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随着我国收入分配制度的不断改进,居民生活水平发生了很大的变化。但由于经济转轨时期新旧体制的磨擦,在收入分配领域出现了分配秩序混乱、分配关系不合理等问题,导致了收入分配差距进一步扩大。  相似文献   

改革收入分配制度是当前我国制度建设中的热门话题。因为不合理的分配制度造成的收入差距过大,贫富两极分化已经影响到社会的稳定与和谐社会的构建。本文探讨了收入分配制度中的诸多问题,分析了收入差距形成的三方面的原因,以及如何以公平正义为目标改革收入分配制度。  相似文献   

合理的收入分配制度是社会公平的重要体现。深化收入分配制度改革,增加城乡居民收入是我国以改善民生为重点的社会建设的重要内容。在坚持和完善按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度,健全劳动、资本、技术、管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的制度基础上,  相似文献   

收入分配制度改革要着力缩小四大差距。要缩小城乡收入差距,适当提高农民收入;缩小贫富差距,适当提高弱势群体的收入;缩小行业差距,适当提高简单劳动者的收入;缩小东中西部差距,适当提高欠发达地区的收入。实现这些目标,初次分配方面,应完善劳动、资本、技术、管理等要素按贡献参与分配的机制,再分配方面则应加快健全以税收、社会保障、转移支付为主要手段的再分配机制。无论是收入分配改革的政策框架还是改革的方向,实际上都有一个共同的指向,即"民富"。但是,中国仍旧是一个发展中国家,仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段的国情没有变,  相似文献   

乔新生 《决策》2006,(8):53-53
中央作出改革收入分配制度的决定后,规范收入分配秩序,构建符合国情、科学合理的社会收入分配体系,成为国家政治经济生活中的一件大事,它关系到最广大人民的根本利益,关系到全面建设小康社会和开创中国特色社会主义事业的新局面。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国收入分配制度不断在实践中改革创新们已经取得了显著的成效。不但充分调动了广大人民群众的创造性和积极性,而且进一步促进了改革进程,为改革提供了有力的保障。同时,我国在经济体制、经济结构以及经济体制方面存在一些问题,导致了收入分配领域的矛盾,影响了社会和经济的发展。当前,收入分配制度已经成为社会关注的热点问题,需要我们深刻探讨深思我国收入分配制度改革的措施。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院在全面分析经济社会发展形势,统筹协调各方面利益关系的基础上,经过反复研究,决定改革公务员工资制度,规范公务员收入分配秩序;同时,改革和完善事业单位工作人员收入分配制度,合理调整机关事业单位离退休人员待遇,完善机关工人工资制度,适当提高企业离退休人员基本养老金标准、各类优抚对象抚恤补助标准、城市低保对象补助水平。这项决定显示:我国收入分配制度改革正式启动。  相似文献   

现有研究文献对中国国有企业收入分配机制和格局变化的讨论主要集中在宏观或结构的层次上 ,很少涉及到微观层面。本文利用山东省的两个企业的职工样本数据 ,对企业股份制改造前后企业内部的工资和收入分配的特点及其变化进行了经验分析 ,对收入差距的变化进行了测量 ,从而发现企业改制后职工的工资和收入的分配差距有非常明显的扩大 ,其中一个重要的因素是分红收入对收入差距所产生的扩大效应。另一个经验发现是改制后的企业更加强调职务变量对工资和收入的决定作用 ,这既表现在经营者从持大股中获取高额的分红收入 ,也表现在他们较高的职务工资和补贴上。我们还发现 ,两个企业的分配机制有所不同 ,一个企业更加注重人力资本中教育水平的作用 ,一个企业更加注重人力资本中工作经验的作用。这样一种分配机制的差异究竟会对企业效率和职工收入增长产生何种效应 ,仅仅根据两个企业案例的研究是无法做出检验的 ,因而需要作进一步的研究  相似文献   

This paper outlines the main features of the development of the Italian pensione system since the Second World War. It also analyses the present redistributive effects of the system and defines the role that supplementary funded plans could play. The former issue is tackled in the first part of the paper, the latter issues will be dealt with in the second part.  相似文献   

Abstract. The study defines the role that supplementary funded pension plans could play in the Italian pension system. It also outlines the redistributive effects of pension benefits drawing on a survey of households' income. Finally it provides a brief assessment of the main problems of the Italian pension system.  相似文献   

Lídia Farr  Francis Vella 《LABOUR》2008,22(3):383-410
Abstract. This paper analyses the impact of changes in macroeconomic con ditions on the income distribution in Spain. Using household data from the Encuesta Continuada de Presupuestos Familiares (ECPF) from 1985 to 1996 we disentangle the effect of aggregate variables on the income distribution by estimating counterfactual densities conditional on different macroeconomic scenarios. In estimation, we use a semi‐parametric least squares procedure that allows a flexible interaction between the level of income and a first index of individual characteristics and a second index that captures the role of macroeconomic variables. We find that although inequality displays a decreasing trend over the earlier part of the period examined, the poor performance of the Spanish economy during the early 1990s appears to have reversed this trend. We also conclude that while inflation appears to have no impact on the distribution of income for the period examined, there were important redistributive roles for unemployment, government expenditure, and the level of GDP.  相似文献   

