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Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Gender and civil society: Transcending boundaries. Edited by Jude HOWELL and Diane MULLIGAN. The economics of work and family. Edited by Jean KIMMEL and Emily P. HOFFMAN. Kids at work: The value of employer sponsored on‐site child care centers. By Rachel CONNELLY, Deborah S. DEGRAFF and Rachel A. WILLIS. Fighting for time: Shifting boundaries of work and social life. Edited by Cynthia FUCHS EPSTEIN and Arne KALLEBERG. Telework and social change: How technology is reshaping the boundaries between home and work. By Nicole B. ELLISON. Leaving welfare: Employment and well‐being of the families that left welfare in the post‐entitlement era. By Gregory ACS and Pamela LOPREST. Helping working families: The Earned Income Tax Credit. By Saul D. HOFFMANN and Laurence S. SEIDMAN. The scientific reproduction of gender inequality: A discourse analysis of research texts on women's entrepreneurship. By Helene AHL. New ILO publications: America Latina: Negociación colectiva y equidad de género. Edited by Laís ABRAMO and Marta RANGEL. Employers' organizations taking the lead on gender equality: Case studies from 10 countries. Gender equality and decent work: Good practices at the workplace.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Zadek, Simon. The civil corporation: The new economy of corporate citizenship Recent books: Côté, Daniel (ed.). Les holding coopératifs: Évolution ou transformation définitive? ICFTU (International Federation of Free Trade Unions). Annual survey of violations of trade union rights 2001 Zhou, Huizhong (ed.). The political economy of health care reforms. New ILO publications: Thirteenth Asian Regional Meeting, August 2001, Report of the Director-General: Decent work in Asia: ILO activities in the region Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems, ILO-OSH 2001. Geneva, 2001 Social security: A new consensus The construction industry in the twenty-first century: Its image, employment prospects and skill requirements. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Construction Industry in the Twenty-first Century: Its Image, Employment Prospects and Skill Requirements  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Pollert, Anna. Transformation at work in the new market economies of central eastern Europe Recent books: Avery, Christine; Zabel, Diane. The flexible workplace: A sourcebook of information and research. Borghans, Lex; de Grip, Andries (eds.). The overeducated worker? The economics of skill utilization. Consejo Económico y Social de España. La protección social de las mujeres Desai, Padma; Idson, Todd. Work without wages: Russia's nonpayment crisis Kimmel, Michael S. (ed., with Amy Aronson). The gendered society reader Kimmel, Michael S.; Messner, Michael A. (eds.). Men's lives Warner, Aaron W.; Forstater, Mathew; Rosen, Sumner M. (eds.). Commitment to full employment: The economics and social policy of William S. Vickrey. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report III (Part 1A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries International Labour Conference, 89th Session, Report III (Part 1B): Night work of women in industry. Geneva International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report V(2): Promotion of cooperatives. Geneva International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report VI: Social security: Issues, challenges and prospects Human resources development, employment and globalization in the hotel, catering and tourism sector. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on Human Resources Development, Employment and Globalization in the Hotel, Catering and Tourism Sector Las relaciones laborales en las reformas de la salud y educación francs. Safety in the use of synthetic vitreous fibre insulation wools The employment impact of mergers and acquisitions in the banking and financial services sector. