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The article examines how gender and age influence the experience of being a professional by drawing on intersectionality as an act of positioning for which different discursive resources are employed. Through interviews with employees at two professional services firms, it is shown how younger men and women make sense of professional experiences. First, the biological clock is used to explain the divergence of career patterns of men and women while ignoring that all women, regardless of actual maternal status, suffer a maternity penalty. Second, individual strategies for overcoming being in a minority are suggested that indicate that the individual rather than societal structures shape chances of success. Finally, generational change is used to argue that gender inequality belongs to a previous generation, which indicates that inequality is becoming unspeakable. The article shows that young professionals position themselves in unique ways with regard to age and gender, which entails emphasizing individual agency over systemic inequalities.  相似文献   

Katz-Sheiban B  Eshet Y 《Omega》2008,57(3):279-298
This research investigates the knowledge and myths regarding suicide among students in Israel, and examines whether they are affected by ethnic origin, gender, and religiosity. A random sample of 450 undergraduate students from two colleges was asked to fill out the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ). Knowledge was measured by five SOQ items (alpha = 0.57) and myths of suicide by 20 SOQ items (alpha = 0.67). The level of Israeli students' knowledge about suicide is generally good (X = 3.21; SD = 0.58). There are significant differences, however, between the Jewish (n = 266) and Arab (n = 154) students in knowledge about basic facts of suicide in Israel [(X Arabs = 3.04; X Jews = 3.32; t (419, 0.95) = 4.63, p < .001)]. Although both groups share the same educational milieu, the Arab students tend more to believe that suicide rates are higher in Israel, and even more so among people of Asian African origin and minorities. They also perceive suicide by shooting to be the most popular suicide method. There are also significant differences between those groups with respect to their belief in suicide myths [(X Arabs = 2.91; SD = 0.40; X Jews = 3.17, SD = 0.41; t (419, 0.95)= 6.31, p < 0.01)]. Arabs tend more to relate suicide to lower religious affiliation, mental illness and chronic tendency, and to believe that the victim's relatives know nothing about the coming suicide. No significant differences were found based on religiosity or gender. Discussion focuses on the influence of the different cultural characteristics of lifestyle and the social control systems among Jews and Arabs in Israel on perceptions toward suicide.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Jia CX 《Omega》2007,55(4):255-265
As Beck's Suicide Intent Scale (SIS) gains popularity in various areas in the world, we are not sure whether the scale is an optimal measure of suicide intent in the Chinese culture. This study is to provide evidence to support the use of the Chinese shortened version of SIS (C-SIS) in Chinese societies. The data were from applying the C-SIS in a psychological autopsy (PA) study of 66 suicides in Dalian, China. Reliability and validity tests were performed on the C-SIS data. Internal consistency analysis showed excellent correlation coefficients for all items but one. Inter-rater reliability tests showed statistically significant correlations between each pair of informants for each item and for the total scores. Criterion validity analysis demonstrated a relatively high correlation between the scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) and C-SIS. Factor analysis produced three factors accounting for 66.77% of the total variance. The study suggested that C-SIS should be an appropriate instrument for detecting and measuring suicide intent in Chinese societies.  相似文献   

Worthen LT  Yeatts DE 《Omega》2000,42(2):115-135
Public support for assisted suicide has been growing despite the ethical questions raised by members of the medical profession. Previous research suggests that age, gender, experience, and religiosity are factors affecting individuals' attitudes. This study examines the effect of demographic and ideological factors, as well as individuals' caregiving experiences, on attitudes toward assisted suicide. Random-digit-dialing procedures produced a sample of 156 residents of Denton, Texas, in March 1998. T-tests were conducted to measure significance, while gamma values were used to measure level of association and percent reduction in error. The data indicate that age, gender, and caregiving experience were not significant predictors of attitudes. Situational factors, including whether a physician or friend/family member should assist and whether a child or a terminally ill patient experiencing no pain should receive assistance, all were highly significant and positively associated with attitudes toward assisted suicide. Respondents were most likely to support physician-assisted suicide for individuals experiencing no pain. The data also indicated that the depth of commitment to the beliefs that suffering has meaning, that life belongs to God, and that physician-assisted suicide is murder, were highly significant and negatively associated with attitudes toward assisted suicide.  相似文献   