宗族网络与村庄收入分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过构建宗族网络作用于农户迁移选择的模型,以农业部的固定观察点调查和中国经济研究中心的补充调查数据为基础,考察了宗族网络对村庄内部收入分配的影响。结果发现,宗族网络对缓解村庄内部的收入差距的扩大具有显著的正向作用。也就是说,相比没有祠堂或家谱的村庄,农户可支配收入的基尼系数在有祠堂或家谱的村庄中更低。这种影响主要体现在宗族网络对低收入群农户劳动力流动的促进作用,使得他们从宗族网络中获益更多。我们还发现,随着改革开放进程的加快,宗族网络对缩小收入差距所发挥的作用将越来越明显。这表明,宗族网络作为一种非正式制度对农村正式制度的发展起到了互补作用。  相似文献   

Luigi Campiglio 《LABOUR》1990,4(1):97-124
Abstract. The increased role of public expenditure in industrialised countries involves new theoretical and empirical problems: general equilibrium models must be fully accommodated with the structural presence of the public sector and at the same time we need a better understanding of the redistributive impact of non-market rules. Therefore we suggest looking at our economies as a resource allocation mechanism. in which a Walrasian mechanism (without auctioneer) interacts with a political mechanism: we suggest that ex post resource equality is the driving force behind the increasing role of the public sector, and therefore it is also the crucial test against which to evaluate the impact of public expenditure. A stylised way to look at our economies therefore can be as follows: ex ante equality is the domain of market, whilst ex post equality is the domain of the public sector. This approach is compared with cross-section data of 16 countries and more detailed data, both cross-section and time-series, for the case of Italy: empirical results suggest that ex post equality is not a clearcut target, but rather it arises as the net outcome of contrasting forcas.  相似文献   

本文使用CGSS2013年的数据,研究目前中国的收入不平等在多大程度上是由机会不平等造成的,而个人的努力在多大程度上可以消解这种不平等。运用参数估计法和方差分解方法得出以下结论:(1)目前中国的机会不平等相对系数高达35.7%。年轻个体面临的机会不平等小于年老个体,农村地区高于城市地区;(2)父亲的背景(受教育程度和职业)对收入不平等的贡献度高达9.9%,出生地和户口是单个贡献最大的两个环境变量,分别为9.0%和7.6%,其他环境变量也有较大贡献度;(3)在Roemer和Barry两种情境下,劳动力外流和自身受教育两个努力变量对收入不平等分别贡献了24.4%和31.7%。环境不仅直接影响收入,还可以通过影响努力间接影响收入(7.3%)。  相似文献   

中国的居民储蓄率水平一直居于高位,并且保持了持续上升的势头,同期的住房价格也快速上涨,为买房而储蓄是储蓄率上升的一个主要动机。本文利用2011年房产税试点政策作为自然实验,采用倍差法(Difference-in-difference,DID)首先估计了房产税对不同类型住房价格的影响,进而估计房价对试点城市的居民储蓄率的影响。我们发现房产税对住房市场产生了结构效应,由于此次改革对不同类型的住房设定了不同的免税方案,因此在大面积住房价格下降的同时,试点城市小面积住房价格反而上升;这种结构效应对不同收入群体的居民储蓄行为产生了不同的影响,我们发现试点城市低收入阶层的储蓄率因此增加了0.9个百分点,并且我们还发现低收入群体主要是通过压缩衣着和交通通信支出,来提高其储蓄率水平。因此,本文不仅验证了住房市场对中国高储蓄率的贡献,还揭示了房产税改革带来的收入分配效应。  相似文献   

Alvaro Montenegro 《LABOUR》2003,17(1):93-102
A model is presented to illustrate the role of labor mobility in income distribution. Worker preference for different occupations and wage comparisons are combined to determine the allocation of labor between sectors and to trace the behavior of the Gini coefficient as mobility increases. The Gini coefficient fails to fall monotonically with increasing labor mobility, making its interpretation ambiguous. It is also shown that the Gini coefficient has a lower nonzero limit, a fact compatible with empirical findings.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Two aspects distinguish the Cassa Integrazione Guadagni (CIG) from most other European under or unemployment public benefit schemes: an institutionally fixed replacement ratio and a rotation principle imposing a labour-sharing regime. Within a labour-sharing approach, the comparison between the CIG unitary subsidy proportioned to the corresponding wage rate and the European standard fixed in nominal terms, shows that, ceteris paribus, employment is lower and profits are higher in the former system. Moreover, given the indexation provided by CIG, aggregate supply is vertical in this system while it is positively sloped in the other. Consequently, employment, real profits and real wages are constant in the former case, while they are positively correlated to the good quality of the states of nature in the latter. If the tax-based financing of public benefits is not — as it is not in Italy — experience-rated, the CIG regime induces moral hazard behaviours harmful to the State: it leads firms and unions to agree on relatively high wages, thus raising the value of both working and non-working time. Without affecting the unions’average requests and the firms’profits, this attitude reduces employment and increases under or unemployment public subsidies.  相似文献   

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