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One of the major unresolved problems in the area of nonparametric statistics is the need for satisfactory rank-based test procedures for non-additive models in the two-way layout, especially when there is only one observation on each combination of the levels of the experimental factors. In this paper we consider an arbitrary non-additive model for the two-way layout with n levels of each factor. We utilize both alignment and ranking of the data together with basic properties of Latin squares to develop rank tests for interaction (non-additivity). Our technique involves first aligning within one of the main effects, ranking within the other main effects (columns and rows) and then adding the resulting ranks within “interaction bands” corresponding to orthogonal partitions of the interaction for the model, as denoted by the letters of an n × n Latin square. A Friedman-type statistic is then computed on the resulting sums. This is repeated for each of (n?1) mutually orthogonal Latin squares (thus accounting for all the interaction degrees of freedom). The resulting (n?1) Friedman-type statistics are finally combined to obtain an overall test statistic. The necessary null distribution tables for applying the proposed test for non-additivity are presented and we discuss the results of a Monte Carlo simulation study of the relative powers of this new procedure and other (parametric and nonparametric) procedures designed to detect interaction in a two-way layout with one observation per cell.  相似文献   

The paper proposes tests for interaction in a two-way table with one observation per cell. The power of these tests is independent of the additive main effects in the linear model. This is an advantage compared to a test suggested earlier, which has low power if main effects are very variable.  相似文献   

Many nonparametric tests have been proposed for the hypothesis of no row (treatment) effect in a one-way layout design. Examples of such tests are Kruskal-Wallis H-test, Bhapkar's (1961) V-test and Deshpande's (1965) L-test. However not many tests are available for testing the same hypothesis in a two-way layout design without interaction. Perhaps the only “established” test is the one due to Friedman (1937). However, it applies to the case of one observation per cell only. In this paper, a new distribution-free test is proposed for the hypothesis of row effect in a two-way layout design. It applies to the case of several observations per cell, not necessarily equal. The asymptotic efficiency of the proposed test relative to other tests is studied.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss testing for an interaction in the two-way ANOVA with just one observation per cell. The known results are reviewed and a simulation study is performed to evaluate type I and type II risks of the tests. It is shown that the Tukey and Mandel additivity tests have very low power in case of more general interaction scheme. A modification of Tukey's test is developed to resolve this issue. All tests mentioned in the paper have been implemented in R package Additivity Tests.  相似文献   

For a two-way ANOVA table, with a single observation per cell, the standard approach is to assume that interaction between the two factors is negligible, and to base inferences about the main factors on the model without interaction. But there is no totally satisfactory method for testing if interaction can be ignored. The classical approach is to specify a functional form for the interaction terms, involving a small number of parameters, and then use an appropriate test. But, such tests have low power if the functional form is inappropriate. This has led researchers to propose tests which do not assume a specific form for the interactions. In this article, we present a new approach for testing interaction which also does not assume a specific form for the interaction. This approach is fairly simple and flexible, and its usefulness is illustrated with several examples. We also present a general result which shows that there is no test of interaction with good power properties against all types of interaction.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the specific problems of age-period-cohort (A-P-C) analysis within the general framework of interaction assessment for two-way cross-classified data with one observation per cell. The A-P-C multiple classification model containing the effects of age groups (rows), periods of observation (columns), and birth cohorts (diagonals of the two-way table) is characterized as one of a special class of models involving interaction terms assumed to have very specific forms. The so-called A-P-C identification problem, which results from the use of a particular interaction structure for detecting cohort effects, is shown to manifest itself in the form of an exact linear dependency among the columns of the design matrix. The precise relationship holding among these columns is derived, as is an explicit formula for the bias in the parameter estimates resulting from an incorrect specification of an assumed restriction on the parameters required to solve the normal equations. Current methods for modeling A-P-C data are critically reviewed, an illustrative numerical example is presented, and one potentially promising analysis strategy is discussed. However, gien the large number of possible sources for error in A-P-C analyses, it is strongly recommended that the results of such analyses be interpreted with a great deal of caution.  相似文献   

Row x column interaction is frequently assumed to be negligible in two-way classifications having one observation per cell. Absence of interaction allows the researcher to estimate experimental error and to proceed with making inferences about row and column effects. If additivity is suspect, it is conventional to test it against a structured alternative. If the structured alternative missspecifies the existing nonadditivity, then the power of the test is low, even if the magnitude of the existing nonadditivity is large. The locally best invariant (LBI) test of additivity is less subject to model misspecification because a particular structural alternative need not be hypothesized. This paper illustrates the LBI test of additivity and compares its power to that of the Johnson-Graybill likelihood ratio (LR) test. The LBI test performs as well as the LR test under a Johnson-Graybill alternative and performs better than the LR test under more general alternatives.  相似文献   

