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传统影像建构出大学生的消费者、服务者、普通人形象,却在悠远的宏大叙事向日常生活实践的转向、新媒介、城市空间等面向中被当代大学生解构和重构。这三个面向统合在青年亚文化中。并为大学生进行自身形象的视觉建构提供了技术和思想准备。政治话语与娱乐诉求的分离、日常生活审美化的趋势与商品利益的幕后操纵所形成的合力,询唤着当代大学生的时尚表现者和身体抵抗者形象的视觉建构:时尚的区分与整合功能使大学生实现自我认同和社会归属,同时内生抵抗主流意识形态的力量而建构身体抵抗者形象。抵抗的实质其实是大学生与媒介和商品合谋,当代大学生的视觉建构与大众媒介的商业利益相互邀约、彼此验证,携手建构出媒介暗自得意、大学生自觉另类、社会秩序和谐稳定的"整体的生活方式"。  相似文献   

本文以专业技术人员阶层为例,分析了其"类别性""强化性"和"缺席性"媒介呈现上的负面效果,并从该阶层拥有的特质条件和媒介生存境遇两方面剖析了成因,进而从国家政策、阶层自身和大众媒介三方提出了建构良好阶层形象的具体路径。  相似文献   

冯丰收 《现代妇女》2013,(12):I0039-I0039,I0041
在娱乐性、商业性、消费性为主要特征的大众文化的背景下,现代传媒对女性的选择性的陈述强调了某种文化规范的性别形象的建构。本文以媒介广告中的女性形象分析为切入点,反思现代传媒领域内女性形象的建构问题,并由此探讨女大学生的价值观教育。  相似文献   

网络媒体报道的内容与"90后"的生活常态不符,且主要呈现的是一种负面形象。这是媒体赚取关注而主动选择的结果。通过将相关调查研究的结果与网络媒体建构的形象相比较,研究发现网络媒体所建构的"90后"形象与现实中的"90后"存在着明显的差距,媒体要从社会责任、社会公平的角度出发,客观全面地去报道"90后"的真实形象。  相似文献   

一、有关电视娱乐明星形象传播的悖论现象 电视的发展历程就是一部明星史,在电视成长的每一步中都留下了各类明星的足迹,可谓是星河璀璨。这其中颇具文化意味的要数电视娱乐明星。电视媒介在对这些娱乐明星进行形象传播的过程中,存在着文化悖论的现象,即电视对他们的宣传报道和他们在实际生活中的所作所为存在着严重的对立。  相似文献   

2014年6月,福尔摩斯案件的判决引发了大众对文学作品中角色形象版权保护问题的思考。文学作品中的角色形象要成为版权法保护的客体还需要满足一定的条件,同时,版权法对其保护还存在着局限性,被用于商业性用途的角色形象还需要专门建立商品化权制度来保护。  相似文献   

主流大众媒体对于"富二代"的报道呈现以下特征:报道体裁方面,注重新闻报道;报道基调上,负面新闻超过半数,且存在"标题党"现象;报道内容方面,炫富、绯闻、违法事件居多;报道主体特征方面,多为高学历低年龄的男性。作为大众媒体,其所构建的拟态环境对公众对于"富二代"群体形象负面认知的形成具有重要影响。媒体由于受到消费浪潮的影响,而乐于通过塑造"富二代"纨绔子弟的形象来迎合受众、吸引眼球,制造了大量有明显倾向性的报道,但也有许多新闻工作者对这种片面化的报道方式进行了反思。一方面,媒体报道应当实事求是,并平衡正负面报道,做到事实客观与整体客观并存,不做"标题党";另一方面,"富二代"也应当严以自律,增强社会责任感以提升自己的公众形象。  相似文献   

新媒介技术发展早期建构的文化形态虽不足以动摇主导文化的中心,但却催生了青年亚文化表征及其亚文化实践。以网络视频直播中的泛娱乐直播为对象,运用布尔迪厄场域理论及爱德华·索亚"第三空间"理论,探索青年女性亚文化中的自我建构与身份认同问题。研究发现,与以往的成果迥异,作为互联网新的媒介形式,网络视频直播并未帮助女性建构新自我以获得独立的身份认同,而是在资本和市场引导下,通过维持媒介刻板形象满足男性凝视,以达到获取金钱和作为草根明星认同感的目的。  相似文献   

在网络上,网络视频新闻的内容来源更加多元化。媒介技术的发展赋予了普通大众在新的文化实践中表达自我诉求的文化权力,随着媒介融合步伐的加快,已经有越来愈多的新力量加入到网络视频新闻的生产传播领域,他们在发展、竞争中建构的新型关系也在挑战着传统视频新闻的地位。网络视频新闻在不停的引入更多的信息元素,最大程度的容纳不同时空上的信息存在,这意味着未来新闻发展的主要形态,无论是在技术、政策、民众等方面都有着巨大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

通过对中国期刊网1980年至2011年收录的有关独生子女教育研究论文的分析发现,独生子女研究主要分为独生子女与非独生子女的对比研究和针对独生子女群体进行的教育研究两大类型。对比研究中,在独生子女与非独生子女是否存在差异问题上存在不同的结论.大多数研究结果倾向于独生子女和非独生子女各有优势和劣势。在独生子女教育问题上。研究结果认为独生子女的很多问题都不是与生俱来的,而是后天家庭、学校各方面影响和教育的结果,因此。在制定教育对策时需要针对独生子女的特点,发挥其优势,纠正教育误区。对独生子女教育规律的掌握和运用可以成为解释独生子女与非独生子女之间的差异随年龄的增长而缩小现象的一个原因。  相似文献   