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Employment Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking and Financial Services Sector The public employment service in a changing labour market Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy Women, gender and work: What is equality and how do we get there? Youth unemployment and employment policy: A global perspective  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Labour market and social protection reforms in international perspective: Parallel or converging tracks? Labour market planning revisited Recent books: Benchmarking working Europe 2003 Fragmented futures: New challenges in working life International labour standards: Globalization, trade, and public policy Making human rights work globally Social and labour rights in a global context: International and comparative perspectives Travail et syndicalisme. Naissance et évolution d'une action sociale Work in the new economy: Flexible labor markets in Silicon Valley World report on violence and health New ILO publications: Challenges and opportunities facing public utilities Concepts and strategies for combating social exclusion: An overview Employment stability in an age of flexibility: Evidence from industrialized countries Fundamental rights at work and international labour standards ILO standards‐related activities in the area of occupational safety and health: An in‐depth study for discussion with a view to the elaboration of a plan of action for such activities Jobs and incomes in a globalizing world Labour markets in transition. Balancing flexibility and security in central and eastern Europe Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries Protection of wages: Standards and safeguards relating to the payment of labour remuneration Lists of ratifications by Convention and by country (as of December 2002 Safety and health in the non‐ferrous metals industries Sectoral social dialogue in future EU Member States: The weakest link The employment effects of mergers and acquisitions in commerce The scope of the employment relationship Time for equality at work Working out of poverty  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: La France et le temps de travail (1814–2004). Edited by Patrick FRIDENSON and Bénédicte REYNAUD. Les acteurs de l'histoire du droit du travail. Edited by Jean‐Pierre LE CROM. Recent books: Droit du travail. Aspects juridiques et pratiques. By Marianne FAVRE MOREILLON. Le télétravail. Une vague silencieuse. By Laurent TASKIN and Patricia VENDRAMIN. Le travail au singulier. Le lien social à l'épreuve de l'individualisation. By Patricia VENDRAMIN. Limits to globalization: Welfare states and the world economy. By Elmar RIEGER and Stephan LIEBFRIED. Monopsony in motion: Imperfect competition in labor markets. By Alan MANNING. Pathways out of poverty: Private firms and economic mobility in developing countries. Edited by Gary S. FIELDS and Guy PFEFFERMANN. Relaciones de trabajo en el nuevo siglo. By Héctor LUCENA. Targeting development: Critical perspectives on the Millennium Development Goals. Edited by Richard BLACK and Howard WHITE. New ILO publications: Application of international labour standards, 2005: Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations. International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report III (Part 1A). Hours of work: From fixed to flexible? International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report III (Part 1 B). Application of international labour standards, 2005: Information document on ratifications and standards‐related activities. International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report III (Part 2). Automotive industry trends affecting component suppliers. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on Employment, Social Dialogue, Rights at Work and Industrial Relations in Transport Equipment Manufacturing. Sectoral Activities Programme. Cooperation in a changing environment — ILO activities 2001–2004 (Volume I). Managing transitions: Governance for decent work (Volume II). Seventh European Regional Meeting, Budapest, February 2005. Report of the Director‐General of the ILO. New forms and meanings of work in an increasingly globalized world. By Ronald DORE. ILO Social Policy Lectures series. The employment relationship. International Labour Conference, 95th Session, 2006, Report V (1). Yearbook of Labour Statistics 2004 (63rd issue) and Sources and methods: Labour statistics (Vols. 1–10). October Inquiry results: Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Precarious work, women, and the new economy: The challenge to legal norms. Edited by Judy FUDGE and Rosemary OWENS. Recent books: 2001–2004: les sortants de l'enseignement supérieur face au marché du travail. By Jean‐François GIRET Globalization, employment and income distribution in developing countries. Edited by Eddy LEE and Marco VIVARELLI. La huelga hoy en el derecho social comparado. Edited by Antonio MARZAL. Barcelona, J. M. Bosch Le principe du droit au travail: juridicité, signification et normativité. By Dominic ROUX. Le travail. Un marché pas comme les autres. By Jean VERCHERAND. Collection “Des Sociétés”. The other half of gender: Men's issues in development. Edited by Ian BANNON and Maria C. CORREIA. New ILO publications: Changing patterns in the world of work. Report of the Director‐General, International Labour Conference, 95th Session, 2006, Report I (C). The role of the ILO in technical cooperation: Promoting decent work through field and country programmes. International Labour Conference, 95th Session, 2006, Report VI. Decent working time: New trends, new issues. Edited by Jean‐Yves BOULIN, Michel LALLEMENT, Jon C. MESSENGER and François MICHON. Labour and social issues arising from problems of cross‐border mobility of international drivers in the road transport sector. