商企业的数据赋能成本,以及平台型电商企业分担零售商的数据运用投入成本三种情境下的决策均衡,指出供应链成员的数据运用效率是影响成本分担策略选择的重要因素,平台型电商企业和零售商均倾向于分担数据运用效率高的一方的成本。  相似文献   

李发戈 《领导科学》2021,(2):103-106
领导干部的能力局限主要表现在能力结构不合理、能力不足、能力落后、能力迷信等方面。领导干部可以通过学习赋能、借脑赋能、团队赋能、授权赋能、技术赋能、魅力赋能等途径克服自身的能力局限,不断提高履职尽责的水平和绩效。  相似文献   

Growing recognition of the need for better management information system (MIS) theory and practice centers around problems with identifying the value of information and information systems in organizations. This paper addresses this issue by showing that existing theory in organizational economics and industrial organization directly relates to information problems in organizations (their nature, and their effects in terms of organization structure and performance). The paper categorizes these problems and associated theories into four distinct classes and shows that MIS research and practice can be mapped to information problems of each type. Because the economic theory pertinent to specific information problems includes the nature of the organizational response to information constraints, it also provides insight into the nature of the improvement to be realized if information constraints can be overcome. These improvements can then be interpreted as the value of the associated information systems which suggests using the resultant classification scheme to map between information problems and system value. The paper shows that this methodology provides a more appropriate level of focus than either traditional normative or business value methods, especially because many improvements have structural as well as performance consequences.  相似文献   

This study seeks to highlight construct measurement issues in information systems (IS) research. It describes the normative process of construct measurement and identifies the difficult problems involved in measurement and some ways in which these difficulties may be overcome. An illustrative construct-operationalization study in the area of strategic systems outlines how the normative guidelines may be applied to IS. Some specific recommendations for IS include developing a preliminary model of the construct even if there is little previous measurement research, devoting greater attention to predictive validity because a lack of theories in IS precludes the examination of nomological validity, verifying the assumptions underlying the computation of an overall index, and examining the measurement properties of the index.  相似文献   

Even though much research has been published in operations and information systems, both functional areas find their roots in other disciplines. While operations management evolved from operations research in the 1960s, the field of information systems is of more recent vintage and traces its original roots to computer science. Both disciplines now naturally have come closer together as information and process-technology-based changes force manufacturing firms to become more efficient and customer focused. Market and technology-driven e-commerce initiatives that are likely to dominate business strategies in the future cannot be successfully achieved without a successful integration of operations and information systems. In this paper, we present a unifying framework that can be used to better understand the management of the functional interface between operations and information systems. We also categorize and highlight the contributions of the articles that appear in this special research focus issue. Finally, research directions that emerge from our understanding of this interface are outlined in an effort to stimulate further thinking and research that can advance our knowledge of this interface area.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The reluctance of top managers to use computers themselves has become almost legendary, although there are good reasons for their apparent preference for traditional information sources and access routes. Isolated cases have shown how computer-based executive support systems can be used by top managers when great care is taken by the system developers over data presentation and the user interface. Now, the advent of high quality commercial software means that Executive Information Systems (EIS) may become far more widespread. This paper describes the principal features of the new EIS from the executive users' point of view and indicates those characteristics which appear to be most conducive to success. Research directions which will identify the extent and impact of EIS software on top management are identified.  相似文献   

中国MIS领域教师科研状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左美云  毛基业  林希 《管理学报》2008,5(3):430-438
对高校MIS领域的107位教师进行了问卷调查。数据表明,该领域的教师将减少管理信息系统的开发项目,增加在管理信息系统基础理论研究上的投入;管理研究的主题越来越与国际学术界的主流接近一致;在基础理论研究上的投入程度与该领域教师的学校收入占个人总收入的比例呈正相关关系。然而,与预期不一致的是,对论文质量如对于被检索的论文或核心论文的强调并不会对该领域教师的研究投入产生显著的影响,且该领域教师海外的学术经历和归国学者的回流并没有对研究方法的选择特别是转向实证研究产生明显的影响。最后,针对上述结果的可能原因进行了分析,给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Drawing upon social learning and self-determination theories, we hypothesized and tested a chain mediating process linking empowerment to employee creativity. Based on data from 385 employees working with 104 supervisors in multiple organizations in China, we conducted cross-level path analyses and found that (1) structural empowerment partially mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and psychological empowerment, (2) psychological empowerment fully mediated the relationship between structural empowerment and creativity, and (3) structural and psychological empowerment sequentially mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and creativity. This study integrated different perspectives of empowerment and provides important insights into the mechanisms linking empowerment with creativity.  相似文献   

通过国内外学者对会计信息系统的界定,会计信息系统的研究视角可以分为会计视角和信息系统视角,本文基于这两个研究视角提出AIS的研究方法框架,对每种方法加以介绍,特别是AIS的行为科学研究机会.  相似文献   

许多学者的研究结果都表明,优质服务是决定顾客满意度的最重要因素之一.但这些学者的研究往往将员工的服务质量与顾客的满意感当做单一层次变量处理.在深入文献研究的基础上,本文提出了一个包括顾客心理授权在内的员工服务质量与顾客满意感关系的新模型,并采用多层次模型分析方法,着重分析了控制欲对顾客心理授权与顾客满意感的调节效应.数据分析结果表明,员工的服务质量并不直接影响顾客满意度,而是通过顾客心理授权对顾客满意度产生间接作用,也就是说,顾客心理授权是服务质量对顾客满意感影响的中介.此外,顾客的控制欲正向调节心理授权对满意感的影响作用.即企业只有授权给控制欲强的顾客,才能显著提高顾客满意度.本文研究结果进一步深化了关于满意度的研究,丰富了营销学界对顾客授权理论的研究,对服务性企业采取针对顾客的授权措施,提高顾客满意程度有一定的实践指导意义.  相似文献   

The Information Systems (IS) discipline should recognize potential pitfalls in replication of research studies. This response to a note appearing in this issue by Van Dyke, Prybutok, and Kappelman (1999) aims to serve two purposes. First, this note will address the problems we have with the Van Dyke et al. (1999) attempted replication of our own previous work. Second, we hope it serves to establish more generally an awareness in the IS field for the potential to create and accept the “illusion of replicability” when this has not really been established.  相似文献   

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