When there are several replicates available at each level combination of two factors, testing nonadditivity can be done by the usual two-way ANOVA method. However, the ANOVA method cannot be used when the experiment is unreplicated (one observation per cell of the two-way classification). Several tests have been developed to address nonadditivity in unreplicated experiments starting with Tukey's (1949 Tukey, J.W. (1949). One degree of freedom for non-additivity. Biometrics 5:232242.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) one-degree-of-freedom test for nonadditivity. Most of them assume that the interaction term has a multiplicative form. But such tests have low power if the assumed functional form is inappropriate. This leads to tests which do not assume a specific form for the interaction term. This paper proposes a new method for testing interaction which does not assume a specific form of interaction. The proposed test has the advantage over the earlier tests that it can also be used for incomplete two-way tables. A simulation study is performed to evaluate the power of the proposed test and compare it with other well-known tests.  相似文献   

In variety testing as well as in psychological assessment, the situation occurs that in a two-way ANOVA-type model with only one replication per cell, analysis is done under the assumption of no interaction between the two factors. Tests for this situation are known only for fixed factors and normally distributed outcomes. In the following we will present five additivity tests and apply them to fixed and mixed models and to quantitative as well as to Bernoulli distributed data. We consider their performance via simulation studies with respect to the type-I-risk and power. Furthermore, two new approaches will be presented, one being a modification of Tukey’s test and the other being a new experimental design to test for interactions.  相似文献   

Comparison of two-way contingency tables using measures of association is considered. Multiple comparison procedures for dependent tables are proposed, enabling us to compare tables that are faces from larger multl-dimensional tables. An example

is given to Illustrate the analysis of two 2 × 2-tables formed

from a 24-table.  相似文献   

Exact null and alternative distributions of the two-way maximally selected x2 for interaction between the ordered rows and columns are derived for each of the normal and Poisson models, respectively. The method is one of the multiple comparison procedures for ordered parameters and is useful for defining a block interaction or a two-way change-point model as a simple alternative to the two-way additive model. The construction of a confidence region for the two-way change-point is then described. An important application is found in a dose-response clinical trial with ordered categorical responses, where detecting the dose level which gives significantly higher responses than the lower doses can be formulated as a problem of detecting a change in the interaction effects.  相似文献   

This paper provides alternative methods for fitting symmetry and diagonal-parameters symmetry models to square tables having ordered categories. We demonstrate here the implementation of the class of models discussed in Goodman (1979c) using GEN-MOD in SAS. We also provide procedures for testing hypotheses involving model parameters. The methodology provided here can readily be used to fit the class of models discussed in Lawal and Upton (1995). If desired, composite models can be fitted. Two data sets, the 4 × 4 unaided distance vision of 4746 Japanese students Tomizawa (1985) and the 5 × 5 British social mobility data Glass (1954) are employed to demonstrate the fitting of these models. Results obtained are consistent with those from Goodman (1972, 1979c, 1986) and Tomizawa (1985, 1987).  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider nonparametric multiple comparison procedures for unbalanced two-way factorial designs under a pure nonparametric framework. For multiple comparisons of treatments versus a control concerning the main effects or the simple factor effects, the limiting distribution of the associated rank statistics is proven to satisfy the multivariate totally positive of order two condition. Hence, asymptotically the proposed Hochberg procedure strongly controls the familywise type I error rate for the simultaneous testing of the individual hypotheses. In addition, we propose to employ Shaffer's modified version of Holm's stepdown procedure to perform simultaneous tests on all pairwise comparisons regarding the main or simple factor effects and to perform simultaneous tests on all interaction effects. The logical constraints in the corresponding hypothesis families are utilized to sharpen the rejective thresholds and improve the power of the tests.  相似文献   