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on Labour and Social Issues arising from Problems of Cross‐border Mobility of International Drivers in the Road Transport Sector. Sectoral Activities Programme. Merchants of labour. Edited by Christiane KUPTSCH. International Institute for Labour Studies. Social and labour implications of the increased use of advanced retail technologies. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Implications of the Increased Use of Advanced Retail Technologies. Sectoral Activities Programme. Violence at work. By Duncan CAMPBELL and Vittorio DI MARTINO.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1987,35(1):170-236
Books reviewed in this article: The Social Science Encyclopedia Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper (eds), Routledge & Kegan Paul The Principle of Hope Ernst Bloch, 3 volumes, translated by Neville Plaice, Stephen Plaice and Paul Knight Fragments of Modernity David Frisby Habermas and the Foundations of Critical Theory Rick Roderick, Macmillan Subordination: Feminism and Social Theory C. Burton, Allen and Unwin Marxism and International Relations Vendulka Kubálková and Albert Cruickshank Powers of Theory: Capitalism, the State, and Democracy Robert R. Alford and Roger Fdedland The Ideology of the New Right Ruth Levitas (ed.) Ideology David McLellan Explanation in Social History Christopher Lloyd, Basil Blackwell Writing Marxist History, British Society, Economy and Culture Since 1700 R.S. Neale Capitalism and Leisure Theory Chris Rojek, Tavistock The Devil Makes Work: Leisure in Capitalist Britain John Clarke and Chas All Manners of Food, Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present Stephen Mennell, Basil Blackweil Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries Networks of Corporate Power: A Comparative Analysis of Ten Countries Frans N. Stokman, Rolf Ziegler and John Scott (eds) The Power Structure of American Business Beth Mintz and Michael Schwartz Just Managing: Authority and Democracy in Industry Peter Cressey, John Eldridge and John McInnes Men In Families Robert A. Lewis and Robert E. Salt (eds) Private Schools and Public Issues. The Parents’View Irene Fox Life in public Schools Geoffrey Walford Growing Up at the Margins: Young Adults in the North East Frank Coffield, Coral Borrill and Sarah Marshall The Dynamics of Aggression in Women's Prisons in England Alexandra Madaraka-Sheppard War and Peace News New Communications Technologies and the Public Interest Marjorie Ferguson (ed.) Computers and Qualitative Data Peter Conrad and Shulamit Reinharz (eds)  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Danziger, Sheldon H. (ed.). Economic conditions and welfare reform. Kalamazoo, MI, W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1999. Dupuy, René‐Jean (ed.). Mélanges en l'honneur de Nicolas Valticos: Droit et justice. Coordinated by L. A. Sicilianos. Paris, Editions A. Pedone, 1999 Recent books: Khadria, Binod. The migration of knowledge workers: Second‐generation effects of India's brain drain. Lestrade, Brigitte; Boutillier, Sophie (eds.). Les mutations du travail en Europe. Paris, L'Harmattan, 2000. Collection Economie et Innovation. 415 pp. ISBN 2–7384–8910–9. Pochet, Philippe (ed.). Union monétaire et négociations collectives en Europe. Sarfati, Hedva. Flexibilité et creation d'emplois: Un défi pour le dialogue social en Europe. Thwaites, James D. (ed.). La mondialisation. Origines, développement et effets. Quebec, Les Presses de l'Université de Laval/Paris, L'Harmattan, 2000. New ILO publications: Sixth European Regional Meeting, December 2000, Report of the Director‐General: Volume I: Globalizing Europe: Decent work in the information economy. Volume II: Decent work in Europe and Central Asia: ILO activities 1995–2000. Apertura económica y empleo: Los paises andinos en los noventa. Edited by Philippe Egger and Norberto E. García. Documenting discrimination against migrant workers in the labour market. A comparative study of four European countries. Edited by Roger Zegers de Beijl. Labour practices in the footwear, leather, textiles and clothing industries: Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on Labour Practices in the Footwear, Leather, Textiles and Clothing Industries. Sectoral Activities Programme of the ILO. Les nouvelles administrations du travail. Des acteurs du développement. Edited by Normand Lecuyer. Small enterprise development in the Caribbean. ILO Caribbean Studies and Working Papers No. 3. Social budgeting. By Wolfgang Scholz, Michael Cichon and Krzystof Hagemejer. Quantitative Methods in Social Protection Series.