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把口述史研究的理论和方法引入非物质文化遗产的研究,可以使研究者充分收集口述史料,并对其进行整理、归纳、分析、判断、评价,同时将口述史料与可得到的其他文献资料结合起来使用。通过这些史料,研究者不仅可以得到原始的宝贵资料,而且能够填补文献资料中遗产事项真实性、细节性的缺陷。通过对非物质文化遗产传承人口述史访谈这种方式,能更好地把握文化遗产研究的脉络,从而为遗产学的发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

自2018年联合国教科文组织总部文化部门非物质文化遗产科更名为“活态遗产处”以来,“活态遗产”这一术语越来越多地出现在国际文化治理领域。文章以这一具有风向标意涵的重要事件作为历时性观察的坐标原点,结合联合国教科文组织《保护非物质文化遗产公约》形成和发展进程中产生的相关政策文件,采用循证研究法系统梳理和分析与“活态遗产”这一术语引入和使用高度相关的一系列重要事件。“活态遗产”术语来自建筑遗产保护领域,物质文化遗产领域和非物质文化遗产领域尽管出发点不同,但在“活态遗产”的概念化发展和政策化使用上有着共同的时代背景、学理基础以及相似的关注点转向,且与联合国教科文组织的使命与任务密切相关,可谓殊途同归。在国际层面,将“活态遗产”术语引入《保护非物质文化遗产公约》的实施进程,有利于提升包括缔约国在内的各利益相关方对非物质文化遗产活态属性的认知,打破“物质”和“非物质”二分法,促进不同公约的协合增效,从而加强对各类文化遗产的整体性保护;在国家层面,理解联合国教科文组织对“活态遗产”这一术语的强化使用及其政策语境,有助于推动形成非物质文化遗产系统性保护格局,对全面思考中国非物质文化遗产保护实践的未来...  相似文献   

遗产与旅游:传统与现代的并置与背离   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文化遗产是人类创造并延续的传统,蕴含着人类存续与发展的重要意义.然而在如今时代、权力、商业等因素的操控中,遗产成为了一种被出售的传统,特别是20世纪以来大规模的群众旅游,为这一传统的出售提供了巨大的消费群.以遗产作为品牌的遗产旅游,一方面体现了这种传统与现代的并置;另一方面,旅游者对遗产传统文化的消费本身根植了现代性对这一文化的损害,如何消费传统的问题成为了关系人类自身可持续发展的重要问题.  相似文献   

在相继开展文化遗产、自然遗产、非物质文化遗产、农业文化遗产等的保护工作以来,中国的很多社区同时承担了多项不同类型遗产的保护责任。多类型遗产地社区如何在公约间、机构间开展多类型遗产协同保护,成为不可回避的问题。云南红河哈尼梯田遗产地是多类型、多层级遗产保护集于一身的典型社区。在这里,多重遗产化进程不可逆地改变了社区面貌,涌入梯田的多元行动方组成新的社区主体,探索出一条可持续发展之路。以大遗产观统摄多类型遗产保护,成为像红河哈尼梯田遗产地这样的中国遗产地社区开展活态遗产保护的重要经验。  相似文献   

村落建筑文化遗产的开发带动了乡村旅游的发展,在政府管理者自上而下的建设下,作为公共生活空间的村落传统建筑遗产在功能上呈现历史性的转变。本文以浙江省金华市澧浦镇琐园村个案为探究对象,对比了该村村落公共建筑从传统的"祠堂"到现代的"文化礼堂"的功能变迁,并在"乡村旅游"和"遗产运动"的大环境下,反思村落建筑遗产的主体性,从而为乡村文化遗产的保护和开发提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