People tend to have similar beliefs about leaders and men but dissimilar beliefs about leaders and women. A decrease in this perceived incongruity between beliefs about women and leaders might follow from perceived changes in either or both of these stereotypes. In two experiments we investigated the dynamics of this stereotype incongruity by examining cross‐temporal perceptions of change in women's roles and leadership demands. In Experiment 1 , participants judged a target group (leaders, men, or women) in a specified year in the past, the present and the future with regard to gender‐stereotypic traits. In Experiment 2 , participants evaluated the same target groups in a future society in which the role distribution between the sexes was described as traditional, same‐as‐today, or equal. Altogether our findings indicate that the perceived incongruity between the leader stereotype and the female stereotype is a dynamic phenomenon. Participants' beliefs indicated erosion of the perceived incongruity between leaders and women because of a perceived change in women's roles. We discuss the implications of these beliefs for future social change.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that diverse factors predict gender differences in entrepreneurial intent. Our paper integrates and expands on previous findings using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), including the deeper-level measurement model, allowing for a better understanding of the origin of differences. The results of a survey with business students indicate that the effect of gender on entrepreneurial intentions is mediated via personal attitudes and perceived behavioral control but not social norms. More precisely, vis-à-vis their male counterparts, women are more driven toward entrepreneurship by motives to ‘get organized’ (balance) that are less dominant in predicting personal attitude. Moreover, female students are somewhat less driven toward entrepreneurship by beliefs of internal control that are more dominant in predicting perceived control. Finally, while female students are also more motivated to comply with normative role models, this did not influence their entrepreneurial intentions over and above perceived behavioral control and personal attitude. We discuss both practical and theoretical implications of our findings.  相似文献   

The relationship between leadership and sports was analyzed. Peer influence was most important, with that of teachers and parents seeming to have a second-order effect as perceived through peers. Each gender benefitted more in leadership when mentored by their own gender, especially so for women. In work settings, men reported more leadership learning and encouragement than did women. Women experienced more frustration in participating in games and sports in school, the encouragement and continued mentoring being insufficient. Harragan's 1977 thesis that the corporate world and the playing field of sports and high-level policy-making have a male schema was borne out.  相似文献   

黎冲森 《经理人》2009,(1):112-116
在金融危机的打击下,美国一些大企业已危机四伏。改革开放30年来,华尔街的商业理念已渗透到中国企业的机体,中国企业也一直以引进和学习美式管理为傲,对美式管理曾经盲从甚至崇拜。不久前,一本由法国总统文化顾问弗雷什写的书在中国上市。该书以探讨当今中国对世界的影响为着眼点,但书的名字很有意思——《中国不笑,世界会哭》。  相似文献   

Women remain underrepresented in upper management within sport organizations and more broadly. This research examines organizational factors that may affect women's (and men's) likelihood of remaining with their sport organization, which would presumably affect their willingness and ability to step into leadership roles. The research examines the effects of equity human resource management practices, top management support for gender equity and gender‐related barriers on organizational commitment and intent to stay with their sport organization, as well as whether changes in perceived organizational support would mediate the relationships. Results from a survey of current employees in Australian sport organizations generally support the hypotheses. Perceived top management support for gender equity is a strong and consistent predictor of outcomes, and the effect is mediated by perceived organizational support. Implications for top management's role in implementing gender equity practices are discussed.  相似文献   

A single misfortune may be seen as just that, or may be interpreted as Zeno the Stoic did, as a "sign" of cosmic proportion (zenoizing), which paradoxically provides a missing meaning structure. This article presents two studies testing out this new variable (zenoism): in Study One (n = 233), we explore the moderating effects of religiosity and gender on zenoism, depression, demoralization, and suicidality. In Study Two (n = 137), we explore these same moderating effects on zenoism, fear of dependency, value of life, and favorability toward physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Results indicate: 1) men and non-religious respondents (especially men) zenoize more than women and religious respondents; 2) non-religious respondents, (especially men) are more generally favorable to PAS and more suicidal; 3) Zenoism is negatively related to depression, demoralization, and value of life for non-religious respondents, and for men; 4) Zenoism is positively related to favorability toward PAS toward one's self and overall suicidality; and finally 5) general and self-specific favorability toward PAS are distinct, but both relate to overall suicidality.  相似文献   