This study examines how Sudanese women are portrayed in the mass media. Data are obtained from a content analysis of historical records of Sudanese daily newspapers and women's magazines and from surveys among female editors in print media. The following types of newspapers are reviewed: independent newspapers; papers for the Al-Umma Party, a communist party, a Bathist party, a Muslim Nationalist Islamic Front Party, and a National Union Democratic Party; and a current military government paper. Women's magazines are published by women. Articles focus on women as the main newsmakers, women's life issues, female authors, a female focus but a male author, and famous Sudanese women. 16 content themes are identified. Women were not extensively featured or photographed in either newspapers or magazines. The Al-Umma Party paper and Al-Sudan Al-Hadith paper (an independent paper) were the only two newspapers with at least 10 photos of women. Women were pictured as professionals, educated persons, and leaders. There were 17 female editors. These editors preferred an image of women as leaders, followed by productive workers. Only 11.76% believed that women's dual roles as producers and reproducers should be portrayed. Female editors did not want a special women's page. 52.94% (the largest percentage) preferred targeting women with substantial leadership abilities. 17.65% desired the portrayal of women as workers and housewives. 58.82% did not think that the mass media image changed behavior or attitudes, because most Sudanese women are illiterate. Women's issues in both newspapers and women's magazines were devoted to women's work, achievements, and needs. The authors recommend removal of obstacles to women's equal participation in the mass media and press and research on the effect of media images on women's self-perception and behavior.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of image repair strategies and contingency theory perspectives in crisis management. A content analysis of news releases and reports on sexual assaults at the Air Force Academy in 2002 found crisis communication is a dialectic process serving to change the perspectives of the institution and the media over the crisis period. A proactive approach was most effective in generating positive media coverage. Bolstering was the most effective image repair strategy and apologizing was ineffective. The study suggests a complexity approach to crises might better prepare communicative entities to deal with a crisis.  相似文献   

Hosting global events like the World Expo is a new form of public relations for cities, but few studies have been conducted to explore the extent to which they can change the content of media reports and media attitudes toward city image. We conducted a content analysis of all Shanghai-related news reports from November 2009 to April 2011 on 30 English newspapers in 10 countries. We found a few interesting discoveries. First, the Shanghai Expo 2010 did affect newspapers’ agenda-building, with the Expo being the topic of most reports and the most important news before and during the Expo. Second, the Expo brought changes to the news frames of newspapers, but the changes were still constrained by media practices. Third, the Expo improved newspapers’ attitudes toward Shanghai's city image, particularly toward the city's potential. Finally and most importantly, global events such as the Expo do have a significant impact on the content and attitudes of newspaper reports, but a single event cannot produce long-lasting effects. Therefore improving city image requires “better actions than just better words.”  相似文献   

With few exceptions, existing research on attitudes toward genetic testing and prenatal diagnosis is based on small studies using nonprobability samples of specialized populations. In this paper, we use a nationally representative sample from the General Social Survey to report on attitudinal change between 1990 and 1996, and to explore socio-demographic predictors of public views on genetic technology and reproduction in the context of changing mass media coverage between 1988 and 1995. During that period, media coverage of prenatal testing became both less frequent and less favorable, despite increasing use of this technology, whereas media reports about other types of genetic testing increased in frequency and became more favorable. Between 1990 and 1996, attitudes toward genetic testing remained stable, although the attitudes of specific demographic subgroups may be changing in different directions. Attitudes toward abortion in case of genetic defect became more negative over the period studied. We explore some of the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

We examined relations between adolescent perceptions of deviant peer behavior and delinquency as moderated by inhibitory control, planning, and decision making in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development at age 15 (N = 991). Adolescents reported perceptions of deviant peer behavior. Inhibitory control, planning, and decision making were assessed behaviorally. Delinquency was evaluated with a latent variable comprised of parent‐guardian perceptions of adolescent delinquency and adolescent self‐reports. Only inhibitory control moderated the relationship between deviant peer behavior and delinquency, showing that better inhibition protected against delinquency in contexts of high levels of adolescent perceptions of deviant peer behavior. Findings are discussed in the context of theories of adolescent delinquency and risk taking.  相似文献   

This study identified selected child factors (e.g., age, gender, race/ethnicity, disabilities, prior victimization, and relationship to perpetrator of abuse), family risk factors (e.g., substance abuse, domestic violence, inadequate housing, and financial problems), and services provided by child protective services that likely increased reports of child sexual abuse recurrence by type of reporter. Survival analysis was conducted using the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System data set of 2002-2004. Child disability, being a prior victim, having a perpetrator as a caregiver, family financial problems, and receiving family supportive services increased the likelihood for reports of child sexual abuse by mandated reporters. Being Hispanic, having a disability, having a perpetrator as a caregiver, financial problems, and receiving family preservation services statistically decreased the likelihood for reports of child sexual abuse recurrence.  相似文献   

陈映  董天策 《城市观察》2012,(1):115-124
广州本地媒体中的广州城市形象以中性和正面为主,而政府在广州城市形象的形塑过程中占据着主导地位。由于报道主题不均衡、消息来源多元化程度不够等原因,广州媒体中的广州城市形象呈现出一幅“以权力为中心”的失衡图景,并隐含着种种权力与关系渗透以及控制的痕迹。因此,本地媒体中的广州城市形象,实际上是一种意义化的再现,是多种场域互动、协商中的话语生产,也是一种城市认同的培养与形成。  相似文献   

从海湾战争至今,美国和伊斯兰世界冲突不断。美国社会对伊斯兰世界的误解不断加深,媒体也塑造了一个负面的伊斯兰世界形象。本文以美著名新闻杂志《时代》周刊的140篇报道为个案,分析美媒体对伊斯兰世界报道的主题内容及其建构的伊斯兰文明形象,对《时代》所持的价值观和理念以及导致报道的原因进行分析和解答。  相似文献   

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