潘君瑶 《民族学刊》2021,12(4):41-51, 115
“百年未有之大变局”下遗产话语与实践正面临危机,基于历史学、民族学、社会学、符号学、文化学等梳理并构建跨学科理论逻辑体系,用社会建构的视角探讨我国遗产话语横向共时性的中西方平等对话、纵向历时性的文化符号表征与文化记忆的形成,提出“遗产社会建构框架”与“遗产共建共享:文化‘活态化’传承与传播的社会实践路径”,强调只有在对话与交流的基础上,以人为本、以文化为核心,对遗产文化符号进行“神圣化”“重复化”与“现时化”的阐释与展示,才能讲好中国传统文化故事,形成文化记忆,“活态化”传承与传播遗产文化,塑造民族文化自觉、文化自信与文化认同。  相似文献   

文化景观遗产及构成要素探析——以广西龙脊梯田为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
和谐的人文景观其实质就是文化遗产.景观遗产最大的不同在于它是"人类活动的历史遗留",是稀缺的、独特的和不可再生的.梯田文化景观遗产包括山地自然要素、梯田文化景观遗产、古村落物质文化遗产以及梯田--古聚落非物质文化遗产四个维度,每个维度又有各自的分级指标.本文以广西龙脊梯田为例,分析对比了东道主和游客双方对龙脊梯田遗产的感知差异,提出了龙胜梯田文化景观遗产要素,以求达到景观遗产的活态保护与有效开发的目的.  相似文献   

跨境文化遗产从本质而言是一种基于共有、共建与共享的人类文化体系,对推动构建人类命运共同体具有重要意义。在新的制度环境中,跨境文化遗产可以帮助不同国家和地区建立良好的联系与合作。在全球化时代,文化遗产营造跨境伙伴关系的角色日益受到重视,而遗产的跨境维度可以为更广泛的文化合作框架提供一个增进不同国家和地区相互理解的“第三空间”,从而促进不同国家和地区的对话与合作。以跨境合作的视角探讨当前国内外跨境文化遗产的现状及跨境申遗存在的问题,有助于分析未来跨境文化遗产的走向与“一带一路”倡议实施的相互关系。  相似文献   

当下我国古镇游作为遗产旅游的一种类型越来越"热",这种将"古"(包括古迹、古旧、古风、遗址、遗俗等)与遗产事业相结合的旅游时尚,将文化遗产作为怀旧的对象,同时又将遗产变成一种消费资产。本文对古镇旅游的形制进行探讨,分析在后现代语境中古镇旅游为何会成为大众旅游的深层原因。本文以民族志的视野将云南官渡古镇作为实例进行分析,并简述遗产旅游的各种具身性(embodiment)体验。结合"家园遗产"概念对中国式的古迹观光态度进行阐述。  相似文献   

档案文献遗产作为社会公众在某一特定历史时期的共同记忆,其保护开发一直受到社会各界广泛重视。从记忆视角出发,本文以档案文献遗产保管与利用作为主轴,结合档案文献遗产内容特征与载体价值,从文献遗产开发角度出发,构建档案文献遗产保管利用多维度影响坐标轴。从不同维度层次分析档案文献遗产开发保护工作,根据不同影响要素提出记忆视角下档案文献遗产保护对策,为档案文献遗产保护与开发工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   


China’s enthusiasm for having many World Heritage–listed sites is well-known as a national strategy of cultural soft power, economic development, and incorporating minority groups into the Han-dominated Chinese state. Relatively understudied are China’s efforts related to UNESCO’s lists of ‘intangible’ cultural heritage, which inscribe people’s living culture – such as dances, costumes, and songs – as world heritage. This study focuses on how some ethnic groups’ intangible culture has been objectified for the World Heritage Lists by the Chinese state. This study argues that by enlisting ethnic minorities’ culture under the name of Chinese state, the state can reinforce state borders that often run across ethnic and cultural boundaries, reducing external influences on minorities from their trans-border ethnic or cultural kin. Concomitantly, the majority’s cultural prominence is further entrenched in this process by the emphasis placed on minorities’ folklore in contrast to the Han’s culture of civilization.  相似文献   