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Theoretical perspectives on work and the employment relationship . Edited by Bruce E. KAUFMAN. Recent books: Does “trickle down” work? Economic development strategies and job chains in local labour markets . By Joseph PERSKY, Daniel FELSENSTEIN and Virginia CARLSON. La mondialisation: Origines, développements et effets . Third edition. Edited by James D. THWAITES. The economics of sustainable development . Edited by Sisay ASEFA. Work behavior of the world's poor: Theory, evidence and policy . By Mohammed SHARIF. Workers and narratives of survival in Europe: The management of precariousness at the end of the twentieth century . Edited by Angela PROCOLI. New ILO Publications: A global alliance against forced labour . Global Report under the Follow‐up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Report of the Director‐General. International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report I (B). Promotional framework for occupational safety and health . International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report IV (2). Reconciling work and family responsibilities: Practical ideas from global experience . By Catherine HEIN. Work in the fishing sector . International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report V (2A). Youth: Pathways to decent work. Promoting youth employment ‐ Tackling the challenge . International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report VI.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: L'Organisation internationale du travail: De la guerre froide à un nouvel ordre mondial . By Francis BLANCHARD. Normes internationales du travail . By Jean-Michel SERVAIS. Recent books: Inequality in America: What role for human capital policies? By James J. HECKMAN and Alan B. KRUEGER. New frontiers of democratic participation at work . Edited by Michael GOLD. The economics of risk . Edited by Donald J. MEYER. The gender workplace health gap in Europe . By Laurent VOGEL. Brussels, European Trade Union Bureau for Health and Safety (TUTB), 2003. 341 pp. Tables, bibliography. ISBN 2–930003–49–9. The paradox of American unionism: Why Americans like unions more than Canadians do but join much less . By Seymour Martin LIPSET and Noah M. MELTZ, with Rafael GOMEZ and Ivan KATCHANOVSKI. Whistleblower law: A guide to legal protections for corporate employees . By Stephen M. KOHN, Michael D. KOHN and David K. COLAPINTO. Workplace justice without unions . By Hoyt N. WHELLER, Brian S. KLAAS and Douglas M. MAHON. New ILO publications: Consumer price index manual: Theory and practice . ILO/IMF/OECD/UNECE/Eurostat/The World Bank. HIV/AIDS and work: Global estimates, impact and response . The ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work. Promotional framework for occupational safety and health . International Labour Conference, 93rd Session, 2005, Report IV(1). The future of work and quality in the information society: The media, culture, graphical sector . Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Future of Work and Quality in the Information Society: The Media, Culture, Graphical Sector. Sectoral Activities Programme. Young soldiers: Why they choose to fight . By Rachel BRETT and Irma SPECHT.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Promise Unfulfilled: Unions, Immigration, and the Farm Workers. By Philip L. Martin. How the Other Half works: Immigration and the Social Organization of Labor. By Roger Waldinger and Michael Lichter. Challenging Ethnic Citizenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Citizenship. Ed. D. Levy and Y. Weiss. The Lost Apple: Operation Pedro Pan, Cuban Children in the US. and the Promise of a Better Future. By Maria de los Angeles Torres. The Use and Abuse of Political Asylum in Britain and Germany. By Liza Schuster. From White Australia to Woomera: The Story of Australian Immigration. By James Jupp. At America's Gates: Chinese Immigration During the Exclusion Era, 1882–1943. By Erika Lee. The Economics of Migration, Vols. I‐IV Edited by Klaus Zimmermann and Thomas Bauer. Migration in European History. By Klaus Bade. Defining British Citizenship. Empire, Commonwealth and Modern Britain. By Rieko Karatani.