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Discussions about elderly migration and its implications for growth planning tend to neglect the role of economic forces. Our view is that cost-of-living variations among states give elderly households on fixed incomes an incentive to move that closely resembles the effects of wage opportunities on workers who migrate. To test this view, we employ a state-by-state index of cost of living for a retired couple to explore its impact on migration choices of the elderly. The effects of cost of living on migration are investigated in terms of the probability that an elderly person will move out-of-state during a five-year period and the probability that a given state will be chosen as destination once a decision has been made to migrate. The influences of cost of living at both origin and destination are strongly confirmed.  相似文献   

论老年自养在我国城市养老模式中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文在分析单纯的家庭养老和社会养老在目前阶段所面临的矛盾和挑战的基础上,指出老年自养是在老龄化过程中应运而生的新型养老模式,是对家庭养老模式和社会养老模式的有益补充,它对解决我国老龄化问题及应对未来老龄化趋势有着积极作用。  相似文献   

Giles J  Mu R 《Demography》2007,44(2):265-288
Recent research has shown that participation in migrant labor markets has led to substantial increases in income for families in rural China. This article addresses the question of how participation is affected by elderly parent health. We find that younger adults are less likely to work as migrants when a parent is ill. Poor health of an elderly parent has less impact on the probability of employment as a migrant when an adult child has siblings who may be available to provide care. We also highlight the potential importance of including information on nonresident family members when studying how parent illness and elder care requirements influence the labor supply decisions of adult children.  相似文献   

By analyzing the migration behavior and transnational residential strategies of first-generation, aging migrants from a particular Moroccan sending region, this study contributes to a conceptual critique of migration theories that identify the household as the most relevant decisionmaking unit. It highlights the role of intra-household power inequalities and conflicts in migration decisionmaking as well as the effects of migration decisions for intra-household power relations. Many labor migrants who left Morocco to work in Europe in the 1960s and 1970s did not realize their wish to return but instead ended up reunifying their families at the destination. An increasing proportion adopts a pendulum migration strategy to reconcile their own wish to retain strong ties with Morocco with the reluctance of children and spouses to return. Migrants who unilaterally decided not to reunify their families usually return after their active working life. However, this unilateral decision also blocks legal entry into Europe for their children, which has generated considerable intergenerational tensions.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of an increase in life expectancy on portfolio choices of individuals and, thereby, on economic growth in a simple endogenous growth model populated by overlapping generations, in which money is introduced based on the money-in-the-utility-function approach. It is shown that an increase in longevity raises the balanced growth rate and lowers the inflation rate, offsetting the Tobin effect, if spillovers from accumulated capital to labor productivity sufficiently raise wage income and real savings, and, if not, it may retard economic growth and aggravate inflation. Under plausible conditions, the former will be the case.
Akira YakitaEmail:

董红亚 《西北人口》2009,30(3):80-83
为应对我国老龄化社会。党的十七大提出要把基本养老作为完善社会保障体系的一个重点来抓。照护具有综合性特点。在基本养老中处于重心地位,是健全完善基本养老体系的重要组成部分。加强照护工作,发展照护事业具有现实性、紧迫性,符合社会发展趋势。可从确立政府主体责任、大力发展照护机构,切实加强社区照护,努力培植照护文化等角度全方位确立起照护支持系统,切实提高基本养老质量,从而实现老有所养。同时,构建以照护为重心的基本养老体系.浙江有条件走在前列。  相似文献   

Elderly women are much more likely than elderly men to be admitted to nursing homes. Institutionalization is both a reaction to and a cause of the rupture of women's social support systems. An ecological model of social support is used to explain differences in elderly women's psychological adjustment to communi!' and institutional life. The results of a twelve-month study of 40 el erly women are presented to provide empirical support for this ecological model. It would not be difficult to make institutions more responsive to the psychological and social needs of elderly residents. Several practical suggestions for creating ecologically sound nursing homes are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to “resurrect” the measure of net migration and defend its continued use under specific research circumstances, despite the current dissatisfaction with the measure as expressed by some scholars. We employ data from the 1980 Census of Population to compare five measures of migration, including net migration rates, in- and out-migration rates, migration efficiency ratios and migration turnover rates. We demonstrate the additivity of in- and out-migration rates with net migration rates and migration turnover rates. Also, we show how the migration efficiency ratio and turnover rates are conceptually and mathematically related. Finally, a simple multivariate model is estimated to show how regression coefficients from in-and out-migration rate models are related to net migration and migration turnover rates.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

我国老年残疾人口:现状与特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁志宏 《人口研究》2008,32(4):66-72
1999年,我国进入老龄化社会,自此,老龄化进程在不断加快.随着年龄的增长,老年人机能的缺陷和残疾风险也相应增加,残疾老人的增多也就成为人口老龄化过程中的必然趋势.  相似文献   

周国伟 《南方人口》2008,23(1):51-58
本文利用2005年全国1%抽样调查数据对60岁以上老年人群的健康状况评价指标的群体差异作出详细的分析。分析表明中国老年人整体对自身的健康评价状况不容乐观。比较而言,女性老年人比男性老年人更倾向于报告较低的生活自理能力。从城乡差别来看,城市老年人的生活自理能力要高于镇、更高于农村老年人。本次调查的数据表明,西部地区老年人生活不能自理比例较高,对老年照料的服务需求的挑战更大。  相似文献   