壮族历史文化遗产是壮族人民在特定区域和历史环境中辛勤劳作、共同创造并传承的具有壮族特色的物质和精神文化遗产的总称。随着社会结构和经济发展模式的转型,部分主体缺乏对壮族历史文化遗产内在价值的深刻认识,过度追求经济价值,致使壮族历史文化遗产的保护与开发的关系存在失衡。因此,如何在开发壮族历史文化遗产的经济价值的同时,致力于其文化价值的保护,使其具有独立的文化属性而不是经济的附庸,并进一步探究壮族优秀历史文化的传承与发扬的途径,是当前对壮族历史文化遗产的保护与开发的关键。  相似文献   

沈宁 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):8-13,93-94
Western theories on cultural herit-age have been developing continuously in ceaseless debates, and these theories have experienced dif-ferent stages of emerging, evolution and decon-struction. At the same time, a reconstruction of‘cultural heritage theories ’ is now being imple-mented and even has gained a certain achieve-ment. Indeed, at present ‘museums ’ have be-come the playgrounds for the reconstruction of new theories: museums are being transformed from a‘palatial ’ heritage protection institutes into ‘an-thropocentric’ cultural service institutes by means of ‘audience engagement’ . Museums increasingly implement the reconstruction of cultural heritage theories. From the 8 th to the 12 th of August 2016 a training project on ‘audience engagement ’ -hos-ted both by the British Council and the Chinese Museums Association-took place in the ‘National Museums Liverpool’ group. Due to its preeminent geological position, professional teams of special-ists, and audience-oriented working mechanisms, the National Museums Liverpool has become a new paradigm for the world of museums. However, be-hind these visible developments, a process of cul-tural heritage studies has been providing a strong support and guidance. Going back to European ideology from the late 18thto 19th century, the ‘past’ was seen as an ob-ject to be studied, pursued, protected, or even re-built ( designing past landscapes, old buildings, and memorials) . This ideology became the starting point of ‘Eurocentric heritage studies ’ . Due to this background, initial heritage studies have been branded with phrases as‘Eurocentrism’ ,‘author-itativeness’ , and ‘sanctification ’; this view has affected a large number of museums in the world. However, heritage studies have been adjusting and evolving. Post-modern heritage theories questioned issues like ‘centralization ’ and ‘authoritative-ness’ , and instead refocused on concepts like‘people’ , ‘democracy ’ , and ‘pluralistic socie-ty’ . The advocacy of‘cultural diversity’ and sup-port of expressions of‘intangible cultural heritage’ are practical applications of this new development in heritage theories. Taking the National Museums Liverpool as a case, the first characteristic of this museums group is the easy accessibility of the location of the muse-ums:several museums are situated just besides the sea as well as close to the city shopping center. Still, other museums are located on the opposite side of this area, yet it is only a 20-minutes walk between the two sides. A second characteristic is a special ‘managerial/administrative mechanism ’ that allows all museums to be run in a certain way;at the same time curators remain at the core of the teams that conduct the projects in the museums. A third trait is that the museum audience remains the main focus of all operations in the‘National Muse-ums Liverpool ’ . The case of National Museums Liverpool shows that ‘museums ’ have become an important place for reconstructing ‘cultural herit-age theories’. By means of ‘free admission’ and ‘audience engagement ’ , the museums’ function has changed from a ‘sacred place for collecting, researching and rescuing the past’ to an anthropo-centric service institute: museums have shifted from an organization of ‘sanctification ’ to one of‘secularization’ . With this development of cultural heritage the-ories, the traditional model of the museums has been reconstructed and renovated:it seems to have restored the voice of the general public and of cer-tain non-powerful groups to preeminence. In addi-tion, the bowuguan tiaoli ( Museum Regulations) issued by the State Council of China in 2015 says that‘education’ is the primary function of a muse-um. This redefinition of what a museum is sup-posed to be, actually reflects a guiding ideology of changing the museum’s traditional status and iden-tity. It also emphasizes the museum’s need for au-dience engagement. All of this challenges the museum’s traditional function of ‘collecting, pre-serving, researching, and displaying’ . New social functions, such as‘public education’ and‘public cultural service’ , are thus constantly emerging into a museum. Although different names have been given to these new functions, ‘audience engage-ment’ is at the core of them. Generally speaking, as international museums are slowly transforming - guided by cultural heritage theories-domestic museums will also gradually change their predomi-nant ‘sacred position ’ and shift into museums of‘decentralization’ . Anthropocentrism and‘service to the people’ will increasingly be the new identity of present-day museums.  相似文献   