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Labour laws and global trade . By Bob HEPPLE. Understanding globalization, employment and poverty reduction. Edited by Eddy LEE and Marco VIVARELLI. Unemployment compensation throughout the world: A comparative analysis. By Wayne VROMAN and Vera BRUSENTSEV. Recent books : The human tradition in American labor history . Edited by Eric ARNESEN. Reorganizing the Rust Belt: An inside study of the American labor movement. By Steven Henry LOPEZ. A promise unfulfilled: Unions, immigration, and the farm workers. By Philip L. MARTIN. Reshaping the North American automobile industry: Restructuring, corporatism, and union democracy in Mexico. By John P. TUMAN. Human capital in the United States from 1975 to 2000: Patterns of growth and utilization. By Robert H. HAVEMAN, Andrew BERSHADKER, and Jonathan A. SCHWABISH. Labor standards in the United States and Canada. By Richard N. BLOCK, Karen ROBERTS and R. Oliver CLARKE. Euros and Europeans: Monetary integration and the European model of society . Edited by Andrew MARTIN and George ROSS. International labour law . By Jean‐Michel SERVAIS. International Labour Organization . (International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intergovernmental organizations, Supplement 22). By Jean‐Michel SERVAIS. Non‐standard work in developed economies: Causes and consequences . Edited by Susan HOUSEMAN and Machiko OSAWA. Russian trade unions and industrial relations in transition. By Sarah ASHWIN and Simon CLARKE. New ILO publications: A handbook on HIV/AIDS for labour and factory inspectors. El mundo del trabajo en la integración económica y la liberalización comercial. Una mirada desde los países americanos. By Daniel MARTINEZ. Food at work: Workplace solutions for malnutrition, obesity and chronic diseases. By Christopher WANJEK. Glossary of labour law and industrial relations (with special reference to the European Union). Edited by Gianni ARRIGO and Giuseppe CASALE. Human trafficking and forced labour exploitation: Guidance for legislation and law enforcement. Le trafic et l'exploitation des immigrants chinois en France. By Gao YUN and Véronique POISSON. Promotional framework for occupational safety and health. International Labour Conference, 95th Session, 2006, Report IV (1). Safety and health in ports: ILO Code of practice. The global evolution of industrial relations: Events, ideas and the IIRA. By Bruce E. KAUFMAN. Working and employment in new EU Member States: Convergence or diversity? By Daniel VAUGHAN‐WHITEHEAD. Working time laws: A global perspective ‐ Findings from the ILO's Conditions of Work Database. By Deirdre McCANN.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Gender, growth and trade: The miracle economies of the postwar years Le travail dans l'histoire de la pensée occidentale New frontiers of democratic participation at work Recent books: Des bancs de l'école aux postes de travail … Chronique d'une ségrégation annoncée Flexibilité et performances. Stratégies d'entreprises, régulations, transformations du travail L'organisation de la production et du travail: vers un nouveau modèle Santé mentale et travail. L'urgence de penser autrement l'organisation New ILO publications: A fair globalization: Creating opportunities for all A fair globalization: The role of the ILO Application of international labour standards, 2004: Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations Promoting employment: Policies, skills, enterprises Application of international labour standards, 2004: Information document on ratifications and standards-related activities Best practices in work-flexibility schemes and their impact on the quality of working life in the chemical industries Conditions of work in the fishing sector: A comprehensive standard (a Convention supplemented by a Recommendation) on work in the fishing sector Economic security for a better world Jobs after war: A critical challenge in the peace and reconstruction puzzle Key Indicators of the Labour Market Key Indicators of the Labour Market Organizing for social justice Philosophical and spiritual perspectives on decent work Policies for small enterprises: Creating the right environment for good jobs Preventing and responding to violence at work Record of proceedings Security in ports: ILO and IMO code of practice Social funds: Lessons for a new future Sources and methods: Labour statistics—Companion