This is a study of risk perception in relation to New Age (NA) beliefs, including traditional folk superstition and belief in paranormal phenomena, as well as use of alternative healing practices. Data were also obtained on trust dimensions and on personality and psychopathology variables, as well as religious involvement. It was found that four factors accounted for the investigated NA beliefs, which were termed higher consciousness beliefs, denial of analytic knowledge, traditional superstition, and belief in the physical reality of the soul. NA beliefs were strongly and positively related to religious involvement, and negatively to educational level. These beliefs were also positively related to maladjustment and to concerns over tampering with nature. In regression analyses, it was found that NA beliefs explained about 15% of the variance of perceived risk, and that the most powerful explanatory factors were higher consciousness beliefs and beliefs in paranormal phenomena. Traditional superstition and use of healing practices did not contribute to explaining perceived risk.  相似文献   

Gender, Race, and Perception of Environmental Health Risks   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
This paper reports the results of a national survey in which perceptions of environmental health risks were measured for 1275 white and 214 nonwhite persons. The results showed that white women perceived risks to be much higher than did white men, a result that is consistent with previous studies. However, this gender difference was not true of nonwhite women and men, whose perceptions of risk were quite similar. Most striking was the finding that white males tended to differ from everyone else in their attitudes and perceptions–on average, they perceived risks as much smaller and much more acceptable than did other people. These results suggest that sociopolitical factors such as power, status, alienation, and trust are strong determiners of people's perception and acceptance of risks.  相似文献   

Freedenthal S 《Omega》2007,55(1):57-70
Assessing a person's intent to die in a suicide attempt is crucial for risk assessment and research, yet suicidal intent is notoriously difficult to measure. People who intended to die when they hurt themselves may deny it, and others may feign intent for secondary gain. Additionally, ambivalence, memory gaps, impulsivity, and fluidity of intent can hinder accurate assessment of intent. Circumstantial evidence, such as a suicide note, may illuminate true intentions but also has substantial limitations. This article summarizes disparate challenges to the measurement of suicidal intent; describes strengths and weaknesses of circumstantial indicators; reviews evidence from studies using the Suicide Intent Scale to show that subjective and circumstantial indicators do not strongly correlate with each other; and concludes with a call to place more trust in individuals whose disclosures of suicidal intent are questionable, even if the possibility for manipulation exists.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(6):1051-1065
One of the institutions in which the gender gap remains a contestable issue is the board of directors, where the proportion of female directors is still low. While some countries have achieved higher proportions of female directors on their corporate boards, others have not registered even a single one. Drawing on social role theory, that places emphasis on traditional gender activities, this study starts by arguing that board directorship is an agentic role and more suitable for men. The study shows that key social institutions have the potential to alleviate such stereotypical attitudes or to maintain the status quo. Employing a robust statistical technique in two-stage least squares (2SLS), this study finds that the representation of women in other key national institutions, such as in politics, positively affects the appointment of female directors on boards. On the other hand, religiosity has a negative causal effect on female board appointments.  相似文献   

Using the Household Income Survey, the earnings of full time, full year workers in Sweden are studied. Earnings inequality as well as the gender earnings gap were found to decrease up to the beginning of the 1980s, when both started to increase. The following questions are also addressed: How much has the changed earnigns gap contributed to changes in earnings inequality? How much should earnings inequality decrease in the case of men and women having the same mean income while keeping inequality within each gender category constant?  相似文献   

It is commonly perceived that increasing incentives improves performance. However, the reaction to increased incentives might differ between men and women, leading to gender differences in performance. In a natural experiment, we study the gender difference in performance resulting from changes in stakes. We use detailed information on the performance of high‐school students and exploit the variation in the stakes of tests, which range from 5% to 27% of the final grade. We find that female students outperform male students in all tests—but to a relatively larger degree when the stakes are low. The gender gap disappears in tests taken at the end of high school, which count for 50% of the university entry grade. (JEL: D03, J16, I21, C30)  相似文献   