Using a unique data set from the major Colombian cities collected between 2000–2003 and with information on more than 12,000 households, this paper studies the relationship between the kidnap risk a household faces with its migration decisions. We find evidence that exposure to such risk induces households to react sending some of their members to an international destination but not necessarily to a domestic one. Estimates are robust to the inclusion of several household characteristics usual in the migration literature, other crime risks, reported feelings of insecurity of the household, and an alternative measure of kidnap risk.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the question of how to formally represent the spatial structure of an observed origin‐destination‐specific pattern of interregional migration flows. Such a representation allows an analyst to compare the spatial structures of different migration regimes and contrast their changes over time. It also facilitates the indirect estimation of migration flows, in the absence of such data, by allowing the analyst to impose a particular age or spatial structure when observed flow data are inadequate, partial, or completely nonexistent. In this paper, we focus on the level and allocation aspects (or the generation and distribution components) of age‐specific interregional migration flows. We find that over time these flows exhibit strong regularities that can be captured by generalized linear models, which can then be used in situations where data are inadequate or missing to indirectly estimate interregional migration patterns.  相似文献   

北京市流动老年人口特征及成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据对北京市流动老年人口的问卷调查和深入访谈结果 ,分析目前我国大城市流动老年人口的特征和流动原因 ,了解他们面临的困难和问题。研究表明 ,中国老年人口流动主要以家庭团聚为目的 ,老年人口流动是基于老年人与子女之间的理性决定。决定老年人口流动的主要因素是老年人口的自身因素、流入地子女的经济状况和与老年人的关系以及流入地的自然社会环境因素。  相似文献   

Zachariah KC 《Demography》1966,3(2):378-392
This paper reports on a pilot study of migration to Greater Bombay, initiated on the recommendation of the Population Commission of United Nations, and utilizes both published tables from the 1961 Census of India and a set of specially prepared tables from the same census. Migrants were defined by birthplace and cross-classified by age and duration of residence in Bombay.Data (1901-61) on net migration (obtained from successive age-sex distributions) are analyzed in terms of underlying trends to give historical perspective to the analysis of recent data with special emphasis on changes in industrial and occupotiona structure.For the 1951-61 decade, the extensiveness of out-migration of former in-migrants, its age-sex selectivity, and its high incidence among recent migrants are demonstrated. As is true elsewhere, migration to Bombay is shown to be highly selective for ages of maximum economic activity. Migration streams to Bombay were preponderantly male, and, among males, the married segment predominated. The propensity to migrate was unusually high among minority religious groups. As to educational level, migrants were superior to the general population at origin but inferior to nonmigrants residing in Bombay. The work participation rates of migrants were higher for every age group than for resident nonmigrants; the proportion of employees was higher; and there was evidence of migrant concentration in industries and occupations requiring less skill, less education, and less capital than was true of nonmigrants. There were significant tendencies toward "division of labor" among various migration streams on the basis of skills and abilities acquired not only by formal education but also through tradition and precept. From the standpoint of the promotion of social change, the large volume (and selectivity) of reverse or return migration is especially note-worthy.The paper concludes with a methodological evaluation of the reliability and validity of duration-of-residence data and indicates that the relatively simple techniques of enumeration and tabulation utilized in this pilot study may have wide applicability in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Trends in international migration are presented in this multiregional analysis. Seven of the world's wealthiest countries have about 33% of the world's migrant population, but under 16% of the total world population. Population growth in these countries is substantially affected by the migrant population. The migration challenge is external and internal. The external challenge is to balance the need for foreign labor and the commitment to human rights for those migrants seeking economic opportunity and political freedom. The internal challenge is to assure the social adjustment of immigrants and their children and to integrate them into society as citizens and future leaders. Why people cross national borders and how migration flows are likely to evolve over the next decades are explained. This report also presents some ways that countries can manage migration or reduce the pressures which force people to migrate. It is recommended that receiving nations control immigration by accelerating global economic growth and reducing wars and human rights violations. This report examines the impact of immigration on international trade, aid, and direct intervention policies. Although migration is one of the most important international economic issues, it is not coordinated by an international group. The European experience indicates that it is not easy to secure international cooperation on issues that affect national sovereignty. It is suggested that countries desiring control of their borders should remember that most people never cross national borders to live or work in another country, that 50% of the world's migrants move among developing countries, and that countries can shift from being emigration to immigration countries. The author suggests that sustained reductions in migration pressure are a better alternative than the "quick fixes" that may invite the very much feared mass and unpredictable movements.  相似文献   

A basic assumption of the Cornell Mobility Model insofar as it is relevant to inter-community migration is that an individual’s propensity to move is a function of, among other things, his length of residence in the community. Parameters of the functional relationship of migration probabilities to duration status are estimated from migration histories for a sample of residents in Monterrey, Mexico, and compared with estimates reported by P. A. Morrison using data from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In both data sets a negative nonlinear relation of the probability of migrating to duration status, as well as an interaction between age and duration status, is found. Values of parameters describing the relation within age groups differ sufficiently between the two data sets, however, to suggest that further specification of conditions under which a particular form of functional relation will obtain is necessary if the model is to be useful in migration research.  相似文献   

Results based on an analysis of migration streams involving the metropolitan and nonmetropolitan sectors and covering a longer time interval than previously possible indicate that efforts to describe changes in the volume of movements connecting these sectors could benefit from greater attention to other related streams as well as existing patterns of population concentration. The metropolitanization process continues but is now being affected substantially by regional redistribution trends. Regional differentials in the size of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan migration streams are declining but are still substantial, so an equilibrium balance between the metropolitan and nonmetropolitan sectors will probably not occur in the immediate future.  相似文献   

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