to the Yearbook of Labour Statistics. Volume 3: Economically active population, employment, unemployment and hours of work (household surveys) Volume 4: Employment, unemployment, wages and hours of work (administrative records and related sources) The global seafarer: Living and working conditions in a globalized industry Towards a fair deal for migrant workers in the global economy Women seafarers: Global employment policies and practices Workplace violence in services sectors and measures to combat this phenomenon: ILO code of practice  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ulrich, Dave (ed.). Delivering results: A new mandate for human resource professionals Wagner, Helmut (ed.). 2000. Globalization and unemployment Recent books: Antunes, Ricardo. ¿Adiós al trabajo? Ensayo sobre las metamorfosis y el rol central del mundo del trabajo Blanpain, Roger (ed.); Colucci, Michele; De Smijter, Eddy; Engels, Chris; Hendrickx, Frank; Salas, Lisa. Institutional changes and European social policies after the Treaty of Amsterdam New ILO publications: Current international Recommendations on labour statistics El diálogo social en los países andinos: ¿Nuevo camino para los sindicatos? Inseguridad laboral y competitividad: Modalidades de contratación Labour relations in SMEs in selected central and eastern European countries. Managing the cooperative difference: A survey of the application of modern management practices in the cooperative context Manual para la defensa de la libertad sindical Modular package on gender, poverty and employment. Reader's kit Modular package on gender, poverty and employment. Facilitator's kit Población, pobreza y mercado de trabajo en América Latina Social dialogue in central and eastern Europe Sustainable agriculture in a globalized economy. Termination of employment digest  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Castel, Robert; Haroche, Claudine Evans, Philip; Wurster, Thomas S. Blown to bits: How the new economics of information transforms strategy. Fingleton, Eamonn. In praise of hard industries: Why manufacturing, not the information economy, is the key to future prosperity Webster, Juliet. Shaping women's work: Gender, employment and information technology. Recent books: Bodiguel, Jean‐Luc; Garbar, Christian‐Albert; Supiot, Alain (eds.) Cohen, Daniel; Debonneuil, Michèle. Nouvelle économie. Rapport du Conseil d'analyse économique, No. 28. Paris, La documentation française Durand, Claude (ed.). Sociologie du travail Fromaigeat, Denise; Wennubst, Gabriella. Hirigoyen, Marie‐France. Malaise dans le travail Morel, Sylvie. Les logiques de la réciprocité: Les transformations de la relation d'assistance aux Etats‐Unis et en France Supiot, Alain (ed.). Beyond employment: Changes in work and the future of labour law in Europe de Terssac, Gilbert; Tremblay, Diane‐Gabrielle Vendramin, Patricia; Valenduc, Gérard New ILO Publications: International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report of the Director‐General, Report I(B): Stopping forced labour — Global Report under the Follow‐up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work International Labour Conference, 89th Session, 2001, Report of the Director‐General: Reducing the decent work deficit: A global challenge Breaking through the glass ceiling: Women in management. By Linda Wirth Changing labour markets in Europe: The role of institutions and policies East Asian labor markets and the economic crisis: Impacts, responses and lessons L'économie informelle en Afrique francophone: Structure, dynamiques et politiques Towards a socially sustainable world economy: An analysis of the social pillars of globalization Bangladesh. By Rajendra Paratian and Raymond Torres. Geneva, 2001. xiv + 87 pp. Tables, figures, bibliography, index. 20 Swiss francs Chile. By Gerhard Reinecke and Raymond Torres Republic of Korea. By Raymond Torres Mauritius. By Richard Anker, Rajendra Paratian and Raymond Torres Poland. By Raymond Torres, Christine Enzler, Gerhard Reinecke and Ana Teresa Romero. South Africa. By Susan Hayter, Gerhard Reinecke and Raymond Torres Switzerland. By Ana Teresa Romero and Raymond Torres By Peter Richards World Employment Report 2001: Life at work in the information economy  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Kerin, Anto T. Sole survivors: How exceptional companies survive and thrive at the edge. Ronnås, Per; Orlova, Nina. Moldova's transition to destitution. Sida Studies No. 1. Recent books: Argüelles, Antonio; Gonczi, Andrew (eds.). Competency based education and training: A world perspective. Budetti, Peter P.; Burkhauser, Richard V.; Gregory, Janice M.; Hunt, H. Allan (eds.). Ensuring health and income security for an aging workforce. Moss, Philip; Tilly, Chris. Stories employers tell: Race, skill, and hiring in America. New ILO publications: Ambient factors in the workplace. ILO code of practice. Cooperatives in Asia: From reform to reconstruction. By Krishan K. Taimni. Fundamental principles of occupational health and safety. By Benjamin O. Alli. Globalization and sustainability: The forestry and wood industries on the move. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Social and Labour Dimensions of the Forestry and Wood Industries on the Move, Geneva, 2001. Sectoral Activities Programme Mutual health organizations and microentrepreneurs' associations: Guide. Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty (STEP), InFocus Programme Boosting Employment through Small Enterprise Development (SEED). Mutuelles de santé en Afrique: Caractéristiques et mise en place. Manuel de formateurs (2nd edition). ILO Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty (STEP)/World Solidarity/Alliance nationale des Mutualités chrétiennes de Belgique. The impact of decentralization and privatization on municipal services. Report for discussion at the Joint Meeting on the Impact of Decentralization and Privatization on Municipal Services, Geneva, 2001. Sectoral Activities Programme.  相似文献   

叶灵凤(1905~1975),无论从哪个角度讲都算得上是中国的一位文化名人,尽管在相当长的一段时间里,由于他的"历史问题",也由于他早年(1938)移居香港,人们(特别是在内地)很少提到他.后人对他的定位是画家、作家和藏书家,但后两个身份显然更为人所知.作为作家,他很早就开始写小说,创办过文学刊物<戈壁>,柳亚子当年写过5首七言绝句,每首咏两人,在这10人中,叶灵凤和潘汉年为一组,与鲁迅、柔石、郭沫若、丁玲、胡也频等排列在一起,他在文学界的名气由此可见一斑.然而自20世纪40年代以后,他几乎不再写小说,开始转向散文、随笔创作,其中绝大多数是读书随笔,包括本文要谈的 "天方书话":<亚剌伯的劳伦斯>、<褒顿与〈天方夜谭〉>、<〈天方夜谭〉里的中国>和<纪伯伦与梅的情书>等.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reviews: David, Natacha. From Asia to Russia to Brazil … The impact of the financial and economic crisis on women Reviews: Gual, Jordi (ed.). Job creation: The role of labor market institutions Reviews: Joshi, Heather; Paci, Pierella, with Makepiece, Gerald; Waldfogel, Jane. Unequal pay for women and men Reviews: Kornai, Janos. Struggle and hope: Essays on stabilization and reform in post-socialist economy Reviews: Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel. Albania in crisis: The predictable fall of the shining star Recent books: Bhaduri, Amit; Skarstein, Rune (eds.). Economic development and agricultural productivity Recent books: Boserup, Ester. My professional life and publications 1929–1998 Recent books: Browne, Irene (ed.). Latinas and African American women at work: Race, gender, and economic inequality Recent books: Custers, Peter. Capital accumulation and women's labour in Asian economies Recent books: Papola, T. S.; Sharma, Alakh N. (eds.). Gender and employment in India Recent books: World Confederation of Labour. Gender and informal sector New ILO publications: Gender and jobs: Sex segregation of occupations in the world. By Richard Anker New ILO publications: Negotiating flexibility: The role of the social partners and the State. Edited by Muneto Ozaki  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reviews: Littlewood, Michael. How to create a competitive market in pensions: The international lessons. Recent books: Beaujolin, Rachel. Les vertiges de l'emploi: L'entreprise face aux réductions d'effectifs. Recent books: Birien, Jean-Louis. Pratique des relations et négociations sociales. Recent books: Bonnet, Michel. Regards sur les enfants travailleurs. La mise au travail des enfants dans le monde contemporain: Analyse et études de cas. Recent books: Lyon-Caen, Gérard; Pélissier, Jean; Supiot, Alain. Droit du travail. New ILO publications: Le secteur informel en Afrique face aux contraintes légales et institutionnelles. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999. Report V (1 and 2): Maternity protection at work. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999. Report IV (2B): Child labour. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 87th Session, 1999: Report III (Part 1A). Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, Report III (Part 1B): Migrant workers. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000. Report VI (1): Safety and health in agriculture. New ILO publications: Technical and ethical guidelines for workers' health surveillance.  相似文献   