Estimating confidence intervals for the interaction between treatments and environmental conditions in binomial experiments is analyzed. Testing the interaction is studied also. The problem is reduced to that of estimating or testing the interaction parameter in 2 × 2 × 2 contingency tables with given marginals. Programs for determining the exact conditional tests and their power functions are provided for sample of size not exceeding 100. Large sample approximations based on maximum likelihood (ML) and on the arcsin transformation for proportions are studied.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing against trend and umbrella alternatives, with known and unknown peak, in two-way layouts with fixed effects. We consider the non-parametric two-way layout ANOVA model of Akritas and Arnold (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 89 (1994) 336), and use the non-parametric formulation of patterned alternatives introduced by Akritas and Brunner (Research Developments in Probability and Statistics: Festschrift in honor of Madan L. Puri, VSP, Zeist, The Netherlands, 1996, pp. 277–288). The hypotheses of no main effects and of no simple effects are both considered. New rank test statistics are developed to specifically detect these types of alternatives. For main effects, we consider two types of statistics, one using weights similar to Hettmansperger and Norton (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 82 (1987) 292) and one with weights which maximize the asymptotic efficacy. For simple effects, we consider in detail only statistics to detect trend or umbrella patterns with known peaks, and refer to Callegari (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Padova, Italy) for a discussion about possible statistics for umbrella alternatives with unknown peaks. The null asymptotic distributions of the new statistics are derived. A number of simulation studies investigate their finite sample behaviors and compare the achieved alpha levels and power with some alternative procedures. An application to data used in a clinical study is presented to illustrate how to utilize some of the proposed tests for main effects.  相似文献   

It is argued that the probability of committing at least one type I error should be reported when testing the main effects simultaneously in a two-way disproportionate ANOVA without interaction. The circumstances where the two F-statistics depart appreciably from statistical independence are characterized, and it is pointed out that procedures now exist for evaluating the bivariate F-probabilities when required. The augmented analysis is illustrated with a numerical example and an extension is offered for assymmetric BIBD's with random block effects.  相似文献   

Power-divergence test statistics have been considered to test linear by linear association for two-way contingency tables. These test statistics have been compared based on designed simulation study and asymptotic results for 2 × 2, 2 × 3, and 3 × 3 tables. According to the results, there are test statistics with better properties than the well-known likelihood ratio test statistic for small and moderate samples.  相似文献   

Recently, Ong and Mukerjee [Probability matching priors for two-sided tolerance intervals in balanced one-way and two-way nested random effects models. Statistics. 2011;45:403–411] developed two-sided Bayesian tolerance intervals, with approximate frequentist validity, for a future observation in balanced one-way and two-way nested random effects models. These were obtained using probability matching priors (PMP). On the other hand, Krishnamoorthy and Lian [Closed-form approximate tolerance intervals for some general linear models and comparison studies. J Stat Comput Simul. 2012;82:547–563] studied closed-form approximate tolerance intervals by the modified large-sample (MLS) approach. We compare the performances of these two approaches for normal as well as non-normal error distributions. Monte Carlo simulation methods are used to evaluate the resulting tolerance intervals with regard to achieved confidence levels and expected widths. It turns out that PMP tolerance intervals are less conservative for data with large number of classes and small number of observations per class and the MLS procedure is preferable for smaller sample sizes.  相似文献   

The multiple non symmetric correspondence analysis (MNSCA) is a useful technique for analyzing a two-way contingency table. In more complex cases, the predictor variables are more than one. In this paper, the MNSCA, along with the decomposition of the Gray–Williams Tau index, in main effects and interaction term, is used to analyze a contingency table with two predictor categorical variables and an ordinal response variable. The Multiple-Tau index is a measure of association that contains both main effects and interaction term. The main effects represent the change in the response variables due to the change in the level/categories of the predictor variables, considering the effects of their addition, while the interaction effect represents the combined effect of predictor categorical variables on the ordinal response variable. Moreover, for ordinal scale variables, we propose a further decomposition in order to check the existence of power components by using Emerson's orthogonal polynomials.  相似文献   

Several methods exist for testing interaction in unreplicated two-way layouts. Some are based on specifying a functional form for the interaction term and perform well provided that the functional form is appropriate. Other methods do not require such a functional form to be specified but only test for the presence of non-additivity and do not provide a suitable estimate of error variance for a non-additive model. This paper presents a method for testing for interaction in unreplicated two-way tables that is based on testing all pairwise interaction contrasts. This method (i) is easy to implement, (ii) does not assume a functional form for the interaction term, (iii) can find a sub-table of data which may be free from interaction and to base the estimate of unknown error variance, and (iv) can be used for incomplete two-way layouts. The proposed method is illustrated using examples and its power is investigated via simulation studies. Simulation results show that the proposed method is competitive with existing methods for testing for interaction in unreplicated two-way layouts.  相似文献   

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