Voracek M  Egle J  Schleicher S  Loibl LM  Sonneck G 《Omega》2007,55(4):279-296
Convergent lines of evidence from adoption, family, geographical, immigrant, molecular genetic, surname, and twin studies of suicide point to genetic contributions to risk factors for suicidal behavior. Related mental health literacy (knowledge and beliefs) of professionals and laypersons may, however, lag behind this research progress. The purpose of this study was to further validate the 22-item Beliefs in the Inheritance of Risk Factors for Suicide Scale (BIRFSS), a novel instrument for assessing individuals' beliefs in the genetics of suicide. Data from a general population sample of 159 Austrian adults showed adequate internal scale consistency. Due to deliberate content heterogeneity, the instrument has a subscale structure, but factor analysis of items extracted a dominant first factor. BIRFSS scores were positively related to overall and specific knowledge on suicide facts (convergent validity), whereas unrelated to the Big Five personality dimensions, locus of control, social desirability, and verbal intelligence (discriminant validity). Demographic correlates of BIRFSS scores included respondents' age and religiosity (both positive ones), but not respondents' sex, educational level, or political orientation.  相似文献   

Discrimination, Vulnerability, and Justice in the Face of Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research finds that perceived risk is closely associated with race and gender. In surveys of the American public a subset of white males stand out for their uniformly low perceptions of environmental health risks, while most nonwhite and nonmale respondents reveal higher perceived risk. Such findings have been attributed to the advantageous position of white males in American social life. This article explores the linked possibility that this demographic pattern is driven not simply by the social advantages or disadvantages embodied in race or gender, but by the subjective experience of vulnerability and by sociopolitical evaluations pertaining to environmental injustice. Indices of environmental injustice and social vulnerability were developed as part of a U.S. National Risk Survey (n= 1,192) in order to examine their effect on perceived risk. It was found that those who regarded themselves as vulnerable and supported belief statements consistent with the environmental justice thesis offered higher risk ratings across a range of hazards. Multivariate analysis indicates that our measures of vulnerability and environmental injustice predict perceived risk but do not account for all of the effects of race and gender. The article closes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for further work on vulnerability and risk, risk communication, and risk management practices generally.  相似文献   

Parks LA  Zelman DC  Wanlass RL 《Omega》2010,62(2):111-125
Bioethics and public policy literature suggests that socially marginalized populations may be at increased risk for overuse of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) were it to become more accepted. Yet the attitudes of socially marginalized populations toward PAS have not been widely studied. The present study surveyed a sample of men in a substance abuse recovery program. Participants completed a PAS attitude questionnaire and a religiosity measure. Support for PAS was fairly evenly split, with 52.2% indicating general opposition to PAS and 46.9% indicating general support. Greater religiosity was associated with more negative attitudes toward PAS. Higher educational level was associated with more acceptance. Overall attitudes toward PAS were considerably more negative than those of Dr. George Domino's (2003) general population sample.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that social stereotypes associated with women's gender can preclude them from leadership positions. It remains unclear whether these stereotypes affect how people perceive male and female leaders, however. To examine people's stereotypes, we extracted their mental representations of male and female leaders and typical men/women (referred to as nonleaders) using reverse correlation. We then asked perceivers to rate these prototypes’ apparent leadership ability and traits related to power and warmth across contexts that represented typically masculine, feminine, or neutral domains. Leaders in a feminine context appeared more leaderlike than nonleaders, but as equally leaderlike in neutral and masculine contexts. Moreover, female leader faces appeared more powerful than female nonleader faces but male leader and nonleader faces appeared equally powerful. Male leaders were perceived as warmer than male nonleaders, however, whereas female leaders and nonleaders were perceived as equally warm. Thus, people’s gender, social stereotypes, and the context in which leaders are judged influence how people conceive of male and female leaders, with counterstereotypical attributes distinguishing leaders within their gender.  相似文献   

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