Reviews: Ackerman, Frank; Goodwin, Neva R.; Dougherty, Laurie; Gallagher, Kevin (eds.). The changing nature of work Reviews: Gallie, Duncan; White, Michael; Cheng, Yuan; Tomlinson, Mark. Restructuring the employment relationship Reviews: Marsden, David. A theory of employment systems: Micro‐foundations of societal diversity. Reviews: Estreicher, Samuel (ed.). Employee representation in the emerging workplace: Alternatives/supplements to collective bargaining Reviews: Verma, Anil; Chaykowski, Richard P. (eds.). Contract and commitment: Employment relations in the new economy Reviews: Pfeffer, Jeffrey. The human equation: Building profits by putting people first. Reviews: Siegel, Donald S. Skill‐biased technological change: Evidence from a firm‐level survey. Reviews: Breman, Jan; Das, Arvind; Agarwal, Ravi. Down and out: Labouring under global capitalism. Recent books: Dorsey, Stuart; Cornwell, Christopher; Macpherson, David. Pensions and productivity. Recent books: Garey, Anita Ilta. Weaving work and motherhood. Recent books: Harris‐White, Barbara; Subramanian, S. (eds.). Illfare in India: Essays in honour of S. Guhan. Recent books: Hashim, Yahaya; Meagher, Kate. Cross‐border trade and the parallel currency market: Trade and finance in the context of structural adjustment: A case study from Kano, Nigeria Recent books: Marzal, Antonio (ed.). Dialéctica empleo‐desempleo y derecho social. Recent books: Okin, Susan Moller. Is multiculturalism bad for women? Recent books: With respondents, and edited by Joshua Cohen, Matthew Howard, and Martha C. Nussbaum Recent books: Sainsbury, Diane (ed.). Gender and welfare state regimes Recent books: Strober, Myra H.; Chan, Agnes Miling Kaneko. The road winds uphill all the way: Gender, work, and family in the United States and Japan Recent books: Wohlmuth, Karl; Bass, Hans H.; Messner, Frank (eds.). Good governance and economic development. Münster, LIT Verlag, 1999. African Development Perspectives Yearbook 1997/98 Recent books: Wohlmuth, Karl; Gutowski, Achim; Grawert, Elke; Wauschkuhn, Markus (eds.). Empowerment and economic development in Africa. Recent books: World Health Organization. Community emergency preparedness: A manual for managers and policymakers. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report I (B): Your voice at work: Global report under the Follow‐up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report III (Part 1A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: General report and observations concerning particular countries. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report III (Part 1B): Tripartite consultation. New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report IV (2A): Maternity protection at work. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report IV (2B): Maternity protection at work. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 ( No. 103), and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95). New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report V: Training for employment: Social inclusion, productivity and youth unemployment New ILO publications: International Labour Conference, 88th Session, 2000, Report VII (2): Withdrawal of the Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention, 1931; the Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention (Revised), 1935; the Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works) Convention, 1936; the Reduction of Hours of Work (Textiles) Convention, 1937; and the Migration for Employment Convention, 1939. New ILO publications: ABC of women workers' rights and gender equality. New ILO publications: Action against child labour. Edited by Nelien Haspels and Michele Jankanish New ILO publications: Pensiones en América latina: Dos décadas de reforma. Edited by Alejandro Bonilla García and Alfredo H. Conte‐Grand New ILO publications: Productividad y empleo en la apertura económica. Edited by Víctor E. Tokman and Daniel Martínez New ILO publications: Répertoire des instruments internationaux de sécurité sociale New ILO publications: Social dialogue and pension reform. Edited by Emmanuel Reynaud New ILO publications: Social security for the excluded majority: Case studies of developing countries. Edited by Wouter van Ginneken New ILO publications: Social security pensions: Development and reform. Edited by Colin Gillion, John Turner, Clive Bailey and Denis Latulippe New ILO publications: Social security pensions: Development and reform. Executive summary (ISBN 92–2–112054–6) is available free of charge. New ILO publications: Violence at work. By Duncan Chappell and Vittorio Di Martino New ILO publications: Workers without frontiers: The impact of globalization on international migration. By Peter Stalker New ILO publications: World Labour Report 2000: Income security and social protection in a changing world.  相似文献   

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