陈云霞 《民族学刊》2013,4(4):62-70,120-122
一直以来四川民族自治地方开展了具有一定广度和深度的非物质文化遗产保护工作,逐渐形成了国家、省、市(州)、县四级非物质文化遗产代表性名录保护体系。非物质文化遗产保护的"后申报时期",四川民族自治地方应力争实现民族自治地方文化资源与优势资源结合、民族文化资源带动经济发展方式的深刻转变,探索非物质文化遗产保护常态化、产业化、多元化、专业化、制度化的发展策略和制度支撑。  相似文献   

国际社会保护濒临消失的人类文化遗产的热切期待,推动了声势浩大的非物质文化遗产保护的时代潮流的形成和发展。文化主体之于文化身份的诉求、权力承担者之于政绩的追求以及商业资本之于利润的追逐,正逐渐使非物质文化遗产保护演变成为一场规模宏大且影响深远的资源博弈运动。正视全球化背景下断裂与脱节的文化经济秩序,客观看待非物质文化遗产保护与发展过程中的资源博弈现象,充分调动社会各方力量,共同促进非物质文化遗产的发展和繁荣,是当前非物质文化遗产保护工作的重要路径选择。  相似文献   

张连君  何源 《民族学刊》2014,5(1):70-75,113-116
永顺老司城遗址从省级重点文物保护单位最终跻身于申报世界遗产行列,经历了长达五十三年的准备期。老司城遗址申遗个案表明:土司遗产走向申遗,主要是能够揭示价值、凸显价值、宣传价值和肯定价值。申遗准备的周期可以缩短,关键是要有效地整合地方考古、高校调研、权威媒体报道、大型会议肯定和政府的决心等五大优势。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on different heritage centers established by individuals and groups of activists from the Palestinian community in Israel to independently record, preserve and organize their history and cultural heritage through educational and cultural activity. It reviews the historical developments that have occurred in this challenging voluntary work, pointing up a significant awakening that has occurred since the 1990s and proposing new directions and a framework for the expansion and deepening of the preservation of Palestinian Arab heritage in Israel. Consequently, the paper discusses projects of academic researchers that aim to preserve Palestinian Arab heritage in Israel, leading naturally and substantially to a genuine and egalitarian collaboration between Jews and Arabs. This collaborative effort in academic projects creates a firm foundation for the development of mutual respect and recognition concerning the unique historical and cultural roots of each side and could enrich civil coexistence in Israel.  相似文献   

成臻铭 《民族学刊》2014,5(1):59-69,110-112
申报世界遗产是近二三十年出现的新事物,中国在这方面已积累丰富经验,为土司遗产申遗创造了良好条件。土司遗产申遗,最关键的是能从遗产本身发现其突出的普遍价值。在找寻突出的普遍价值过程中,一个多世纪的土司研究的盲点如"土司"一词语境不清等被呈现出来。正因为此,土司学有必要加快与国内外致力高原、山地、河谷、海岛社会治理研究的各学科对接的进程,以广泛分布于此"土司区"为视点解决土司研究的基础性问题,以服务于土司遗产申遗以及当今的国家与社会。  相似文献   

论世界遗产的合理利用与依法保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国是拥有世界遗产类别最齐全的国家之一,保护好中国的文化遗产具有重要的现实意义和国际意义。保护文化遗产要把继承与创新统一起来,把合理利用与继承发展统一起来,把法律手段与科技手段结合起来,要坚持遗产资源开发利用的时代性标准和民族性标准。我们肩负着保护世界文化遗产和自然遗产的崇高义务和神圣责任,文化遗产资源开发利用要法制化和规范化。  相似文献   

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